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  1. Rawr40k
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    So the "faces of the commonwealth" series adds voiced female guards, would it be possible to just remove the conflicts this mod has with those and everything will work? I saw you were looking to get permissions for a patch, but because Aurelianis has quit fallout 4 modding, I'm guessing that is no longer possible.
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      I'd need permission from more than Aurelianis, I think. I believe I'd need permission from the authors who made the mods Aurelianis used to make "Faces of the Commonwealth." That's part of the reason why I didn't pursue the patch.
  2. WraithLiu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm not sure why but the minutemen for taking the castle don't have any names which is odd because it did work before.
    Now the only mods that affect the minutemen as whole that I recently added for the new save is "You and What Army 2" and your "Diverse Minutmen" but to my knowledge there shouldn't be any conflicts. Other than that would be "Essential NPCs expanded" that has some overlap but as far as I know the minutemen aren't affected over there and I load this mod after it anyway. Thus far disabling any mods I recently added that effect any NPCs in any shape and form (mostly appearance) doesn't seem to fix it so I guess their names are gone for that save but curious why that is the case when any other NPC has their names.
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      WHN needs to load after Diverse Minutemen so that the names and height scaling will override the two from the Castle (the NPC (Actor) records are otherwise identical, so you won't lose any features by doing this). I'll have to check WHN against YAWA2, but that shouldn't be a problem either, as the latter doesn't touch NPC (Actor) records.

      Someone else asked about compatibility with "Essential NPCs Expanded" just recently. This was my answer:

      The only NPCs in conflict are those at Bunker Hill, as well as Holt Combes in Vault 81. The Bunker Hill NPCs are Protected in vanilla, which carries over into my mod. Holt is mortal in vanilla, which is carried over to my mod, too.

      If my mod loads second, the noted NPCs will lose Essential status from the other mod, but they will keep the "We Have Names" features. My mod will not affect any of the other NPCs that receive Essential status from the other mod, though.

      I may consider a patch for "Essential NPCs Expanded" at some point, but I'm not in a rush since the Bunker Hill crew is already Protected by default and Holt gets the Protected flag via the patch between my mod and Larannkiar's "Recruit Tina, Bobby, and Holt" mod.
    2. WraithLiu
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the explanation. Readjusted my load order, Gerald the comm guy was fixed. The other two not, they kept their MM Rank naming. Not sure If I need to reset them or load further back before they spawn. Don't know if there is anything else that may conflict I need to check though for now the only other recent mod that effect NPCs is "Dynamic Outfitting" which is loaded higher though.

      Well with "Essential NPCs Expanded" didn't really matter to much to me just checked in case something may have been the reason there since I don't know all the technical stuff and would have just given up on that mod than yours.
    3. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      What mod gives them MM rank? That isn't a vanilla feature, so WHN would have to load after whatever mods gives them their rank, too.

      The main problem with mods that turn Mortal or Protected NPCs into Essential NPCs is that those NPCs can't be killed, which may be necessary in certain instances (such as a quest). The Protected flag is the better option since the NPC can still be put down if need be.
    4. WraithLiu
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      • 0 kudos
      Militarized Minutemen but it worked fine before with WHN and load order is also correct also just in case WATM was also part with the working save. I don't think it's that otherwise I would have that issue before it's most likely something more recent, just have to find which one if it can be fixed in this save otherwise I start a new one and excluded the new npc mods I'm unsure about keeping around. Well It's not a bug in your mod so I have to go trial and error here to see what else it might be.

      Edit: Alright figured it out. It was "Dynamic Outfitting" appearantly, completely deinstalled and reloading the castle fixed it. Not sure what exactly interfered there but my best guess is that "Dynamic Outfitting" is reseting the NPCs completly in-game even if WHN is loaded lower.
    5. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Militarized Minutemen doesn't touch the NPC (Actor) records for the two at the Castle, but it does conflict with the late game MM envoy duo that shows up at Diamond City after the Institute is destroyed. Loading WHN after Militarized Minutemen solves that issue. There are some conflicts between Militarized Minutemen and Diverse Minutemen, though, but it appears to be just the vanilla MM faces. Militarized Minutemen adjusts them slightly, so I don't think load order matters all that much. If you don't see any Diverse Minutemen faces, though, just load Diverse Minutemen after Militarized Minutemen. That'll solve the issue until I (or someone else) makes a proper patch.

