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About this mod

From the creator of Wheelbarrows of Skyrim and Woodsheds of Skyrim comes the next in the line of WoS mods...

Permissions and credits
  • French
Another little immersion mod between trying to find time to work on existing mods and bigger ones. Nothing special about it, just felt like adding some Watertowers that catch rain water in some areas :)


- Adds new Watertowers to various locations throughout Skyrim.
- Basic tower, snow tower and broken tower added.
- ESL flagged on the old 1.7 header (no mods needed to use).
- Load it as early as you can as i've tried to avoid needing patches. No NavMesh edits, terrain edits, etc. Just plug and play (I hope).

Current Locations:

- Chillfurrow Farm (Uses a new model different from the rest. Don't take the spigot!).
- Darkwater Crossing
- Dragonbridge
- Drelass Cottage
- Falkreath
- Heartwood Mill
- Hollyfrost Farm
- Ivarstead
- Merryfair Farm
- Morthal
- Nightgate Inn
- Old Hroldran Inn
- Pelagia Farm
- Riverwood
- Sarethi Farm

Current Patches:

Patch Collection by ChickenMike. Throw him some Kudos for all the help he provides.
- Settlements Expanded: Moves the broken tower at Heartwood Mill to avoid clipping with the new building added by Settlements Expanded.
- Old Hroldran Ruins: Moves the tower so it doesn't interfere with NavMesh and clipping.

Future Plans:

- More towers, including towers on top of buildings.
- Possible support for EVG.
- Support for survival mods so you can get water from the towers.

Model sourced freely from the interweb, converted and collision added by myself for Skyrim.