Your character will accumulate dirt and blood dynamically, which you can clean by swimming, standing in the rain or taking a bath. The effects are mostly visual only and do not affect gameplay. NPCs will also get bloody as a result of battles. Mod is designed to be simple and lightweight.
This mod would not be possible without the idea and assets of mz1n and their amazing mod Supler Simple Bathing. I also took my optional Soap texture and model from Tathrin's Super Simple Bathing ''Extra Clean'' Patch, as the one in the original mod wasn't working for me. Thank you for the great asset!
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Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visual Effects Traditional Chinese Translation
Version 2.37
Safe to update mid-game.
The "Water Required" setting would only detect if you were ankle-deep into water. This worked for most situations, but annoyingly if you were standing under a waterfall that landed on some rocks, the system would not work, despite the waterfall being a pretty convenient way to wash yourself, shower style. I've added a mini system to detect nearby waterfalls roughly above your character. It's not 100% perfect and it might trigger a bit too far from the waterfall, or even not detect the waterfall at all, but chances are that the waterfall will indeed be detected and soap will allow you to bathe under most circumstances.
This was tested in the waterfalls near Broken Helm hollow, as well as the shower inside the Skyhall home, both working super well. I've also added detection for nearby water basins so you can use soap near them too. All of this is only used if you have the "Water Required"" option selected, and as usual, there are no scripts constantly working in the background or anything like that. The game checks your surroundings for waterfalls only when you activate the soap or spell.
Version 2.36
Safe to update mid-game. This mod was released 4 years ago, and here we are, still updating it with fixes and new features!
Last update was pretty big and changed the method in which soap/scissors are implemented. I mistakenly left these items at 1 septim value though. I've given them a more realistic value now so they're not so dirt cheap.
The old soap/scissors technically still exist in the mod for compatibility reasons, but you should stop seeing them unless you have a mod that distributes them. In any case, I've changed their name to reflect they're not as pristine as the new objects and might, therefore, not work.
Version 2.35
Safe to update mid-game. Kind of. This update will most likely break submods/MCM addons for Dirt and Blood, until they're updated for 2.35.
Added an option in the MCM to disable NPC reacting to your dirtiness. As you might or not know, some updates ago I added a feature where certain NPCs (especially children) might comment on you being dirty or covered in blood. This can now be disabled in the MCM.
Added an option in the MCM to enable "Water Requirement for Baths". As you might or not know, using soap or the "Wash and Rinse" ability does NOT require you to stand in water by default. This was done so you the player can decide when to activate the skill and when not to do this according to their own rules. This is still the case, but now I've added the option to FORCE the player to stand in water in order to be able to wash themselves. This option will not be selectable unless you use the mod called "Wade in Water", which I use to detect the water level.
Fixed a bug that would make soaps stop working randomly. This was fixable by dropping the soap to the ground and picking it up again, a reocurring joke among users of Dirt and Blood. This is certainly steamy and a great scenario for an oMod, but it was never intended (Believe it or not lol). Soap should now behave as it should and work whenever you activate it.
Technically, I've left the "legacy" soap in the game, so if you're updating mid-save, you might still have some of the old soap. No worries, just use it or drop it and it'll be gone forever.
Same bug could be witnessed with the scissors, making them stop working randomly. This is now fixed too.
Both items also received descriptions in menus, even without using Description Framework.
Unfortunately, if you were using a mod that changes the icons of scissors or soap, or that distributed the soap of Dirt and Blood, they will require an update to reference the new items.
The soap mesh was missing a texture normal, fixed.
Hair reminders would eventually stop working and stop reminding you about hair growth. This was an annoying bug discovered and fixed thanks to mod author Driwell. Thank you!
You could go in first person while washing yourself, which would break the camera and potentially teleport you to the last door you opened. This is no longer the case.
Using soap should automatically close the inventory window now.
Changed messages from first person to second person, to match the vanilla style. Most messages are "impersonal" though, so everyone is happy.
