Fallout New Vegas
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  1. BerdyAlexei
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    WARNING: This mod + Saving Reworked + Anchorage (TTW) + LVL < 8 = PTSD Guaranteed
    (personal experience)
  2. falloutloubegas
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    Gave this a test run at More Dangerous Primm and yeah, wow, this sure does modify the s#*! out of the gameplay. It's also handy that it's functionally a combination mod for a few different various combat enhancers. I was fighting for my goddamn life and never even successfully made it to the Bison Steve because all of these convicts have dynamite for flushing me out of cover and into the wide open plaza. But it was insanely, unbelievably fun. With a 22LR varmint rifle, I was barely tickling these guys unless I was very, VERY precise with my aim, but the passive bleed damage helped. It also hurt, such as when I finally thought that I'd fought my way through and then dropped dead from blood loss on the doorframe of the casino. This mod forces you to play almost perfectly to get through groups of opponents that totally outgun you, to strategize carefully and make incredibly fast snap decisions about your scarce few resources, and that's just how mama likes it.

    Really curious about how this feels at higher levels and against tougher enemies, but for now I can definitely endorse this. Definitely an upgrade in intensity from a simple global damage multiplier.
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Oh man, reading this post makes me super excited, it's just the kind of experience I seek to evoke and that I love to have during my games.

      I've played with this mod for a while, at a certain level already, each fight is an embodied and unique fight. I hope that's what you feel as you progress further with it.

      Thanks for sharing your experience!
    2. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      I had a question about the Standardized Health modifications; the default config of all 0's removes stat and level scaling from HP calculation completely, and so your starting HP is all the HP you've got for the whole game? (except perks like Life Giver, which might be a lot more valuable now!)
    3. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Exactly, you can only get extra HP through perks with this mod. The way it works, not even mods like Dynamic Level Stat Choice can guarantee you extra HP (or at least they're not supposed to).
    4. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos

      it's a good mod folks (used in conjunction here primarily with Sweet Detection System cranked up the max, and Simple AI Merge, but the way this mod handles bleed, localized limb damage, and standardized HP really makes this kind of gameplay exciting)
    5. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
    6. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      Sorry I have one more question about this mod lol. If I initially run the mod with Essential Companions enabled, is there any way to... undo it? Without starting a brand new save?

      Reinstalling the mod with the option turned off, any non-current companions are non-essential, but no matter what, I can't change the two companions that I currently have back to being non-essential, even if I dismiss and re-hire them or anything like that.

      edit: actually, i did find a way, but it involved using console commands to spawn new copies of these companions in front of me, and then taking all my stuff back from the pre-existing copies of these companions and disabling them lol
    7. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Ah, you can configure it from the .ini but... damn. Now that you mention it, it came to my mind what the problem is and how to solve it. I'll work on that. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    8. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      Do let me know once you fix it! I would rather fix it without having to basically make clones of my companions, it seems like recipe for issues later on
    9. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Well... I assume is now fixed. Change a bit of code and tested it but not enough to be 100% sure. Let me know how it works for you! (It's kinda late and I'm kinda sleepy, lol)


      • Version 1.1.3

        • Changing the set_companions_essential setting to zero (or reinstalling the mod with the Essential Companions option disabled) should be enough to stop your companions from being immortal.

    10. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      Fixed immediately and perfectly! Now that's service. Thank you so much!
    11. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      You're welcome my friend! I really hope the fix works, but if not, I'll get to it soon.
    12. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      Oh, when I said it was fixed immediately and perfectly, I meant that it did in fact work and solve my problem lol. Everything's good! 👍
  3. acanthus117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there! This is a very interesting mod and I'd love to give it a try for my next FNV run, but I wanted to ask: how are non-human NPCs affected, if at all? My problem with a lot of damage overhauls and such is that they make robots and super mutants either as spongy as normal FNV gameplay or make them super fragile and thus boring to fight (since they don't really take cover like humans do.)
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      As with humans, all creatures have changed theirs locational damages. Though —for example— despite the Super Mutants recive much more damage and have lower health than in vanilla, they still having more life than the rest of humans including the player, to put it some way: usually a bullet in the head is enough to kill anyone, for a Super Mutant, you'll need around three (this at least in Tale of Two Wastelands) — even so, they are not spongy at all. Armored Wasteland - Mutants can also help if you want them more resistant.

