Apocalypse is the most popular Skyrim spell pack, adding 155 new spells that are unique, balanced, lore friendly, use high quality custom visuals and blend seamlessly into the vanilla magic system. Also includes scrolls and staves for the new spells.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
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Author notes
I don't believe in mod copyright. You are free to......
- include this mod in mod packs - create and publish compatibility patches - create and publish derivative mods - fork this mod - use custom assets or scripts from this mod in your own mods
......without asking for permission, as long as you credit me (and preferably notify me so I can take a look).
Assets from other authors: This mod includes content from other authors (see the Credits section). You can tell which assets are from other authors by their folder name inside the bsa. You do need permission from those authors as well.
Money: You do NOT have permission to sell mods for real money that are based on this mod in any way. You do NOT have permission to ask for donations unless you make meaningful changes to this mod and clearly state that you are asking for donations for those changes only.
Tl;dr Do anything you want with this mod, as long as you don't steal my credit or flip my work for money.
File credits
Thanks to: AlienSlof for Xivilai resources, Natterforme for Daedric Mage resources, Hothtrooper44 for Sea Dog resources, Luddemann for Shaman Robe resources.
While Bryanwee20 did not respond to my request for permission to use his Spellsword armor, I studied it to replicate the armor bashing process and make my own implementation from scratch.
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Fix incorrect version being used as a base for 9.43.
Version 9.43
- Ocato's Recital: implemented workaround for the ability condition bug in Skyrim that would cause it to break eventually.
Version 9.40
Wait, people didn't notice that Tumble Magnet was invisible? :(
- Tumble Magnet: fixed model glitch that caused the magnet to become permanently invisible; increased pull chance from 20% per second -> 25% per second.
- Reworked Flesh of My Flesh -> Azure Reconstruction. (Instead of draining 20 Health per second, now drains 15 Stamina per second. The problem was that self damage scaled with difficulty and there was no clean way to make it not so without causing it to scale with conjuration duration, etc.)
- Conjure Dremora Honor Guard: the Walk Behind None aura no longer steals your armor, but reduces magic resistance of nearby enemies in a not-so-big radius by 25%. (It is a tank, so amplifying your spells while dealing little damage itself seems like a good idea. Besides, it looks prismatic.)
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder and Overshield spells now always cost 150 Magicka no matter what.
- Corpse Explosion: no longer erroneously costs two Vancian Magic slots; changed damage from 100 -> 40% of the corpse's maximum Health (so detonating badder enemies deals more damage); improved animation courtesy of Sacrosanct.
- Soul Cloak: increased cost.
The problem with Apocalypse was that it was not resistant to high script latency conditions, causing the player to fall to their death, even if Apocalypse itself imposed a fairly low script load. While every scripted spell or effect is affected by high script latency (delayed damage, Frozen Orb shooting ice bolts even after it dissipates, Twister causing jittery ragdoll movement, illusory clones being hostile for a moment, etc), any script delays or stack dumps should never leave the game in an unrecoverable state, which includes killing the player.
- Reworked Apocalypse: now summons fire, frost and shock entities that attack a single target. (The old version can still be obtained using the console or legacy chest under the name "Third Era Apocalypse".)
- Cyclonic Rift: fixed model glitch that caused the storm portals to become permanently invisible.
- Electrosphere: reduced base damage from 65 -> 55 (mana cost scaled down accordingly).
- Seidstone: increased base duration from 20 -> 40 seconds.
Target type restrictions and resistances have been normalised as follows:
> Save-or-die = living (unresistable) (Slay Living, Finger of Death, Circle of Death) or undead (unresistable) (Dust to Dust)
> Necromancy = all except automatons (disease) (Necroplague, Horrid Wilting, Decompose, Life's Finale, Ordinator's Necromanticon spells)
> Druidry = living (poison) (Leech Seed, vanilla Poison Rune)
> Blood = all (magic) (Blood Boil, Bloodseeker, Sacrosanct's blood spells, but not Welling Blood because it affects the target's blood)
> Sun = undead (unresistable) (vanilla sun spells, Ordinator's Exorcist spells)
This means target restrictions largely go away at adept (Horrid Wilting) and expert (Blood Boil) levels.
- Blood Boil: now works on ALL targets; changed from disease damage -> magic damage.
- Bloodseeker: now works on ALL targets; HP loss is now in the form of magic damage (life gain is unaffected).
- Bone Spirit: removed the silly skull that turned around to face you instead of the target.
- Decompose: removed incorrect condition that prevented it from working on undead targets; now works on all nonmechanical targets.
- Godform: changed mana regeneration from 20/sec at 100% HP -> up to 15/sec above 50% HP, increasing as HP increases; dual casting now increases duration instead of magnitude.
- Horrid Wilting: no longer stops working at 25% HP; increased base damage from 6 -> 12 (= 120 damage over 10 seconds) but no longer stacks with itself; now works on all nonmechanical targets. (This is now the generic "deal disease damage" fireball.)
- Leech Seed: restricted to living targets instead of living and undead (it was near useless on undead regardless due to poison immunity, so now it's honest).
- Life's Finale: now works on all nonmechanical targets.
- Nature's Balance: restricted to living targets; now swaps Health percentages instead of equalising them.
- Necroplague: now works on all nonmechanical targets.
Version 9.36
- Lightning Strike: fixed an issue that occasionally prevented the explosion from triggering.
Version 9.35
This is the last major update; any future updates will be strictly bugfixing and egregious balance issues. No spells will be added, removed or significantly altered.
- Reworked Tornado -> Twister: can now be cast on the ground; renamed because Elemental Destruction Magic has a Tornado spell.
- Spells with damage reduction against dragons (Flamestrike, Frozen Orb, Volcano) now use a hidden perk instead of multiple magic effects.
- Cyclonic Rift: updated description.
- Fingers of the Mountain: now uses the same effect as Lightning Strike instead of a projectile; updated description.
- Flamestrike: updated description.
- Frozen Orb: updated randomness script to slightly improve execution speed and reduce sensitivity to script load; now correctly deletes the orb when the controller is unloaded before it reaches its destination; changed impact effect; reduced cast range from 2500 (wat) -> 100 feet to prevent it from travelling out of script update range and leaving permanent objects that bloat saves; reduced hover duration from 3.125 -> 3 seconds for consistency; updated description.
- Incendiary Flow: updated animations. (Now actually looks like lava.)
- Lightning Strike: added keywords to exclude it from Necrowitch and changed name to exclude it from ASIS distribution, since the AI can't handle it.
- Rift Bolt: disabled overpowered stagger effect.
- Static Dome: updated description.
- Volcano: updated randomness script to slightly improve execution speed and reduce sensitivity to script load; reduced cast range from 500 (wat) -> 100 feet; reduced spread of lava bombs; updated model; improved lighting; updated description.
- Now correctly unable to activate illusions.
- Removed several settings for spells that no longer exist.
Legacy chest
- Added Firebloom book. (This was set to replace Incendiary Flow, but I ended up preferring Incendiary Flow over it. Here you go.)
Version 9.25
Ground targetted hazards with a scaling duration, even though Spawn Hazard only targets actors. Magnets, how do they work???
- Replaced Tranasa's Reversal -> Perilous Path.
- Replaced Dancing Stones -> Tumble Magnet.
- Alarm: shortened description.
- Ocato's Recital: ability is now disabled until you take the spell, slightly improving efficiency.
- Sotha's Maelstrom: replaced casting souSCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
- Talons of Nirn: no longer affects targets with the BookShelfBook05 keyword (forced movement such as Magnetize, Rift Bolt, etc).
- Deadeye Captain: now properly attacks; no longer starts the game in "corpse stored" mode (not retroactive).
A common complaint is that the school is too complicated. Throwing numbers at the enemies in dramatic fashion is perhaps more fun than micromanaging spell effects.
- Replaced Meltdown -> Incendiary Flow.
- Replaced Shockbloom -> Lightning Strike.
- Bombardment: increased damage per second from 40 -> 50 and increased cost accordingly.
- Electrosphere: changed damage from 50 (+25 vs full health) -> 65; updated description. 1.5
- Inferno: now a ritual spell; duration increased from 10 -> 15 seconds. 2
- Rift Bolt: now rapidly moves the target instead of teleporting them, preventing them from briefly leaving combat; no longer teleports targets with the BookShelfBook05 keyword.
- Scorching Hands: increased damage per second from 75 -> 80 and increased cost accordingly.
- Sleet Storm: increased damage per second from 50 -> 60 and increased cost accordingly.
The Dota combo is turbo cheese, but Illusion does need a way to fight dragons. The lengthy cast time makes it less attractive against normal enemies at least. Alternatively, you could murder your friends and create illusions of their souls to fight the dragon with; that works too.
- Updated IllusionNightmare hand model.
- Replaced Lobotomize -> Seidstone.
- Magicka Void: no longer kills a target, instead leaving it at 1 Health; greatly increased cast time; now again works on dragons.
- Shared Trauma: increased passthrough damage from 50% -> 100%.
"They said Restoration is not a valid school of magic! They all laughed at me... but I'll show them! I'll show them all!" -Colette [citation needed]
- Blood Boil: self damage is now fixed at 20 per second and no longer affected by difficulty.
- Godform: reduced Magicka regeneration from 30 per second -> 20 per second. (Now also restricted in Vintage and banned in other formats.)
- Life's Finale: self damage is now fixed at 75 per second and no longer affected by difficulty.
- Wild Healing: reduced heal amount from 50 -> 40; increased cost.
Version 9.20
- Entomb: no longer erroneously works on the player.
- Mirror Entity: no longer resisted by all targets.
Version 9.16
- Added Prepare for Adventure.
- Moved Loot Magnet to the legacy chest. (Risk of dangerous bugs. I did stop it from allowing you to get the Ancient Shrouded Armor.)
- Sotha's Maelstrom: now actually works again; removed annoying sound.
- Removed Scroll of Meridia's Wrath due to bugs with the scroll.
Version 9.15
By popular request, Frost Nova is back and better than before.
- Healing Blossom: now scales with duration instead of magnitude when dual casting (since the game seems to partially do so automatically anyway).
Version 9.14
Preparing for Skyrim SE and the issues surrounding compatibility patches on bethesda.net. The new Destruction spells are pretty much the same as the old (large AoE around self), but can now be aimed to some degree. The net result of these changes is less issues for players who use Ordinator but forget the patch.
This is the last content update for Apocalypse. I might release updates to fix major bugs, but otherwise not.
- Spell Twine: heal twine now takes effect over 2 seconds and does not stack.
- The following spells now correctly scale up visually when dual cast: Bolide, Bombardment, Dragon's Teeth, Inferno, Sleet Storm.
- Illusory Flames: no longer erroneously stacks when cast from both hands; dual casting now does something (increased duration); no longer has a magnitude of 1.
- Illusory Pyre: now correctly makes the health bar show up.
- Replaced scroll-only Stendarr's Brilliance by Stendarr's Embrace.
Version 9.10
Let's continue the Ordinator tradition of posting music videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1qzm3UUTrg
I realised that there is a glut of Illusion spells that kill things at adept level while apprentice is almost entirely barren, forcing players to rush to the College or deal with Fury and Pale Shadow forever.
- Added Shared Trauma.
- Removed Counterspell. (Use Backlash for your anticaster needs.)
- Backlash: clarified description.
- Compelling Whispers: now has a fancy new command animation.
- Dispel Magic: changed from apprentice -> novice.
- Empathic Agony: area effect now correctly ignores line of sight blockers.
- Harrowing Dirge: no longer crashes the game if the projectile impacts with specific furniture; will now remove actors that are too far away from the pool of valid targets.
- Illusory Flames: no longer deals janky damage over time, but now deals 30% temporary damage and has a 2 second duration until you stop casting; can now be dual cast.
- Illusory Pyre: fixed awkward description; reduced effect from 30% -> 25% temporary damage to slightly nerf stacking with the greatly buffed Illusory Flames.
- Wyrd: increased radius from 40 -> 50; improved (overly fancy) description.
- Improved IllusionBlue body animation.
- Improved IllusionShadow hand animation.
Note: For the purpose of Shared Trauma damage transfer, Slay Living and other death spells deal damage equal to 2 times the target's current Health.
- Healed a few nifs.
- Fixed load screen typo.
All Compatibility Patches
- Parity changes.
PerMa Compatibility Patch
- Mimic's Cloak: no longer has a duration of 0 seconds.
Version 9.03
- Entomb: no longer loses the entombed actor between loads.
- Conjure Deadeye Captain: no longer loses the sunken corpse between loads.
Version 9.02
Fixed a tome with an incorrect spell name.
Version 9.01
Requiem users coming from 8.xx: see the 9.00 changelog.
- Renamed Wildfire -> Unbound Fire. (PerMa added a Wildfire spell and there were overlapping names.)
Requiem users should not update to 9.00. There is no Requiem compatibility patch for 9.00 because I decided to opt for a slightly more entertaining experience and eat a bowl of live sea urchins.
- Fixed many sound volumes, output models and attenuations.
- Updated many projectile and hand lights that were too bright or dim. (Ruin!)
- Fixed a number of incorrect light/sound associations on projectiles.
- Replaced occasionally bugged GetCombatState condition with IsInCombat (Ocato, etc).
- Updated a few load screens.
The school was too heavily focussed on (non-satisfactory) offense. It has been reoriented with more emphasis on "world manipulation" spells and some interesting gifts for battlemages.
- Alarm: aural warning is now in stereo and comes from the direction of the enemy.
- Dancing Stones: damage increased from 0.01 -> 10; changed debuff effect from -150 Stamina -> -75 armor for 10 seconds; reduced cost.
- Drop Zone: now grants a small amount of experience.
- Fabricate Object: improved script execution speed.
- Longstride: greatly increased experience gain.
- Loot Magnet: no longer fails on Dwarven Spheres, but will immediately remove the (save breaking) crossbow and bolts from your inventory instead.
- Raise Wall: reduced cast time from 3.0 -> 0.5 seconds.
- Reynos' Fins: reduced (insane) cost.
- Sotha's Maelstrom: updated description.
- Spell Twine: bugged Nova effect is no longer available; update messages.
- Tharn's Prison: changed static from force crystal -> summoned gibbet, allowing both sides to attack through it; removed chance to break early; now uses Baleful instead of Alt art assets.
- Tranasa's Reversal: improved script execution speed.
- Undermine: no longer fails to stagger in some circumstances; improved script execution speed.
- Wind Running: now requires you to sprint, not run (xd); no longer disabled in combat or indoors.
- Wither: no longer fails to apply the slow if the target's damage is too low; stacks are now applied by the target on themselves, preventing it from interfering with IsDualCast conditions on the caster; removed undocumented Stamina regeneration penalty.
This tree had a few too many dremora and little else. The totems should satisfy people with the burning question "I have SkyRe's spirit animal spells, where can I go from here, how can my life get any more awesome?" and Deadeye Captain offers varrrrriety for necromancers who prefer a skeleton crew.
- Added Conjure Battlemage.
- Added Conjure Bear Totem.
- Added Conjure Cat Totem. =^..^=
- Added Conjure Craftlord.
- Added Conjure Deadeye Captain.
- Removed Conjure Gateway Wraith.
- Removed Conjure Radac.