Version 2.34
Tiny update. Safe to update mid-game. I'm sorry for the constant mini updates. I can't sleep at night knowing I have a bug lol.
Greybeards lose health while teaching you a word. I don't know why. It's a vanilla thing. That means however that they would get bloody while teaching you words during the main quest. I've added an exception for these guys.
Removed a small random ITM left in the previous version.
Version 2.33
Happy new year, my favorite dirty and bloody warriors! Small update, safe to update-midgame*.
I've added certain ghosts that didn't have the keyword for being ghosts to the exclusion system, so they don't get bloody as you lower their health.
I've fixed the exclusion system for dirt on NPCs. Many of you marry Sylgia (Yeah, you've heard it here first, Sylgia is married to several people behind your back!) but she would still get dirty after some time. This has now been fixed once and for all.
*Mods that modify the MCM of Dirt and Blood might need an update.
Version 2.32
Small changes. Safe to update mid-game.
Objects like the scissors and soaps will show a description in the inventory menu, thanks to Description Framework:
Swimming in the canals of Riften does not clean you up anymore. Cause the water is not particularly clean. Just a small easter egg.
Hair scissors and changing your character's hair/beard is disabled while you're a vampire (OR a werebeast/werebear in beast form). In the 3 years the mod has been online, no one has complained about this, but hey, here's a fix!
Gave soaps a keyword so they can be sold to merchants. Theoretically they could also be bought from merchants, but I don't want to edit their inventory for compatibility sake.
I've created a (VERY) optional patch between DnB + Wade In Water Redone. This requires enabling the "Soaps are Required" MCM option and this will make it so you MUST stand in water to clean yourself:
Version 2.31
Safe to update mid-game. Very small change.
Some of you were experiencing a (pretty rare) bug that would make the blood from DnB no longer be applied to your character. This patch makes sure to solve this. Kudos to PO3 for their help!
Version 2.30
Hello DnB fans! It's been a while. This update is small, but adds a significant improvement for your immersion sake. Safe to update/install mid-game. Enjoy!
NPC REACTIONS: Some NPCs (especially children) might comment on your stench briefly when you talk to them, suggesting you take a bath. This is taken from vanilla voice lines, so it sounds 100% perfect. The lines only trigger for stages 3 and 4 of dirt and it doesn't affect anything, it's just there for fun. There's a timer too between reactions so the lines don't repeat themselves.
New mod release: If you enjoy Dirt and Blood, you might enjoy it's cousin, "Decay and Rot", errr, I mean, Immersive Death Cycle:
Enjoy the update!
Version 2.24
Tiny update. Safe to update. Familiars and summons do not get bloody anymore, since they're sort of "ghostly" and it looked bad.
Version 2.23
Everything from 2.22, with a failsafe: if your Papyrus Extender is not being detected correctly for whatever reason, it reverts silently to how things worked in the previous version.
Version 2.22
It seems there was an issue with version 2.20 and 2.21 and bathing, should be fixed now
This update has been brought to you by Shadow Lege... Wait, no. This update has been brought to you by the amazing Nightfallstorm, partial cat, partial optimization coder hacker genius and all-around cool cat-person. All kudos to them!
Very Important: As of version 2.2, this mod now requires our Lord and Saviour and probably the 10th Divine PowerofThree's Papyrus Extender. The latest optimizations of this mod make use of their amazing black magic code for an even more seamless performance. Make sure you UPDATE PO3's mod, as we require the latest version for DnB to work correctly now. Also, if for some reason you don't like fun or can't update the mod, just stay in the older version of DnB. There's nothing wrong with it and it's been working well for some time now.
Safe to update mid-game.
Integrated the VR patch as an MCM option. Toggle NPC and/or Player animations on and off directly from the MCM.
Soap Fixes: Fixed soap being consumed twice in certain circumstances. Fixed soap not working if you had more than one.