      Just checked against WATM, and yup, there's a conflict. Loading WHN after WATM should resolve the naming issue. However, WATM makes them stronger (they level with the player), but they're still mortal, while the WHN version flags them as "Protected" and buffs them with the Minutemen Health Perk. I'll add this conflict to my patch list, but in the meantime, you'll have to decide if you want the WATM features or the WHN features for those two, making sure to load your choice after the other.
    6. WraithLiu
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      Well good to know that there are actually conflicts but with my previous set up (WATM->MM->WHN Order) I didn't even noticed any problems and it was fine.
      Though if anyone else screwed up their load order they can reference this post here if needed.

      In the end it was something else, not sure what exactly conflicts with "Dynamic Outfitting" but I talk over there once more updates comes for that since it was a WIP to my knowledge.

      Still thank you for your time and explantion. Clarified some other things I wasn't even aware of.
    7. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Completely forgot to check Dynamic Outfitting, but now that I have, I'm not seeing any conflicts in fo4edit. Dynamic Outfitting uses scripts to work, though, so there may be stuff going on under the hood that fo4edit can't detect. That mod says it only affects settlers, but most Minutemen have settler functionality (including the two at the Castle), so Dynamic Outfitting may be affecting them, too.
    8. MrRomerius
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Hey everyone! Dynamic Outfitting mod author here. Just doing some research on this issue. My mod doesn't touch any actor data in any of its scripts. However, Papyrus can be a hot mess, and a few of the native functions reportedly do weird stuff e.g. AddItem() and RemoveItem(), which I'm obligated to use as I'm placing things inside NPC inventories. I have a number of play tests saved and it just so happens I'm testing the Castle takeover with some new functionality in my next update, so I'll be testing with this mod to see if I can reproduce the issue and find a solution if any (I'm currently not qualified to fix native bugs outside of simple workarounds). Thanks for the info!
    9. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Agreed. There's nothing in your mod touching NPC (Actor) records, so it shouldn't be affecting the Castle Minutemen unless there's some weird interaction with settler functionality (workshopNPC stuff) or maybe base data from ACBS - Configuration, as I had to remove that entry from their template actors in order to give them names. I don't have any functioning save games far enough along to test all this myself, so thanks for looking into this on your end. I'll keep poking around in fo4edit to see if I accidentally toggled something in my recent updates for both Diverse MM and WHN.
    10. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      I think I found the culprit. WHN has to load after any WATM patches, too. Any WATM patch that includes those two MM (such as the WATM/Diverse MM patch) will override WHN unless WHN loads after them. Tested it (spawned them in) and they didn't have names. Once WHN loaded after the patch, the names were there. You may have to revert to a save from before you encountered them, though, as I didn't test that.

      Edit: Retested and made a save with those MM having no name. Moved WHN after the patch and reloaded, and they had names, so you shouldn't have to revert to an earlier save.
  3. Luucy3
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Just popping to say, thanks for this and the Diverse series, both are amazing and thanks to you I can now replace other unnecessary mods that do the same thing but unfortunately are very outdated.

    I'm looking forward to your future work...have a great day 💙😊
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Thanks for the kind words, and glad to hear you're enjoying my mods.
  4. Woolfy123
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    This is excellent and something that I think will replace Unique NPCs - LITE for me in my next playthrough. My one question is, in addition to randomized heights, are there or could there also be randomized weights? That's probably the one feature of Unique NPCs - LITE that I've also really come to find enjoyably immersive. Thank you for the mod!
    1. Greenmailman
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you add Weights, would you mind it being a optional add or remove? i love the tall and shorts, but the Fats don't make sense to me. Except vanilla fats like the Mayor. Skinnies and fits are immersive. who's getting fat in the post-apocalypse?
    2. Woolfy123
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I don't mind at all! Just wanted to ask. :) And fair enough, although I think in my experience, I'd seen a few slightly overweight Diamond City guards primarily. Assuming the only foods to survive the apocalypse were the highly processed Salisbury steaks and other prepackaged foods, it could happen within places like DC. Maybe it's been less immersive and more hilarious to see a slightly chunky raider or guard here or there. 😁
    3. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      History shows that wealthy folks who never leave the safety of their walls are very capable of being fat and happy even during very hard times.

      That said, height scaling is an easy change to NPC records. Weight scaling is a different animal, and I have no idea how to make it work, so I couldn't include it even if I wanted to.

      Edit: In Fo4, the likely candidates for obesity would be residents of the Institute and Vault 81, as they aren't toiling through hard physical labor most hours of most days. Diamond City and, perhaps, Goodneighbor would be next, but likely only among the rich. Covenant could get to that point, too, if I don't lob grenades over the wall after I'm done steamrolling the compound.
    4. Woolfy123
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I appreciate the thoughtful discussion, honestly! You're probably very correct that its appearance would be limited at best in this particular world, even 200+ years later. And no worries at all! I'm still going to switch to this on my next run regardless, so thank you again. You've made some valid points that have changed my perspective on its use in my current mod.

      Also, agreed about Covenant 😂 Have a great day and thank you for the mod! Hope I didn't waste your time :)
    5. Luucy3
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Greenmailman Yeah, being fat in a post-apocalyptic world is the last thing you want haha
  5. mrspongeworthy
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Looks enticing. Anyone know how this plays with Sim Settlements (1) and Rise of the Commonwealth (for that version)?
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      I haven't used any of the Sim Settlements stuff, but if it modifies the same NPC (Actor) records, there will be conflicts, and patches will be needed to make them play nice together. That said, Sim Settlements does a lot of its work via script injection, I think, so there may not be any conflicts at all. On the other hand, if those scripts do cause conflicts, there's nothing I can do about it, as scripts are outside my skill set.
  6. AndreD
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    • 0 kudos
    Will this mod Essential NPCs Expanded (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81995?tab=description) intrude on this mod and it's functions?
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      The only NPCs in conflict are those at Bunker Hill, as well as Holt Combes in Vault 81. The Bunker Hill NPCs are Protected in vanilla, which carries over into my mod. Holt is mortal in vanilla, which is carried over to my mod, too.

      If my mod loads second, the noted NPCs will lose Essential status from the other mod, but they will keep the "We Have Names" features. My mod will not affect any of the other NPCs that receive Essential status from the other mod, though.
  7. whamy03
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    • 1 kudos
    I'm having 2 Oscar Phillips in Tenpine Bluffs for some reason. is this not compatible with cut content aio?
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      I have to admit, I'm surprised it took this long for someone to report this quirk, as I kinda suspected it might be possible. But yeah, technically, they're not compatible. Fortunately, it isn't a game breaking issue, as you can "fix" it by disabling one of them with the console. For future reference, you may find duplicates of the BoS scribes, RR synth, and Far Harborman, too, as they are in both mods as well.

      This is a good example of why I don't like to make unplanned AiO mods (both AiO mods in question were done by request, rather than by design), but I guess I'll have to make a version of the Cut Content AiO that doesn't include the crossover NPCs.

      Edit: I posted Cut Content - Van Cleef just this morning, and I'll likely post another cut content NPC in a couple weeks, after which I'll be updating the Cut Content AiO to include these new entries. I'll create a "no crossover" version of the Cut Content AiO at that time.
    2. whamy03
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm making a new load order for next gen and it includes the diverse series and we have names as well. thanks for these awesome mods! :)
    3. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Thanks. Hopefully I'll have the WHN-friendly version of the Cut Content AiO posted before you start your play through, as updating after you've started may not remove the duplicates.
  8. brianant
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    • 0 kudos
    hi is this ok with old version game as in not the new update
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      It shouldn't matter which game version you have.
  9. DopeFusion
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    Hello, like many I'm back wandering the Wasteland due to the popularity of the Fallout TV show and have been consuming new mods at a random clip. I just had a quick question about yours:

    Does your mod alter the face morph (FMIN) values on these NPCs? I like to use the console and looksmenu to customize my settlers by applying beautification presets downloaded here at Nexus, and I've learned that any settler with an FMIN value other than one will suffer facial distortion on reload because the presets are designed for the player, and the player's FMIN is set to one. There's a few patches that fix this for the more well-known, named NPCs in the game, but nothing for the random NPCs that spawn at settlements.

