About this mod
Expands upon the worldspace of Skyrim by adding content to the regions behind the border gates. In its completed state the mod will add new landscapes, interiors, items, settlements, and NPCs in small areas of Hammerfell, Morrowind, Orsinium and High Rock. Finally, it will feature a questline dealing with one of the games most famous mysteries...
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
FAT Skyrim - A worldspace expansion
! this version is outdated. Look here for the recent version !
This mod expands upon the worldspace of Skyrim by adding content to the regions behind the border gates. I will not add the whole neighbouring provinces - only the small areas that are closest to Skyrim. Let's say roughly the size of one hold
per province of playable area will be playable. In its completed state the mod will add new landscapes, interiors, items, settlements, and NPCs in Hammerfell, Morrowind, Orsinium and High Rock. Finally, it will feature a questline dealing with one of the games most famous mysteries...
For now, you'll be able to explore the adjacent areas of Southern Morrowind and Hammerfell. Some interiors are already accessible and included, more will be included in the coming updates. Please refer to the Development Plan down below to see what will come up next.
This version exists primarily to give players the opportunity to express their opinions and expectations on further expansions of this mod.
So enjoy what there is to see and let me know what you think!
DISCLAIMER: This mod is still WIP. This means, the regions that are added are absolutely playable and polished to a fair amount, but things can and will change and expand with further updates.
(EVG Animated Traversal is now a hard requirement)
DISCLAIMER3: This mod does not stand in concurrence with Beyond Skyrim. In fact, I'm a year-long member of a BS team, and this is my side project. This project can not and will not compete with Beyond Skyrim, since it will not have complete provinces, nor is it its aim to accurately depict the culture, biomes and overall style of the neighbouring provinces; mainly vanilla assets are used for this.
To clarify again, this mod will never deliver full provinces, nor will it compete with Beyond Skyrim's releases, it cannot and will not reach the same quality in scope or depth. This is mostly vanilla assets, expanding what you have in Skyrim, and a fun treasure hunt at the end.
The Great Riddle - It's a feature!
The core idea that this mod was built around was to finally shed a light on one of Skyrim's most famous and mostly disputed mysteries. The mystery I'm talking about shall stay a secret for now, and it will be up to you players to find out what our questline will be about. WIth future coming updates I will add more and more hints (both on this modpage and in the mod itself to discover) regarding that topic. The first person that messages me the correct deducting of those hints, stating what mystery the questline will involve gets to immortalize him- or herself in the mod: A character designed by the winner will play a major role in the coming events. So keep your eyes open and your wits sharp;)
The first hints shall be released with version 1.5 (the Orsinium update).
The questline itself will similarly consist of loosely tied puzzles and hints that the player will have to find and deduct correctly to advance. There will be no questmarkers or guiding lights - you will have to look closely and read between the lines to find out where to go and what to look for next. At the end of your adventure you will be granted a worthwile reward, that much I can say. Furthermore, the first player to message me a certain keyword obtained from the final stage of the questline will be publicly awarded as Skyrim's best treasure hunter on this modpage. Including ever-lasting bragging rights and another custom feature that gets included into the mod.
My mods are free of and always will be. If you value my work and want to suport me,
you can buy me a coffe on kofi
- Expansion of the exterior Tamriel worldspace behind Skyrim's border gates (currently Hammerfell and Southern Morrowind + northern coast of Morrowind)
- new locations to explore
- new weapons to wield and treasures to find
- all in all just more Skyrim!
This mod will conflict with mods that alter the border gates.
Patches provided for:
Unique Border Gates SE
Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass (IDDP)
Beyond Reach (this mod works as a patch: Beyond Reach - Tweaks and Enhancements)
Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell
Nyhus and the border of Cyrodiil
Into the West
No further compatibility issues have been reported yet.
You are allowed to create patches. If you send them to me I will upload them here as optional files.
You will need to remove the map's invisible border walls to be able to reach the new areas. You can use this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7011
simply add "bBorderRegionsEnabled=0" to your .ini file
Create LOD with DyndoLOD (for objects) and SSELODGen (for terrain) for the best experience. Or just use Dyndolod v3 for both ;)
From v0.8 EVG Animated Traversal is required!
Development plan
0.7: Hammerfell & Southern Morrowind exteriorfinished + navmeshed + few interiors + creatures
0.7.x: Fixes
=> we are here => 0.8 – 0.9: various updates adding more interiorcells
1.0: Hammerfell & Southern Morrowind completed with all interiors
1.0.x: Fixes
1.5: Add Orsinium Exterior + Navmesh + first few hints of the treasure hunt
! First person to send me a message with a note ofwhat the treasure hunt is about and where the first hint leads the player to
will get immortalized in the mod !
1.5.x: Fixes
1.6: Add Orsinium interiors
1.6.x Fixes
2.0 Add Northern Morrowind + Navmesh + New Hint
2.0.x Fixes
2.1 Add Interiors
2.2 Add Interiors + Fixes
2.5 Add new Hint
3.0 Add High Rock exterior + NavMesh
3.0.x Fixes
3.1 Add interiors
3.5 Add new Hint
4.0 complete release, all hints implemented, quest reward implemented, questline complete
! First person to post the “solution” to the finalriddle & shows they completed the quest gets a reward (=gets declared
winner on the modpage, can rename a location or npc in the questline, may add
custom content idea for 4.1) !
4.0.x Fixes
4.1 Winner’s reward implementation
4.1.x Fixes, final update
Modding takes time. Good modding takes a lot of time. Hundreds of hours go into large projects like this.
I create mods for free and just for fun, principally because I love Skyrim and wanted more new lands to explore. To my taste, there were
nowhere near enough good-quality New Lands mods, so I had to create one
myself. Hence, I started the development of Fat Skyrim.Additionally to my personal project, I'm a contributing member of Beyond Skyrim, where I act as Lead Level Designer for BS: Atmora.
My mods are free of and always will be. If you value my work and want to suport me,
you can buy me a coffe on kofi
Credits for custom assets
Antique Statue HD:
Morrowind Nord House Pack:
Mr. Siika Caastle Seaview Kit (forHigh Rock):
Lor Modder Resource:
Moddder Resource Pack: WitcherExtension
Phitt’s Sheogorad Resource Part 1& 2:
Kelretus Modders Resources:
DK’s Ships and Boats vol.2:
Hoddminir Runestones:
Skyrim Unique Treasures:
Statue of Kynareth:
Map in title image: Lumi_ka on reddit