Player and NPCs can no longer bathe while they're already bathing. I never even knew of this bug. Shame on you and your cow if you activated bathing twice before bathing had finished. In any case, now you no longer can.
Black magic all-around script improvements on the player script. (NPC's don't use a script for their dirt and blood related needs, they use Just Blood's scriptless implementation)
Removed AllGUD message that came up when you're bathing if you have that mod installed. No, really, now for real. It was supposed to be fixed in the last update but bug came back for revenge.
Version 2.11
Bugfix: Some people were experiencing CTD upon a bandit death that was previously covered in Dirt. I personally was never able to replicate it in hundreds of hours, but it was annoying some people so this update should (hopefully) fix it for them. Kudos to Titanbane who was who came up with the fix! Thanks a ton!
Bugfix: When I implemented the automatic AllGUD detection in the last update, I forgot to remove a message in the corner used for debugging. Gone in this update.
What's next? Earlier this month I released "Leaps of Faith" and "Nilheim - Quest Expansion" just yesterday. Feel free to check them out! I have a couple of additional mods in the works, but it might be some time until they're ready. Enjoy the update and my other mods!
Version 2.1
- Animals get bloody: With this update, now Animals, Dragons, Giants, Trolls, Falmer, Werewolves and of course, NPCs will be affected by the blood effects, these being larger or smaller depending on their current health. I've added some screenshots to showcase how it looks. As always, these blood overlays will work together with vanilla or EBT blood effects. No patches needed, nothing has to be updated, safe to update mid-game AND no performance cost (other than the visual cost of the blood overlays, which should amount to 0 anyway)
This feat is achieved thanks to SPID (which became a requirement of this mod since version 2.0), allowing me to apply the blood effects on all sorts of creatures without any performance impact.
- AllGUD support. While bathing, your character will unequip all displayed items, now including those from AlllGUD too. Items return to their place after putting the clothes back on. Automatic detection, no patch needed. This also affects bathing NPCs.
- Magical Glitter: Fixed a compatibility issue with... erm... a certain mod. By default, there's a chance to apply the blood on the player each time they get hit. Some sexual mods apply their "congratulations, you reached the finish line" with an effect that sends... er... "magical glitter" all over your character. These are registered in the game as literal projectiles (like... arrows), which of course have a chance of triggering my blood effects on your character in what could only be described as a scene from a Tarantino movie or perhaps Carrie. Talk about a mood killer! Although I'm sure there's an audience for that type of bloody delight, I've patched it so your character can only get bloody if below 100% health.
- Less Menu Clutter When Using Soap: When you activate the option "Soap Requirement", the Wash & Rinse ability will be removed from your character, since now you can simply click on your crafted Soap from your inventory menu to replace what essentially was Wash & Rinse. This is done to clean your magic menu a bit further. If you want to use Soap + have the spell in your list of spells, you can use the console to add it back. (Search for the formID of the spell "Help rinse" and then write "Player.AddSpell FormIDhere")
Have fun! As mentioned, safe to update mid-game, nothing required from your side.
Version 2.0
NEW REQUIREMENT: - D&B 2.0 now has now a mod requirement. Spell Perk Item Distributor. For those that don't know it, this is a sort of framework that allows modders to bypass "cloak scripts" or in the case of my mod "alias scanners". This saves resources for the engine.
- How to install Spell Perk Item Distributor? Just like any other mod, you install it, activate it and that's it.
WHAT'S NEW IN 2.0? - Performance improvement: The biggest script load from my mod came from searching nearby NPCs to monitor their health, when they get hit, if they are blocking or not, etc. in order to understand when to apply the blood. This search happened every 15 seconds and it selected the closest 10 NPCs. Now it happens... never. Currently in 2.0, there's only one reocurring script. Instead of every 15 seconds, the self-repeating script will happen only every couple of days. Quite the improvement!