- Removed Daedric Mind. (Bugged and overlaps with Mind Control + Master of the Mind perk.)
- Removed Flames of Oblivion.
- Removed Summon. (But see Summoning Rune below.)
- Reworked Conjure Lord of Bindings: learns your conjuration spell and then refuses to ever cast it -> rapidly summons Churls in combat.
- Standardised damage of all weapons (generally increased).
- Updated look of Conjuration_Spirit assets with a less garish green colour.
- Fixed most Body assets so they no longer emit large square sparkles.
- Atronach Mark: improved script execution speed; corrected description.
- Conjure Avenging Wraith: improved script execution speed; implemented a hack so it no longer defaults to 50 points if the attacker has nonzero maximum Stamina or Magicka but ran out.
** Avenging Blast: set cost to 50 Magicka; now has a description.
- Conjure Dremora Assassin: improved script execution speed; fixed bug that caused Death Mark to vanish when within range of a non-damaging magic effect; fixed cast body animation.
- Conjure Dremora Churl: reduced Health from 70 -> 50 but increased weapon damage from 7 -> 10.
- Conjure Dremora Honor Guard: changed aura effect from increasing Magicka and Stamina -> stealing 150 armor from each nearby ally to fortify itself.
- Conjure Dremora Pit Fighter: improved script execution speed; no longer triggers hit noises on nearby enemies; standardised description.
- Conjure Gateway Wraith: reduced Health from 275 -> 150.
** Ecto Bolt: set cost to 100 Magicka.
- Conjure Lich: removed annoying voice; improved script execution speed.
** Shriveling Blast: increased damage from 45 -> 50; added a small splash area to improve hit rate on imprisoned targets; increased travel speed; now also steals 100 Stamina from the targets; set cost to 100 Magicka.
** Added Enter the Dungeon: traps a humanoid target in a ghostly form of Tharn's Prison while dealing 50 bleed damage over 10 seconds, for 150 Magicka.
** Removed Grasp of the Dead.
- Conjure Nether Lich: removed annoying voice; improved AI; fixed hand animation.
** Disease Bolt: set cost to 50 Magicka.
** Ruin -> Atrophy: set cost to 150 Magicka.
** Lich Servant: set cost to 225 Magicka.
- Conjure Weeping Daedra: fixed janky stone form shader; no longer dies when struck in stone form (which would include invisible procs etc) but has -1000 armor and -250% magic resistance.
** Tears of Blood: set cost to 15 Magicka/sec.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: improved script execution speed; if out of Magicka, will now use a Daedric Crescent if equipped; updated description.
** Rend Asunder: set cost to 250 Magicka.
- Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer: improved script execution speed.
** Doomfire: now has a description; explosion no longer fails to hit targets based on LoS.
** Xivilai Ward: improved from 110 -> 250 absorb; set cost to 20 Magicka/sec.
- Consuming Power: updated description; no longer erroneously dispels other Apocalypse conjuration buffs; reduced damage bonus from 100% -> 75%.
- Corpse Explosion: reduced damage from 150/300 -> 80/160; explosion animation no longer disappears at point blank range; changed explosion sound.
- Daedric Crescent: now actually better than any equipped weapons, but stagger strength reduced; improved script execution speed. (Did you know if you give the crescent to a target that is less skilled in One-Handed than in another weapon skill, it will increase their One-Handed skill to match?)
- Flesh of My Flesh: changed concentration sound; standardised description; again stops draining your Health if the target is at full Health but will instead display an immunity message. (People complained about the immunity message, but it is better than wasting your Health on a target that is already full.)
- Necrowitch: can no longer erroneously (fail to) use Frost Nova or Tornado.
- Oathbound Guardian: replaceded awful shader; can only be cast on a living non-controlled target. (I know the Guardian-on-Guardian-on-Guardian duckling parade was hilarious.)
- Power of the Master: standardised description.
- Summoning Rune: cast range increased to 150.
After actually doing the math, I figured out that the concentration spells were highly undercosted. But at the same time, people enjoy this, so I didn't balance them all the way. Additionally, a few exploitable or "gamey" spells have been replaced and others reworked in order to continue the 8.22 strategy of more straightforward spells that are just fun to use and feel awesome.
- Reworked Crackle: deals bonus one shot damage -> summons a happy cloud that follows the target.
- Reworked Wildfire (Expert) as Bombardment: increased rate of fire, slower projectiles.
- Renamed Fire Teeth -> Dragon's Teeth.
- Renamed Hailstorm -> Sleet Storm. (Not actually hail.)
- Renamed Shock Bloom -> Shockbloom. (It's a Morrowind spell.)
- Bolide: now correctly affected by Intense Flames and many Ordinator perks; now has the correct hand animation; increased missile speed from 1500 -> 2250; updated description.
- Bombardment: removed pointless scroll; slowed down projectiles; fixed hitbox; increased cost.
- Creeping Cold: slightly increased cost.
- Dragon's Teeth: now deals 4 -> 5 damage per second; ground fire damage 20 for 3 seconds -> 15 for 4 seconds; no longer stacks multiple useless copies of ground fire if you spam the spell; updated ground fire animation; no longer crashes if cast at certain objects; reduced cost; removed erroneous ground fire as it travels.
- Electrosphere: now deals full Magicka damage instead of half; no longer erroneously grants double experience; changed damage from 30 (+75 vs full Health) -> 50 (+25 vs full Health); updated description.
- Fingers of the Mountain: reduced script load.
- Flamestrike: now correctly deals afterburn damage ("Targets on fire take extra damage"); reduced rate of fire to alleviate script load; the last few meteors are no longer ownerless.
- Forbidden Sun: afterburn duration 1 -> 3 seconds; improved script execution speed.
- Fracture: is now an instant hit spell instead of a projectile for easier combos; increased shatter damage from 30 -> 35.
- Frost Nova: updated description.
- Frozen Orb: fixed a potential save bloat/error spam issue if the orb was unloaded due to fast travel before its deletion.
- Howling Blast: improved script execution speed; increased damage from 40 -> 45.
- Inferno: new buff animation; increased initial cost.
- Meltdown: no longer available as staff or scroll due to issues.
- Pyroclasm: replaced janky explosion animation; increased cost; updated description.
- Ride the Lightning: now deals full Magicka damage instead of half.
- Rift Bolt: added stagger to the teleport component.
- Scattershock: removed pointless scroll; fixed error in description; increased cost.
- Shock Nova: updated description.
- Sleet Storm: removed pointless scroll; increased cost.
- Static Dome: improved script execution speed; increased damage from 15 -> 25 per second; now has the correct hand animation.
- Thundercrack: changed damage from 20 (+30 vs low Magicka) -> 40; reduced cost; stagger now activates at 35% or less Health.
- Tornado: now correctly benefits from advanced frost perks.
Spells that are not "mind affecting" (altering their behaviour) are not limited to living targets. This is because Illusion is a perfectly valid school of magic and being incapable of doing anything in dungeons until Master of the Mind at level 100 Illusion sucks. It is lore friendly because you are creating illusory effects in the world instead of directly attacking a target (see: Invisibility).
- Phantoms can no longer be Activated, fixing a rare case where you could remove the target from combat and immediately pickpocket the phantom before entering combat again.
- Backlash: now has a small cost; no longer fails to subvert concentration spells if script execution speed is too fast; moved the backlash emitter so the subverted spell does in fact hit them in the face.
- Blood for Blood: fixed script logic.
- Compelling Whispers: no longer does 1 damage; the proc is now a target actor spell instead of a contact spell at point blank range; reduced time to conversion from 6 -> 5 seconds.
- Counterspell: now has a small cost; updated description.
- Curse of the Silent: no longer dispelled when DoCombatSpellApply() is run on the target actor.
- Empathic Agony: fixed erroneously slow update rate.
- Enslave the Weak: now slightly more responsive in an environment without script load.
- Evil Twin: killmoves against a phantom no longer cause the player to teleport; no longer does 1 damage.
- Figment of Pain: killmoves against a phantom no longer cause the player to teleport; increased transparency to prevent wonky visuals when a different shader is applied; improved script execution speed.
- Ghostwalk: updated description.
- Harrowing Dirge: no longer erroneously applies to Pale Shadows; no longer grants XP based on the targets' remaining Health instead of damage dealt; no longer deals damage to Fame; updated description.
- Hidden Cobra: apparently it was amateur hour when I implemented this; no longer does 1 damage; the proc is now a target actor spell instead of a contact spell at point blank range.
- Illusory Flames: improved script execution speed; updated description.
- Last Word: now has a (very reasonable) cost.
- Lobotomize: replaced ugly hand animation.
- Magicka Void: fixed broken cast sound; greatly improved script execution speed.
- Mind Control: is now a beam instead of (hard to aim) hitscan, like Mirror Entity.
- Pale Shadow: killmoves against a phantom no longer cause the player to teleport; the phantom may no longer become a target for Evil Twin in high script load conditions; improved script execution speed.
- Pull From Eternity: updated description and messages to be less "mechanical".
- Scream of Pain: no longer does 1 damage.
- Shadowbond: no longer rotates the caster (only); fixed duration as staff enchantment.
- Shroudwalk: now fails more gracefully in conditions of excessive script load.
- Spectral Warband: fixed a condition that may fail due to a Skyrim bug.
- Wyrd: cast sound more closely matches the animation.
- Removed Vaermina's statue from her realm due to the disappearance of the page that hosted the humanoid mold used, leading to questions about copyright.
Added some missing pieces to allow you to damage yourself to damage the enemies and by damaging yourself damage the enemies while healing by damaging the enemies. The necromancer profession has a high skill cap.
- Bloodseeker: can no longer hit twice in high script load conditions; improved script execution speed.
- Bone Spirit: reduced cost; increased XP gain; now fails more gracefully in an excessively high script load environment.
- Breath of Arkay: now has a short cast time; fixed impact effect on caster's hands when releasing the maximum charge; increased cost.
- Circle of Death: increased kill threshold from 30% -> 40%; now correctly deals damage equal to 2*Health; improved script execution speed.
- Culling Rune: no longer erroneously deals double damage.
- Dust to Dust: fixed bug that allowed it to work on almost any actor (guys >_>); no longer deals 1 damage; nova now correctly no longer blocked by other actors.
- Finger of Death: now deals damage equal to Health instead of (Health - 2); no longer launches the target; improved script execution speed.
- Godform: reduced effectiveness from +50 -> +30 Magicka per second at full Health.
- Healing Blossom: no longer erroneously triggers one tick of healing at the start; delay is no longer increased if dual cast; updated description.
- Horrid Wilting: fixed typo.
- Infinite Light: reduced healing from 250 -> 150.
- Lamb of Mara: reduced lifetap percentage from 50% -> 35% and it is now reduced by the target's magic resistance; improved script execution speed.
- Leech Seed: updated description. (Some people have no idea that a poisonous attack is affected by poison resistance.)
- Mystic Wind: regeneration no longer stacks with itself.
- Nature's Balance: improved script execution speed.
- Necroplague: increased damage from 8 -> 9 per second; now available in staff form; reduced insane experience gained; shader no longer blinks; jumps are now silent for purposes of detection.
- Ruin: increased skill drain from 4 -> 15 but no longer stacks; added scroll.
- Slay Living: now correctly deals damage equal to 2*Health; improved script execution speed.
- Welling Blood: now takes 2.5 -> 0.5 seconds to cast; clarified description; now deals damage equal to 2*Health; improved animation; improved script execution speed.
- Wild Healing: slightly reduced heal amount and cost.
- Added staves of Atronach Mark, Conjure Deadeye Captain, Summoning Rune, Figment of Pain, Illusory Pyre, Necroplague.
Since many people are dirty cheaters, there are now 6 chests that can be spawned using Help "Apocalypse [School] Chest" including the quotation marks, followed by Player.PlaceAtMe [hex ID]. There is one chest for each school, plus a Legacy Chest containing 30 spells that have been removed.
PerMa compatibility patch
- Redone from the ground up.
SkyRe compatibility patch
- (Skyrim) Redone from the ground up.
SPERG compatibility patch
- Updated.
Ordinator compatibility patch
- Frost Nova now works like it does in regular Apocalypse instead of gaining a completely different effect.
- Fixed oversight that caused Shock Nova to have no perks.
- A few more spells work correctly with Arcane Thesis.
- Included necessary changes for Cyclonic Rift.
Since you made it all the way to the end, have a hug.
- Figment of Pain: no longer works on dragons.
Version 8.21
After several failed downloads, I uploaded the file again with minor changes. I hope it works now.
- Added 5 loading screens.
Version 8.20
- Wither: now correctly reduces speed and attack damage by 5% per second for 10 seconds and lasts for 10 more seconds, instead of 10% per second for 10 seconds; no longer erroneously affected by magic resistance.
- Corpse Explosion: fixed excessive damage in certain circumstances.
- Phantoms (Pale Shadow, Evil Twin, Figment of Pain, Spectral Warband, Pull from Eternity) can no longer be activated or pickpocketed.
Same as 8.16, but the Nexus was having issues that resulted in a defective download and it did not let me upload it again in place, so a new version number was needed.
Version 8.16
- Fixed textures that were erroneously included with another mod and were erroneously included with Apocalypse. (We found our first evidence of grey goo textures, guys.)
- Defy Death: the heal effect is now correctly flagged as a healing spell.
Version 8.15
- Invisible Manager entry points now have a higher priority to avoid collisions with Ordinator perks that would cause those specific bonuses to become additive instead of multiplicative.
- Deep Storage: removed impact set from explosion to prevent it from tossing objects.
- Added Deliver Unto Vaermina.
- Removed Pale Moon.
- Added Defy Death.
- Added Sealed Resolve.
- Added Tree Rings.
- Removed Biorhythm.
- Removed Poet's Whim.
- Removed Valkyrie's Embrace. (Made a copy and put it into the hidden chest.)
- Reduced size of Restoration Blood hand animation.
- Circle of Death: no longer works on essential targets; now works on daedra.
- Decompose: quietened annoying sound effect; no longer displays a disease shader on the caster; updated leech beam description; no longer causes allies to play "pain" sounds when leeching life; now causes tree branches to grow on the target; now works on undead and daedra.
- Finger of Death: no longer works on essential targets, automatons or undead; no longer reduces the caster below 1 -> 2 points of Health (to avoid Health rounding down to 0 somehow.)
- Godform: removed unimmersive crescent moon animation; reduced effectiveness from 80 -> 50 points of Magicka per second; now uses Restoration Arcane colour palette.
- Healing Blossom: now gains both heal strength and duration from dual casting. (It appears that the delay period gained duration unintentionally, causing the heal to have an effective duration of 0. To fix this, I made it a feature.)
- Horrid Wilting: now works down to 25% Health instead of 50%; removed bonus damage vs plants to reduce script load; now works on daedra.
- Leech Seed: now works on undead and daedra.
- Nature's Balance: now works on undead and daedra.
- Necroplague: reworked, is now cast on a corpse and infects enemies near the corpse, then spreads; damage increased from 5 -> 8 per second; no longer erroneously works on undead.
- Slay Living: no longer works on essential targets; now works on daedra.
- Wild Healing: reduced healing amount from 75 -> 55, increased Magicka cost.
For funsies, here's a list of other spell replacements I considered:
- Amplify Damage (R100): any time the cursed target takes damage, 25% chance to triple it.
