Skyrim Special Edition


  1. icecreamassassin
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    Legacy Information and FAQ

    Full Guide | FAQ | Wiki | Skyrim Classic Version | Mod Blog | PatreonDiscord | Patches

    Please read the entirety of the mod Description Page first and foremost. After reviewing the description page, all users are asked to review the new Legacy of the Dragonborn Full Guide, it is updated frequently. All common questions and important bullet points are now on the FAQ section. It is REQUIRED to review both of these documents if you wish to receive any form of official support. This sticky will be updated periodically with any relevant news or important notices, otherwise all permanent information will be found in the Full Guide and connected articles within.
    Please note that we are not currently taking any requests, suggestions or otherwise for any patches or display support, features for the core mod, etc. If your issue is a possible conflict resolution situation, please post about it on the Patch Central Nexus page,
    Typos and Editing: If you find any typos, spelling mistakes, punctuation problems, etc that you want to report, please do so on TheNoobyDuelist's typo patch page:
    Current News:  July 25th 2023
    XBOX Port
    The Xbox port is NOT SUPPORTED by the official development team here on Nexus. The port is being curated and supported by Rhaella on the Icecreamassassin Mods Discord server in the Xbox support channel.
    Skyrim AE
    Legacy works on Skyrim v1.5x (SE) and Skyrim v1.6x (AE) just fine with no patches or updates needed. STOP ASKING IF IT WORKS ON AE! If you are using Creation Club, the only thing you have to make sure is to use the correct version of those patches found on the Legacy CC patches page.
  2. icecreamassassin
    • premium
    • 1,813 kudos

    Updated Aug 23rd: Come and see the latest update trailer for Odyssey of the Dragonborn Act 1 by Syn Gaming!
  3. icecreamassassin
    • premium
    • 1,813 kudos
    May 24th 2024

    Legacy V6 is currently under development. As of the editing of this post we are deep in beta testing and I expect full release before too long now. A few setbacks both in technical aspects and with real life have caused a little bit of a delay but we're nearing the end of testing and final polishing up. You can see a list of upcoming changes here:

    Additional news can be found on my Discord server (links above) and if you enter ?v6news as a message, you'll get the latest update to progress.
  4. icecreamassassin
    • premium
    • 1,813 kudos
    RE NPC's not moving between museum cells

    There seem to be multiple instances of people reporting issues with NPCs not following the player between cells of the museum like vanilla followers, or Auryen during the guildhouse build quest, etc. Legacy has not been updated in awhile, so any issues of this nature you may be having, are entirely something else in your load order. Legacy does not alter vanilla content such as follower packages. If you are using a custom follower framework and they ARE working while other NPC's aren't, that is doubly the fault of something else in your load order altering the vanilla game follower AI package behavior and not related in any way to Legacy. Alternately if NO NPC is following you between cells it means you have bad navmesh from a patch, most likely an unauthorized or out of date 3rd party patch that is breaking NPC door links. One instance where this was occurring was due to a bad download of Hall of Wonders, which downloading fresh and replacing their HOW install fixed it. So when in doubt, if there are no navmesh conflicts found (using xEdit recommended), or the NPC transitioning behavior is inconsistent, try and re-download legacy or its addons since files can get damaged in download and do unpredictable things. When testing, simply grab Belrand from winking skeever and drag him around through the museum to test NPC room transitioning.
  5. ramoram
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    "Refreshing page every day for V6 release..."
  6. CHASEBOY450
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Loving this mod but having an issue in the "Shadow of Ones Past" quest where I'm told to meet Avram to attack the caravan but he is permanently stuck in Windcaller pass. I waited about 3 full in game days and went to the quest marker just outside of Falkreath and he does not appear and remains in Windcaller. Just wondering if there is a solution to get him unstuck and to be able to progress with his dialogue? 
  7. genera90
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm planning to rebuild my modlist (again x999) and this time around this mod.
    However I see that V6 is just around the corner.
    Need some advice on whether if I should wait (it's okay if it'll be available like ~3 months),
    or should I just grab V5?
    1. Kriana
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      You do you. It'll be out when it's done.
  8. kdv77kdv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Missing floor meshes on the second floor of the Safehouse. 100% crach when trying to enter the Hall of Natural Science in VR. And where is the Nightingale armor stand? The museum "stole" my gloves and I can't find them )))
    1. icecreamassassin
      • premium
      • 1,813 kudos
      1- that's a you problem, probably a bad download. Re-download and install again
      2- we don't support VR, but you should check if you have anything that changes the loadscreen mesh for the elk, there was a known crash due to a mod that did that
      3- it's in the hall of secrets. If you haven't found it yet, look around dragonborn hall for a button.
    2. kdv77kdv
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      1. I downloaded the latest version 5.6.5. Taking into account that all meshes are in .bsa (no loose files to be deleted or replaced) I suppose that's not only my personal issue ))) Just take a look at this video. The first floor is perfect, the second one is not as good ))) It's not a problem. Just the fact.
      2. Why not? VR is actually SE Every location inside the museum are working fine except only this one. It's not a big problem, also just a little annoying fact.

      The mod itself is awesome! I like this big beautiful chest to store all found junk sorted )))
    3. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      1. It's still not a Legacy issue.  If it were we'd have a LOT of comments.  It's still something with your setup.
      2. It's noted in the Full Guide that we don't support VR.  For us to support VR, almost all of us would have to use it, and none of us use it (or have any interest).  As stated, it may work fine but you are on your own.
    4. icecreamassassin
      • premium
      • 1,813 kudos
      I said RE-Download. you make no indication that you actually did that after my first response, just that you downloaded the latest version, if you didn't RE-download after I said it, then your package would still be broken if this is the cause, no?