-NPC blood effects: Before, only 10 actors could be bloody at any time. Now, there's no limit. The way NPC effects work now is that the lower their health, the bloodier the NPC will be. This allows you to easily spot who is low in health by looking at how bloody they look (No need to look at the HP bar, just check how bloody the actors are!)
- There are two exceptions to the effect mentioned above. The player is handled separetely (more complex, with timers, dirt, etc.) and followers. Followers do not follow the general NPC effects. Why? Because followers automatically insta-heal after a battle, so they would NEVER stay bloody. As soon as battle ended, they would be clean. This looked a bit silly, so I made a mini system for them. Followers that fall under 50% health will get a random blood effect that lasts 5 minutes. (Or until you get them clean via swimming or the NPC bathing spell). This follower system will detect all followers, no matter what follower mod (if any) you use.
- Clicking on the soap in your inventory now activates the washing ability. If you have a mod that adds soaps to the game, it will require a new patch for them to be activable via the misc menu. It will continue working as usual from the ability "wash and rinse". Adding this to custom soaps is easy, patch authors can contact me for info.
Version 1.75
Small 1.75 Update!
- New Option in MCM. "NPCs can bathe too." (Disabled by default) If you enable this option, you will get a new Wash and Rinse spell that can be used on NPCs to have them remove the blood and perform the same animation as the player. Is this needed? No, that's why it's off by default. NPCs will continue getting rid of their blood effects after 7 minutes without you having to do anything. I'm adding this option cause some of you have been asking for this forever and it was actually very easy to implement.
- Blacksmiths/Beggars/Bandits won't be SUPER dirty anymore. It was bothering me when playing the game that some blacksmiths were completely dirty. As in... "Jesus, at least clean your face, I can hardly see you under the mud" type of dirty. They will now only have somewhat acceptable levels of dirt.
- Blood on NPCs ONLY gets applied when they're missing some health. NPCs must be below 70% of their total health for my blood effects to apply. I think it makes sense: If they're only getting a couple of scratches, there's no chance for them to get bloody. This also will solve any issues with mods that register "attacks" or "hits" on actors when they're not really being attacked. (Don't ask for specifics, you don't want to know!)
- Bugfix: "I said no effects on player, Mr JaySerpa!" I hear you. Player won't get dirty when inflicting damage if they have deactivated "Effects on Player" via MCM. This is for those that only use the mod for the NPC bloody effects, and want none of that dirt on the player.
- Soap direction when bathing reverted. I'm unsure about this one. I've reduced the speed of the soap shader (the one that shows up when bathing, with bubbles and stuff) and have reversed the direction. Many of you complained that the soap was "going up" instead of going down. Thing is, the shader can only go in one direction and your character is "round", let's say. So if one side of the soap goes up, the other goes down. It used to be that soap would fall down in the face, torso, etc. and soap would go up on the back of your character. I've decided to revert this for now. Why? You usually see your character from the back, and in the front it should be less noticeable as your character will be moving their arms and cleaning themselves. Let me know your thoughts, I can revert this change OR even disable soap moving and just have it be an static shader.
Version 1.70
This update can be installed on an existing save. All submods for D&B will continue working as before.
Maintenance: - New MCM option: Added a "Restart" button in the MCM that will reboot all player functionalities related to this mod. Some users complained that after some time, the rain stopped cleaning their characters and that the hair reminders would stop. I can't reproduce it from my side, but this new option should come in handy for anyone facing something similar. Clicking the button will remove your current dirtiness level and return it back to Dirt1. The invisible spells and perks that Dirt and Blood uses as "background magic" for the systems to work will be removed and then re-added to the player. This will be like installing the mod for the first time on your save. Keep in mind that this only affects player-related functionalities.
Bugfix: - Certain ghosts bypassed my ghost-check (spooky!), allowing them to become bloody when hit. Well, no more! I've added an additional ghost-check failsafe that should keep those ghost-sheets as white as a frost troll's pelt.
