About this mod
Brosca family morphs for the Dwarf Commoner Origin. Modular, with choices for White, Black, Brown and Asian morphs.
Includes options for use w/ Fine Dwarven Beards.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
What can I say, I like options!
As I do, I tried to make each mother and daughter pair look similar to each other. Kalah did say she used top be beautiful, and Rica couldn't have gotten all of her looks form her father.
All versions of Rica have long hair and braids of some sort, since Beraht specifically mentioning she has "braids down to here" (so assuming long), as well as flattering makeup, as our sister is a very pretty lady, so she 's gotta look nice.
All versions of Kalah look a bit disheveled. She has deep bags under her eyes, and some wrinkles. I made it a point to make sure each version has brown eyes, even if Rica didn't, because Rica gushes about her son having big, brown eyes. Her hair isn't as long as Rica's, never going past her shoulders in any iteration, and while it looks nice, it's also messy. And, with the exception of black Kalah, none of them are wearing any kind of makeup. She's hurt, bitter, angry, why should she even bother with that?
Paragon of Her Kind
I absolutely love when games feel alive. For example, when NPCs change outfits or appearance as the game goes on (like I did in my Jowan edit). Since Rica and Kalah show up again during Paragon of Her Kind, I couldn't resist doing the same thing for them!
Rica has a new morph for when you see meet her again in Orzammar, with new makeup, some pretty jewelry and a new fancy updo. She has a new UTC edit which features a bejeweled dress (from Vaelsmod's Fine Dwarven Threads), based on the joking response the player can respond to her with after seeing her (Rica? Is that you under all those jewels?). I've also edited her epilogue UTC to use her new morph, with a vanilla noble outfit, so that's included as well.
Kalah's makeover is not as grand as Rica's. She has a new hairstyle (being either longer or neater), she's put on some light makeup, and, with the morphs with visible ears, joined her daughter in getting some earrings. She also got a new outfit (also from Fine Dwarven Threads, the fancy silk suit option).
I've also included a UTC edit of Rica & Kalah in the vanilla Dwarven noble outfit (with each version or Rica wearing a different color), using the new morphs, since the modded outfits don't have lods and I know seeing peoples bodies distorting from far away can be a wee bit distracting. XD
(The Paragon of Her Kind edits are in their own folder in each of downloads, so feel free to delete the folder if you just want their basic morphs. :))
Fine Dwarven Beards
Fine Dwarven Beards is a wonderful semi-lore-friendly mod, and I honestly just feel like our big sister deserves to have a beautiful beard. The Fine Dwarven Beard morphs have beards (and stubble, in Kalah's case) for both the origin morphs AND the Paragon of Her Kind morphs, with the same edited UTC options as the non-bearded versions.
Do note that, if using these, none of the Rica morphs will be wearing jewelry during A Paragon of Her Kind. The way their earrings and jewelry work in the toolset is that they take up the beard slot, which is now being taken by an actual beard. The white Kalah version will still have her earrings since she has stubble instead, and that's not effected by the beard slot.
Make sure you have the requirements downloaded!
Download the file(s) you want, unzip the folder(s), and plop the folder into your override folder (Username\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override)
Just delete the folder(s). :)
The headmorphs can be removed at any time.
While the UTC edits can be removed as well, the outfit is "baked in" to the save once you enter the area. So if, for example, you decided you didn't like the dress Rica was in when you return to Orzammar, you'd have to delete the edit (or edit it, put her into a new outfit, feel free!), load a save from before entering the city, then enter it again for the change to take effect.
Pictured mods
Subtler Default Skin Replacers
Alternative Default Eyes (version B - uncompressed)
True Colours REDUX
Revised Tattoos (Complete Pack)
Black Eyes (Dark Sclera for Chargen) (self edit)
Pants for Women
Female Noble Clothing Overhaul
CawCrowche's Reshade Preset For DAO
Cleaner screenshots from conversations
A big thank you to the following mod makers, these morphs wouldn't be possible without your resources!
Ellise, Kani Hime, LesbianBear, SammyJC & ViLiSSa for their fantastic skin textures
Tepkunset for their beautiful skin tones
SammyJC & Tepkunset for their eye tints
Exarielle & SammmyJC for their beautiful cosmetic options
CommanderStrawberry, Jenya66, Mrs-Risibisi, Orsino, Tepkunset & tmp7704 for their wonderful hairstyles and ports
And lastly, CommanderStrawberry for her jewelry