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About this mod

Expands upon existing towns, villages, settlements, cities, etc. So far includes: Darkwater Crosisng, Dawnstar, Dragon Bridge, Falkreath, Ivarstead, Karthwasten, Kynesgrove, Morthal, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Shors Stone, Stonehills and Winterhold. (OPTIONAL: Dragon Bridge South, Whiterun Exterior Market, Solstheim, and Orc Strongholds.)

Permissions and credits
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(Click the image to be taken to the SSE Page)

The "new" version so far includes: Darkwater Crossing, Dawnstar, Kynesgrove, Riverwood and Rorikstead. Available in "Complete" - All the towns packed together; and, "Modular" - Individual towns à la carte versions. (Karthwasten and Morthal are currently in progress.)

Many thanks to the respective creators for making these translations possible.
(Click the images to be taken to their pages.)


Alright, so - What exactly are you getting?

While the new version is certainly in the spirit of its predecessor, it is NOT the same mod. So if you came here expecting identical towns, with identical people and identical layouts – Prepare yourself, because you’re about to be sorely disappointed lol. This was built from the ground up, taking into account everything I have learned in MY CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE AND/OR WISDOM (lol jokes, I clearly have neither of those things) to try and give you and me and everybody a much better mod overall.

I made a lot of mistakes with the old ETaC. Things that, given the opportunity (and a time machine), I would never had done in the first place. Mostly for my own sanity. As it turned out, I now HAVE that opportunity to build the mod I’d always wanted to build, so buckle up mod-friendos, we’re going to go on a little adventure together. Which brings me to…

List of changes!

As for specifics, I’ll be omitting the small "aesthetic" changes from these list (i.e. clutter, trees, wildlife, lanterns, blah blah) as identifying every single barrel I’ve moved and tree I’ve added would be a huge enormous pain in my arse. (Read: am lazy! HI!) Anyway. (Those things excluded) here's what you get...

- Added 6 new houses.
- Added 9 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs
- Added various notes and journals and such and things.
- Added a general store.
- Added an inn/tavern for the sleeping and the consuming of the wines.
- Added a shrine and alchemy bench for the healing of your poor diseased self.
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Added armor bench and sharpening wheel to blacksmith area.
- Added horse marker for player horse.
- Added some vanilla options that were available in other towns, but not here for whatever reason...
- Like the gathering of wood and food for those of you who had fervently wished you'd been born into a life of farming.
- Gave vanilla homeless NPCs homes (Derkeethus, Sondas, Tormir and Hrefna.)
- Derkeethus Quest - People in Darkwater will now react to Derkeethus' absence/return.
- Derkeethus Quest - Added the ability for talking to the aforementioned people to start his quest.
- Derkeethus Quest - Derkeethus' house will reflect whether or not he's living in it.
- Changed Verner's house exterior mesh to match interior layout.
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

- Added 7 Houses
- Added 18 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs.
- Added split-level miners' lodgings for Iron Breaker and Quicksilver miners so they aren't stuck living in the mines.
- Added Temple of Dibella (with a shrine for the healing of your poor diseased self).
- Added East Empire Warehouse at the docks.
- Added general store.
- Added fishery.
- Added stables (stores horses only; no purchasing).
- Added horse marker for player horse.
- Added seagulls and rats to dock area.
- Added various notes and journals and such and things.
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Added -OPTIONAL- wall around the city. (Can be toggled on / off via MCM or the ETaC Config prompts.)
- Moved the Kahjiit caravan outside ETaC's added wall. (This also required some minor changes to their AI.)
- Fixed covered walkways not using the snow versions.
- Gave vanilla homeless NPCs homes (Abelone.)
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

- Added 5 new houses.
- Added 9 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs.
- Added a general store.
- Added a blacksmith.
- Added an inn/tavern for the sleeping and the consuming of the wines.
- Added a shrine for the healing of your poor diseased self.
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Added horse marker for player horse.
- Added some vanilla options that were available in other towns, but not here for whatever reason...
- Like the gathering of wood and food for those of you who had fervently wished you'd been born into a life of farming.
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

- Added 6 new houses.
- Added 8 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs.
- Added a general store.
- Added a shrine for the healing of your poor diseased self (in Dravynea's House.)
- Added an enchanting table (in Dravynea's House.)
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Added horse marker for player horse.
- Added some vanilla options that were available in other towns, but not here for whatever reason...
- Like the gathering of wood and food for those of you who had fervently wished you'd been born into a life of farming.
- Gave vanilla homeless NPCs homes (Dravynea, Roggi, Gemma and Ganna.)
- Dravynea is now marriage-able.
- Roggi is now marriage-able.
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

- Added 7 Houses
- Added 14 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs.
- Added various notes and journals and such and things.
- Added Temple of Stendarr (with a shrine for the healing of your poor diseased self).
- Added general store.
- Added fletcher.
- Added fishery.
- Added butcher.
- Added winery.
- Added horse marker for player horse.
- Added hawks.
- Added various notes and journals and such and things.
- Added some fun new Carl-themed spells to Falion (by jknjb.)
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Added -OPTIONAL- wall around the city. (Can be toggled on / off via MCM or the ETaC Config prompts.)
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

- Added 6 new houses.
- Added 9 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs.
- Added various notes and journals and such and things.
- Added an alchemist.
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Gave vanilla homeless NPCs homes (Embry.)
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

- Added 7 new houses. (This now includes a house for Lokir as he was supposedly from Rorikstead.)
- Added 11 new NPCs.
- Added new custom dialogue for said NPCs.
- Added various notes and journals and such and things.
- Added a general store (with a shrine for the healing of your poor diseased self).
- Added a blacksmith.
- Added an alchemist.
- Added stables (stores horses only; no purchasing).
- Added horse marker for player horse.
- Added a well for drinking water.
- Added exterior chimneys for houses because fireplaces.
- Added additional farms, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.
- Added additional woodcutters; And, NPCs will collect firewood for their houses daily.
- Added ownership data to all the random exterior items/barrels/etc.
- Added occlusion planes to houses / walls / etc. for better performance.
- Added smoke / light to forges and smelters.
- Added some vanilla options that were available in other towns, but not here for whatever reason...
- Like the gathering of wood and food for those of you who had fervently wished you'd been born into a life of farming.
- Changes to guards' and other NPCs' patrol routes so they make more sense with the new town layouts.
- Made extensive changes to town layouts, landscape, navmesh and NPC AI *

* People now do a bunch of things beyond standing around and eating bread, om nom nom.)

- Added 4 additional houses.
- Added 6 NPCs.
- Added gather crops option.
- Added general store.
- Added inn / tavern.
- Added "docks". (Really dock. Singular. With boats. Plural.)
- Added hot springs bathing area.
- Added shrine.
- Gave Tormir a house.
- Gave Derkeethus a house.
- Gave Sondas a house.
- Fixed Hrefna being adoptable with Hearthfires.

- Added wall around town.
- Added 4 additional houses.
- Added additional vendors.
- Added new quest.
- Added new NPC dialogue options.
- Added stables.
- Added several NPCs.
- Added shrine.
- Added docks. (AND! Carl <3)

- Added 2 additional houses.
- Added 6 NPCs.
- Added smelter.
- Added general store.
- Added bakery.
- Added blacksmith to Penitus Oculatus Outpost *
- Converted Penitus Oculatus Outpost to larger stone-style barracks *

* Changes based on which faction controls town.

- Added 5 houses.
- Added 8 NPCs.
- Added alchemist.
- Added shrine (in alchemist's house).
- Added small camp area with exterior market.

- Added 3 additional houses.
- Added 6 NPCs.
- Added new quest.
- Added new NPC dialogue options.
- Added stables.
- Added fletcher.
- Added ayleid store/museum (w/new items.)
- Added shrine.
- Added smelter.
- Expanded cemetery and added hall of the dead.
- Changes to interior of grave concoctions.
- Changes to interior of corpselight farm.

- Added 3 additional houses.
- Added 5 NPCs.
- Added general store.
- Added blacksmith.
- Added shrine.
- Added smelter.
- Gave Temba a house.

- Added 3 additional houses.
- Added 6 NPCs.
- Added general store.
- Added blacksmith.
- Added inn.
- Added shrine (in new inn building).

- Added 3 additional NPCs.
- Added 4 additional houses; Including...
- Gave Dravynea a house.
- Gave Roggi a house.
- Gave Uriel sisters a house.
- Added gather crops option.
- Added general store (w/limited stock.)

- Added wall around town.
- Added 4 additional houses.
- Added additional vendors.
- Added new quest.
- Added new NPC dialogue options.
- Changed interior of alchemy shop.
- Added stables.
- Added bath house.
- Added several NPCs.
- Added shrine.
- Added smelter.
- Added drawbridge at river crossing.

- Minor alterations/bug fixes from Im. Set. version.
- Includes Dushnikh Yal; Largashbur; Mor Khazgur; and Narzulbur.
- Added additional houses.
- Added additional merchants.
- Added additional NPCs.
- Added shrines.

- Added 4 additional houses.
- Added 8 NPCs.
- Added gather crops option.
- Added alchemist.
- Added cookshop (with new food items.)
- Added purchasable horse (from Orgnar @ inn.)
- Added shrine.
- Added smelter.

- Added 6 additional houses.
- Added 3 additional farms.
- Added 6 NPCs.
- Added alchemist.
- Added general store.
- Added blacksmith.
- Added shrine (in alchemist's house).
- Added elevated walkways to town entrances.

- Added 3 additional houses.
- Added 5 NPCs.
- Added general store.
- Added inn.
- Added shrine (in new inn building).

- Added 4 additional houses.
- Added 8 NPCs.
- Added new merchants.
- Added additional tavern.
- Added shrine.

- Added 3 additional houses.
- Added 5 NPCs.
- Added new NPC dialogue options.
- Added tavern.
- Added general store (w/limited stock.)
- Added shrine (in new tavern building).

- Added 6 additional houses.
- Added 8 NPCs.
- Added exterior market.
- Added new merchants.
- Added additional farms.
- Added tavern.
- Added shrine.

- Added partially destroyed wall around town.
- Added 3 additional houses.
- Added 2 additional destroyed houses.
- Added 6 NPCs.
- Added stables.
- Added shrine.

New ETaC will do what it should always have done, and that is towns and nothing else. There will be no changes to vanilla interiors (to maintain compatibility with any mods that make them, ELFX, and etc.) There will be no changes to vanilla NPCs’ actor records (to maintain compatibility with any character mods that make them), there will be no player houses, or new textures, no unnecessary item additions (no more having to patch leveled lists or for survival, food, weapon, or shop mods.) I won’t be “removing” any vanilla markers or intractable objects (to maintain compatibility with other NPC behavior and/or AI mods, 3DNPCs, Immersive Citizens, etc.). I will be *moving* vanilla objects, but NPCs will still be able to find them, and so I won’t have to patch for them. Woot.

One major change, however, is that New ETaC now requires you to have all the DLC installed. They've been out long enough that most people should have them by now and Hearthfires and Dragonborn in particular are packed with all kinds of useful assets for this kind of mod.

New ETaC NPCs are going to have a little more depth to them. I’ve added more … “involved,” we’ll call it, AI packages, to make the towns and their inhabitants feel a little livelier. They’ll each have varying daily routines, new dialogue, some of them will have new side quests (which will conform with Skyrim’s side quests - no major quests.) They’ll have some more back story, and will react to your action in the rest of the world, to the weather, they’ll be a least a little bit more human, and slightly less like cardboard cutouts. Or at least that’s the goal lol.

I will still be offering Complete and Modular versions of the ETaC files. I will also include version with and without a MCM menu, and versions with and without the added quests in case you hate new things. Which is fine. No judgment.

And lastly, and maybe most importantly…

I’m still who I’ve always been and my particular aesthetic remains largely unchanged. So it’s likely the new ETaC towns will still have the same sort of visual as the old ETaC towns. But I am trying to build things in a slightly more streamlined way. Stuff that would make sense, is practical, and is slightly less of a resource hog than it was in previous versions. So think original ETaC just reigned in a little bit. Some towns will still have unique buildings (I do still plan on adding a bakery to Dragon Bridge – And hey! With Hearthfires, I don’t even need to add new bakery items. I have them already. Hooray! - but I wouldn’t expect to see Dragon Bridge South making a comeback.) although the goal overall is to give them more of a vanilla-feel than might have been in the case in the old mod.

Yep. Ok. I’ve rambled on enough to that end, you get the general idea I think. SO. Moving on.

Everything you'll ever to need to know about compatibility can be found over on the “Forums” tab under “Compatibility.”

Everything you'll ever to need to know about bugs and/or troubleshooting can be found over on the “Forums” tab under “Troubleshooting.”