Textures Shoutout: - Not part of the update, but I strongly recommend checking out the amazing HD textures for Dirt and Blood by NolBear. These textures are top quality and much much better than mine. I *personally* would prefer the Dirt 1 and 2 levels to be a bit less pronounced, but nothing a quick photoshop edit won't fix. Thanks so much for creating these, you rock! <3
Version 1.66
26-Aug-20: Properly ESL-fied all elements of the 1.65 update and got rid of an error that could spam the log.
Version 1.65
25-Aug-20: Performance, compatibility enhancementes and bug hunting update. For the safety of your saves, I recommend waiting until the next playthrough to update, as nothing was technically "broken" in the last version and everything will continue to work.
- Optimized script operation. Two main aspects:
a) Narrowed down and modified the order of the conditions that the game uses to find suitable targets for my mod. This should speed up recognition of actors and free up even more resources for your always expanding load orders =D b) In the same vein, I more than doubled the time of the loop check to find actors that can bleed. (From 5 seconds to 12s) For you this means that you might see less actors covered in blood when they're fighting each other and you're not involved in the fight, but I personally couldn't tell the difference and I believe this will also be unnoticeable for most of you. This was done in order to avoid an animation bug that could affect NPCs that were sitting down and eating. (They wouldn't eat in previous versions). With the new approach, the animation completes a loop but restarts at the end. It's quite the niche bug, but with this fix it should be even harder to spot in the wild. If concerned, I recommend the mod Animated Eating Redux SE edition which helps with the animation by expanding on the items the NPCs can eat.
- Rain and Swimming tweaks: Although they should remain the same for you, the effects of raining and swimming have been completely separated from one another. This should mean you will no longer experience funny times when it's raining and you can suddenly not get cleaned by swimming anymore.
- Someone complained about the washing sound affecting their FPS. I figured since some of you probably use custom showers or wash without water (you monsters!), I should offer the option to disable the amazing and ultraimmersive washing sounds. Option is now available in the MCM.
- Tweaked the wording of dirt / blood status descriptions. I wasn't too happy with the choice of words for some of the magic effects, so I used the opportunity to fix this and bring more consistency to the descriptions.
- Added support for up to 15 custom soap items. This means that making patches for other mods that add soaps will be quiet easy now. Quick-how-to: There's a formlist called "dirty_listofsoaps" in my mod. Add the soaps from the other mods to my formlist (up to 15) and the ability will consume one of these when bathing if the soap requirement option is enabled. Ask in the comments if you need further help.
Version 1.60
15-Aug-20 - Added sound effects when using the washing ability. Some messages are now optional via MCM. Carried out some small perf enhancements and bugfixes.
Version 1.5b
10-Aug-20: Added the old "brighter" textures as an optional file, for those that preferred the bright textures. Not recommended for most of you, but the option is there. This is a patch that must be applied to the game on top of the main file. Compatible with all versions, it only touches shaders. Safe to merge with the main ESP as well if you know how.
Version 1.5.1
10-Aug-20: If updating from 1.0 to 1.5, please read the sticky, there's lots of changes. From 1.5 to 1.51 the difference is a small bugfix. The bug would allow for non-hostile spells like "healing hands" to trigger temporarily blood on NPCs. Those spells would register as attacks, so the temporarily blood would trigger. This is no longer the case. Safe to update mid-game.
Version 1.5
09-Aug-20: Many changes, read below or directly here:
As a summary:
- Automatic Re-equip feature - Dirt on Bandits - Dirt on NPCs based on their professions - More subtle gameplay effects for the stages (intimidation, disease resistance, speech bonus... All very small and subtle) - More UI transparency for the stages - Improved textures - You can get bloody by attacking too, not only by getting hurt - New MCM features to tweak things some of you complained about - Blood turns into dirt eventually - QoL stuff: fixed bugs incompatibilities with certain cloak mods, made it easier for translator and possible text patchers to work with the mod...
and more! Thanks for all the feedback and sticking around. Hope you enjoy the mod!
