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About this mod

Small Solitude compatibility fixes for Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes and various mods

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There are minor incompatibilities with Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes and some other mods which changes rocks records in Solitude. They aren't big and - depending on your load order - some of them may not occur in your game or you haven't noticed them. This tiny patches (made for consistency maniacs like myself) allows to deal with them. All files are ESL-flagged and packed up into fomod installer.

Currently patched:
- JK's Skyrim by Jkrojmal and Teabag86,
Redbag's Solitude by RedBag,
- Legacy of the Dragonborn by icecreamassassin,
- Dawn of Skyrim by Vaelka,
- Drengin's Blue Palace Terrace by Drengin,
Enhanced Solitude SSE by kojak747,
- JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim (patch) by Teabag86.

For JK's Skyrim / Dawn of Skyrim combo you need only one dedicated file (installer won't let you install separate patches for JK'S and DoS).