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About this mod

The aim of this mod is to expand upon the training system in Skyrim by introducing new customization options and new trainers.

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The aim of this mod is to expand upon the training system in Skyrim
by introducing new customization options and new trainers.

Training Customization
Replaces the vanilla training menu, adding customization options for training cost, training limits, and new benefits added by this mod.
Users can customize through an MCM menu (if SkyUI is installed), console commands or edits with TES5Edit.

New Trainers
Over 40 vanilla NPCs now offer Common training services.
If you don't want this, it can be disabled.

Requirements and Compatibility
Dawnguard and Dragonborn required.
Fully compatible with all my mods.
SkyUI required for MCM version; no other mods required.
Custom trainers added by other mods will use the vanilla training menu and won't have access to training customization.

There are 19 customization options, allowing you to change things like how much
training costs, how often you can train, and what other benefits you can gain
from training other than skill increases.

For SkyUI users, all options can be changed with the MCM.
Without SkyUI, options must be changed by editing their
global values using TES5Edit or console commands.

For a full list of customization options,
press the spoiler button below

To change an option's value without using the MCM, change the associated global to one of the valid values listed below. For example, to switch off the Mod Active option, use the following console command: set ZTO_Config_ModEnabled to 0

Active Content

Mod Active
ON: all mod content is enabled. OFF: all mod content is disabled, vanilla training mechanics enabled.
Global: ZTO_Config_ModEnabled
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1

New Trainers
ON: in addition to vanilla trainers, over 40 vanilla NPCs will offer Common training after you've befriended them. OFF: only vanilla trainers will offer training.
Global: ZTO_Config_NewTrainers
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1


Level Training Limit
The maximum number of times you can train per player level. Set to 0 for unlimitied training sessions per player level.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainingCap
Valid values: 0 - 100; default: 5

Common Training Limit
The maximum skill level you can be trained to by Common trainers.
Global: ZTO_Config_LimitCommon
Valid values: 20 - 100; default: 50

Expert Training Limit
The maximum skill level you can be trained to by Expert trainers.
Global: ZTO_Config_ExpertCommon
Valid values: 20 - 100; default: 75

Master Training Limit
The maximum skill level you can be trained to by Master trainers.
Global: ZTO_Config_LimitMaster
Valid values: 20 - 100; default: 90

Training Takes Time
ON: time moves forward by one game hour per skill increase (up to 12 hours) when training. OFF: time is unaffected by training.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainingTakesTime
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1

Time Between Training
The time you must wait in game hours between training skill increases. Set to 0 to remove the wait.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainingHours
Valid values: 0 - 72; default: 0


Merchants Receive Gold
When paying for training with a merchant, ON: the gold is added to the merchant's inventory and can be retrieved through bartering or pickpocketing. OFF: the gold is not added to their inventory and cannot be retrieved.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainerGold_Merchants
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1

Followers Receive Gold
When paying for training with a potential follower, ON: the gold is added to the follower's inventory and can be retrieved through trading or pickpocketing. OFF: the gold is not added to their inventory and cannot be retrieved.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainerGold_Followers
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1

Others Receive Gold
When paying for training with an NPC who is neither a potential follower nor a merchant, ON: the gold is added to the trainer's inventory and can only be retrieved through pickpocketing. OFF: the gold is not added to their inventory and cannot be retrieved.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainerGold_Other
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1

Base Costs

Common-Level Skills
The base cost of training a skill that is below the Common Training Limit.
Global: ZTO_Config_GoldCommonMult
Valid values: 0 - 2000; default: 370

Expert Gold Cost
The base cost of training a skill that is below the Expert Training Limit but above the Common Training Limit.
Global: ZTO_Config_GoldExpertMult
Valid values: 0 - 3500; default: 1610

Master Gold Cost
The base cost of training a skill that is above the Expert Training Limit.
Global: ZTO_Config_GoldMasterMult
Valid values: 0 - 5000; default: 2610


The discount your receive from trainers with a player relationship rank of 1 or 2. These are typically NPCs for whom you've completed a quest, e.g. gathering fire salts for Balimund.
Global: ZTO_Config_MatesRates_Friends
Valid values: 0% - 100%; default: 15%

The discount your receive from trainers with a player relationship rank of 3. These are typically follower NPCs.
Global: ZTO_Config_MatesRates_Allies
Valid values: 0% - 100%; default: 30%

The discount your receive from trainers with a player relationship rank of 4. These are typically NPCs you have married.
Global: ZTO_Config_MatesRates_Lovers
Valid values: 0% - 100%; default: 100%

Additional Benefits

ON: training a skill applies a temporary Practice effect, which fortifies the skill's rate of increase by different amounts depending on the trainer's skill. OFF: prevents the Practice effect from being applied.
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainingPractice
Valid values: 1 (on) or 0 (off); default: 1

Training to Befriend
The number of training skill increases required to turn a trainer who is an acquaintance into a friend. This can reduce the cost of training (see Training Cost below) and also means trainers can be used to charge the Ebony Blade. Set to 0 to prevent training from turning trainers into friends.*
Global: ZTO_Config_TrainingFriendship
Valid values: 0 - 30; default: 5

Training Cost
This mod changes how training cost is calculated. It's now less dependant on skill level, and takes
things like the trainer's experience and their relationship with you into account. The default average
cost of training a skill from 15 to 100 is roughly the same as vanilla and can be customized.