PS: Updating mid-playthrough should be okay, but I can't say it with 100% safety because Skyrim, you know. If your current save is very import to you, make a backup and test it first please.
Version 1.01c
03-Aug-20: Same file. I just compressed textures for that sweet vram , updating from 1.0c is fine.
Version 1.01b
03-Aug-20: Same file. I just compressed textures for that sweet vram , updating from 1.0b is fine.
Version 1.01-ESL
02-Aug-20: Release as ESL, no other changes to main file. Updating requires a new save.
Version 1.0c
02-Aug-20: Support for ENB users. Light version. Released as ESL, updating from 1.0 requires a new save.
Version 1.0b
02-Aug-20: Support for ENB users. Dark version. Released as ESL, updating from 1.0 requires a new save.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Subtle and slow effect that keeps adding up as you play
TWEAK IT: Almost everything is configurable to your liking in the MCM. Don't like a feature? Disable it! Don't agree with the frequency of the stages? Tweak them!
PLAYER GETS DIRTY/BLOODY:There are 4 stages of Dirt (and 4 equivalent stages of "dirt + blood"). Your character will become dirtier every about 2 days, probably faster if you get into combat often. Getting hurt in combat has a small chance to make you advance a stage.
MOSTLY VISUAL, DOESN'T AFFECT GAMEPLAY: My mod is designed NOT to affect gameplay. There are only 2 exceptions: If you've reached stages 3 or 4 of the dirt/bloody level, you will get small buffs/debuffs to your speech related abilities (prices, persuasion, intimidation) as well as disease resistance. These changes are so small that they mostly only exist as an intrinsic reminder that you might want to get cleaned, but they can be easily ignored and won't have any meaningful impact in your game. Equally, if you've taken the extra steps to be extremely clean (by a thorough washing), you will get a 5% price discount when buying from merchants. By default, it can take up to 12 days going from clean to this "extreme" dirt stage where merchants dislike you. (Let's say the Medieval-based world of Skyrim does not have today's standards of cleanliness). In practise, you will get dirtier quicker as you hack and slash your enemies and get hurt in battles. However, most likely you will get rid of the dirt without even realising. See next point :)
GET CLEAN WITHOUT EVEN TRYING AS YOU PLAY: By default, taking a swim will wash most of the dirt and blood away. Standing in the rain also gets you clean, but it's not as effective as swimming. Lastly, if you wish to, you can use a "washing" ability, which will perform an animation and leave you very clean. By default, no soap or standing near water is needed to use this ability as I didn't want to add more elements into the game, but you can add a soap requirement via the MCM. Not adding a "stand in water" requirement as I want it to be compatible with custom showers and baths. Use the washing ability when you think it makes sense for your character.
BLOOD ON NPCS: NPCs that get attacked either by the player or other NPCs also have a chance to get bloody. Completely compatible with Enhanced Blood Textures, which is actually recommended but not mandatory. The amount of blood depends on how low the health of the NPC is.
DIRT ON NPCS: Bandits and certain NPCs (Miners, beggars, blacksmiths, hunters...) have a chance to show different levels of dirt in their skin/clothes. If it's raining, this chance decreases drastically. You can mark NPCs that you want to be exempted from this rule via the MCM, or deactivate the feature completely.
BLOOD ON ANIMALS AND CREATURES: Creatures like animals, werewolves, falmer and dragons can now also get the blood effects at no performance cost thanks to Spell Perk Item Distributor.
NPC REACTIONS: Added in version 2.30. Some NPCs (especially children) might comment on your stench briefly when you talk to them, suggesting you take a bath. This is taken from vanilla voice lines, so it sounds 100% perfect. The lines only trigger for stages 3 and 4 of dirt and it doesn't affect anything, it's just there for fun.