- Branching Life (R50): fully heals the caster and all enemies and allies with druidic magic.
- Death by Thorns (R50): places a debuff on a target, after the target loses X% life it starts damaging them with thorns.
- Lifebrand (R50): cursed target cannot gain Health.
- Luminary (R50): EQ spell similar to Inferno or Dancing Stones that equips a rapid fire Meridia's Star spell for anti-undead damage.
- Mulch (R50): just a druidic reskin of Valkyrie's Embrace.
- Sealed Evil (R100): like Sealed Resolve, but deals AoE poison damage instead.
- Sealed Wisdom (R100): like Sealed Resolve, but increases spellpower instead.
- Vessel of Life (R100): curses a target so when you die, they die instead.
- Vivec's Reflection (R100): changes your maximum Health/Magicka/Stamina to match those of the target.
- Withershins (R50): exploding projectile that causes all healing spells affecting the targets to deal damage instead, like Ordinator's False Light perk
Version 8.13
- Lamb of Mara: no longer generates Papyrus log messages if the target is not taking damage.
Version 8.12
Let's end this in style with a tiny update that fixes a large bugbear.
- Necrowitch: any reanimation spell works on Necrowitch regardless of level cap.
- Wildfire: reduced projectile speed, increased range and hitbox.
- Disease shaders now time out faster.
Version 8.11
- Drop Zone: the buff now sticks for 1 -> 2 seconds and the radius is now a little more lenient.
- Some players prefer "simple" spells that are straightforward to use and don't require much metagaming. To accomodate this target audience, I replaced the worst spell (Hailstone), the most bugged spell (Shock Scythe) and the least interesting spell (Wildfire) with three concentration type spells that fire a steady stream of projectiles as long as the button is held down. Scattershock pierces and is cheap but is short ranged and doesn't shoot straight, Hailstorm is long ranged and perfectly accurate but single target and expensive, Wildfire shoots slowly but fires exploding bolts.
--- Added Hailstorm.
--- Added Scattershock.
--- Added Wildfire (v2.0).
- Creeping Cold: improved graphics; now detonates after 8 -> 6 seconds.
- Fracture: cleaned up code; now triggers faster when struck by a concentration spell; improved visuals; improved description; enchantment is now correct.
- Frost Nova: damage changed from 20 +10 per nearby target -> 45 +15 near the centre. (The old version scaled exceptionally poorly with dual casting, gaining all of 12 points of damage regardless of how many enemies were nearby.)
- Pyroclasm: no longer requires 2 casts to charge up, but now has a 2 second cast time.
- Shock Nova: now deals 30 -> 50 damage in the middle, but edge damage is still 80.
Ordinator Compatibility Patch
- Shock Nova now correctly benefits from dual cast perks.
PerMa Compatibility Patch
- Frost Nova and Howling Blast now correctly benefit from Augmented Frost.
- Creeping Cold no longer has a redundant string (bug in SkyRe).
Version 8.10
Frozen Orb is a tricky spell to get right. It must use Update() instead of SingleUpdate() to keep its firing rate constant regardless of script latency, but the end explosion should only occur once. It should now work reliably in far more unstable conditions.
- Frozen Orb: in an environment with heavy script lag, no longer continues firing spikes after the orb has disappeared.
- Added 2 missing textures.
Version 8.09b
This really isn't worth even a minor version number.
- Fixed name of Malviser's Gauntlet spellbook.
- Fixed name of Lamb of Mara spellbook.
Version 8.09
These compatibility patches are so frustrating to make that there probably won't be another major Apocalypse update. On the bright side, the Ordinator compatibility patch took all of 30 seconds because I care.
(Question: why no teleportation or grow/shrink spells? Answer: Grow/shrink spells have some issues going back to the same size; there is always going to be some degree of size creep. As for teleportation spells, choose one: skip grated dungeon doors and possibly break quests, or get on top of buildings and terrain (and possibly off the map) easily. This is a problem.)
- New spell: Malviser's Gauntlet. (Told you Alteration and Destruction are one. -Maro.)
- New spell: Raise Wall.
- New spell: Talons of Nirn.
- New spell: Undermine.
- Removed Orum's Cramps.
- Removed Sword and Sorcery.
- Relegated Tremble to the hidden chest. (At least one of you uses Tremble a lot and convinced me to not remove it. That's when I realised that it is a little too eager about what constitutes a "hit" - while I accounted for concentration spells, hazards don't work that way and will indeed pretty much stunlock a target, as well as draining up to 10 times the listed amount of Stamina per second. Additionally, the way it works encourages spamming hits in any way and finding cheese to trigger it as often as possible, for instance, by relying on Ordinator ground fire perks.)
- Relegated Gravisphere to scroll only, but greatly increased duration. (While an awesome spell, it does pretty much what Paralyze does: it removes one target from the fight for X seconds. By making it scroll only and last for an eternity, it has its own role.)
- Reworked Dancing Stones: stagger and armor reduced by 150 -> stagger and 150 points of Stamina damage.
- Collapse: animation is now different from Xivilai Rend Asunder and other similar effects.
- Longstride: now uses a less unreliable condition to check combat state.
- Shalidor's Mirror: added impact data set, hit effect and shader; improved description; experience gain is now based on the amount of stats moved.
(Question: why don't you make any cool reanimation spells? Answer: firstly, other mods may revamp necromancy and make it about something other than just reanimating things with a linear sequence of spells, which would cause a conflict if I relied too much on the vanilla style of reanimation spells. Every conjuration buff (now) works on reanimated undead, so there's your added gameplay. Secondly, any magical effects on reanimated undead including the +health from the Dark Souls perk are lost during cell transition. Whoops. Because of this, the only viable buffs are very short duration ones, like the reanimate perks in Ordinator. But there's no need to have a spell that says "reanimate a zombie that does tons of damage for a short time" because we already have a spell for this: Consuming Power.)
- Renamed Cloak of Souls -> Soul Cloak.
- Renamed Detonate Dead -> Corpse Explosion. (It was named something less obvious because I was afraid of conflicts. No conflicts occurred, other than with an amateur necromancy mod. So here goes.)
- Consuming Power: clarified description to indicate that it works on all friendly conjured creatures.
- Corpse Explosion: no longer drains additional Magicka when cast.
- Flames of Oblivion: changed damage around summoned minion from 100 damage per second -> 225 instant damage.
- Flesh of My Flesh: now works on any conjured creature instead of just daedra.
- Gateway Wraith: clarified description.
- Oathbound Guardian: now also works on conjured creatures, but not on other Oathbound Guardians.
- Power of the Master: now also works on dead minions.
- Renamed Cinder Bolt -> Carbonize.
- Renamed Shockbloom -> Shock Bloom. (So it sorts correctly with Shock Scythe and Shock Nova.)
- Apocalypse: now more robust to high script latency conditions. (It still fails if a stack dump occurs.)
- Carbonize: no longer costs additional Magicka on impact; fixed description.
- Frozen Orb: ice bolts no longer apply slow and perks against the caster; improved script.
- Ride the Lightning: no longer costs additional Magicka on impact.
- New spell: Wyrd.
- Relegated Death March to the hidden chest.
- Reworked Figment of Guilt -> Figment of Pain: instead of attempting to transfer damage, it now equalises Health between the illusion and the target towards the lower value. This makes it a lot more accurate and reliable.
- Renamed Cloak of Mimicry -> Mimic's Cloak.
- Illusion Blue type beams no longer have a duration of 0.
- Counterspell: hit animation no longer looks as blocky.
- Evil Twin: slightly reduced XP.
- Mimic's Cloak: keywords no longer applied to the caster for the entire duration even after the spell is replaced by another cloak.
- New spell: Lamb of Mara.
- New spell: Decompose. (Replaces Devastate spells, staves and scrolls.)
- Relegated Devastate to the hidden chest.
- Removed Circle of Scorn. (Circles and other hazard type objects have issues that prevent their use for anything other than ongoing damage of some sort or the application of a long term debuff. Unlike cloaks and concentration spells, their magic effect isn't properly extended on each tick - the hazard waits until the effect runs out and then reapplies it on the next tick, triggering any OnEffectStart/OnEffectFinish events. This is fine if the effect is "damage" (there will be a small pause in the damage, but increasing the numbers compensates for this) and it actually benefits pulsing effects such as Circle of Death. But it ruins debuffs and scripted effects. This is why Smoke Curtain in Ordinator isn't a hazard despite acting ike one; it's an object that periodically RemoteCasts an AoE around itself.)
- Renamed Circle of Flame -> Circle of Glory. (The original name was a little too poetic and caused bug reports.)
- Renamed Lifeblossom -> Healing Blossom.
- Renamed Valkyrie -> Valkyrie's Embrace.
- Flagged Leech Seed as a healing spell.
- Flagged Biorhythm, Circle of the Moons, Mystic Wind and Valkyrie's Embrace as not a healing spell.
- All instant death spells (Slay Living, Circle of Death, Dust to Dust) now deal damage equal to 2 times the target's Health.
- Finger of Death: no longer capable of killing the caster (it will deal reduced damage to the target when necessary to keep the caster alive at 1 Health).
- Horrid Wilting: now always dispelled after the target drops below 50% Health instead of lingering; now dispelled on death.
- Necroplague: fixed issue that caused the disease spreading AoE to trigger at the initial location of infection instead of being centred on the infected target.
- Ruin: skill level reduction improved from 3 -> 4 points.
- Valkyrie's Embrace: no longer removes or is removed by elemental cloak spells (while the effect in your effects list remained active).
Scroll only
- There is now one Master scroll only spell per school, each casting a powerful basic effect associated with the school:
--- Alteration: Gravisphere.
--- Conjuration: Oblivion Unbound.
--- Destruction: Wizardfire. (Already in previous versions.)
--- Illusion: Mind Fog.
--- Restoration: Stendarr's Brilliance.
- Hold is no longer available in the hidden chest because it has been superseded by Malviser's Gauntlet.
- Added MCM options for Shalidor's Mirror XP, Undermine Heavy Stagger Chance, Undermine XP.
- Updated a few proc spell names.
Version 8.03
- Removed erroneous ITM actor values.
- Control Weather: now disrespects projectile storms (because the vanilla game doesn't reset this flag correctly).
- Flesh of My Flesh: fixed erroneously high experience gain.
- Illusory creatures can no longer be activated (and thus pickpocketed, start conversations, etc).
- Godform: no longer erroneously stacks with itself.
Version 8.02
- New spell: Windride. (Increases mounted speed, mount stamina regen and allows your mount to run on water.)
- Removed Overshield. (The new PerMa perk that equalises all shield spells does not play well with "it's a shield, but..." type spells. You can still get it by Thoughtstealing your Xivilai Lord.)
- Renamed Sense Ore -> Find Ore.
- Fabricate Object: Now uses a separate dialog box for crafting furniture to accomodate narrowscreen monitors.
- Find Ore: Now displays an alteration shader on the ore itself instead of just spawning an indicator object. No longer causes a physics explosion that tosses objects.
- Reynos' Fins: Added glow visuals on cast.
- Spell Twine: No longer gives no experience if the spell in your left hand is not a buff.
- Improved Baleful strike art.
- Improved Alt FXS (by removing the red glow).
- New spell: Conjure Weeping Daedra. (Absorbs 75 life per second per hand, but turns to stone when an enemy is looking at it.)
- Removed Rampage. (Grimoire 2.0 added a Rampage spell that is almost identical to the Apocalypse 7.xx incarnation, by which I mean it deliberately copied the spell. There is no value in having both, so it is being removed.)
- Flesh of My Flesh: Can now be cast on daedra at full health (and will still damage you). This is a downgrade, but it gets rid of the confusing "resist" message that may lead users to conclude that it doesn't work on that particular minion at all.
- Necrowitch: Added a fiery shine to her robe.
- Evil Twin: No longer works on corpses.
- Pale Shadow: No longer works on corpses or dragons (due to getting a dragon soul when it dies).
- Reave: Fixed description to include duration.
- Renamed Lifebloom to Lifeblossom. (Grimoire 2.0 added a spell with the same name and I'm a nice guy. Sigh.)
- Lifeblossom: Removed annoying looping sound effect.
PerMa Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
- Reave: Now has the correct projectile.
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
- Necrowitch: Did not fix a bug that does not exist.
- Reave: Now has the correct projectile.
Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
- Reave: Now has the correct projectile.
Version 8.01
- Drop Zone: Experience gain increased from 0.03 to 0.12. No longer (attempts to) keep records of fall distance and give experience based on that.
- Updated MCM so the "Repopulate Leveled Lists" option now pulls from a different set of formlists, enabling More Apocalypse compatibility.
Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Empathic Agony: Removed target restriction.
- Evil Twin: Removed target restriction.
- Figment of Guilt: Removed target restriction.
- Last Word: Now correctly affected by "immune to illusion" flag.
- Pale Shadow: Removed target restriction.
- Shadowbond: Removed target restriction. (Yes, I get it, Requiem is supposed to be realistic, and therefore Illusion should be worthless against half of the enemies in the game. Let me know when you get rid of hit points and then we'll discuss realism again. In the meantime, illusionists should probably be viable. These are not mind affecting spells, there is no reason they should not work on unliving targets.)
Version 8.00
!!! More Apocalypse is no longer available. Since people used More Apocalypse mainly for a handful of specific spells and those didn't rely on SKSE anyway, I migrated those spells to the core mod so you don't need More Apocalypse anymore.
More Apocalypse may be brought back later as Even More Apocalypse with spells that stick more closely to the original vision of an "experimental" addon.
If you are using Deep Storage from More Apocalypse, empty it out BEFORE you update. Apocalypse 8.00 includes a Deep Storage spell that does the same thing, so just buy it and use it instead.
- New spell: Control Weather.
- New spell: Deep Storage. (More Apocalypse port.)
- New spell: Drop Zone.
- New spell: Hethoth's Grimoire.
- New spell: Loot Magnet.
- New spell: Sotha's Maelstrom.
- New spell: Spell Twine.
- Removed Feather Fall. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Drop Zone.)
- Removed Lodesphere. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Deep Storage.)
- Removed Spell Sequencer. (Your spell will be converted to Spell Twine.)
- Removed Matter to Energy. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Hethoth's Grimoire.)
- Added scrolls of Control Weather, Deep Storage, Loot Magnet.
- Added staves of Drop Zone, (Grindstone, Tharn's Prison, Tremble) (*).
- Renamed Minor Creation to Fabricate Object.
- Fabricate Object: The object no longer disappears from underneath you while you are still using it, even after the duration runs out. Can now also summon a Chair.
- Longstride: Increased speed modifier from 15% to 20%. Can be dual cast again. Now correctly changes when entering or leaving combat. Reverted sound effect. Added 1 second cast time. Modified description.
- Loot Magnet: Now an apprentice -> novice spell. Rebalanced experience gain and cost. Reduced range from 120 -> 80 but can now be dual cast for increased range.
- Sense Ore: No longer requires two hands for no reason.
- Wither: Now also reduces attack damage. Cleaned up script. Fixed effect becoming permanent on cell unload.
(*) There is nothing in the game that drops Adept Alteration staves though.
- New spell: Conjure Dremora Mentor.
- New spell: Conjure Kyrkrim. (More Apocalypse port.)
