About this mod
Individual patches to make to make some dungeons added by mods "Clearable" for those who use Experience mod
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
The patches are currently experimental and are recommended for testing purposes at this time. Authors of said mods are more then welcome to make changes and add this feature directly into their mod if they wish.
Some of these patches also includes minor fixes!
Please provide feedback and suggestions. I will only be making patches for dungeons / quest mods I use personally.
To make your own patch is fairly simple if you wish to contribute, but it requires the creation kit.
Instructions on how to make your own patch.
1.) create a new location "DungeonName"Location and give it the keywords LocTypeDungeon and LocTypeClearable, as well as the appropriate parent location in the worldspace "if the dungeon is located in Falkreath Hold, the parent location should be set to FalkreathHoldLocaton"...
"Some mods already have locations but lack appropriate keywords and references"
2.) assign "DungeonName"Location to the interior cells of the dungeon, and the exterior cell in the worldpsace where the entrance / map marker is located
3.) assign Loc Ref Type = Map Marker Ref Type to the map marker/entrance of the dungeon.
4.) assign the the Map Marker to the 'World Location Marker Reference' in the "DungeonName"Location.
5.) assign Loc Ref Type = Boss to the placed NPC Boss of the dungeon and ensure the placed NPC has a persistent flag... also assign the "DungeonName"Location to the bosses persistent location.
Killing the dungeon boss should now mark the dungeon as cleared.