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- Alternative Repairing
Alternative Repairing
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About this mod
Take junk you find out in the wasteland and use it for weapon and armor repair after putting in a little bit of work.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Honest Hearts Lonesome Road Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes JIP LN NVSE Plugin The Mod Configuration Menu Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes New Vegas Script Extender Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Alternative Repairing TTW - Spanish translation - Proyecto de traduccion masiva Requiere el mod original B42 Descriptions for More Mods For part and tool descriptions Efficient Repairman and Better Repair The main file and the honest hearts expansion. Med-Tek Trauma Kit for Crippled Limbs (Lou's Version) Required for the optional patch. - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Feel free to make patches and optional files, no permission needed. You may not use any assets with the intention to sell.
File credits
Donation Points system
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- Spanish
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Spanish Author: NoraCHUCHU Alternative Repairing TTW - Spanish translation - Proyecto de traduccion masiva - Changelogs
Version 2.10.2
- Fixed an issue with installing the Tale of Two Wastelands patch.
Version 2.10.1
- - Installer will now remember your chosen advanced settings when updating to a new version.
- Installer will now detect NVSE for Mod Organizer 2 RootBuilder users that aren't using copy mode.
- Sharpening Kit recipe name correctly renamed to Sharpening Set.
- Fixed blank message boxes when saving and loading MCM setting presets.
- Fixed incorrectly assigned ySI icons.
- - Installer will now remember your chosen advanced settings when updating to a new version.
Version 2.10
- NOTE: It's recommended that you reset your INI using the installer, to fix issues present in 2.9.
- Added High Resolution Icons as an option in the installer.
- Added support for ySI sorting icons.
- Wood items are now repaired with Wood Repair Sets, crafted using wonderglue and duct tape.
- Sharpening Kit renamed to Sharpening Set to avoid confusion with usable kit items.
- Chet, Ralph, Cliff Briscoe, Moira [TTW], Knick-Knack [TTW], and Haley [TTW] now stock Sharpening Sets and Wood Repair Sets.
- Fixed dismantle kit hotkey not working correctly. You can now unset the hotkey from the MCM once again.
- Fixed armor dismantle kits messages incorrectly mentioning weapons.
- Fixed Light Armor Parts dummy recipe not appearing with campfire recipes.
- Fixed Light Armor Parts (Green Gecko, Tunneler) recipes showing under workbench instead of campfire with the rest of the Light Armor part recipes.
- Tesla Cannons now correctly accept Energy Heavy Weapon parts.
- Removed 'suit' from the clothing keywords list to avoid matching inappropriate apparel.
- Added 'businesswear', 'fatigues', 'jumpsuit', 'pajamas', 'tuxedo', 'scrubs', 'jailhouse rocker', 'crocker's suit', 'kimball's suit', 'benny's suit', 'flightsuit', 'duster', and 'gambler suit' to the list of clothing keywords.
- Assassin Suit is now correctly affected by the bRepairListFixes INI setting.
- Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit is now correctly affected by the bRepairListFixes INI setting. Now uses the vanilla RepairVaultSuitArmored repair list.
- Lightweight Metal Armor is now correctly affected by the bRepairListFixes INI setting.
- NOTE: It's recommended that you reset your INI using the installer, to fix issues present in 2.9.
Version 2.9.1
- Boxes of repair parts are now worth appropriately less with the TTW patch installed.
Version 2.9
- New:
- Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts changes are now merged into the main plugin.
- Dismantle kits will now show a prompt listing all of the weapons/armors in your inventory, as well as their current condition. You can now pick which weapon/armor you would like to dismantle (excluding equipped weapons/armor).
- Dismantle kits will now show a message box with exactly what you've received on a successful dismantle, instead of corner messages.
- You can now toggle the "Sorted Parts" option from the MCM, but disabling it requires a restart to take effect.
- Fixed issue where revolvers at high conditions were dismantling for no returns.
- Fixed issue where shotguns were dismantling for the wrong parts.
- 'Repaired Heavy Armor Parts' recipe now correctly requires a welding gun and broken heavy armor parts.
- 'Repaired Power Armor Parts' recipe now correctly requires a welding gun.
- Proton weapons from Old World Blues will no longer be classified as bladed weapons.
- Vendors will now stock boxes of repair parts, rather than the parts themselves. Each box returns 3 parts.
- Weapons/armor will now dismantle for damaged components at >= 40% HP (up from 33%), and full components at >= 80% HP (up from 66%).
- You will no longer waste dismantle kits on items that cannot possibly dismantle into an item (ie; low condition pistols, resolvers, or N/A items).
- Many repair parts will now use the repair kit world model, instead of scrap metal.
- Bear Trap Fists (Dead Money) are now covered by the bRepairListFixes INI setting.
- Added "fire axe", "hatchet", "cleaver", and "katana" to list of bladed weapon keywords.
- Added "pool cue", "rolling pin", and "war club" to list of wooden weapon keywords.
- Added "bear trap fist" to the list of gauntlet weapon keywords.
- Light armor recipe names now denote the type of hide being used.
- Light armor recipes will now collapse into one if you don't have any hides in your inventory.
- 'Repaired Medium Armor Parts' recipe no longer requires armor plating. Now requires 1 Scrap Metal.
- 'Repaired Heavy Armor Parts' recipe Flamer fuel required from 50 to 25. No longer requires scrap metal.
- 'Repaired Power Armor Parts' recipe now requires 50 Flamer fuel.
- