About this mod
A complete overhaul of the Markarth entrance area.
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Continuing my series of improved city entrances, here is my take on Markarth. I expanded the wall as well as the mountains next to it, to make the city look like the fortress it's supposed to be. The watchtowers have been moved to more tactical locations and a small garrison of guards has been placed near the entrance of the city. The people of Markarth have learned to use the dwarven ruins to their advantage but with the forsworn menace growing, they've had to build a few improvised defenses where needed.
With the war raging and the return of the dragons, the security had to be reinforced. More guards, more walls, more weapons : Markarth is now ready.
Thanks to Hodilton for the video !
Patches are provided for the following mods :
Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
Enhanced Landscapes
Elianora for her Extra Resources
meo3000 for Meos Tents for All - Resource