    Thanks for the mod!
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Most of the faces in this mod are the same vanilla faces applied by Bethesda, so if you could alter then before, you should be able to alter them now. As for the replacement faces, it depends on the face in question. Generally speaking, when I make a replacement face, I use the original face as a foundation, so if the original face has an FMIN value, the replacement face will have the same value.
  10. ArmoredViolets
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    • 3 kudos
    Hey friends, I'm new to modding FO and I'm having a hard time understanding how to differentiate mods that are supposed to add variety to the game so I'd like to ask for some help. For instance, I want to use Unique NPCs - Lite but I have no idea if these two are compatible or even if they make each other redundant. I also really like the Alias mod (which adds randomly generated names) specifically with Alias - introduction needed, so that you only know someone's name if you speak to them; is there a way to make this mod and that one play nice together? Honestly if there's a way to just entirely disable WHN's name generation I'd love that.

    Thanks for your time folks.

    Edit - Hey rsm000rsm, I just realized you're the author of Alias Framework Extended 😅 So if you happen to see this, could you give me some insight on how I should use these mods together? I def want to use WHN - AiO because it seems to add pretty much all the NPC variety I want, and in an apparently lightweight manner. Should I just drop Alias and use this with People are Strangers, maybe?
    1. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      "We Have Names - AiO" and "Unique NPCs - Lite" cover some of the same ground, but they do a lot of different things, too, so getting them to work together without losing any features will need a patch--assuming it is possible, of course. To be honest, though, I have no firsthand experience with "Unique NPCs - Lite" and, considering the mods I make, I probably won't in the future either, I'm afraid.

      "We Have Names" is compatible with most (if not all) mods that apply random names to unnamed NPCs, provided "We Have Names" loads after the naming mod. Although most of these random naming mods function similarly, the "Alias" stuff keeps names in a cache so that they won't repeat until all of the names from the list have been used. This makes duplicate names virtually impossible, so at this point in time, I recommend "Alias - Framework" and its add-on packs over other random name generating mods.

      As for making sure mods work together out of the box, one place to start is to focus on a particular author's mods--at least initially. Most prolific authors will ensure their mods are compatible with each other, and when they're not, the authors usually either create a compatibility patch or note that the mods aren't supposed to work together, so it is one or the other. The vast majority of my mods are intended to work together, although some of my more recent stuff has minor conflicts with my older stuff, but I'll be addressing that in the near future. In any case, once you get a feel for how mods interact and work together, you'll be able to better recognize which mods will work together, which ones will need a patch to work together, and which ones aren't intended to be used together, even if a patch would allow it.

      Anyway, hope that helps.
    2. ArmoredViolets
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks for the detailed reply. I guess I'll drop Unique NPCs lite then.
      Two more quick questions if you don't mind:

      1) So you can use this with all the Alias mods... but since Introduction Needed doesn't carry over all the groups this mod affects, would you say I could use this + alias mods - Introduction Needed + People are Strangers to achieve a similar effect?

      2) Apparently this mod also changes the NPC's faces to add variety, right? I'm trying to figure out if I need to make use of something like Faces of the Commonwealth as well.
    3. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Wall of text incoming, so my apologies in advance...

      "We Have Names" isn't a random name generator. It gives permanent names to select NPCs who don't have names, but which are otherwise unique. For instance, take the settlers who occupy Tenpines Bluff, Oberland Station, Nordhagen Beach, Country Crossing, Greentop Nursery, and Somerville Place. Those NPCs are always at those settlements, and they always have the same appearance. "We Have Names" gives them permanent names that will carry over every time you start a new game. "Alias" (and other naming mods) names them, too, but the names will change with each new play through. One thing that "Alias" (and other naming mods) doesn't do is account for family names. Those settlers are families, so "We Have Names" gives them proper family names, too, whereas the random name generators just give them random names. This is why "We Have Names" has to load after a random name generator, though, as this will allow my names to override the randomly generated names.

      I haven't yet played with "Introduction Needed," but from what I can tell, it operates in largely the same way as "People Are Strangers," so you don't need both. In fact, they might interfere with each other if you try. If you're going to use the "Alias" stuff, use "Introduction Needed" since it was designed for use with "Alias."