- New spell: Flames of Oblivion.
- New spell: Flesh of My Flesh.
- Removed Mass Summoning. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Conjure Dremora Mentor.)
- Added scrolls of Conjure Dremora Mentor, Conjure Kyrkrim, Flames of Oblivion, Power of the Master.
- Added staves of Flesh of My Flesh, Detonate Dead.
- Renamed Dremora Berserker to Dremora Pit Fighter. (To avoid overlap with the Dremora of Coldharbor mod.)
- The following minion spells are now Novice level to prevent compatibility issues with level scaling mods:
Disease Bolt (Nether Lich)
Doomfire (Xivilai Sorcerer)
Ecto Blast (Gateway Wraith)
Immaterial Bolt (Lord of Bindings)
Lich Servant (Nether Lich) (Adept.)
Necrobolt (Lich)
Rend Asunder (Xivilai Lord) (The green lightning, not the ward.)
Ruin (Nether Lich)
- The following minion spells are now correctly affected by Destruction perks:
Avenging Blast (Avenging Wraith)
Doomfire (Xivilai Sorcerer)
Ecto Blast (Gateway Wraith)
- Atronach Mark: Now an "aimed" spell instead of "actor target" for easier aiming.
- Cloak of Souls: No longer has an intrusive shader effect.
- Conjure Dremora Churl: No longer garish red.
- Conjure Dremora Honor Guard: Now uses a bitchin' new armor based on Natterforme's Daedric Mage Armor. Its Dazzle spell reduces armor by 300 in 15 radius -> increases Magicka and Stamina of friendlies in 40 radius by 100. Aura no longer erroneously triggers Atronach Mark.
- Conjure Dremora Pit Fighter: Its Corruption spell deals 10 damage per second in 12 radius -> its Battlefury spell grants 25% attack damage for each nearby enemy in 40 radius. Aura no longer erroneously triggers Atronach Mark.
- Conjure Gateway Wraith: Ecto Blast spell now has a description.
- Conjure Herne: Now comes in a more reasonable colour than neon lime.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Overshield spell no longer erroneously benefits from perks it doesn't have.
- Consuming Power: Now an "aimed" spell instead of "actor target" for easier aiming. Improved script. Added a cool new animation.
- Daedric Mnd: Is nw crrctly Ddrc Mind.
- Detonate Dead: Improved experience gain in 20 foot radius.
- Necrowitch: Now has +50% spell damage and -50% spell cost. When fed a "left hand" Destruction master spell, replaces it with one that goes in both hands.
- Power of the Master: No longer uses a list of allowed keywords and just allows any beneficial self-targetted spell. Greatly improved script. Deleted redundant record.
- Rampage: Awesome new visuals. No longer damages the target, but transfers Magicka from you to the target. Can no longer be cast on other people's daedra.
- Fun fact: Kyrkrim comes from Kyrkogrim or Church Grim, a dog ritually slain to serve as a guardian ghost to an ancient Nordic Christian church.
- New spell: Cinder Bolt. (More Apocalypse port of Fire Seed.)
- New spell: Howling Blast.
- New spell: Static Dome.
- New spell: Volcano.
- Removed Weave the Storm. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Volcano.)
- Added scrolls of Cinder Bolt, Static Dome, Volcano.
- Added staves of Cinder Bolt.
- Renamed Finger of the Mountain -> Fingers of the Mountain. (Your OCD may now rest.)
- FingerS of the Mountain: Now has a proper hand animation.
- Fire Teeth: Fixed proc EDID.
- Flamestrike: Improved description.
- Forbidden Sun: Improved description. Is now a fire spell. Is now cast with the left hand instead of the right hand. The idea is that the three master spells that reduce resistances (Forbidden Sun, Howling Blast, Static Dome) are cast with the left hand and the other ones are cast with the right hand.
- Ride the Lightning: No longer deals 0 damage at medium range.
- Tornado: Added camera shake.
- ASIS NPCs can now dual cast an NPC version of Forbidden Sun, Howling Blast and Static Dome.
- New spell: Last Word.
- New spell: Pale Shadow.
- New spell: Pull From Eternity.
- New spell: Spectral Warband.
- Removed Twilight Zone. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Last Word.)
- Added scrolls of Hypnotize, Pull From Eternity, Spectral Warband.
- Added staves of (Hypnotize) (*).
- Illusory entities now have their own effect keyword for easier exception handling.
- Backlash: Now an "aimed" spell instead of "actor target" for easier aiming. Magnitude is no longer 0.1.
- Counterspell: Now an "aimed" spell instead of "actor target" for easier aiming.
- Evil Twin: Now checks for the new illusory entity keyword instead of the presence of magic effects. Illusions now correctly take more damage instead of less damage. Updated description. Now pings every 0.25 -> 0.5 seconds for less script load. Can now be cast on dragons.
- Illusory Flames: Now removes 10% -> 15% Health per second. Increased cost from 14 -> 19. Removed MCM option.
- Magicka Void: Magnitude is no longer 0.1.
- Reave: Now has an awesome scythe animation.
- Reduced size of Empathy hand animation.
- Reduced size of Nightmare hand animation.
- Improved Gold hand animation.
(*) There is nothing in the game that drops Novice Illusion staves though.
- Added new spell: Circle of Flame.
- Added new spell: Godform.
- Added new spell: Life's Finale.
- Added new spell: Wild Healing.
- Removed Glimmershield. (Your spell/scrolls will be converted to Circle of Flame.)
- Reworked Breath of Arkay: Now requires you to concentrate to charge it up, then release to receive a heal based on how long you concentrated. (Your scrolls will be converted to Life's Finale.)
- Reworked Infinite Light: No longer damages undead, but now ricochets between targets in a large radius. Beam no longer knocks away objects. NPCs now say NonHostileHeal quotes when hit by it.
- Added scrolls of Wild Healing, Godform, Life's Finale.
- Added staves of Bleedout, Horrid Wilting.
- Bloodseeker: No longer considered a hostile spell. Improved description.
- Circle of Death: Now works on dragons, except undead dragons.
- Circle of the Moons: No longer looks exactly the same as Circle of Scorn and is now pale blue. The two Arcane themed circle spells are Circle of "Scorn" and Circle "of the Moons". They would not listen...
- Channel Energies: Now an "aimed" spell instead of "actor target" for easier aiming. Improved description. Fixed art. No longer flagged as detrimental. NPCs now say NonHostileWeird quotes when hit by it.
- Horrid Wilting: No longer fails to hit some targets in its AoE. Now deals 5 -> 6 damage per second.
- Leech Seed: Now works on dragons, except undead dragons. Fixed projectile.
- Lifebloom: Now correctly uses a looping animation instead of a single shot one.
- Resurgence: NPCs now say CommentMagicColorful quotes upon seeing it.
- Slay Living: Now works on dragons, except undead dragons.
- Arkay hand and inventory animations now have Arkay's face hidden in them.
- Improved Necro ritual spell animation.
- Reduced size of Blood inventory animation.
- Reduced size of Peace hand animation.
Scroll only
- Removed scrolls of Commerce, Amnesia and One With Nothing.
- Erase Spell: Improved visuals. Is now Illusion.
- Wizardfire: Increased damage from 320 -> 400.
- The script that is applied to the player no longer keeps any elements in memory when its events are not running (entering combat, ending combat, casting a spell).
- Persistent perk: Removed redundant entry point.
- Persistent perk: Removed telekinesis damage boost. The reason for this and Lodesphere is that telekinetic combat in Skyrim is a massive fail and merely increasing its damage does not fix all the other problems with it, such as the fact that you don't gain experience for killing enemies but for taping down the telekinesis button and going afk. Telekinetic combat deserves its own overhaul mod and is therefore out of scope of Apocalypse.
- When a master quest is completed, the Papyrus log now tells you which one.
- Removed the Chest of Secrets Untold (since it was in the Twilight Zone cell, which no longer exists) along with a large number of unused spells for maintenance reasons. The spells that remain are Hold, Lodesphere, Teleport, Conjure Spirit Cat, Bond of Summoning, Skull Trap, Geas Rune, Resurrection. To access them, use the console to spawn the Chest of Secrets Untold.
- Removed a large number of unused assets to reduce filesize.
Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
- Conjuration master spell XP is now correctly broken in accordance with Requiem standards of broken XP.
- Horrid Wilting: Now deals the correct amount of damage.
- Tornado: Scroll now works.
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
- Respite now correctly adds 100% -> 50% Stamina.
- Channel Energies: Scroll can now be written.
- Cloak of Mimicry: No longer erroneously a master spell.
- Electrosphere: Now flagged as a dangerous spell.
- Gravisphere: No longer crashes when striking certain scenery objects.
Version 7.07
- Grindstone: No longer fails to deal damage when the target loses Stamina after gaining it. Thanks to FallowEarth for being the first player in the history of Apocalypse to actually use the spell. :P
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder damage increased from 120 -> 150 and reduced magicka cost from 1.35 -> 1.011.
- Apocalypse: Meteor projectiles no longer deviated by gravity. As argued in the Dwemertech thread, Nirn is not a planet and therefore doesn't have gravity. Right?
- Flamestrike: Distance between impacts 64 -> 48. Number of meteors 24 -> 32. Delay between impacts 0.08 -> 0.075.
- Frozen Orb: Damage increased from 120 -> 180. Cast time reduced from 2.0 -> 1.6 seconds. New sound effect. Now stays in place for 2 -> 3 seconds. Movement speed increased from 150 -> 200. Magicka cost reduced from 3.50/3.00 -> 2.25/2.00. Effectiveness reduced on the Cow Level.
- Tornado: Damage increased from 30 -> 40. Magicka cost reduced from 15.00 -> 11.50. Scroll version now correctly deals damage for 10 seconds instead of 7. No longer given to NPCs by ASIS. When cast on a wolf, now goes "meep meep" before blasting off into the sunset.
- Lobotomize: No longer fails to deal damage when the target loses Magicka after gaining it. A million crickets are suddenly silenced.
- Ruin: Projectile speed 2000 -> 2250. VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE HERE FOLKS.
PerMa Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
- Cleared a formlist that is supposed to be clear but didn't look that way due to a PerMa bug. :P
- Mark of Power perk no longer works with Forbidden Sun and Tornado. Those spells are now... *sunglasses* ...forbidden. YEAHHHH.
- Fixed PerMa spells that were missing from illusion formlists (while not an Apocalypse bug, the Apocalypse spells are added to these formlists by the compatibility patch, so might as well fix the PerMa bug as well). Thanks Raulfin.
- Bloodseeker: Book no longer MIA after vendor reset.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder magicka cost locked at 100 (from a variable 141) and is now an expert -> adept spell.
Requiem Patch
- Parity changes.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder magicka cost locked at 250 (from a variable 272) and is now an expert -> adept spell.
SkyRe Patch
- Parity changes.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder no longer erroneously disabled until 75 Destruction skill level. Perhaps 5 punch damage wasn't worth all your magicka just because he was TOO DUMB to know how to cast it.
More Apocalypse PerMa Patch
- Raging Inferno now correctly works with Fire Teeth. No need to rage yourself.
Version 7.06
There are no changes to the main Apocalypse file. I incremented its version number because it has a version number in the filename and because mod managers may not understand the concept. One day the Nexus will support versioning for individual files. On that day, there will be much rejoicing.
More Apocalypse Destruction
- Fire Seed: Added missing script.
Version 7.05
The persistent elements of the item distribution script (restoration bugfix, distributing master spells) have been largely replaced by ability conditions. Because of this, the Noscript version is no longer necessary.
When updating from the Noscript version, you may notice spells being added twice to vendor inventories. To prevent this, uninstall the Noscript version and save, then reinstall the regular version.
- Item distribution script no longer runs a periodic update loop, but only activates when needed.
- Now displays a message when all items are added to the world.
- Now stops the quest after adding items, removing any script load.
- Replaced Loot Magnet -> Shalidor's Mirror. (You keep Loot Magnet as well if you already have it)
- Replaced Teleport -> Orum's Cramps. (You keep Teleport as well if you already have it)
- Replaced Galerion's Persistence -> Matter to Energy.
- Alarm: Improved seek radius from 100 to 150.
- Dancing Stones: Added dust cloud animation.
- Levitate: Improved description. Is disabled indoors and at a certain height. Added shader. No longer available in scroll form.
- Longstride: No longer has a duration (and therefore can't be erroneously affected by duration increasing items). Therefore cannot be dual cast. Reduced bonus from +20% to +15%. Fixed description. Changed sound effect. Added animation.
- Overshield: Replaced break sound effect.
- Spell Sequencer: Now cast in your left hand and adds the spell in your right hand to the chain. No longer has the "do not extend duration" flag.
- Tremble: Added dust cloud animation.
- New spell: Replaced Char with Fire Teeth.
- New spell: Replaced Jolt with Thundercrack.
- New item: Scroll of Fire Teeth.
- New item: Scroll of Thundercrack.
- New item: Staff of Fire Teeth.
- New item: Staff of Thundercrack.
- Electrosphere: Now correctly tagged as a dangerous spell for NPC remark purposes.
- Forbidden Sun: Now correctly tagged as a fire spell. GEE YOU THINK SO.
- Pyroclasm: No longer has a duration (and therefore can't be erroneously affected by duration increasing items).
- Cloak of Mimicry: Cloak keyword no longer goes away after half of its duration.
- Enslave the Weak: Now correctly works on humanoids only unless dual cast.
- New spell: Replaced Orcish Healing with Biorhythm.
- New spell: Replaced Wizen with Resurgence.
- New item: Scroll of Biorhythm.
- New item: Scroll of Resurgence.
- Channel Energies: No longer contains an exclusion for Orcish Healing.
- Glimmershield: Now correctly considered a restoration spell.
- Leech Seed: Absorb value increased from 4 -> 5 per second, but the absorb only activates when the caster is below maximum Health. Removed heal on kill. Greatly reduced Magicka cost.
- Lifebloom: Corrected casting sound.
- This is a hidden message. Do people even read this?
- Mystic Wind: Swapped effect order to allow it to work with Spelltwist. Reduced Magicka restoration.
- Poet's Whim: Fixed script slowness. Improved description.
- Valkyrie: Added health restoration flag back.
Scroll only
- Removed Scrolls of Restore Skills, Forgive and Forget, One with Nothing.
- Renamed Scroll of Forked Tongue -> Scroll of Commerce.
- Scroll of Wizardfire: No longer erroneously a ritual spell.
Legacy chest
- Added As The Wind, Bard's Caprice, Bond of Summoning, Char, Conjure Spirit Cat, Jolt, Loot Magnet, Orcish Healing, Resurrection, Teleport and Teleport Cantrip.
- Added note stating that these spells are legacy.
- The value of the books in the legacy chest is now 0.
- Magnetize: Corrected description.
I have some heartache about not enabling Bond of Summoning as an official spell. I like open-ended spells, and this is pretty much the ultimate in open-endedness: summon anyone from anywhere as long as you've seen them once. And the ability to summon your spouse to you as an expert conjurer is awesome.
Unfortunately what it is actually going to be used for is to summon [insert immortal faction leader or daedric prince] into any fight and have them wafflestomp everyone for you. Also, you can depopulate a towns without incurring any bounty, fish people through quest-locked doors, etc. And finally it has buggy visuals sometimes. :(
- Character script improved.
