TLDR: It is a significant optimization feature used by the game.
Disabling it allows you to scrap more but may severely reduce performance depending on your hardware. Settlement Modding Information:
There are some fantastic tutorials available for learning settlement modding:
Eventual plans may include a City Plan for this someday. Anything I add to the location would be via City Plan only, so that other builders can build whatever they want for their own City Plans, Transfer Settlements Blueprint or personal build. My interest in custom settlements is renewed by Sim Settlements Conqueror!
So, the Scrap Addon seems to completely break routing throughout the settlement. The bots won't move an inch, and my followers won't enter the vicinity. It also leaves a lot of things highlightable but still unscrappable & unmovable. I just used it to clean up the place and then disabled it, which seems to have fixed things...
Side Note: you can use the "disable" command to remove things that you can't scrap. I've never seen any issues arise from this when doing it myself, but if you accidentally disable the wrong thing then you can just "enable" it again and all will be fine.
HEY! Maybe you can help me. I was disappointed with how much clutter is untouchable at the Galleria as well, but I can't seem to do anything about it. I have Place Everywhere (with extra selection enabled), and Scrap Everything, but I can't select anything other than random junk. I have tried console selecting objects like the cars, trees, street lights, etc, and the console immediately comes back with "Picked Non Ref AV Object" and commands return nothing.
Hmm, I would assume that's a load order issue. Scrap Everything needs to be the VERY last mod loaded (unless you also happen to use this Castle Walls Restored mod). I was only able to replicate that problem with SE completely disabled, though, so I'm not positive.
It may be worth trying some of the other scrap mods just to see if they fix the problem or not; could be a mod conflict if they don't.
I think you're not wrong. I had SE already loded last, but I downloaded the Scrap Addon for this mod and noticed that it still wasn't working. I checked, and it put it really high in the load order. I put the scrap addon at the bottom, and at least as of the last few minutes I have been able to delete stuff at the Galleria just fine so I'll see how it goes from here. Thanks for the idea!
There are several locations in the commonwealth that seemed to be obvious settlement locations, however, they are not. This is one of those locations that should have been an obvious location.
That being said, this is compatible with Sim Settlements 1, but does it work with SS2? Will there be an update?
I have the mod scrap everything and yet I cannot remove the robot remains and things in the buildings like broken furniture, is there something I can do so I can actually finish fixing up this settlement so that I can upload it eventually for everyone to have?
It's been years but back then I think it was the old PRC ENB(before PRC X), the faded glory preset or perhaps golden age. PRC X replaced it, and I think it's what I'm using now. I like the new look and it seems lighter on performance for me(although I upgraded too so that helps)
To scrap those you could try out the Precombine Breaker addon.
Or alternatively, I have a WIP version with some regenerated precombines & previs. Only the large building pieces are precombined for it. I don't consider it adequately tested, but I could upload it as a beta. It might be best that way too since it's difficult to find time to test it so it's uncertain if it ever would otherwise. 30+ cells are modified due to how PreVis works, so it will be necessary to check in xEdit for mod conflicts. Generally this ESP should load after conflicting files, but for quest mods it's going to be case by case for if issues might happen. All depends on how the quests were set up in terms of how they used any of these cells. In some cases like if the quest mod also relies on Location data overlapping with this ESP, a conflict resolution patch might be necessary. In the worst case, other mods may have also regenerated precombines/previs in any of the same cells. In that situation the only solution is regenerating precombines with the other mod(s) also being loaded alongside this one & the DLCs. My understanding is that doing this requires asset usage permissions from the other mods' authors as I believe it is considered by NexusMods as reuse of their level design work in the exterior worldspace, &/or may fall under this:
Policies and Guidelines - File Submission Guidelines?: User-submitted content that is predominantly intended to interact with existing user-submitted content is subject to the approval of all parties involved and may be removed at the request of the author of the original content.
