About this mod
A revamp of EdisLeado's Med-Tek Trauma Kit limb-healing mod that includes a different recipe for surgical supplies. Now with Alternative Repairing and Consistent Pip-Boy Icons compatibility.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
New in 2.0! (April 14, 2024)
- My .esp now includes the changes made in the original mod's patch for Honest Hearts, so you no longer need that .esp from the original mod. The original mod's main .esp is also completely unnecessary. Only the assets (meshes, sound, and textures folders) from the original mod are required; install as normal but do not use any .esp files from the original mod alongside this one.
- "Surgical Tools," a small unique quest item that only appears as part of the "Et Tumor, Brute?" quest, has been changed to "Neurosurgical Supplies" and updates their icon and model to be the same as surgical supplies (note that unless you use mods, this item could never appear dropped in the overworld anyway, but still). The quest stage description has also been updated to reflect this.
- An Alternate Repairing compatibility version, which replaces the one (1) duct tape in the Surgical Supplies recipe with two (2) cloth.
- Pip-Boy Icons Patch, which replaces the icon assets with ones much more cohesive with Consistent Pip-Boy Icons.
- Changed the Alternate Repairing into a Main File instead of an Optional File, which is what it was supposed to be this whole time, with instructions to only use one main file or the other. Using both of Lou's Versions at the same time would result in getting two Med-Tek Trauma Kits added to your inventory.
- Reuploaded all files with more consistent filenames just because it was bothering me. The ESPs and files themselves are unchanged, and you don't necessarily need to update if it's working fine for you already.
One of my all-time favorite mods for Fallout: New Vegas is EdisLeado's Med-Tek Trauma Kit, which overhauls the way that you care for crippled limbs by requiring adequate skill investment into Medicine and a more diverse array of medical supplies. Instead of doing anything by itself, a doctor's bag can be used to unpack a stimpak, a medical brace, and a pack of surgical supplies, each of which can be used to heal specific limbs. The specialization of these resources makes limb injuries a lot more dangerous, but a lot more meaningful, and I can't imagine playing without it.
However, one possible oversight in the mod is its bizarre recipe for surgical supplies, which are used to heal the chest and head. The mod's recipe for a medical brace is pretty intuitive—leather belts and scrap metal—but surgical supplies require...scrap electronics, duct tape, and pre-war money? I originally made this edit to the mod for my own personal use, but I figured that since an update to the original mod is unlikely after five years of silence, it would be worthwhile to share it with other users here.
This mod changes that obtuse crafting recipe to the following:
Surgical Supplies
- Scalpel (returned)
- Forceps (returned)
- Duct tape (real bandages are hard to come by [unless you're using the Alternate Repairing version])
- Vodka (officially for disinfecting, optionally for numbing)
This mod also adds doctor's bags and surgical supplies to the campfire crafting list, since you're not actually "crafting" anything—you're just sort of putting things into a container. It also reduces the Medicine skill requirement for crafting surgical supplies from 50 to 0, the same as doctor's bags, since you're not actually crafting anything per se—you're just putting items you already have into a set. I figured that even though you can't actually use surgical supplies until you have a Medicine skill of 50, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to consolidate these items into surgical supplies beforehand. (If you discover a "duplicate" entry related to this mod, the fact that there are recipes for both the workbench and campfire is why).
Installation and Use
This mod contains nothing but an edited version of the main .esp file of the original mod. Installation is as simple as installing the original mod as normal, but loading my .esp file instead of EdisLeado's.
- Download and install one of the main files from this mod as normal, based on whether you would like to also use Alternative Repairing or not. Download the Consistent Pip-Boy Icons patch as well if it's relevant to you.
- Go to EdisLeado's original mod page and download his mod. You do not need the Honest Hearts patch (its changes are included in my own mod) but you can still download the "Disable Fast Travel While Crippled" optional file if you wish. Personally, I prefer More Conditions to Fast Travel.
- Install EdisLeado's original mod as normal.
- Disable "medtektraumakit_edisleado.esp" from your load order or just delete it from your computer.
- Enable the one Lou's Version .ESP of your choice in your load order.
For the 2.0 update, I considered making this mod an "all-in-one" just by porting the assets from the original mod over and including them, but even if this mod has a genealogy of over ten years old, I'd feel weird just straight up ripping it off.