- Reduced model size of Conjuration Detonate and Illusion Shadow inventory pictures.
- Alteration Chaos has a different look.
PerMa Patch
- Parity changes.
- Bolide: No longer has incorrect damage.
- Glimmershield: Now correctly flagged as a healing spell.
- Lockdown: Now affected by Capacity ability.
- Pale Moon: Fixed description.
- Magnitude of destruction staves is now correct.
- Perk Raging Inferno keyword added to Bolide, Ember Bolt, Wildfire, Fire Teeth and Forbidden Sun.
- Perk Absolute Zero spell list is now correct.
- Supplied Destruction Spells formlist content, which is empty in PerMa, causing a perk to break.
SkyRe Patch
- Parity changes.
- Updated crafting functionality.
- Conjure Nether Lich: Ruin spell no longer permanent.
- Flamestrike: Can now be used to qualify for the Winterhold College (gee, you think?).
- Fracture: No longer has a cast time of 2.5 seconds instead of 0.5 for no reason.
- Frozen Orb: No longer causes aggro near the target location before the orb arrives.
- Glimmershield: Now correctly flagged as a healing spell.
- Gravisphere: No longer erroneously stacks.
- Magicka Void: Now considered a hostile spell.
- Shadowbond: Duration no longer 2x that of vanilla.
- Shock Nova: No longer has a cast time of 0.
- Skull Trap: No longer has a cast time of 2.5 seconds.
- Tornado: Scroll now deals damage.
- Perk Clockwork Dreams now works with all illusion spells.
- Perk Inferno keyword now applied to all fire spells.
Requiem Patch
- Parity changes.
- Every last spell now follows the Requiem mold of nice neat rounded Magicka costs.
- Compelling Whispers: No longer causes immediate hostility after converting low disposition targets.
- Create Lodesphere: Scroll now has the correct name.
- Daedric Mind: Scroll now has the correct duration.
- Enslave The Weak: Fixed tome being called "Monster Magnet" instead.
- Ghostwalk: No longer behaves unpredictably when broken with a spell.
- Glimmershield: Now correctly flagged as a healing spell.
- Conjuration spells no longer have a cast time of 0.
- Slightly weakened Magicka restoring spells.
- Removed wayward ITM actor.
- Updated Req_ formlists.
- Parity changes.
- Updated outdated lists.
- Staff learning is now implemented.
More Apocalypse Script
- Now displays a message when all items are added to the world.
More Apocalypse Alteration
- Replaced Weave Shield -> Crumple Armor.
- Deep Storage: Is now an expert level spell.
More Apocalypse Conjuration
- Replaced Taint of Oblivion -> Summon AWESOME Shimmergeist. (You keep Taint of Oblivion as well if you already have it)
More Apocalypse Scroll Only
- Scroll of Aedric Blast: Is no longer dual cast for no reason.
More Apocalypse PerMa Patch
- Parity changes.
- Words to Plowshares: Now correctly affected by Respite.
More Apocalypse SkyRe Patch
- Parity changes.
- Fire Seed: Now considered a fire projectile for Inferno purposes.
More Apocalypse Requiem Patch
- Parity changes.
- Fixed book prices.
- Every last spell now follows the Requiem mold of nice neat rounded Magicka costs.
Version 7.00
There is some expectation that the changelog contains something funny. So please imagine a clown here. Clowns are funny, right?
Init script
- Now has a delay to prevent a load spike collision with other mods that plunk all of their scripts right at the beginning.
- Now also adds staves.
- Periodic update function no longer defers to 2 other functions, reducing the number of script threads from 3 to 1, which should help out with those other mods that throw scripts at your game until it breaks.
- Tremble: No longer staggers targets that are not already staggered. Duration doubled.
- Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer: Fire damage to self now correctly affected by fire resistance.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Changed Magicka transfer functionality, making it compatible with NPC use.
- Renamed Thunderwave (again) to Shock Scythe; improved visuals.
- Renamed Warpstrike to Rift Bolt.
- Bolide: Reduced cast time from 2.5 seconds -> 0.5 seconds.
- Electrosphere: First strike damage is no longer incorrectly applied all the time or never. Increased missile speed. Greatly increased dual cast missile speed.
- Frozen Orb: Removed redundant Impact perk reference.
- Hailstone: Increased frost damage from 25 -> 30, but increased gravity and reduced speed.
- Shock Nova: Clarified rim damage.
- Tornado: Cast time reduced from 4.4 -> 3.0 seconds. Scroll version now correctly deals damage. Now correctly slows.
- Wildfire: AI helper damage increased from 0.1 -> 1.0.
- Figment of Guilt: Now dispels Evil Twin twice.
- Finger of Death: No longer has an unnecessary duration.
- Valkyrie: No longer erroneously considered a healing spell. Source now defaults to the caster if missing.
+ Staves
Added staves. Note that the staves will not be added to existing saves unless you uninstall/save/reinstall or unless you are using the noscript version. Life sucks.
Compelling Whispers, Curse of the Silent, Empathic Agony, Illusory Flames, Iron Maiden, Lobotomize, Mind Control, Mind Vision, Scared to Death, Shadowbond.
- Parity changes.
- PerMa: fixed a nonexistent error.
Version 6.02.2
----PerMa Compatibility Patch----
- Fixed spell scaling issue due to a TRAP in PerMa. ;)
Version 6.02
----Apocalypse & Apocalypse Noscript ----
- Added variance to Alteration Earth cast sounds.
- Note: a mistake was made that may cause you to lose the Feather Fall spell. Please rebuy it.
- Removed Hold.
- Removed Replicate.
- Removed Spellstrike.
- Added Galerion's Persistence.
- Added Minor Creation.
- Added Sword and Sorcery.
- Renamed Destabilize to Tremble.
- Dancing Stones: Fixed armor reduction being 120 instead of 150; doubled duration.
- Detonate Lock: Improved script execution speed; added animation when an object is unlocked; fixed race condition that could cause it to stop working if cast several times in succession; is now a ritual spell.
- Levitate: Improved script execution speed; reduced cast time from 5.5 seconds -> 3.0 seconds.
- Ocato's Recital: Functionality changed. Is now equipped in your right hand and stores the beneficial self-only spell in your left hand. Can store up to 3 spells. Cast with an empty left hand to clear. This also means it no longer uses a whitelist of keywords and therefore stores ANY valid spell, including from other mods.
- Knowledge is Power: Now gives an error message when it can't store a spell, regardless of the reason for the error; the power no longer refuses to work while a metamagic spell is active.
- Spell Sequencer: No longer affected by Apocalypse effects that increase spell duration.
- Tremble: Now drains 40 points of Stamina; if the target is already staggering, knocks down and drains 120 points of Stamina; now correctly gains duration when dual cast.
- Cloak of Souls: Updated cloak graphics.
- Conjure Dremora Berserker: Improved description.
- Conjure Dremora Honor Guard: No longer lies that the armor reduction only applies to targets attacking it; armor reduction -200 within 40 foot -> -300 within 15 foot.
- Conjure Lord of Bindings: Now gives an error message when it can't store a spell; Immaterial Bolt spell is now improved by Daedric Mind.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder spell is now improved by Daedric Mind.
- Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer: Doomfire spell is now improved by Daedric Mind.
- Daedric Crescent: Updated ingame model; can now be recast even if no charges have been used up.
- Daedric Mind: Improved description; no longer dispels many conjuration buffs.
- Detonate Dead: Modernised script, fixing several bugs. Increased damage from 160 -> 180. Changed damage from fire -> magic. Updated explosion, inventory and hand model.
- Necrowitch: Now warns you when no spell is equipped; improved description.
- Power of the Master: Now equipped in the caster's right hand and casts the spell in the caster's left hand (preventing it from casting metamagics etc).
- Removed Death Arc.
- Removed Magicka Burn.
- Added Crackle.
- Added Shivers.
- Renamed Blaze of Glory to Pyroclasm.
- Renamed Thunderstroke to Ride the Lightning.
- Renamed Stormclaw to Thunderwave.
- Renamed Stormweave to Weave the Storm.
- Ice Shiv: Updated ingame model. (Also, it was flying backwards all along)
- Inferno: Now deals the listed damage.
- Pyroclasm: Increased explosion radius; reduced threshold from 3 to 2 spells; reduced cost.
- Ride the Lightning: Modernised script; scroll version correctly no longer denied by spell absorb.
- Thunderwave: Now has a special dual cast model and covers a larger area when dual cast.
- Tornado: Updated ingame model.
- Warpstrike: Updated bolt animation; now teleports targets backwards instead of randomly; no longer teleports targets into objects.
- Weave the Storm: Now gives an error message when it can't store a spell, regardless of the reason for the error.
- Lobotomize: Replaced variable so it doesn't default to 20% instead of 50% for upgrading users.
- Vanish: No longer erroneously considered a metamagic spell.
- Removed Ocato's Dragonhide option because the new mechanics solve the original issue anyway.
- Removed now-obsolete Replicate option.
----Requiem Compatibility Patch----
- Balance changes.
- Parity changes.
- Fixed a large number of incorrect spell tome names. (AND NOBODY NOTICED. Why am I even keeping this patch up to date)
----PerMa Compatibility Patch----
- Balance changes.
- Parity changes.
- Automatic spell scaling now respects DoNotExtendDuration keyword.
- Warpstrike: Added missing Capacity capability.
- Inferno: Now deals the listed damage.
- Ride the Lightning: No longer fails at 1000-1500 range.
----SkyRe Compatibility Patch----
- Balance changes.
- Parity changes.
----More Apocalypse----
- Unsummon no longer (pointlessly) gains duration from spell scaling.
- Parity changes.
- Corrected cost of More Apocalypse spell tomes.
Version 5.20
!! Notice: if you are upgrading from a previous version of Apocalypse, the power level of Lobotomize is not correct.
Use the MCM to reset it to default power (or type "set WB_Illusion_Lobotomize_Global_Mult to 50" into the console).
- Updated MCM with new options.
- Removed All In.
- New spell - Grindstone: Curses targets to take damage when they lose Stamina.
- Renamed Exhaust -> Collapse.
- Exhaust: Now has the correct inventory model.
- Levitate: Updated script.
- Removed Tempest.
- New spell - Lobotomize: Curses targets to take damage when they lose Magicka.
- Renamed Mana Void -> Magicka Void. THE FUN ENDS HERE.
- Death March: Cast time 3.0 -> 2.5 seconds.
- Scream of Pain: Cast time 3.0 -> 2.5 seconds.
- Removed Damnation.
- Removed Dispersion.
- Removed Skill Tap.
- New spell - Bloodseeker: Homes in and deals 175% of Health gained/lost while in flight.
- New spell - Devastate: Reduces skill levels of targets in the blast by 6 for 60 seconds.
- New spell - Glimmershield: When struck, replenishes 15 Magicka.
- Updated "Necro" inventory model.
- Bleedout: Duration 6 -> 8 seconds, improved script speed, improved description, fixed crash when cast at activators.
- Bone Spirit: Fixed spirit not exploding if another actor is closer to it than the target.
- Circle of Death: Improved script speed.
- Dispersion: Instead of damaging attackers, now steals Magicka.
- Mystic Wind: Now considered a buff for Ocato's Recital purposes.
- Poet's Whim: Duration 10 -> 20 seconds, improved description.
- Slay Living: Improved script speed.
- Wizen: Actor target -> projectile, improved description.
Version 5.18
- Renamed Runic Weapon to Spellstrike to prevent confusion with PerMa weapon enchant spells.
- Magicka Burn replaces Arcane Burst: Drains 50% of your Magicka and reduces a target's Magic Resistance by this amount for 8 seconds.
- Apocalypse: Damage 80 -> 130.
- Blaze of Glory: Damage 60 -> 90.
- Electrosphere: Base damage 20 -> 30.
- Finger of the Mountain: Damage 70 -> 120.
- Flamestrike: Damage 100 -> 160.
- Forbidden Sun: Fire resist penalty 150 -> 200.
- Frozen Orb: Damage 90 -> 120.
- Tornado: Damage per second 20 -> 30.
- Damnation replaces Resurrection: If target loses life while cursed, target loses 40% more life when it wears off.
- Skill Tap: Reduced from +10 to +8 skill levels; dual cast now increases duration instead of magnitude; now correctly doesn't steal skills whose level is below 75.
----No script version----
- Forbidden Sun: Fixed unresolved object reference.
----PerMa Compatibility Patch----
- Capacity ability added to all shock spells.
- The following perks now affect all destruction spells, instead of just fire/frost/shock spells:
Arcane Assassin
Lore: Cave Dwellers
Lore: Forces of Nature
Lore: Great Monsters
Lore: Humanoids
Lore: Lesser Creatures
Lore: Predators
Lore: Solstheim
Malevolent Touch
Studies: Expert Illusion
Passive spell scaling
Passive spell sneak scaling
Version 5.17
- Lifebloom: Stamina no longer regenerates while health does not.
- Skill Tap: No longer erroneously stacks with itself.
----PerMa Compatibility Patch----
- Respite perk now correctly affects healing spells.
- Included missing scripts.
Version 5.16
Apocalypse v5.16 (incl. No scripts)
- Destabilize (replaces Lift): Target staggers when struck by any damage.
- Exhaust (replaces Gravity Wave): Reduces target Health% to its Stamina%.
- Renamed Create Energy Orb to Create Lodesphere.
- Renamed Earthrune Weapon to Runic Weapon.
- Gravisphere: Can now be recast on targets already affected by it.
- Overshield: No longer available in scroll form (didn't work correctly).
- Runic Weapon: Increased enhancement duration from 2.5 to 3.5 seconds.
- Wither: Now slows targets by 25% per second, up from 20%.
- Daedric Crescent: Damage increased to 50 from 40; fixed description.
- Forbidden Sun (replaces Arcane Rain): Glowing fireball that reduces fire resistance based on the target's fire resistance.
- Apocalypse is now scroll only and is now a pure damage spell (Wizardfire gfx).
- Frozen Orb: No longer sets off NPC hit events on cast; damage vs dragons 1/4 down from 1/2.
- Inferno: Increased Ember Bolt damage to 45 from 35.
- Shattering Crystal: No longer erroneously given to NPCs through ASIS.
- Tornado: DPS increased to 20 from 15; dual cast now works; added impact effect; improved desc.
- Thunderstroke (renamed from Thunderball): Damage increased to 80 from 70; changed scripting to fix a bug that caused no damage to be applied in certain circumstances.
- Curse of the Silent (replaces Discharge): Target rapidly loses Magicka until he or she casts a spell.
- Death March: Now deals 15% temporary damage per second, up from 10%.
- Evil Twin: Clones now have -200 armor and -50% magic resistance.
- Ghostwalk: Added a 0.4 second recall delay to prevent a race condition; increased magicka cost.
- Mana Void: No longer erroneously says it is less effective on dragons, but dragons are now immune.
- Lifebloom: Now correctly affected by Respite.
- Resurrection: Shellshock can now wear off after 15 seconds instead of a minimum of 120 seconds.
More Apocalypse v5.16
- Words to Plowshares: Added a safety cap to the magnitude of the heal.
Requiem Compatibility Patch for Apocalypse v5.16
- Fixed Spell Tome: Arcane Burst being called Spell Tome: Elements Unleashed.