For a full breakdown of cost calculations,
press the spoiler button below

Training cost calculation: (Base Cost x Trainer Level x Relationship Level) rounded to 10

Base Cost:
Default of 370 for skills below the Common Training Limit (default: level 50)
Default of 1610 for skills above the Common / below the Expert Training Limit (default: level 75)
Default of 2610 for skills above the Expert / below the Master Training Limit (default: level 90)
These values can be customized. The defaults might seem random, but they ensure the average cost of training from level 15 to 90 is the same compared to vanilla costs (assuming you use the cheapeast possible trainer for each level, see Trainer Level below)

Trainer Level:
More experienced trainers charge more.
x1 for Common trainers
x1.2 for Expert trainers
x1.6 for Master trainers

Relationship Level:
Trainers who have a higher disposition towards you will offer discounts.
Default of x0.85 for Friends and Confidants
Default of x0.7 for Allies
Default of x0.0 for Lovers (i.e. your spouse offers free training)
These values can be customized.

Training a skill from level 20 to 21 with a Common trainer:
Vanilla cost = 250
Mod Cost = (370 x 1 x 1) rounded up to 10 = 370

Training a skill from level 49 to 50 with a Common trainer:
Vanilla cost = 540
Mod Cost = (370 x 1 x 1) rounded up to 10 = 370

Training a skill from level 20 to 21 with an Expert trainer who is an ally:
Vanilla cost = 250
Mod Cost = (370 x 1.2 x 0.7) rounded up to 10 = 320

Training a skill from level 83 to 84 with a Master trainer:
Vanilla cost = 4200
Mod Cost = (2610 x 1.6 x 1) rounded to 10 = 4180

Training a skill from level 60 to 61 with an Expert trainer who is a friend when the Friendly discount setting is at 50%:
Vanilla cost = 1850
Mod Cost = (1616 x 1.2 x 0.5) rounded to 10 = 970

Other Training Changes
Training a skill won't reset your skill progress anymore
There is a new interface for the training menu (see mod page images)

New Trainers
Over 40 vanilla NPCs will now offer Common level training services after certain conditions have been met.
Dialogue for new NPC trainers is fully voice-acted using vanilla voices.

For a full list of new trainers,
press the spoiler button below

Bothela when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Bothela's Discreet Delivery)
Frida when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving her Ring of Pure Mixtures)

Wylandriah when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Hunt and Gather)
Murbul when the player is an Orc or Blood-Kin

Captain Aldis when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving a copy of The Mirror)
Yatul when the player is an Orc or Blood-Kin

Roggi Knot-Beard when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving Roggi's Ancestral Shield)
Horgeir when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after failing Dragon's Breath Mead)
Lod after receiving payment for finding Barbas

Calcelmo when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Nimhe, the Poisoned One)
Nelacar when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after restoring the Black Star)

Sharamph when the player is an Orc or Blood-Kin
Festus Krex after joining the Dark Brotherhood

Farengar Secret-Fire when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after delivering Frost Salts to Arcadia)
Aranea Ienith when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after restoring Azura's Star)
Bolar when the player is an Orc or Blood-Kin

Heavy Armor
Moth gro-Bagol when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after bringing him a Daedra Heart)
Adelaisa Vendicci when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Rise in the East)
Uthgerd the Unbroken when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after brawling)

Eola when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing The Taste of Death)
Illia when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Repentance)
Pantea Ateia when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Pantea's Flute)

Light Armor
Annekke Crag-Jumper when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after killing the Bandit Leader for Annekke)
Thadgeir when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after delivering Berit's Ashes)

Shahvee when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving Shahvee's Amulet of Zenithar)
Kaie after completing No One Escapes Cidhna Mine (siding with Madanach)
Veezara after joining the Dark Brotherhood

Kharjo when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving the Moon Amulet)
Angrenor Once-Honored when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after giving a coin)

Inge Six Fingers when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Finn's Lute)
Gabriella after joining the Dark Brotherhood

Styrr when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing The Wolf Queen Awakened)
Dinya Balu when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing The Book of Love)

Oengul War-Anvil when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving Queen Freydis's Sword)
Rustleif when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving a copy of Night Falls on Sentinel)

Noster Eagle-Eye when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after giving a coin)
Stands-In-Shallows when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after retrieving the Double-Distilled Skooma)

Sven when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after delivering Sven's fake letter)

Mjoll the Lioness when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after completing Grimsever's Return)
Octieve San when disposition* > 0 (e.g. after settling his debts)
Chief Mauhulakh when the player is an Orc or Blood-Kin

*NPCs with a disposition > 0 are considered friends; you can usually tell because they'll say things like "It's a fine day with you around". Click here for more information of disposition.

Vanilla Trainers
Aphia Velothi is now an Expert level Restoration trainer instead of Common.
Otherwise, all vanilla trainers offer their vanilla services, as detailed here.

Safe to update from V1.1 to V1.2 mid-playthrough.

V1.2 update notes:
V1.2 update
- Fixed the bug causing trainers to accept money without increasing skills when that skill is being fortified
- Added SEQ to BSA
V1.1 update notes:
V1.1 update
- Fixed the bug causing the training count to get stuck 1 point over the maximum (e.g. 6/5)
- Fixed the bug causing some trainers to say "You already know all that I know" or a similar phrase when training is timed out (as a side-effect, training option is now always available, even when on a time-out, but you'll be notified if you can't train anymore)
- When on a time-out, you are now notified of the time remaining until you can next train
- Fixed the bug causing the Time Between Training option to be incorrect
- Player skill level checks are now run against the base value rather than the fortified value
- Removed unnecessary cell
- Changed gold cost MCM values from percentages to base gold; adjusted gold calculations to be simpler
- Allowed customization of friendly discounts
- Reduced default Training to Befriend to 5
- Minor amends to MCM layout
- Added SEQ file