      In creatures, the agressive behavior can be very lethal despite them beign more fragile, like dogs can break your legs in one or two bites. In overall, the modifications are enough to make everything more lethal to everything. Maybe the big loosers here are the Centaurs though.

      I assure you that you will be more stressed than bored fighting anything in any case, hahaha. But I would love to know how the mod feels for you when you try it, I hope you enjoy it but any feedback is more than welcome! o(∩_∩)O
    2. acanthus117
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is exactly what I wanted to hear, thanks!!!
  4. Grohldillo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it normal that enemies can now spot me from far away? To give you an example, raiders on the bridge behind Vault 101 start running at me before I even reach the road, same thing happens with the hidden shack past Primm, even using sneak Raiders start throwing grenades or shooting before I even reach the top cliff from where I usually ambush them or the legionaries at Cottonwood Cave that start running at me before I get to the camp itself.
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      If you are using Cover Based Stealth Mechanics alongside with my mods, then yes. I think you can configure from how afar can they detect you through MCM.

      If the problem it's not that mod, you can hand me your mod list and I'll help you with it- ^^
    2. Grohldillo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! I had another few questions, I know the idea of the mod is to make the game more realistic but there's only one thing I'd like to keep, how can i restore the damage buff from weapon attachments and uniques?

      And the other thing, I've ended up doing some manual tweakings to limb damage, increasing the damage taken on every body part, the bodygear and headgear damage reduction values are multipliers too? I use localized dt/dr and want to adjust some stuff because obviously the head always gets the worst part, I tried copying the bodygear values to headgear values and it seems to be ok but for some reason DR on power armor always scales to +1000. 
  5. Utahist
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance of you including a patch for Titans of The New West? Loving the new Tarkov TTW!
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Titans of The New West should work perfectly with this mod. I mean, it's part of my personal modpack to play with, which of course includes my mod. ^^
    2. Utahist
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Cheers! Just checking, is it normal for me to be able to 1 shot Outcast Protector Casdin in the head with a silenced 10mm, non AP? I checked his body and his T-51b helmet had a 129 DT @ 80% durability, his t51b PA @ 15% with DR 31, DT 6

      EDIT: The Armor Defense Multipliers is set at Bulletproof vests, headshot damage multiplier at 10x
    3. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Try updating! May be a bit late but I kinda "fixed" that unbalanced head damage multiplier. ^^
    4. Utahist
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks! Was testing out the armor multiplier from Titan as well. Your x6 multiplier feels 'just right' for the power armor now! Corner peaking deathclaws in Old Olney without HUD is PTSD inducing
    5. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Haha, I can't wait for reaching Old Olney in my playthrough then! o(≧▽≦o)
  6. Nalushedesh
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Is it compatible with JSawyer Ultimate Edition and/or Vicious Wastes? Would you recommending using it with them?
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      It seems that Vicious Wastes changes the damages and resistances of the game, but it should not be a problem for my mod if you put it below that one, same with JSawyer Ultimate Edition. I can't say much about it 'couse I'm not familiar to both mods, so it would be good if you end up trying them and let me know how it goes. (^人^)

  7. JackieBoo
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    all of a sudden thee bleeding aspect of the mod stopped working. was something changed in a new update to make it harder to bleed them? I see damage numbers signifying bleeding but no blood drips from anyone. using shotguns and 10mm to shoot. using bloodbath blood textures. reinstalled multiple times but trails dont work. 