All Compatibility Patches were updated to achieve parity with v5.16.
NEW! PerMa Compatibility Patch for Apocalypse and More Apocalypse
- All spells have been added to the random spell pool for school studies perks.
- All Magicka costs have been rescaled.
- Spells with the DoNotExtendDuration flag are respected.
- Acceleration Rune, Gravisphere and Hold are not subject to kinetic spell cooldowns.
- The Chronokinesis perk works with Teleport.
- The Blink perk works with Teleport.
- The Studies: Novice Alteration perk respects the DoNotExtendDuration flag.
- The Studies: Adept Alteration perk works with Overshield.
- The Studies: Expert Alteration perk works with Acceleration Rune, Gravisphere, Hold, Teleport.
- The Mage's Toolbox perk works with Alarm, Deep Storage, Feather Fall, Loot Magnet, Ocato's Recital, Protection from Race, Reynos' Fins, Runic Weapon, Sense Ore, Spell Sequencer, Create Lodesphere, Detonate Lock, Knowledge is Power, Levitate, Mark and Recall, Replicate.
- The Mage Armor perk works with Overshield.
- The Mage Armor perk works with Weave Shield.
- The Second Skin perk works with Overshield and adds +15% shock damage.
- The Second Skin perk works with Weave Shield and adds -10 base magicka costs.
- The Kinetic Crush perk adds damage to Acceleration Rune, Gravisphere and Hold but does NOT increase the power of Gravisphere and Hold because that would make them harder to use.
- Overshield: Armor reduced to match SkyRe standards.
- Weave Shield: Cap increased to 400.
- Teleport: Is considered a Shit spell.
- Level scaling is applied to most conjured creatures, following SkyRe's levels. (Exception: Lich, Lord of Bindings, Necrowitch, Nether Lich and Xivilai Lord have a higher minimum level than usual so they can actually use their spells).
- Apocalypse's conjured Daedra do NOT require a human heart. This is because MOST of them are conjured Daedra and a heart cost every 30 seconds would make them completely useless.
- Reclaim does NOT work with conjured ghosts and liches (Avenging Wraith, Gateway Wraith, Lich, Mirror Wraith, Nether Lich, Oathbound Guardian) because the relevant code is in a quest script that cannot safely be modified if the user is already using PerMa.
- Recurring Nightmare and Tongues of Old do NOT work with conjured ghosts and liches.
- Untyped conjuration spells are considered Daedra for the purpose of perks.
- The Ambitious Methods perk was fixed so it actually buffs destruction spells and not fire/frost/shock spells.
- The Studies: Destruction Master perk was fixed so it actually buffs destruction spells and not fire/frost/shock spells.
- All destruction spells benefit from related perks, with the following exceptions.
--- Hailstone: Chill of Death perk does not benefit from the damage bonus from range, because there is already a very large number of effects on the ability.
--- Shattering Crystal: Elementalist perk does not benefit from increased damage near the centre, because adding multiple effects (one for each radius) may lead to race conditions.
--- Shockbloom: Percentage damage does not benefit perks.
- Morphing Blast: Increased cap to 400.
- Raw Force: Increased cap to 400.
- The Unknowable Horror perk now also affects Mind Vision and Scared to Death.
- The Soothing Voice perk now also affects Compelling Whispers and Scream of Pain (+ Outcast).
- The Raging Heart perk now also affects Empathic Agony and Monster Magnet.
- Mirror Entity and Mind Control don't work on non-humanoids even when dual cast because there's a bug with the camera handover function in Skyrim.
- Dim Vision: Works on non-living targets when dual cast.
- Pale Moon: Is affected by Invigorate and Transcendental Mantle; no longer affects all targets, but only works on creatures and people unless the Invigorate perk is taken.
- Reave: Works on non-living targets when dual cast.
- Reveal Detection: Works on non-living targets when dual cast.
- Scared to Death: Increased cap to 200.
- SkyRe's Darkness spell now uses graphics from Dim Vision and no longer refuses to work on humanoids and creatures when dual cast.
- Bone Spirit: Is affected by Tortured Soul perk.
- Bone Storm: Is affected by Tortured Soul perk; damage reduced to match SkyRe standards.
- Dust to Dust: Is affected by Tortured Soul perk.
- Lifebloom: Health reduced to match SkyRe standards.
- Necroplague: Is affected by Plaguelord perk. Is NOT affected by Carrier perk because it uses a different spreading mechanic. Description changed to clearly indicate "all" nearby targets instead of just one like PerMa's plagues.
- Orcish Healing: Health reduced to match SkyRe standards.
- Resurrection: Since the Apocalypse version of this spell is more awesome (and came first), I changed the PerMa tome of Resurrection to point to the Apocalypse spell instead and removed all traces of the Apocalypse tome of Resurrection. If you already learned Resurrection before, you can learn Resurrection again to get the awesome version.
- Words to Plowshares: Increased cap to 400.
Version 5.15
Apocalypse v5.15 (incl. No scripts)
- Gravity Wave: Now deals 50 damage on top of its fall damage.
- Loot Magnet: Now skips Dragons and Dwarven Spheres to prevent looting the crossbow or wings and leaving inaccessible items in the player's inventory.
- Wither: Now degrades speed at a rate of 20% per second from 10%.
- Conjure Dremora Assassin: Death Mark duration increased to 10 seconds from 5.
- Conjure Gateway Wraith: Ecto Blast damage increased to 40 from 25.
- Conjure Lich: Necrobolt damage increased to 45 from 40.
- Conjure Lord of Bindings: Immaterial Bolt damage increased to 35 from 25.
- Conjure Nether Lich: Disease Bolt dps increased to 6 from 5.
- Conjure Radac: Tech Blast damage increased to 75 from 50.
- Conjure Xivilai Lord: Rend Asunder damage increased to 120 from 80.
- Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer: Doomfire damage increased to 35 from 25.
- Necrowitch: Now regenerates 25 Magicka per second.
- Elements Unleashed: Replaced with Arcane Burst.
- Implemented parity with Nexus version regarding targetting requirements.
- Reave: Now correctly affected by Master of the Mind.
More Apocalypse v5.15
- Fixed missing caps as a result of rolling back to 5.13 due to the corruption issues.
- Scared to Death: Added a magnitude cap for reasons of safety.
Compatibility patches
Parity changes to match main file.
Version 5.14
Apocalypse v5.14
Apocalypse v5.14 - No scripts
- Prevented Evil Twin, Figment of Guilt, Shadowbond, Empathic Agony and Vanish from affecting dead targets and non-actors.
- Reave: No longer works on illusions spawned by Evil Twin, Figment of Guilt and Mirror Entity.
Apocalypse v5.14 - SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Changes for parity with the main mod.
Apocalypse v5.14 - Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Conjuration apprentice and adept duration bonuses no longer increase all spell damage. (Thanks forspam2)
- Conjuration perks no longer increase all spell duration.
- Illusion perks no longer increase all spell duration.
- Adopted Requiem rules about immunities against low level illusion spells:
No longer works on undead, daedra, automatons and dragons:
Illusory Flames
No longer works on daedra, automatons and dragons:
Evil Twin
Figment of Guilt
No longer works on dragons:
Death March
Empathic Agony
Hidden Cobra
Mana Void
Monster Magnet
Scream of Pain
Twilight Zone
* Does work on summoned creatures because that's half the fun.
More Apocalypse v5.14 - Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Adopted Requiem rules about immunities against low level illusion spells:
No longer works on daedra, automatons and dragons:
Iron Maiden
No longer works on dragons:
Dim Vision
Version 5.13
Apocalypse v5.13 - No scripts
- Horrid Wilting: Added missing 50% health condition to scroll.
- Channel Energies: Scroll FormID corrected to match the FormID of the scroll in the regular version (so compatibility patches involving this scroll won't be incompatible).
Apocalypse v5.13 - Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Longstride: Duration no longer erroneously affected by Stability and Metamagic Empowerment.
- Excluded from duration scaling perks: Ocato's Recital, Spell Sequencer.
- Conjure Avenging Wraith: Added to Ritualism spell list.
- Conjure Gateway Wraith: Added to Ritualism spell list.
- Oathbound Guardian: Added to Ritualism spell list.
- Rampage: Scroll version no longer erroneously two handed.
- Reduced duration to match Requiem: Consuming Power, Daedric Crescent, Daedric Mind, Rampage.
- Ghost summoning spells are no longer affected by Necromancy.
- Inferno: No longer erroneously reduced by Spell Armor perk.
- Empathic Agony: Removed redundant effect from scroll version.
- Reduced duration to match Requiem: Ghostwalk, Discharge, Empathic Agony, Figment of Guilt, Mind Control, Mirror Entity, Monster Magnet, Pale Moon, Reave, Scream of Pain, Shroudwalk, Thoughtsteal, Twilight Zone.
- Excluded from duration scaling perks: Compelling Whispers (channel), Evil Twin, Illusory Flames.
- Removed legacy effects from Mind Vision, Compelling Whispers, Empathic Agony, Monster Magnet, Mirror Entity, Reave and Scream of Pain.
- Added illusion spells to Requiem illusion type perks:
Acoustic Manipulation
- Backlash
- Cloak of Mimicry
- Counterspell
- Scream of Pain
Visual Manipulation
- Ghostwalk
- Mind Vision
- Shroudwalk
- Vanish
Shadow Shaping
- Discharge
- Dispel Magic
- Hidden Cobra
(Due to a bug in Requiem, Shadow Shaping does not actually have any spell prerequisites. I added them)
- Shadowbond
- Twilight Zone
Otherworldly Phantasms
- Monster Magnet
- Pale Moon
Pain and Agony
- Blood for Blood
- Death March
- Empathic Agony
- Illusory Flames
- Reave
Obliterate the Mind
- Compelling Whispers
- Evil Twin
- Figment of Guilt
- Mana Void
- Tempest
- Mind Control
- Mirror Entity
- Thoughtsteal
More Apocalypse v5.13
- Conjure Mirror Specter: Now correctly classified as undead instead of familiar.
- Morphing Blast: Capped bonus damage at 100.
- Sorcerer's Bane: Capped bonus damage at 100 (400 Magicka).
- Raw Force: Capped bonus damage at 100.
- Spellwrack: Capped bonus damage at 90.
Scroll only
- Aedric Blast: Projectile now goes in a straight line; has proper magnitude scaling.
More Apocalypse v5.13 - Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Now requires the Requiem Compatibility Patch for regular Apocalypse as a master.
- Weave Shield: Capped bonus armor at 150.
- Conjure Mirror Specter: Added to Ritualism spell list.
- Morphing Blast: Capped bonus damage at 40.
- Raw Force: Capped bonus damage at 80.
- Spellwrack: Capped bonus damage at 30.
(Because some of Requiem's illusion spells have insanely high magnitudes or durations at low levels, the spells that scale off spell magnitude or duration have been capped at a low power level).
- Reduced duration to match Requiem: Iron Maiden, Dim Vision, Scared to Death.
- Removed legacy effects from Dim Vision, Reveal Detection and Scared to Death.
- Added illusion spells to Requiem illusion type perks:
Acoustic Manipulation
- Reveal Detection
Visual Manipulation
- Dim Vision
Delusive Phantasms
- Scared to Death
Pain and Agony
- Iron Maiden
More Apocalypse v5.13 - SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes to match More Apocalypse v5.13
- Morphing Blast: Capped bonus damage at 80.
- Sorcerer's Bane: Added missing SkyRe scripts.
- Raw Force: Capped bonus damage at 80; no longer applies Elemental Ram to the caster.
- Spellwrack: Capped bonus damage at 30.
Version 5.12
Apocalypse v5.12
- Alarm: Now starts detecting intruders after a fixed 2.5 seconds regardless of any bonuses to spell duration.
- Earthrune Weapon: No longer functions when cast on NPCs since it didn't work anyway.
- Mark and Recall: Restricted to outdoors use only to prevent accidentally breaking quests or getting stuck.
- Ocato's Recital: No longer works with summoning spells (which occasionally caused a bug preventing you from casting any spells if the summoning spell couldn't resolve due to invalid terrain).
- Dremora Honor Guard: No longer taunts enemies into attacking it, but enemies that do attack it now have their armor reduced by 200 instead of 60. The taunt effect is still available on the illusion spell Monster Magnet.
- Necrowitch: Now learns the elemental spell that is in your left hand at the time of casting, as opposed to the elemental spell you have equipped when you enter combat. This should make her more responsive. Is now one handed and costs half as much Magicka. Scroll of Necrowitch is no longer available because the spell does not and never did work properly when cast from a scroll.
- Arcane Rain: No longer erroneously works with self-targetted spells or indoors.
- Horrid Wilting: Damage increased to 50 from 35 but only affects targets above 50% Health.
- Necroplague: Can now be cast on targets below 50% Health instead of 25% Health.
- Sorcerer's Bane: Reduced target Magicka scaling from 40% to 25%.
Requiem Compatibility Patch for Apocalypse v5.12
- Alarm: Detection delay added back in.
- Reduced amount of Stamina restored by Circle of Strength.
- Reduced amount of Magicka restored by Mystic Wind and Circle of the Moons.
Version 5.11
Apocalypse v5.11
- Improved the maintenance script to reduce scripting load (this only affects new playthroughs).
- Conjure Nether Lich: Its Ruin spell now lasts 120 seconds instead of permanently.
- Ruin: Now lasts 120 seconds instead of permanent, but Magicka cost reduced.
More Apocalypse
- Replaced Hoptoad with Deep Storage.
- Conjure Kyrkrim: Minor texture update.
Version 5.10
Almost 20K endorsements! Thanks to all! :D
Released the following new files:
- Apocalypse (Unburdened version)
- More Apocalypse
- More Apocalypse - SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- More Apocalypse - Requiem Compatibility Patch
Apocalypse v5.10
- Channel Energies: Can now only be equipped in your right hand and look at the spell in your left hand, as opposed to being ambidextrous and looking at the spell in your "other" hand. This makes it compatible with contingencies, scrolls and staves. Now also works on commanded actors.
- Compelling Whispers: No longer a hostile spell.
- Levitate: Another attempt at fixing the invisible walls issue (sigh).
- Twilight Zone: Reduced mana cost.
- Fixed Twilight Zone scroll being Shroudwalk instead.
Requiem Compatibility Patch
- The scaling duration perks now respect the DoNotExtendDuration keyword (Lift, Longstride).
- The following illusion spells now respect Requiem targetting rules:
Compelling Whispers
Empathic Agony
Monster Magnet
Scream of Pain
- The following alteration spells have been rebalanced:
Alarm (also removed the clause that it doesn't detect enemies already in range)
All In
Earthrune Weapon
Feather Fall
Sense Ore
Spell Sequencer
- The following conjuration spells have been rebalanced:
Banish Living
- The following destruction spells have been rebalanced:
Arcane Rain
- The following illusion spells have been rebalanced:
Death March
Scream of Pain
Twilight Zone
- The following illusion spells now respect illusion immunity:
Compelling Whispers
Geas Rune
Mind Control
Scared to Death (MA)
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- The Tortured Mind perk description was changed to reflect the fact that it only affects SkyRe's Phantom spells; most temporary damage spells in Apocalypse are percentage based and would break the game in half if they were permanent.
