A highly detailed University Point settlement. Every building or room can be opened up. Every busted roof or wall can be repaired. All of this is navmeshed, precombined, etc
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Some of the assets I borrowed require permission from their original creators, so please ask first. Anything I've made myself is open use though.
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Translations available on the Nexus
GermanAuthor: Tenhats u Aurelianis --- Translation ProfKnibble
University Point Settlement - with Immersive Repair German
Version 1.01.1
Fixed some of the floors in the Sports Office and Archives & Registration lacking workshop placement collision.
Version 1.01
Filled out the Sports Office with rooms, furniture, items, and junk.
Fixed bug that prevented the first part of Randolph Safehouse from starting
Fixed bug that set the enable state for the items and loot in the bookstore to the opposite of the repair state.
Version 1.00.3
Fixed collision issues in many of the repaired versions of the boarded up buildings.
Version 1.00.2
Added alternative unlocking condition; completeing "Nuclear Family" will allow you to unlock the settlement without clearing the synths.
Updated Inn mesh to have better collision, no more sinking objects, thanks to Hozsa.
Version 1.00.1
Fixed misdirected texture pathway that caused some windows to be pink. Main and JP Compat affected, others did not have this bug.
Version 1.00
Put this mod near the bottom of your load order This always seemed like an ideal settlement location to me, it deserves to be made well; so with Aurelianis's help I pulled out all the stops and made this my highest effort most detailed settlements yet.
Immersive Repair for the 5 default buildings
Open All Buildings & Rooms by removing their plywood. In total you can open up an additional 7 buildings, 2 wings of existing buildings, and 5 rooms.
Highly Scrappable, without the need for outside mods
Regenerated Precombines
Custom Borders which perfectly match the build space
Fully Navmeshed in a way that adjusts as you scrap & repair
Full Functionality such as radiants, minutemen/raider quests, recruitment, provisioners, and so on
A Trash Cleanup Box, scrap the box to optionally and instantly scrap most trash, located on the workbench
Linked Workshop Items, the shops, beds, generators, razorgrain, and water purifiers so that they all function as expected.
Installation To avoid installation errors please read this short guide.
Can be added mid-game. Save somewhere far away from the settlement before installing. Clear out all the synths, both inside and out, to unlock the settlement. It can also be unlocked by completing "Nuclear Family."
I also added a batch file to the misc files section to help players with the incline of the Slocum's Joe Cafe building. To use first hit ~ to open the console, select the object you wish to adjust, then type "bat unip" and the item will align itself with the Cafe. Big Thanks To: Glitchfinder for the script used in repairs Robboten for many repaired individual pieces from Snappy Housekit Hozsa for the repaired Inn, Hardward Store, and blue Dorm mesh from "HZS Offices and Stores" from their discord rsm000rsm and Gavdaman for testing the prerelease version for bugs and visual mishaps
All other custom meshes were made by Aurelianis who likewise unboarded the Sports Offices and Archives. Anything else not mentioned here was done by me.