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Ben and WitchWeed

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About this mod

Adds about 4200 new lines of dialogue across all 34 characters who have a heart level.

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3.0 Stable Release for SDV 1.6.8+:
This mod has been updated for 1.6.9

What's in this dialogue expansion mod?

All New Canon Friendly Dialogues: this massive mod adds over 4200 unique lines of dialogue across all NPCs with heart levels, while aiming to keep a canon-esq, family friendly (SFW) tone. No vanilla lines are lost! This mod is good for veterans and first-time players alike: No characters undergo radical changes in personality. So if two players met, one having played with this mod and one having played without, they would have more or less the same "feel" of all characters.

-new day-to-day dialogue messages for ALL 34 characters who have a heart level. When starting a new game, most dialogue is the same as vanilla, but as you raise characters' heart levels in increments of 2, they tend to open up more often and become more personal, vulnerable, and/or philosophical.

-new marriage dialogue messages across all 12(+1) spouses (about 50 per spouse).
Note: Flirty, PG-rated dialogue that indicates physical intimacy is now a little more common. ConcernedApe had a couple of suggestive lines, so I took this concept and expanded on it a bit. All new marriage dialogue is SFW.

-new dialogue messages for year 3+ festivals.
Years 1 and 2 feature the same festival dialogue as vanilla. Years 3 and 4 each get a brand new set of dialogue. For year 5 and beyond, the dialogue is randomized between the four sets.
(The night market and desert festival are not included.)

- new dialogue messages for when you gift NPCs with Loved items.
One universal Loved gift per NPC maintains its original vanilla dialogue, but this means every Loved item has a unique response.

-All new content is SFW. Subject material and language are at the same "PG" level as vanilla. (i. e. hell and damn are the worst the language gets and are still rare.)

Extra Details about this Mod:

i18n Integration: all lines have been transferred to i18n format for easier translation, and to improve the quality and variety of lines you see as a player. If you are a translator, please check the readme for instructions! A list of current and anticipated translations can be found in the comments section of this mod page, stickied to the top of the page.

Config Settings: you can set each character's config individually, as well as turning off the festival dialogue changes as one edit. the options for NPC settings are "true" for on, "false" for off, and "random" to have the code randomize on/off each day. All Festival Dialogue can either be on or off. It is highly recommended to use Generic Mod Config Menu to set your config settings.

Compatibility: This mod is compatible with Gender Neutrality Tokens Mod, Diverse Stardew Valley, and Unique Gift Dialogues Expanded automatically! When you have this mod installed alongside any of those ones, it will detect that and edit what you see accordingly.  UGDE dialogue and Canon Friendly's Dialogue will each have a 50/50 chance of displaying by default, and custom lines will be shown utilizing your GNTM or DSV config settings. For other mods, please check the FAQ below.

ReadMe: this txt file is intended for modders and translators, and provides instructions on who to contact about questions or concerns, how to provide translation with i18n, and a brief list of the lines that have been written or changed from update to update. Please check the readme if you are a translator

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this mod compatible with other dialogue mods?

Short answer: Yes, mostly! Nothing will break if you use two dialogue mods together :)

Long answer: SMAPI can only load one line of dialogue per "key" (example: Mon8 is Mondays at 8 hearts). If two dialogue mods target the same key, only the one loaded last will be displayed in your game. To account for this, canon friendly now has a few different compatibility features! There is a Config File that will allow you to turn off or randomize an npc's edits via Generic Mod Config Menu. This is useful in cases where Canon Friendly is loaded after another dialogue mod you wish to use. In instances where the other mod always loads after canon friendly, covering up canon friendly's dialogue edits, compatibility is slightly more complex. Please feel free to reach out to WitchWeed on nexus or discord to discuss these kinds of compatibility concerns, so that they can add intentional compatibility for these mods to canon-friendly's code! You can also manually add a false dependency to that other mods manifest to make it load later if you want that mod to cover keys shared with Canon friendly entirely. In that case, you can set Canon Friendly's config to on, and only lines that aren't touched by the other mod will be displayed. 

Is this mod compatible with SVE? NPC Gender Swap mods?