- The Daedric Force and Daedric Fury perk descriptions now mention "other Daedra" instead of "Dremora" to take into account the Xivilai summons and (More Apocalypse only) Kyrkrim.
- Teleport: Now benefits from the extended range perk.
- Illusion spells now correctly affect non-humanoids when dual cast as per SkyRe rules.
- The following illusion spells now respect illusion immunity:
Compelling Whispers
Geas Rune
Mind Control
Scared to Death (MA)
- Restoration healing spells now correctly restore half of their magnitude as stamina instead of full as per SkyRe rules:
Breath of Arkay
Leech Seed
Orcish Healing
Words to Plowshares (MA)
- Removed duplicate scripts.
Version 5.09
Apocalypse v5.09
Spells that do something based on your other equipped spells can now only be equipped in your right hand and look at the spell in your left hand, as opposed to being ambidextrous and looking at the spell in your "other" hand. This makes them compatible with contingencies, scrolls and staves.
- Arcane Rain
- Knowledge is Power
- Lord of Bindings
- Stormweave
- Dancing Stones: Now correctly removes the spell at the end even if you race shift.
- Gravisphere: No longer hits non-actor targets and wards.
- Knowledge is Power: Can now be used in other metamagic spells.//removed check
- Levitate: Fixed invisible walls.
- Atronach Mark: Reduced damage from 20% to 15% of current Health.
- Conjure Avenging Wraith: Fixed typo.
- Conjure Dremora Champion: Fixed typo.
- Conjure Dremora Honor Guard: No longer causes combat to briefly end when taunting.
- Conjure Gateway Wraith: Cost reduction now works by checking for the presence of the Gateway Wraith magiceffect instead of it being in combat, fixing a bug if the Gateway Wraith is deleted by the game.
- Conjure Lord of Bindings: NPC version is no longer erroneously a ritual spell; no longer keeps adding conjuration spells when transitioning through doors.
- Necrowitch: Improved responsiveness when inheriting spells upon entering combat.
- Arcane Rain: Halved cast height; excluded ground AoE spells; halved magicka cost.
- Char: Can no longer be given to NPCs by ASIS.
- Death Arc: Reduced first hit bonus damage from +100 to +45.
- Finger of the Mountain: Now one handed; lowered cast time from 1.5 to 1; reduced damage from 90 to 70; halved magicka cost.
- Flamestrike: Now one handed; reduced damage from 160 to 100; halved magicka cost.
- Frozen Orb: Now one handed; reduced damage from 180 to 90; halved magicka cost.
- Inferno: Now correctly removes the spell at the end even if you race shift.
- Jolt: Can no longer be given to NPCs by ASIS.
- Stormweave: Halved magicka cost; fixed typo.
- Thunderball: Now one handed; refactored script to prevent a race condition; no longer heals the target on cast; no longer NPC capable; halved magicka cost.
- Cloak of Mimicry: Now correctly an Expert level spell.
- Compelling Whispers: No longer hits (and aggros) converted targets.
- Monster Magnet: No longer causes combat to briefly end.
- Breath of Arkay: Now correctly restores Speech and Archery as well.
- Circle of Strength: Lowered magicka cost multiplier from 4.5 to 2.5, increased stamina absorb from +4 to +6.
- Orcish Healing: Own damage is now scripted and therefore no longer affected by difficulty.
- Valkyrie: Lowered cast time from 2 to 1.
- The MCM setting to restore skills when casting a heal now correctly restores Speech and Archery as well.
- Added Arcane Rain scroll.
- Added Knowledge is Power scroll.
- Added Lord of Bindings scroll.
- Removed duplicate novice scrolls in the master scroll list.
- Scroll of Restore Skills now correctly restores Speech and Archery as well.
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- General rebalancing (Magicka cost reductions).
- Implemented workaround for bug in SkyRe script.
- Added missing scroll crafting recipes: Horrid Wilting, Necrowitch, Rampage, Daedric Mind, Gravity Wave, Create Energy Orb.
SPERG Compatibility Patch
- Spells in concentration formlists should now be correct.
Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Minor rebalancing.
Version 5.08
Apocalypse v5.08
- Fixed gray face bug affecting many conjured minions since the previous patch.
- Necrowitch: No longer has a lootable dagger when summoned.
- Thunderball: Removed redundant condition that made the damage scaling fail.
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Fixed gray face bug with SkyRe mandated conjuration evolutions.
- All Apocalypse conjurations now take 33% reduced damage.
Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Changed base duration on alteration crowd control and conjuration summoning to match Requiem durations (this may mean less experience gained because Requiem hardcodes spell costs while actual costs are much lower and experience depends on actual costs).
- Added Requiem damage reduction perks and increased conjuration summoning damage.
Version 5.06
Apocalypse v5.06
- Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer: Now deals 50 damage to self instead of draining 25 conjuration.
- Frozen Orb: Damage is now reduced vs dragons.
- Ghostwalk: Now generates a detection event of volume 75-(illusion/2) when teleporting back.
- Infinite Light: Removed splash hit because for some reason this causes friendly targets to aggro.
- Necrowitch: Starting dagger can no longer be looted.
- Ocato's Recital: No longer ignores valid spell check when storing right handed or ritual spells; no longer accepts Vanish to prevent an infinite loop.
- Pale Moon: Now uses a script to modify weapon damage, ensuring it is not affected by blanket illusion spell bonuses like Kindred Mage which caused its weapon damage bonus to go through the roof.
- Shroudwalk: Invisibility now lasts for the entire duration of the spell.
- Thunderball: No longer pushes targets in the wrong direction; collision damage pierces absorbs.
- Added console-only spell: Teleport Cantrip - apprentice alteration, 150 magicka, 0.5 second cast, range 50.
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Fixed gray face bug.
- Necrowitch: Scales to 80% player level instead of 100%.
Version 5.05
Apocalypse v5.05
- Cloak of Souls: No longer causes hostility when attempting and failing to apply to a target.
- Death Arc: Reduced first shot damage from 120 to 100.
- Finger of the Mountain: No longer triggers twice per second when affected by shock cloaks.
- Ghostwalk: Disabled location check to fix erroneous messages.
- Hailstone: Flattened projectile arc.
- Horrid Wilting: Now deals 35 damage to living targets instead of 60 damage to poisoned targets.
- Infinite Light: No longer causes hostility when used as a heal.
- Jolt: Electrocution effect now knocks down instead of up.
- Levitate: Fixed a race condition that could result in invisible walls appearing.
- Loot Magnet: Looted items are no longer tagged as stolen.
- Orcish Healing: Reduced self damage from 100 to 75.
- Scream of Pain: Duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
- Stormclaw: Increased mark damage from 50 to 60, reduced hit threshold from 6 to 5.
- (No script version only) Fixed gray face bug.
SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Death Arc: Scroll version now does correct damage.
- Creeping Cold: Fixed a bug in SkyRe that caused this to permanently freeze a target.
Version 5.04
Apocalypse v5.04
- Added spell ID affixes to ensure ASIS compatibility.
- Elements Unleashed: MCM option now works.
- Mystic Wind: no longer erroneously a master spell.
- One With Nothing: fixed empty description.
Version 5.03
Apocalypse v5.03
- Populate Levelled Lists script: no longer indicates normal operation in the log.
- Populate Levelled Lists script: now runs every 8 seconds instead of every 6 seconds.
Version 5.02
Apocalypse v5.02
- Electrosphere: fixed bug causing bonus damage to apply to all targets.
- Necrowitch: added dead man's switch to destroy the minion should the spell copying effect be lost.
- Stormclaw: no longer applies marks to objects.
Version 5.01
Apocalypse v5.01
- Regenerated facegen data for conjured minions, which got lost somehow.
Version 5.00
Apocalypse v5.00
- Pretty much everything.
- 3/4 of the spells were thrown out and replaced by new spells.
- Improved visuals, both inventory visuals and ingame graphics.
- Optimised scripts (all scripts should now quit gracefully).
Version 4.13
- Lamb of Mara: no longer generates Papyrus log messages if the target is not taking damage.
Apocalypse v5.14 && Apocalypse v5.14 - No scripts
- Evil Twin, Figment of Guilt, Shadowbond, Empathic Agony and Vanish no longer work on dead or non-actor targets.
- Reave: No longer works on illusions spawned by Evil Twin, Figment of Guilt and Mirror Entity.
Apocalypse v5.14 - SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Parity changes.
Apocalypse v5.14 - Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Conjuration apprentice and adept duration bonuses no longer increase all spell damage. (Thanks forspam2)
- Conjuration perks no longer increase all spell duration.
- Illusion perks no longer increase all spell duration.
- Adopted Requiem rules about immunities against low level illusion spells:
No longer works on undead, daedra, automatons and dragons:
Illusory Flames
No longer works on daedra, automatons and dragons:
Evil Twin
Figment of Guilt
No longer works on dragons:
Death March
Empathic Agony
Hidden Cobra
Mana Void
Monster Magnet
Scream of Pain
Twilight Zone
* Does work on summoned creatures because that's half the fun.
More Apocalypse v5.14 - Requiem Compatibility Patch
- Adopted Requiem rules about immunities against low level illusion spells:
No longer works on daedra, automatons and dragons:
Iron Maiden
No longer works on dragons:
Dim Vision
Support Enai Siaion on Patreon! Discuss this mod on /r/EnaiRim or the Enairim Discord 25/10/2020 #27 most endorsed mod of all time! Thanks community! ♥ Skyrim Special Edition version available here
Apocalypse adds 155 spells (31 per school) plus scrolls and staves.
The spells can be bought and looted like vanilla spells.
High quality custom animations.
Balanced against vanilla magic and compatible with popular magic scaling mods.
Enables viable spellcasters without Destruction or Conjuration.
Low script load, no save bloat.
Includes a fix for the Restoration Ritual Spell quest bug.
Configuration options available in the Apocalypse MCM if SkyUI is installed (SkyUI not required to use Apocalypse).
Apocalypse review on Youtube
Integration into Skyrim
Apocalypse is seamlessly integrated into Skyrim. The spells, scrolls and staves can be bought and looted from the same sources as vanilla spells of the same school and level. After you install Apocalypse, any spell vendors will start selling the appropriate spell tomes once they restock their inventory (when left alone for 48 hours).
Full list of spells
Alarm: For 120 seconds, alerts you when an enemy crosses the 150 foot perimeter.
Longstride: While concentrating, grants 20% movement speed and 25 carry weight, tripled when out of combat.
Prepare for Adventure: Creates a set of basic enchanted mage items (robes, circlet, boots, Destruction staff) in your inventory for 180 seconds.
Drop Zone: Creates a ring of cushioning magic at the target location. The caster takes no damage when falling into the ring.
Ocato's Recital: Stores the (beneficial self-targeted non-concentration) spell in your left hand and casts it for no cost whenever you enter combat. Up to 3 spells. Empty left hand to reset.
Perilous Path: Lay down a spike barrier that lasts 10 seconds and randomly staggers enemies moving through the spikes.
Raise Wall: Concentrate to summon a wall from the earth that blocks passage.
Reynos' Fins: You swim 100% faster for 60 seconds.
Wither: Reduces a target's movement speed and attack damage by 5% each second for 20 seconds.
Locate Object: Illuminates the nearest ore vein, gold, container, door, key, soul gem, written text, potion, gem, ingot or equipment of your choice for 20 seconds.
Spell Twine: Bind a chosen effect to the spell in your left hand. It is triggered whenever the spell is cast. Up to 3 spells. Empty left hand to reset.
Strength of Earth: Concentrate to deal 40% more attack damage with your other hand. Release after attacking to stagger nearby foes.
Tharn's Prison: Target humanoid is trapped in a cage of force. Lasts up to 10 seconds, but has 5% chance per second to break.
Thundering Hooves: For 180 seconds, your mount is X% faster, regenerates Stamina and can swim upwards to run on water. Nearby allies riding a mount within 30 feet also benefit.
Undermine: For 30 seconds, shifting earth causes the target to lose its balance when swinging a melee weapon, staggering the target and draining 30 points of Stamina.
Deep Storage: Grants access to an infinite underground storage space.
Detonate Lock: Open a lock with a level 25 points or more below your Alteration skill with a shockwave that may alert others.
Entomb: Buries a target permanently, or frees a buried target. Only one victim may be buried at a time.
Fabricate Object: The caster creates a bridge, bed or crafting station of his or her choice. The object disappears after 120 seconds or when entering combat.
Knowledge is Power: Copies the (non-concentration) spell in your left hand, granting a power that casts this spell once a day for no cost. Empty left hand to reset.
Tumble Magnet: Magnetic artifact that exists for 20 seconds, randomly pulling nearby enemies to the center.
Master (requires the completion of the Ritual Alteration Spell quest at the College of Winterhold)
Acceleration Rune: Cast on a nearby surface, launches enemies in the direction they are moving.
Battletide: Steals 80 points of armor rating from each nearby target for 30 seconds. The caster gains the total amount stolen.
Control Weather: Temporarily summon the weather of your choice.
Hethoth's Grimoire: Creates a hovering spell tome of the (projectile, non-concentration) spell in your left hand. It repeatedly casts the spell in the direction you are facing for 30 seconds.
Malviser's Gauntlet: Holds a target helplessly in front of the caster with telekinetic force until slain or for 10 seconds.
Milestones: Place up to 5 teleportation anchors and teleport freely between them.
Sotha's Maelstrom: Emit radiation that reduces the magic resistance of nearby enemies within 20 feet by 5% per second, up to 100%. Lasts 120 seconds.
Talons of Nirn: Whenever an enemy in the area is staggered, a spike of rock erupts from the ground, tossing the target and dealing 150 Stamina damage. Lasts 60 seconds.
Thrumming Stone: Magical vibrating rock that emits a tremor every 8 seconds, staggering enemies and reducing magic resistance by 40% for 2 seconds. Emits 5 pulses.
Wind Running: Grants the ability to sprint across thin air and immunity to fall damage for 30 seconds.
Azure Reconstruction: Expend 15 Stamina per second to heal a damaged conjured minion 20 points per second.
Conjure Avenging Wraith: Summons an Avenging Wraith for 30 seconds. Its stats are equal to 150% of those of the opponent that last killed it.
Consuming Power: Allied summoned or reanimated minion gains 75% extra attack damage for 10 seconds, then dies.
Atronach Mark: Marks a target for 10 seconds. The mark detonates when struck by a summoned or reanimated minion, dealing magic damage equal to 15% of the target's Health.
Conjure Cat Totem: Summons a Nordic totem spirit for 60 seconds. It changes between warrior and cat form to heal. (Max. 1)
Conjure Deadeye Captain: Summons a Deadeye Captain for 60 seconds. Activate a corpse to store it. Activate the Captain to dredge it up.
Conjure Dremora Churl: Summons a Dremora Churl for 60 seconds. When killed, a Dremora Churl is summoned under control of the killer.
Power of the Master: Casts the (beneficial self-targeted) spell in your left hand on all nearby summoned or reanimated minions.
Soul Cloak: For 120 seconds, nearby hostile targets fill a soul gem on death.
Conjure Dremora Pit Fighter: Summons a Dremora Pit Fighter for 60 seconds. It gains 25% extra damage for each nearby enemy.
