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About this mod

Comprehensive overhaul for all animations pertaining to the 10mm Pistol. Uses and requires kNVSE.

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  • Idle, iron sight idle
  • Four attack animations, two iron sight attack animations w/ISControl support
  • Two reload animations, one partial reload animation
  • Jam
  • Equip, unequip
  • Inspect animation (requires b42 Weapon Inspect)
  • Optional skill-based reload
  • Full set of movement animations, including: run, walk, sneak run, sneak walk, injured run, injured walk, jumping, sneak jumping, and ISControl support when walking/jumping


All of these mods are featured in the above video.


Compatible out of the box with any mod that does not use kNVSE to modify the 10mm Pistol animations.

The meshes for your 10mm Pistol--or whatever weapon you apply these animations too--must be patched to have an ##ISControl node. If this sounds technical, don't worry--it's possible you may already have your meshes patched! If you don't, you can either grab a patch from Anniversary Animation Pack, as those meshes work perfectly fine here, or you can patch your meshes with SNIFF. Here is a tutorial on how to do this.


If you enjoy these animations, please consider joining my Patreon and supporting me, or making a one time donation, if, and only if, you have the means. I work a full time job, and animating is hard work. Your support helps me develop and support my animations with greater efficiency.

Stylistically, this mod aims to pay respect to the bulky, awkward model for the 10mm Pistol, which I feel that no animation mod to date (including and especially my own) have properly captured. Although I cordially dislike two-handed pistol animations, how heavy looking this pistol looks necessitated a two-handed approach. As it is an early game weapon, I tried to make it look like your character is cradling the pistol, as if it is there sole means of protection; and I moreover attempted to communicate your character's awkward handling of the gun. The magazine doesn't gracefully slide out, and the slide is bulky and heavy, so much so that your character prefers to hold it away from their face when hitting the release.
  • The base reload time for this weapon is now 2.5 seconds, up from vanilla's absurdly fast 1.3 seconds.
  • The partial reload time for this weapon is ~1.8 seconds.
  • An optional file lets you reduce the base reload time to 2 seconds if you have a guns skill of 50 or higher.
  • All fire animation timings remain unchanged (i.e. this weapon still has the vanilla rate of fire).


Question: The reload for this gun is super fast and looks bad. Why?
Answer: You have a very high Agility stat and/or are using the Rapid Reload perk. This will generally make animations look bad. This happened in vanilla, too, but vanilla animations already looked bad, so you never noticed.

Question: The magazine has a hole in it. What did you do?
Nothing! It was made like that. I have no knowledge of mesh modding whatsoever. Hopefully, someone can provide a fix soon.

Question: What should I set my FOV to?
Answer: Between 55 (vanilla) and 75 will look best. Mine is set to 65. I cordially think that anything over 75 looks like utter dogshit, but you're free to set it higher if you'd like. I try to mitigate any weirdness that might happen at higher FOVs, so you should be fine. However, if you encounter something weird looking when you're running at 110 FOV or whatever, you have been warned.

Question: I don't have iron sight animations!
Your meshes need to be patched. You can use SNIFF to do this. It is very easy to use and a tutorial, made by hitman4101, can be found here. Furthermore, any of the patches from Anniversary Animation Pack will work with this mod.

Question: Will you apply these animations to X High Poly Gun Mod?
Answer: Nope! Thankfully, it's easy to do so yourself. You can find out how by visiting kNVSE's mod page (you will need to edit the .json file with something like Notepad++). If you don't want to do that, you might wait until someone else does it for you. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the desire to hunt down every weapon these animations could be applied to and patch them.

Question: What about Clean kNVSE Animation Sets? (Nobody actually asks this.)
It's pretty busted to be honest, and I'm not that motivated to fix it. Some of those animations are good. Some of them are decent, and will be revised so they are good. Some of them are getting thrown in the bin (hello, MW2019-style pistol animations). Keep an eye out--I have more things lined up that should be more stylistically in line with what you'd expect from Fallout.

Question: This isn't very vanilla friendly.
Mostly, I'd say you're right! I'm trying to keep these animations as gameplay-friendly as possible, and while I maintain that a few longer reload times aren't going to screw with things too much, it is changing the balance in some way, even if the effect will be, in most cases, negligible. If you want vanilla+, I recommend combining my old mod, FNV Clean Animations, with hitman's old Anniversary Pack.

Question: I don't like the style of this animation. Will you change it completely?
Answer: Nope! Criticism is very welcome, but the style you see is the style that you get. It's not changing.

Question: Will you make an animation(s) for me?
Visit my Patreon.

Question: Can you help me start animating?
Yes and no. I'm actually a technical dumbass, so in many respects, no. But there are resources available to you here. They are outdated now, but they should help you get started enough to where you can begin asking questions. I might be able to help you if you PM me, but please note that I am busy, and can't promise anything. I will do my best, though--I know it's hard to get started. But you also have to take some initiative.

Without the help of the following individuals, I would not have been able to animate at all.

for inspiring and encouraging me to continue, your technical knowledge
of blender, your advice, and your boundless patience with my confusion.

hitman47101: for supplying the vanilla rigs and answering questions.
DecerBW (Asurah): for answering questions and troubleshooting. EDIT: Anyone who harassed Asurah for taking down their mod, or for any reason before the takedown, are kindly invited to fuck off and not download this mod.
jmajero: for answering questions and troubleshooting.
Jacksonelhage: for answering questions and troubleshooting.
Xolerys1: for your input, perseverance, and generally making our little animation community better.
korri123: for kNVSE, troubleshooting, and for being tolerant of my technical ineptitude.
ShinyHax: for their tutorial.
Obsidian: for making the game.
Bethesda: for creating such a malleable - if wonky - game engine for us all to muck around in.

blender: the primary tool I use to make these animations.
NifSkope: the secondary tool I use to make these animations.