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About this mod

Addon pack of 6 new recreational plots for the mod, Sim Settlements.

Permissions and credits
If you are looking for the conversion of this mod (DownTime 2!) to the new SimSettlements2 mod, please click here.  I have given permission to fftfan to maintain and update that conversion as he sees fit.  I will be continuing to maintain DownTime!, as per below.    -Des

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People have *needs*, people!  Not everything can be about work, sleep, and defending the home.  There has to be time to relax… to play… to just unplug from the world and do something fun!  Add a little pleasure to your Sim Settlements with the DownTime! SS add-on – 6 new ways to boost happiness in your settlement and bring you that much closer to 100% Nirvana!!!!

Requires Version 4.1.4 or Greater of Sim Settlements


New Recreational Spaces: 6
New Homes: 0

New Shops: 0
New Factories: 0
New Farms: 0
New Defenses: 0

Building Features

Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: No
Performance Settings: Yes

So much fun for the whole family!  Don't worry about keeping watch, or stressing about your next meal... relax, you're a part of a team now.  It's ok to let loose!  Visit any of these plots today and throw your cares away!

Boston Public Library Branch
A prized possession of the settlement reflected in its solid brick construction.  It represents all that has been accomplished to date and the future potential of generations to come.  Two stories tall from level 1 onwards, it features indoor and outdoor seating as well as books, magazines, and newspapers for your viewing pleasure.  Also features assets from El Ha/Zorkas’ ‘Be an Author’ mod.

Our Community Stage / Podium
A civic centre like no other!  Compère a concert, pitch your politics, moralize the masses, and award the achievers!  Two stories tall at level 3, these three building scenes will invoke nostalgia and humour you the old-timey way.  You can even gather the plebs to your plot with the summoning bell already installed. You won’t be disappointed!  Now with even more cowbell.

The BoardGame Café
The Commonwealth’s largest board game selection in one location!  New games and old ones, there are many to grab and play... with snacks, drinks, bowls of candy to enjoy - whatever you can dream of is a just a roll of the dice away.  A two story building made of wood with a game centre on the bottom, and a pool hall upstairs.  Enjoy the thrill of outdoor chess or smacking pool balls around to unwind after a long day working.  Also features assets from DieFeM/Nikoli’s ‘Board Games’ mod.

A Public Park
Now with rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and…water!  Settlers can sit down and enjoy a lazy afternoon under the sun with a picnic built for 2, or a fun-filled BBQ roast the whole family can enjoy.  A single story plot with trees reaching up into the sky, they'll find pleasure relaxing in the grass reading a book from the library, or meditating to the quiet sounds of the settlement.  Or, they can catch up with friends with a game of boules or rounders... the possibilities are endless!

Dance Hall and Studio
A popular place for settlers to unwind and socialize, mingle, and let loose!  A much needed place for the expression of music.  Downstairs exhibits a dance floor, musician/singer platform, jukebox, and drink stand; upstairs features a recording booth, record-making equipment, and some radio paraphernalia with broadcasting curios. 

The Boxer's Gym
A place for settlers to go to blow off steam or develop skills and techniques to keep themselves in the finest shape possible, complete with trophy on display!!  Reaching two and a half stories tall at level 3, it features a boxing ring downstairs with open-air seating for spectators, and a fitness gym upstairs.  Ever interact-able, the gym provides several pieces of equipment you and the settlers can use, not only for settlement happiness, but also for personal benefit.


Future Plans!

3 new plots (below), and some interior versions of all these plots are all in the planning stages.  Also noodling around ideas related to branch signs for each settlement, and randomized clutter for some of the more static plots in the mod so each time you arrive, you can see a shift in how the clutter looks.  If there is interest, I will continue to produce more content.  Mostly recreational plots at first, but could branch out into other plot types, if the fancy strikes.

The Commonwealth Post Office
It's not really a settlement of success unless there is a post office; it represents the connectedness of the communities and the ability to communicate freely (and cheaply!) during times of limited travel or general busy-ness of the settlers.  A two-story marble wonder from level 2 onwards, it boasts package and letter sorting services and simple post office boxes for mail retrieval.  Compatible with Akarnan's 'Postal Delivery Service' mod but not required.

Visitor Info Centre
Yes, these existed back then.  They weren’t as fancy, but they did exist.  This one is an info centre/museum combo, catering to visitors and tourists alike. Two stories tall at level 3, it features maps, locations, and fun things to look at and suggestions of places to visit.  The museum upstairs boasts curios from around the Boston area, as well as touch mementos from the Lone Survivor!  Don't miss it, drop by today!!!

The Settlement Cemetery
Come reflect on the meaning of life while remembering those who have gone on before.  It is a time for healing, sadness, saying goodbye, or performing a ritual of remembrance.  Admire the flowers and flags left by others and sit for a spell near the columbarium, paying respects to those who rest for eternity.  Meditate, pray, or speak lovingly to the deceased; your time will be a reflection of the circle of life.  Emerge well rested with the knowledge you have done your part for the


As I am a brand new modder to both Bethesda games, and mod creation in general, I want to thank a ginormous amount of people for their help, patience, and endless answering of basic questions.  A special thank you goes to RobotsSmell, who was there every time I needed any kind of help or just to chat with when it was all just too much.  And of course, I cannot forget the amazing individuals within the Sim Settlements modding community, especially those on the Discord: Tinuvia, Uituit, Jonathan, MunkySpunk, Whisper, XV-Versus, and (of course) Kinggath.  Without you, and your amazing community, I would be dead in the water!

I also cannot forget Nikoli (‘Board Games’), ElPolloAzul ('A Tableful of Dice'), lilkandeekid ('
Left Boxing Glove') and Zorkas (‘Be an Author’) who have all graciously agreed to allow me to use their assets in my mod.  A huge thank you to them all, and if you haven't done it already, you should go and check out their mods.  Way cool!