Short answer: not completely, and we currently have no plans to add additional compatibility. 

Long answer: On a technical level, yes this will work alongside SVE, but Gizzymo didn't design this mod with SVE in mind. SVE's dialogue for it's new characters is thorough and Gizzymo has expressed that he has no plans to create a version of Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion with SVE in mind for various reasons. However, with appropriate permissions from FlashShifter, he wouldn't object to someone else creating a separate dialogue mod to pair with Canon Friendly that integrates better with SVE. Canon Friendly should also work with mods that swap the gender of NPCs if you use the config to turn off edits to that npc. At this time there is no plan to add additional compatibility on our side for mods that change the gender of npcs. If mod authors would like to reach out about intentional compatibility between their mod and Canon Friendly, they can contact WitchWeed to discuss. 

Known SVE contradictions:
*SVE redesigns the Spirit's Eve festival maze from year to year, while this mod includes additional dialogue sets with only the original two mazes in mind.
*This mod includes a brief explanation for what happened to Sebastian's biological father, which is included in the screenshots on this mod page. SVE has a contradicting explanation. Apparently, there is no contradiction if you toggle the "mature events" to off.

*Pierre makes a reference to JojaMart having higher prices, which is true in vanilla but not in SVE.

What is Gender Neutrality Mod Tokens?

GNMT is an optional mod that you can use alongside Canon Friendly Dialogue to set how you are referred to by NPCs. It does not automatically make your gameplay genderless, but instead allows you to set your pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and honorifics. It is not strictly for transgender or nonbinary players, but ANYONE who wants additional control over how NPCs talk about the player. 

This means that you could, for example, choose the woman farmer body and use GNMT to have NPCs use he/him pronouns and call you "sir". You can set multiple options for each config value, so if you want NPCs to switch between she and they pronouns for you, list both with a comma between them. You can also use the "Term Of Endearment" and "Adjective" config values to change pet names and compliments to those you'd prefer. GNMT does not change anything about how NPCs are labelled, and Canon Friendly will work perfectly fine without it. You can turn GNMT on or off in your mod list, without changing anything about Canon Friendly. 

Can I install this mod for a previously existing save file?

Yes. Install and uninstall this mod as much as you'd like. It has no bearing on the save data at all.

Can I use this mod with SVE mobile 1.5?

Yes. The old version of this mod that is mobile compatible can be found in the archived files of this mod page. A link to that download can also be found in the comments section. This version of the mod is currently unmaintained and may have bugs or unoptimized code. A rework for this version may come in the future, but we make no guarantees at this time.

How do I install?

Requires SMAPI and Content Patcher.

1. Download and unzip this mod. You should see a folder titled [CP] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion.
2. Locate your Stardew Valley folder. Go to Stardew Valley > Mods.
3. Drag and drop the folder [CP] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion into Mods.
*Always delete the old version if you have it, before moving the new file.

You may want to consider downloading GMCM to manage the config in-game. The Gender Neutral Version is now rolled in to the main mod, and requires Gender Neutrality Mod Tokens to work. To change what you are called while using the Gender Neutral Version, simply edit that mod's config settings. This mod allows you to set multiple pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and terms of endearment by listing them with a comma in their config!

How can I quickly verify that the mod is working?

Start a new save file and talk to Shane. The first time your character interacts with him, there will be a "...?" punctuating the end of his dialogue. In vanilla, the same sentence is punctuated with just a "?".

What if I encounter an Error?

For bugs, please post a bug report with a smapi log in the nexus forum in the bug reports section. For spelling, grammar, or continuity concerns, reach out to Gizzymo here on the nexus forum in the comments section. For compatibility errors, reach out to Witchweed on nexus or Discord via the instructions in the readme, or use the config options provided by this mod to turn off conflicting edits. For translation errors, please reach out to the translators directly via their nexus upload's page!

Please post or PM gizzymo or WitchWeed if you find issues that need fixing, or if you would like to contribute to any translations.

We are so proud of this massive update, which would not have been possible without the support and knowledge of many other modders. Thank you especially to Airyn, Lumina, 6480, Atra, Tiakall, Abagaianye, and LOGO for all your help in making this happen!