This is NOT a problem with this mod specifically, and is instead an issue with grass textures not updating correctly.
You can fix it by following these steps.

There are (mercifully) a whole bunch of people now working on this giant unending monstrosity with me...

Etienne • Ileji • jknjb • PurpleDerple • Undriel • winterlove

xBeanyBabie • Colt Walker • CompleteTheCircuit • DeathCandy • Genny Sherard • Jim Belfiore • jknjb • KeeperOfMemories • TheLoreSeeker • NeverNotNinja • Severage • Storm Watters • talkingNsuch • Tasheni • Winterlove

Whether with writing (I do like zero of the writing for this thing now, thank God), voice acting, or testing (in addition to helping out on the comment thread and discord (speaking of which, many thanks also to Thallassa for doing nearly all of my discord crap for me, including, but not limited to, teaching me how to use the damn thing), providing patches, supplying me with wine, moral and psychological support, random information on bees and mead, and also on Skyrim (did you know there's like a whole game in there? I did not.) or donations of their awesome meshes (please see credits at the bottom for more info on mesh donations) - You guys are amazing, and wonderful, and also good looking, and I literally wouldn't be able to do this without you.

And while I'm off on a thanking-people tangent... To Nazenn - I cannot possibly thank you enough for all the wonderful work you've done for me with ETaC (and other mods) (and everywhere else – you've got a lot on your plate, you're literally a machine) in my absence. You're the best ever,. A million trillion thanks to you for... everything. All of it lol. ♥

01. Sclero's Farmhouse Kit by By Sclerocephalus
02. Building Kits and Other Items by jet4571and Elianora
03. Mr. Siika Seagulls by Mr. Siika and Tamira
04. Mr. Siika Ravens by Mr. Siika and Tamira
05. Squirrels by Mihail Romanov
06. House Cats by Mihail Romanov
07. Seadog Pirate Armor by hothtrooper44 *

Actor use only. Not included as wearable armor.

AND! Things I don't have links to but remain awesome nonetheless...

08. "Brandy the Bard" Books by Brandy_123
09. "Hwaet Wegardena" Books and "Yashar's Journal" by jknjb
10. Custom No Snow Under the Roof meshes by winterlove.
11. A bunch of modified farmhouse meshes by winterlove.
12. Corrected ETaC-added farmhouse style meshes by Ambershore.

#01: Teddybears by Tamira.
#02: Bakery (and Kabob) Food Meshes by Jukkz.
#03: Food & Alchemy Storage Meshes by Blary.
#04: Book Set Meshes by Blary.
#05: New Solitude House Meshes by Ga-Knomboe Boy.
#06: Dwemeri Font by Alathan.
#07: Whole Ton Of Stuff by Oaristys and Tony6.
#08: Better Book Mesh by DanielCoffey.
#09: Open Books Resource by stoverjm.
#10: A Truly Ridiculous Amount of Stuff by InsanitySorrow.
#11: Cookies by Metallicow.
#12: Alcohol Storage by Corpsehatch.
#13: Mudcrab in a Jar by badgremlin.
#14: Rounded Lanterns by MannyGT.
#15: Water Pump by Runspect.
#16: Rugs Resource by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere.
#17: Alchemy Clutter Resource by Blary.
#18: Ingredients Drawer Resource by Blary.
#19: Whole Ton of Stuff by Stroti and Tamira.
#20: COMPLETELY AWESOME Mead Bottles by Sebastian Schulz.
#22: Ingredients Wall Art Resource by Blary.
#23: Phitt's Morrowind Style Lanterns by Phitt and Tamira.
#24: Mr. Siika Seagulls by mr_siika and Tamira.
#25: Mr. Siika Ravens by mr_siika and Tamira.
#26: Cyrodiil Ship and Boat Resource by Markus Liberty.
#27: Seadog Pirate Armor by hothtrooper44. *

* Actor use only. Not included as wearable armor.

AND! Things I don't have links to but remain awesome nonetheless...

04. "Brandy the Bard" Books by Brandy_123.
05. "Hwaet Wegardena" Books by jknjb.
06. Mr. Siika's Dog Mesh that I got from ... I don't remember where (I"m sorry!) If anybody knows, please give me a shout and I'll add it here lol.

Thus concludes my mod description page.
Should you have any other questions/concerns, please feel free to come find me.

Thanks muchly <3