    yeah every iteration uupwards, but excluding 1.1.5 doesnt leave blood trails for me. im on ttw latest version
    1. JackieBoo
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      1.15 works good, guess ill use that version for now
    2. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Good! But if it breaks again or something, let me now.(〃` 3′〃)
    3. JackieBoo
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      honestly this mod gave this game life, had a 45-minute shoot out in super-duper mart , paired with cover based stealth, and other mods jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez them raiders are dangerous
    4. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Hahaha, I'm glad you are enjoying the "tactical" Fallout experience. ^^
  8. purplenamelol
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is it supposed to make every weapon a one-hit kill?
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      [replied the wrong post]
    2. purplenamelol
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      melee is irrelevant, i was one-shotting securitrons in big mountain with basic 5.56.

      armour seemed meaningless, since everything one taps everything, you can't run out of ammo, and healing items are also useless when you die in one hit.
    3. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      LOL — I replied the wrong post, I was half asleep, sorry. About your question:

      Hmmn, quite strange.

      Are you using any mods that modify damage resistance other than mine? Because it sounds like you play with the setting "Better be naked" selected.

      To kill someone with my mod you usually need one of the following (for example):

      (In the chest)

      • five 9mm shots
      • four 10mm shots
      • five 5.56mm shots
      • two .308 shots
      • one .50 MG shot


      (To bleed to death and by shooting limbs only)

      • 9mm: 5 shots (20 seconds)
      • 10mm: 4 shots (25 seconds)
      • 5.56mm: 5 shots (20 seconds)
      • .308: 2 shots (55 seconds)
      • .50 MG: 1 shot (50 seconds)

      On average, it takes three to four shots to kill anything (without armor) unless you hit it in the head (or you get hit in the head — also considering that you don't have any helmet on). Would you mind passing me your mod list so I can help you with that?
    4. purplenamelol
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nothing i have enabled alongside this mod should affect NPC health in any way.


      i'm also running the recommended settings, except for essential hardcore companions, and opening vats costing AP (i never have good AP and i can't aim for s#*! so this would be unplayable with it lol)
    5. nexusdownld
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey Berdy, im currently experiencing the same. Perhaps it could be a mod conflict with something? Not sure...the only thing I have enabled are ragoll stuff and immersive hit reactions but it shouldnt affect the damage, just the animations and when they happen?
    6. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Hi, buddy — I am currently investigating that issue, although it has been kinda difficult. It would help me a lot if you do the following:

      • Could you tell me the damage that weapons have in your game? I just need a couple of references: the damage of a 10mm caliber weapon and that of a .308 caliber weapon.
      • Your modlist.

      You can dm me if you prefer, thanks beforehand.
    7. purplenamelol
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      10mm does ~95 damage, 9mm and 5.56 both do 76 damage. sorry for the delayed reply, i took a break from new vegas lol
    8. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Don't worry about it, haha. Glad to have you back. ^^

      Well, there it is the problem: 10mm for example shouldn't do more than 25 of damage.

      There is a new Optional File in the Files section —named "TGM - Caliber Damage Normalizer"— download it and put it below Tactical Gameplay Modifications and let me know if it at least downs the damage to something similar to what its intended.

      There is a list for some of the expected damages after the file is installed:

      9mm = 20
      10mm = 25
      22LR = 17
      357Magnum = 30
      45ACP = 35
      127mm = 45
      44Magnum = 35
      5mm = 15
      556mm = 20
      308 = 55
      4570 = 60
      50MG = 100

      If the damages you obtain are still too high after the change, let me know and I'll guide you to fix it.
    9. purplenamelol
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nothing has changed :')
    10. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      🧍‍♂️ ...what? Like nothing at all? That's actually weird.

      Hmn... may be there is a mod overwriting the changes my mod does, or maybe you are using an old version of the mod. Download the last version and the Bullet Snap Redux Patch for it (since you have that mod installed) — put all my mod files in the bottom of your mods load order. 