Conjure Lich: Summons a Lich for 60 seconds. Costs 500 points of charge from an equipped enchanted weapon to cast.
Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer: Summons a Xivilai Sorcerer for 60 seconds. The caster takes 50 points of fire damage.
Corpse Explosion: Violently releases the soul of a corpse, disintegrating it with a magical explosion that deals damage equal to 40% of the corpse's maximum Health.
Daedric Crescent: Binds a Daedric Crescent to a summoned Dremora or humanoid for 120 seconds. Until discharged, the weapon deals 50 magic damage and staggers targets.
Summoning Rune: Cast on a nearby surface, teleports an opponent in front of you when triggered.
Conjure Dremora Champion: Summons a Dremora Champion for 60 seconds. Its power attacks deal bonus damage and knock targets airborne.
Conjure Dremora Honor Guard: Summons a Dremora Honor Guard for 60 seconds. It reduces enemy magic resistance within 15 feet by 25%.
Conjure Dremora Mentor: Choose a magic school and summon a Dremora Mentor for 90 seconds. It does not fight, but offers training in the chosen school and the school improves 20% faster.
Conjure Herne: Summons a Herne for 60 seconds. It is accompanied by 3 Spirit Wolves under its command.
Conjure Xivilai Lord: Summons a Xivilai Lord for 60 seconds. When summoned, drains all Magicka and has 200% of this amount.
Oathbound Guardian: Living ally is protected by an Oathbound Guardian under his or her command for 60 seconds.
Master (requires the completion of the Ritual Conjuration Spell quest at the College of Winterhold)
Banish Living: Banish a living creature to Oblivion. Items (except quest items) are lost forever.
Conjure Battlemage: Call upon the services of a lower ranking Battlemage for 180 seconds. Activate to purchase permanent upgrades.
Conjure Bear Totem: Summons a Nordic totem spirit for 240 seconds. It changes between hunter and bear form to heal. (Max. 1)
Conjure Craftlord: Calls a Dwemer sage to Nirn for 180 seconds. Modify its stats with the Reconfigure Craftlord spell.
Conjure Dremora Assassin: Summons a Dremora Assassin for 180 seconds. Its arrows reduce targets below 250 Health to 1 for 10 seconds.
Conjure Kyrkrim: Summons the daedric wolf mount Kyrkrim for 180 seconds. When ridden, low level creatures and people flee in terror.
Conjure Lord of Bindings: Summons a Lord of Bindings for 180 seconds. It does not fight, but rapidly summons Churls in combat.
Conjure Nether Lich: Summons a Nether Lich for 180 seconds. It inflicts a damaging disease, lowers skill levels and raises the dead.
Conjure Weeping Daedra: Summons a Weeping Daedra for 120 seconds. It steals large amounts of Health with its magical attacks, but turns to inert and brittle stone when an enemy looks at it.
Necrowitch: Summons the corpse of an ancient sorceress to reanimate for 600 seconds and teaches her the (ranged, touch or cloak) elemental spell in your left hand.
Crackle: Does 10 damage to Health and Magicka. A static cloud follows the target, dealing up to 50 damage.
Hailstone: An ice crystal that shatters for 15 frost damage to Health and Stamina. Direct hits bypass Frost Resist.
Unbound Fire: Bolt of wildfire that deals 10 damage. The flames randomly jump to the target or caster, dealing 25 damage.
Creeping Cold: Deals 10 frost damage per second to Health and Stamina. After 6 seconds, freezes the target for 60 damage.
Dragon's Teeth: Ignites all targets, doing 5 damage for 4 seconds. On death, the ground burns for 15 damage per second.
Fracture: A layer of thin ice deals 5 damage to Health and Stamina for 3 seconds. The ice shatters for 35 damage when struck by a different frost spell.
Inferno: Attunes the caster to fire, equipping the Ember Bolt spell for up to 15 seconds. It deals 40 fire damage.
Rift Bolt: Deals 20 shock damage to Health and half of that to Magicka and teleports the target backwards.
Thundercrack: Deafening close range blast that deals 40 points of shock damage to Health and half of that to Magicka.
Bolide: Meteoric rock that deals 25 fire damage. It heats up as it travels, dealing up to x5 damage based on distance.
Electrosphere: Slow moving ball lightning that strikes for 55 damage to Health and Magicka.
Frost Nova: Radial frost explosion that deals 30 damage to Health and Stamina. Closer targets take up to x2 damage.
Ice Shiv: Jagged shard that deals 30 frost damage to Health and Stamina. Targets hit from behind take x3 damage.
Incendiary Flow: Creates a molten stream as it passes near terrain, dealing 20 fire damage for 10 seconds.
Scattershock: A stream of charged bolts that deal 30 damage to Health and half of that to Magicka per second.
Bombardment: A steady stream of exploding projectiles that deal 50 points of damage per second.
Lightning Strike: Lightning strikes the target location, dealing 60 shock damage to Health and half to Stamina.
Scorching Hands: Blasts targets in melee range, dealing 80 points of fire damage per second.
Shattering Crystal: Creates a crystal of ice. Cast again to detonate the crystal for up to 270 damage to Health and Stamina, decreasing with distance.
Shock Nova: Radial shockwave that deals 40 damage to Health and Magicka. Those along the edge take up to x2 damage.
Sleet Storm: A rapid stream of ice shards that deal 60 damage to Health and Stamina per second.
Master (requires the completion of the Ritual Destruction Spell quest at the College of Winterhold)
Apocalypse: Target is assaulted by elemental entities that appear nearby and cast x4 damage Flames, Frostbite and Sparks spells. Lasts 10 seconds.
Cyclonic Rift: Creates a storm portal for 20 seconds. If two portals are active, those approaching either get warped across and take 50 shock damage to Health and Magicka.
Fingers of the Mountain: Electrifies nearby opponents for 30 seconds. When hit by a shock spell, lightning strikes for 120 damage to Health and half of that to Magicka. Only works outdoors.
Flamestrike: A storm of 24 meteoric fireballs rains down from the heavens in a line extending from the caster, each exploding for 160 fire damage. Only works outdoors.
Forbidden Sun: Giant ball of elemental fire that deals 100 points of damage in a wide area on impact. Targets struck lose 200 points of Fire Resist for 4 seconds.
Frozen Orb: Spinning orb that slowly travels to the target location and hovers there for 3 seconds, spraying ice spikes for 180 frost damage to Health and Stamina.
Howling Blast: Casts a jet of icy wind that deals 45 damage per second to Health and Stamina. Targets caught in the stream lose 50 points of Frost Resist.
Static Dome: Shock globe that does 25 shock damage to Health and half to Magicka and reduces Shock Resist by 50 points.
Twister: Creates a tornado at the target location. A direct hit sucks up a target, dealing 40 frost damage for 10 seconds. Nearby targets take half damage. Only works outdoors.
Volcano: Creates a volcanic eruption at the target location that spits out 8 lava bombs per second for 10 seconds, each dealing 40 fire damage.
Dispel Magic: Dispels all magical effects (except diseases) on friends and foes.
Ghostwalk: Caster is invisible for 10 seconds or until broken, then teleports back to where the spell was cast.
Pale Shadow: Target enemy is attacked by its own image for 10 seconds. It deals the same damage but has 1 Health.
Backlash: Interrupts target spellcaster. If a spell is interrupted, the target is hit by their own offensive spells, while non-offensive spells are cast on you.
Curse of the Silent: Drains 8 points of Magicka per second for 30 seconds or until the target successfully casts a spell.
Illusory Flames: Concentrate to deal 30% of their current Health as temporary damage that wears off after 2 seconds.
Mind Vision: See through the eyes of target creature or humanoid for 10 seconds. Sheathe to cancel.
Shared Trauma: For 10 seconds, when target creature or humanoid loses Health, the previous target loses the same amount.
Thoughtsteal: Equip the spells the target has equipped. Lasts for 120 seconds or until unequipped.
Blood for Blood: Cast on a corpse, summons the anguish of its death as an avenging force to reduce the Health of the killer to 1.
Compelling Whispers: Concentrate for 5 seconds to force creatures or people to fight for the caster for 60 seconds.
Evil Twin: While concentrating, manifests illusions of nearby enemies to attack them. Illusions take extra damage from attacks.
Figment of Pain: Creates an immobile illusion linked to the target for 20 seconds. Damage felt by either is felt by both.
Illusory Pyre: Illusory explosion deals 25% of their current Health as temporary damage that wears off after 15 seconds.
Shadowbond: Caster and target gain invisibility for 20 seconds. When the invisibility is broken, the caster and target swap places.
Empathic Agony: For 45 seconds, when the caster loses Health, target creatures or people lose 40% of this amount.
Enslave the Weak: Forces a hostile humanoid below 20% Health to serve your will permanently until slain. You can only have one slave at a time. Does not work on quest characters.
Mimic's Cloak: For 60 seconds, the caster copies most (non-concentration) spells cast by others within 20 foot.
Mind Control: Take control of a humanoid for 30 seconds. In combat, the target will fight back when attacked. The caster cannot act, but can cast spells. Sheathe to cancel.
Seidstone: The stone manifests illusions of nearby dead for 40 seconds. Illusions take extra damage from attacks.
Vanish: All nearby opponents targeting the caster or searching for the caster leave combat.
Master (requires the completion of the Ritual Illusion Spell quest at the College of Winterhold)
Harrowing Dirge: When a cursed creature or humanoid dies, all other cursed targets take unresistable damage equal to 20% of their maximum Health. Lasts 40 seconds.
Hidden Cobra: Curses a target for 60 seconds. The curse reduces Health to 1 if the target leaves combat for 5 seconds.
Last Word: Interrupts target spellcaster. If a spell is interrupted, any other Illusion spells cast on the target within 10 seconds last four times longer and are twice as powerful.
Magicka Void: Reduces the Health percentage of all targets to match their Magicka percentage.
Mirror Entity: Control an illusion of target humanoid for 20 seconds. In combat, the illusion will attack opponents in range. The caster cannot act, but can cast spells. Sheathe to cancel.
Pull From Eternity: Cast on a corpse to capture its ghost. Cast on a target to release the ghost to attack the target for 40 seconds. The ghost takes less damage from attacks.
Scream of Pain: Lowers the Health percentage of nearby creatures and humanoids to the caster's Health percentage. The lost Health is restored after 20 seconds.
Shroudwalk: You are invisible for 90 seconds. When performing an action that breaks invisibility, you immediately regain invisibility, up to 5 times.
Spectral Warband: Manifests illusions of all allies in combat for 60 seconds. Illusions take extra damage from attacks.
Wyrd: The hand of fate chooses a random nearby target. It takes 20% of its current Health for each nearby target as temporary damage that wears off after 30 seconds.
Bone Spirit: Casts a vengeful spirit that homes in on the target and explodes for 50 points of magic damage to undead.
Circle of Strength: Steals 6 points of Stamina per second from hostiles inside the circle.
Wild Healing: Heals the caster 40 points, then heals a random target within range 40 points.
Lamb of Mara: For 30 seconds, you gain 35% of the Health the target loses.
Leech Seed: Infests a living target with a poison spore for 10 seconds. When the caster falls below full Health, the spore absorbs 5 points of Health per second.
Mystic Wind: For 10 seconds, restores 5 points of Magicka per second while the caster is sprinting.
Necroplague: Infects a corpse with a spreading virus that deals 9 disease damage for 30 seconds to nonmechanical foes.
Slay Living: Kills a living target in melee range with 25% or less remaining health.
Welling Blood: Curses a living target. If the target loses at least 60% of its maximum Health within 8 seconds, it dies.
Circle of the Moons: Steals 8 points of Magicka per second from hostiles inside the circle.
Finger of Death: Blast of death magic that damages a living target equal to its Health but the caster takes 125% damage. If this would kill the caster, damage to the target is reduced.
Horrid Wilting: Desiccates nonmechanical targets, inflicting 12 disease damage per second for 10 seconds.
Ruin: Weakens an enemy, reducing all skills by 15 points for 120 seconds.
Sealed Resolve: Places a seal upon the caster for 15 seconds. Losing 50% of your current Health unlocks the seal, halving incoming damage for its remaining duration.
Tree Rings: Caster receives 10 layers of tough plant skin, each increasing maximum Health by 15 points. Layers gradually fall off over the course of 30 seconds.
Blood Boil: Concentrate to summon whirling blood that harms foes within 15 feet and the caster. Deals 25 magic damage per second to enemies and 20 to the caster.
Channel Energies: Casts the (beneficial self-targeted) spell in your left hand on the target.
Decompose: Curses a nonmechanical target for 60 seconds, allowing allies within 10 feet of the target to absorb 15 points of Health per second from the target.
Healing Blossom: Activates 10 seconds after casting and lasts 10 seconds. The blossom heals the caster 30 points per second.
Nature's Balance: Swaps the Health percentages of the caster and a living target.
Resurgence: For 15 seconds, heals 20 points per second when the caster falls below 50% Health.
Master (requires the completion of the Ritual Restoration Spell quest at the College of Winterhold)
Bloodseeker: Casts a homing flare at a target. When it reaches the target, it heals or deals magic damage equal to 175% of the Health the target gained or lost while it was in flight.
Breath of Arkay: Accumulate 50 points of divine energy per second while concentrating. After you stop concentrating, the energy is converted into healing.
Circle of Death: Circle instantly kills living targets below 40% Health.
Dust to Dust: Destroys all undead below 40% health.
Godform: Divine energy replenishes up to 15 points of Magicka per second when Health is above 50%. The higher your Health, the faster it replenishes. Lasts 120 seconds.
Infinite Light: Stream of healing energy that diffracts between targets, healing 150 points per second.
King's Heart: A holy spark slowly follows the caster for 60 seconds. When it is nearby, it fortifies most skills by 15% and heals 15 points per second.
Life's Finale: Corrupts nearby nonmechanical targets and the caster for 20 seconds. The corruption deals 100 disease damage per second to others and 75 to the caster.
Meridia's Wrath: Attunes the caster to light, equipping the Starstorm spell for up to 100 seconds. This spell deals 30 damage per second to undead while the caster concentrates.
Worm Shroud: For X seconds, destroys corpses within 20 feet, improving Restoration spells by 5% for 30 seconds. This effect refreshes and stacks up to 10 times.
Scroll only
Erase Spells: When you cast a spell within 10 seconds, the spell vanishes from your spellbook. Cannot remove starting spells.
Gravisphere: Target is pulled into the air by a floating sphere of high mass for 60 seconds.
Mind Fog: Prevents the target from casting spells or regenerating Magicka for 20 seconds. Bypasses spell absorption.
Oblivion Unbound: Invokes an unholy rage in a summoned or raised creature, granting 200% attack and movement speed. It heals 10 points per second. Lasts 60 seconds.
Stendarr's Embrace: Fully heals the caster, then increases maximum Health by 25% of the amount healed for 60 seconds.
Wizardfire: Devastating blast of raw magicka that deals 400 points of magic damage in a large area but can hit the caster.
Can NPCs use these spells: Unfortunately, modifying a large number of NPCs to use the new spells would cause unacceptable compatibility issues. The solution is ASIS, a tool that goes through your load order and generates a mod file that adds spells from each mod to each individual NPC. Apocalypse is compatible with ASIS, but not out of the box: see the compatibility article.