      Believe it or not VR has some interface peculiarities that we cannot support and thus we don't. Generally speaking it works perfectly fine from what I hear, but we can really troubleshoot something that has it as a major element. Best bet is to strip down to just Legacy and see if it crashes on it's own, and if not, add a few things back in at a time until it does, then you'll have an idea of the conflict/culprit.
  9. Arjisaj
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Several games I've waited a long time for are coming out soon. Elden Ring DLC, Dawntrail, etc etc.... Yet the second Legacy V6 comes out I will drop everything else and return to Skyrim.
  10. zhuabaobao123
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Warning: File not found textures\odyssey\od1\balfiera\niko\pantheons\aedricseries\y'ffre\stainedglass\esoy' Used by Meshes\dbm resources\architecture\newmuseum\museumexterior.nif LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm DBM_MuseumBuilding [STAT:0A8D4B2F]

    Warning: Root block is NiNode in Meshes\dbm resources\architecture\museum.nif LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm DBMOldMuseum [STAT:0A13D92C]

    Why do I still have these warnings, the latest version
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 675 kudos
      Do you know what these mean? Do you know for sure they're actually going to cause you any problems? If not probably not worth raising here. 
    2. zhuabaobao123
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Version 5.6.4

      • Release: 2022-07-19

      • Fixes #1313 - DyndoLOD will no longer moan about irrelevant meshes.
      I'm just weird because you guys 5.6.4 fixed the DyndoLOD issue,
    3. bigdeano89
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      There have been numerous updates to dyndolod since then. We cant be expected to constantly keep up with dyndolods frankly asinine ott "warnings".  Like Picky said, its a false positive.
    4. zhuabaobao123
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ok, thanks for the reply
    5. icecreamassassin
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      well to be fair we do still have the assets in place in the mod so DynDOLOD will still pick them up. That said, people don't need to be concerned about this issue because neither of them actually apply to LOD and are not in an exterior space, so I have no clue why the hell DynDOLOD even scans for them
  11. Mrspecop71
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Is there a comprehensive list somewhere of mods that have been integrated into LoTD? Feel like it might be somewhere on the wiki but I can't find it.
    1. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      The articles tab has a link (as does the Full Guide) for the Compatibility and Integrated Mod List.  That should have what you are after.
  12. TattletaleWeaver
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    First time playing with LOTD. Actually I haven't played it yet, but I have it downloaded lol. I was about to install it but then I looked at the changelog for the upcoming version, and I'm wondering if I should just wait til it releases because it looks like it changes a lot and idk if I'd need to start a new game just for it.
    1. dragonintes
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You will definitly need to start a new game
    2. TattletaleWeaver
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Hmm, so I shall play something else til then.
    3. OketoKing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      im right their with you... I finally finish modding and a few play testing.... (active 123, light 238)  I want to rest and clear my mind before starting my advanture.  Wondering should I wait to add this in.... 

      But bigger question!  I have "shadow of skyrim" active.  will installing this jack up my mod load.
  13. Fireowl62
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I am getting regular crashes on a freshly installed copy of the AE version, with only the requirements needed.
    1. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      There is only one SSE version of Legacy that works on all versions of SSE, so not quite clear what you mean by the AE version.  In any case, it’s not a Legacy issue but something with your setup.  If you are following the installation instructions in the Full Guide and still having issues, you might try downloading again in case of file corruption.  If you have done that and are still having issues, you’ll probably have better luck going to the discord and posting in the support section.  Recommend reading the docs first and be prepared to provide a load order.
  14. SvkHazra
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    • 7 kudos
    I am having a weird issue, where weapons keep falling from their display in armory, I didn't had this issue in my previous playthrough, the difference is this time I added a lot of weapon expansion mods, which added a tons of additional display in armory. This is not a physics issue generally happens due to uncapped refresh rate as I don't have any other physics issue and also have SSE Display Tweaks.
    Is anyone else having the same issue?
    Is it because of any engine limitation where too many displays in a single cell causes them to misbehave?
    1. icecreamassassin
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      • 1,813 kudos
      The items are all live displays and have a script that manages their placement back on the walls. If they are falling and not resetting and you have FPS above 60, then it IS because of frame unlocking. If you are not having issues elsewhere that's irrelevant. The armory is much more densely set up with the display handling script that locks the keyframes for physics, but if your system is running too much stuff messing with physics or just can't handle so many scripts running at once, then that can happen.
    2. SvkHazra
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Yeah that might be possible, let me try to lock my fps back to 60 to see, what happens, I also have papyrus tweaks installed and have the script limit set to 1000, not sure if that makes any difference.
      FYI, even with my framerate unlocked, its not that far, its still maxed to 75.
    3. icecreamassassin
      • premium
      • 1,813 kudos
      doesn't matter if it's 61, anything above a 60 lock will make gamebryo flip out; it's an ancient engine that bethesda needed to retire 15 years ago. Your game should be running at 59FPS and no higher. As for the script limiter, I am not familiar with how that works so I can't really comment to it, but if it's just delaying scripts that should be fine, but if it's actually blocking scripts in some way, that is bad.
    4. SvkHazra
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Came back to tell thank you, I locked the FPS to 60, entered armory and nothing fell.