      If it doesn't work, then the most prudent thing I can do is to wait nexusdownld to send his modlist too, since he seems to have the same issue I may be able to compare your both mod lists and get whats causing the problem.

      I'm really sorry not begin able to give you further help, but I'll keep looking for a solution and inform you about the progress. I'm kinda intrigued for this one, tbh.
    11. purplenamelol
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      it's cover based stealth.
      i had the damage adjustment option enabled.
      i am a fucking idiot.
    12. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL — Well, it's good to know that Cover Based Stealth can cause that, I'll put an advice about it or something. Thanks for telling me! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
    13. purplenamelol
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i would also like to suggest an option to have endurance adjust npc and player health identically, e.g; base health value is 100, 10 endurance would give you 110 hp and 0 endurace would give 90, or something similar
  9. Migueltheball
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey BerdyAlexei

    This is a great mod and this maybe a stupid question, in the LimbTrait ini, the config goes

    left_leg_1 = 0
    left_leg_2 = 0
    left_leg_3 = 0

    How is this defined? i am guessing the mesh of the character follows the human anatomy 


    and the same goes for arms aswell.
    1. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Oh, is not an stupid question at all.

      In the config file you're referring to, the values for each limb are multipliers to the damage they can take. All the types of limbs in the game are stored there, not necessarily the human ones. For example: there are three types of left legs because ants have three pairs of legs, each represented as shown there, but they are just that, representations.

      The damage multipliers themselves are changed in TGMLimbTraitModification.gek, which does take each limb type and modify its value. If you review it, it will be easier for you to understand it. ^^

    2. Migueltheball
      • member
      • 0 kudos
       you're awesome, thank you for your response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      You are welcome! ^^
  10. Yozii123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nevermind, I solved the issue I was having.
    The mod wasn't working but it was due to an error with scriptrunner and some other mods, giving them higher priority solved the scriptrunning issue; enabling this mod to work as intended.
  11. corvotime
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi. I have a problem with this mod. my bullets and shots literally go through the models of any NPC. In the Sunny task, I couldn't even hit the bottles, I had to get as close as possible to get into the bottle. And the geckos didn't feel anything at all, as if I hadn't hit them. What is it? If anything, I'm playing on the fallout extended edition build and there are people in this community who are playing with your mod, but they're fine. And I have such a problem.
    1. nexusdownld
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      This is an issue with the latest update, I have nailed it down to this mod and the latest update specifically. Turn it off and the varmint rifle works.

      Version 1.1.11 works fine, just install that in the meantime.

      The latest update, 1.1.12, fixes a bug in the TTW where another weapon didnt do any damage.

      I think by mistake they did the reverse for the Varmint Rifle.
    2. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      nexusdownld is right, the problem must be the change I made, although it seems strange to me that it happens outside of TTW — I have to assume that Fallout Extended Edition changes the Varmint Rifle's ammunition from 5.56mm to .22LR and therefore also its projectiles I am right?

      I've never used Fallout Extended Edition. Is there an ESP (named like "FalloutExtendedEdition.esp" for example) I can recognize it by? If so, I'll be able to fix the problem in a couple of lines of code. ^^
    3. BerdyAlexei
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      A little update... the problem should be now resolved —not only for the Varmint Rifle and Fallout Extended Edition— but for every weapon or mod that uses 22LRRifleProjetiles, so I invite you to try the new version 1.1.13 to see if it works.

      Also, let me know if it happens with Fallout Extended Edition as it does with Tale of Two Wastelands: that the weapon damages get duplicated (like 10mm based weapons do ~40 damage instead of 25 and so), if it's the case, download the patch in the Optional Files section.

      Let me know if everything works OK from now on. ^^
  12. JuiceCannister
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I know it says it compatible with Tammer's Weapons Pack but poking around the files I'm not seeing anything about it's added ammo types. Also is it possible to patch in my own ammo types?