      "We Have Names" and "Faces of the Commonwealth" are wholly incompatible and would require major surgery to get them to work together. If you want the greatest amount of NPC variety that'll work with "We Have Names" right out of the box, then look no further than my "Diverse" series. I just posted Diverse Rust Devils yesterday, which is the final entry in the series.
    4. ArmoredViolets
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      • 3 kudos
      Damn, just in time. All right, I'll probably end up using the Diverse series. Much appreciated. 

      About Introduction Needed and People are Strangers, I know they don't work together haha. I typed a "-" (minus) before the former. I don't think I should use it because they would only work on the Alias Mods, so every NPC named by your mod wouldn't need an introduction which would be weird. People are Strangers seems like a way to achieve (essentially) the same effect for this mod's modified NPCs and Alias' ones, simultaneously.
    5. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Yeah, "People Are Strangers" is definitely more thorough with hiding names. "Introduction Needed" appears to only work for settlers and BoS at the moment. I can't say for certain that it would hide the names provided by "We Have Names," but it should. Based on the video review I watched, it was hiding the names of major characters, so I figure it'll hide my names, too. Just be aware that "People Are Strangers" doesn't actually supply names, and "We Have Names" doesn't give names to random spawn NPCs (such as workshop settlers), so you'll still need a random name generator if you want every human, non-feral ghoul, and gen 3 synth to have a name. "Alias - Framework" and its various sub-mods is the most thorough for naming random spawn NPCs. An alternative is Rename Anything, which will allow you to provide your own names, if preferred.

      Regarding the "Diverse" series, I'll be updating and finalizing them over the next several weeks in preparation for a Diverse AiO. I'll be updating "We Have Names" during this time, too, but that'll be ready much sooner than the Diverse AiO.
    6. ArmoredViolets
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Awesome. I think I'll end up using
      Alias mods (except Introduction needed)
      We Have Names AiO
      People are Strangers
      to cover names and some physical variation (especially height).
      Then I'll finish with the Diverse series to guarantee facial variety.
      If I'm understanding this correctly I think that should work pretty seamlessly!

      I'll be sure to endorse all of yours mods we're talking about as thanks for them and for your help c:
      As for the updates, I'm not sure I'll be around for those because I've already spent more than a week building this load order and I just want to play this goddamn game already lol haven't even made my first character yet. But we'll see, if they're updated seamlessly enough onto a save maybe I'll give it a try!
    7. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      That looks like a solid combination. Just remember to make sure WHN loads after the Alias stuff.
    8. ArmoredViolets
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      • 3 kudos
      Hey rsm, sorry to rent you for a bit more time but I wanted to make sure.. your Diverse mods mention they're compatible with anything "save those mods that make use of the same NPC (Actor) records". I have many mods that change armors for specific factions, add different behaviors to them, etc. A few examples would be ThatsGunnerLife, ThatsMercLife, South of the Sea - Atoms Storm, the Improved series by Warsaw2135... are those compatible?

      I installed Diverse Children of Atom as a test and Vortex isn't announcing any conflicts but I don't think that's enough guarantee.
    9. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      Vortex won't show conflicts. You need FO4Edit for that.

      I'm not familiar with either Gunner Life or Merc Life, but the page descriptions seem to indicate that all they do is change the contents of existing armor/outfit/weapon lists, so I would expect them to be fine. If the author made any direct changes to an NPC's default outfit, though, that might have some unexpected side effects. Essentially, this would mean that either the new faces from the "Diverse" mod in question won't show up in game, or NPCs with the "Diverse" mod's faces won't be using the gear from those mods.

      I use Atom's Storm myself, so I know it is compatible.

      Also, the Improved series should work, too, since the author doesn't touch the face pools.
    10. ArmoredViolets
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      Cool, so worst case scenario some cosmetic changes won't carry over. I guess I'm okay with that. All right, if you don't wanna add anything else I'm now officially out of your hair haha. Thanks again and have a good weekend.
    11. rsm000rsm
      • premium
      • 172 kudos
      I ended up checking both Gunner Life and Merc Life, and they're compatible with my Diverse series, so you're good to go there.
    12. ArmoredViolets
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      • 3 kudos