HAIR/BEARD GROW REMINDERS: As a bonus, there's an option to give you reminders to update your character's beard/hair to reflect how it's growing. This is not dynamic, as you will need to change the hair/beard yourself, but it's nice for roleplaying. A menu will pop up after 5-10 days reminding you about it and letting you jump into the configuration right away (no need to use the console!). If you're currently busy, you will instead get a couple of "token scissors" in your inventory that you can activate to get the same result. This whole "hair growth reminder" feature can be disabled in the MCM. Before anyone asks... the message is customized by your character's sex, so no, no reminders about your female dragonborn's beard... sorry :D
VERY PERFORMLY FRIENDLY: See more on the next section.
Chance of blood appearing on enemies as they get hurt
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Performance & Behind the Scenes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Designed to be extremely lightweight. The mod should have little to no effect on performance. The main feature (Dirt and blood on the player's character) is a very simple script that removes the old effect and replaces it with a new one every 3 or 4 in-game days and that's the only time it runs. Blood gets applied via conditionals (blocking/not blocking, power-attack, etc.)
The NPC blood application effect is NOT activated by a cloak script and it does NOT use any scripts as of 2.0. It's just a spell with a condition checking actor health. It doesn't get more performance friendly than this! :)
The "bloody" effect on the NPCs is applied via an effect shader, this is comparable to vanilla effect shaders like for example the visual effect on a character when they use the Iron Flesh spell. Similar to an NPC drinking a health potion - when the effect disappears, it disappears.
Compatible with mostly everything, this mod is very light weight and doesn't touch any existent elements. However it is NOT compatible with mods that attempt to do the same in terms of dirt, as they will be redundant. (Bathing in Skyrim, Keep It Clean, etc.) Glow Be Gone apparently also disables the effects, so not compatible, I haven't tested it myself yet though.
Enhanced Blood Textures is compatible (and recommended). My mod affects the clothes, hair and skin of the NPCs (via applying a shader overlay on top), whereas EBT will make the floor bloody and more. They complement each other very well. My mod should ALSO be compatible with Bloody Facials (originally the inspiration for my mod), but I think it would be too overkill to use that together with DnB. If you insist in using it, I recommend deactivating all the NPC blood features from my mod and letting bloody facials take over.
ENBs do affect how the textures look significantly, but hopefully they look okay in your ENB of choice.
If a different mod applies another effect shader on top of the character (or if you use a spell with a visual effect on your character, like "Become Ethereal") my mod will let the other mod/spell take precedence. Once their effects end, you will continue seeing the dirt/blood as before.
If using "Inn Soaps", there's a compatibility patch available over at that page. If there are more soap mods you're interested in, I can walk you through how to make compatibility patches for them.
The mod starts you at Stage 1: "Slightly Dirty". This is not a bug. This is intended. If you use the "Reset" functionality of the MCM, you will get taken back to the "slightly dirty" stage. If you want to disable dirt completely, use "wash and rinse" and then disable the dirt functionality via the MCM.
Workers and Bandits can have dirt on them, applied dynamically
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits & Similar mods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This mod would not be possible without the idea and assets of mz1n and their amazing mod Supler Simple Bathing. The reason I felt I had to expand SSB is that I didn't like going from completely clean to completely dirty in one stage, I didn't like not being able to get clean from rain or swimming, and I hated having to seek SOAP as if it was the One Ring. I ended up adding other features into the mix like the blood on the player, NPCs and hair reminders. However, I recommend checking the original mod out as well, it gave me a lot of fun hours (and a showering disorder after it insisted in calling me FILTHY all the time)
I also took the Soap texture and model from Tathrin's Super Simple Bathing ''Extra Clean'' Patch, as the one in the original mod wasn't working. Thank you for the great asset! Credit also to InsanitySorrow who created the original soap <3. - Better than IRL soap.
The idea for this mod also came partly from Bloody Facials, a Legendary Edition true gem that served me well for years.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feedback? Want MOAR? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm quite active in the comments, feel free to drop by and leave your feedback! :
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