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James Bowen

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About this mod

26 Settlement Plans for all main settlements in the commonwealth. The goal of these plans is to make ROTC work with Horizon. These plans always builds a workshop for Horizon, never exceed the build limit, and leave space for players to modify their settlement for their Horizon build. Every settlement included has 4 levels.

Permissions and credits
26 Settlement Plans for all main settlements in the commonwealth.   The goal of these plans is to make ROTC work with Horizon.   These plans always builds a workshop for Horizon, never exceed the build limit, and leave space for players to modify their settlement for their Horizon build.   At level 3 none of the settlements exceed the build limits in the vanilla game.
The approach of these City Plans is to make it where the Horizon 20 Traders are spread out throughout the Commonweath, and the Settlers available for Missions are also spread out.   These approach keeps you from being able to spam beds, and making it necessary to ally all settlements in the Commonwealth.   If you want to max out your missions and traders for Horizon you will have to ally all of the main settlements.  Without being able to spam jobs in one City you will find resources gained from missions are more challenging throughout a playthrough.

Each workshop will have on the wall the following:

T 2
D 1
I 4

This stands for the number of Horizon Traders you are allowed to build in the settlement.   You will use Horizon Architect menu to add them with vendor contracts.   You will find a unique spot in the settlement to put them.   In the above example there would be two spots.  Do NOT use commercial plots from Sim Settlements they will not give you vendor credit.

Same as Traders except this is for doctors in the example you would be allowed one.

The settlement will have Industrial plots from Baron's mod (as a part of the City plan).   These will give you settlers able to go on missions.   To maximize your mission benefits you will need to consult your command table and change the building plan to reflect which types you want (ie militia, engineer, writer, etc.)  Make sure to NEVER select any industrial building plans besides Baron's they will unbalance Horizon and not give you the ability to do missions.  You are not supposed to place additional plots then what the City gives you to keep the playthrough challenging.

Never over build limit
I purposely never allowed myself to go over build limit so you can modify each development with Horizon objects you have earned, and customize the settlement via your perks.   When you are playing Horizon you cannot use a City Plan that does not allow you to modify it.  You may want to go ahead and exceed the build limit for yourself, but the plans do not force you

In every City Plan there is scaffolding by the front gates.   You can always safely place Horizon Turrets in these locations.

You will need to have Horizon 1.7+ scrapping patch installed.   It is important you follow this rule:


Procedure for each Settlement:
1.) Finish all quests until Sim Settlements says building plans are available (not necessary in Sanctuary)
2.) Once you are allied with workshop in command window type scrapall.  This must be done before starting all settlements.
3.) In settlements Horizon has confgurations available execute them (ie Rebuild castle wall, and eliminate the Sanctuary Homes).
4.) Drop City Desk
5.) Make sure your industrial plans only include Horizon Industrial from Baron's mod.
6.) Set everything to designer choice.
7.) Set unique settlers to be assignable.
8.) Set NPCs to not be assignable away from work objects (otherwise your Traders will prefer to do Sim Settlement Plots).
9.) Pick the Horizon City Plan and start.  It will prompt you to tear down everything select yes and since your already "scrapall" you are gtg.

I recommend you use COOT's early City Planner's holotape or load one for yourself.  I also recommend to play with City Leaders not required so you can use the plans before going to the Museum.

Plans (All 4 levels) Included:
Abernathy Farms
Starlight Drive Inn
Tenpines Bluff
Red Rocket Truck Stop
Hangman's Alley
Oberland Station
Greentop Nursery
Sunshine Tidings Co-op
County Crossing
Finch Farm
Taffington Boathouse
Outpost Zimonja
The Slog
Nordhagen Beach
Kingsport Lighthouse
Spectacle Island
Croup Manor
Egret Tours Manor
Jamaica Plans
Coastal Cottage
Murkwater Construction Site
Somersville Place

The Following Sim Settlement Addon benefit my City Plans but are not required

RS Buildings
Ruined Homes and Gardens
Sim Homestead
Wasteland Ventures All-In-One

Going From v1.00 to v1.01

If you built any Cities in V1.00 recommend you do a City refresh if you see the Horizon objects looking duplicated in the workshops.