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About this mod

Adds the MCM menu back into Hunterborn SE and fixes all the bugs of the original.
More features, more creatures, better Skyrim.

Permissions and credits
  • Portuguese
  • Italian
Adds back the MCM menu to Hunterborn SE.

Requires Hunterborn SE and SkyUI SE

Changes from Original Hunterborn SE
Processing works on monsters
Tracking separated from foraging
Werebear and Spriggans supported by default
Bound Knives
More Jerky
Lots more, read the changelogs

Additional Features
Adds increased compatibility with Hunting in Skyrim Skinning System. You now gain exp, and skinning stats for HiS.
FISS Profile Support (FISS ESL as well)

Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild SE
Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees

HB-HiS Skinned Textures - No longer needed as this mod adds the support for HiS now.

Updating in an existing game
You will need to delete all the _ds_ scripts and script instances in your save using FallrimTools
This will allow the game to recognize the new scripts and the mod will perform correctly.
Once you get back into the game, open your console and type "setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1" to rebuild your MCM files.
Picture instructions here

Translations Info
New strings were added to the english translation file. I have not translated them for other languages.
If you want to add them to the other translations, feel free to send me the new file and I will add it to the mod.

All credit to unuroboros for making the Hunterborn mod. Please endorse his mod - Hunterborn SE
netmc for the alchemy botany fix
PlagueHush for the jerky recipes
illgirni for the bound hunting knives