Unfortunately the precombines/previs system can be highly problematic in some places and depending on how many mod conflicts would result it can be not worth it to offer a regenerate version.
At last I decided to make Atomic a settlement, so thanks for this
Problem I have tho, I can not hardly scrap anything, even tho I have SE installed. So was thinking I could install - Precombined Breaker - But, does that change it for the game or ( hopefully ) only the settlement ?
Only for the cells used in the settlement, since if people wanted it gamewide(not advised IMO) they can either use SE with the ini edit or simply adding the ini edit themselves. Otherwise should use SE without the ini edit, in order to have scrap recipes to get components when scrapping them. It can still work without scrap recipes but will need to activate Extra Object Selection mode from Place Everywhere and won't receive any components.
If you have mods like Boston FPS Fix or similar which include CELL edits/ITMs for the relevant cells then you will need to load the base settlement ESP after it in order for Location setting to apply. It will not function as a full settlement otherwise and likely also undo the precombine breaker, if any CELL edit that include new precombine/previs are loaded afterwards.
Actually got a notification for this so looks like Nexus fixed that, nice. I'd been retired from modding for a while, most of 2020. But recent announcement got me interested again so who knows. Maybe I'll do stuff again if I feel like it.
That would be so amazing. Definitely what you have done is such a great effort and so appreciated, so there's no expectation at all. However if you did this I would be even more thankful :)
TLDR: It is a significant optimization feature used by the game.
Disabling it allows you to scrap more but may severely reduce performance depending on your hardware.
Settlement Modding Information:
Eventual plans may include a City Plan for this someday. Anything I add to the location would be via City Plan only, so that other builders can build whatever they want for their own City Plans, Transfer Settlements Blueprint or personal build. My interest in custom settlements is renewed by Sim Settlements Conqueror!
If it works well I will add it to the description. I'm busy right now so will be a bit of a while before I can give it a proper try.
Side Note: you can use the "disable" command to remove things that you can't scrap. I've never seen any issues arise from this when doing it myself, but if you accidentally disable the wrong thing then you can just "enable" it again and all will be fine.
It may be worth trying some of the other scrap mods just to see if they fix the problem or not; could be a mod conflict if they don't.
That being said, this is compatible with Sim Settlements 1, but does it work with SS2? Will there be an update?
Or alternatively, I have a WIP version with some regenerated precombines & previs. Only the large building pieces are precombined for it. I don't consider it adequately tested, but I could upload it as a beta. It might be best that way too since it's difficult to find time to test it so it's uncertain if it ever would otherwise. 30+ cells are modified due to how PreVis works, so it will be necessary to check in xEdit for mod conflicts. Generally this ESP should load after conflicting files, but for quest mods it's going to be case by case for if issues might happen. All depends on how the quests were set up in terms of how they used any of these cells. In some cases like if the quest mod also relies on Location data overlapping with this ESP, a conflict resolution patch might be necessary. In the worst case, other mods may have also regenerated precombines/previs in any of the same cells. In that situation the only solution is regenerating precombines with the other mod(s) also being loaded alongside this one & the DLCs. My understanding is that doing this requires asset usage permissions from the other mods' authors as I believe it is considered by NexusMods as reuse of their level design work in the exterior worldspace, &/or may fall under this:
Unfortunately the precombines/previs system can be highly problematic in some places and depending on how many mod conflicts would result it can be not worth it to offer a regenerate version.
At last I decided to make Atomic a settlement, so thanks for this
Problem I have tho, I can not hardly scrap anything, even tho I have SE installed.
So was thinking I could install - Precombined Breaker -
But, does that change it for the game or ( hopefully ) only the settlement ?
If you have mods like Boston FPS Fix or similar which include CELL edits/ITMs for the relevant cells then you will need to load the base settlement ESP after it in order for Location setting to apply. It will not function as a full settlement otherwise and likely also undo the precombine breaker, if any CELL edit that include new precombine/previs are loaded afterwards.
Thank you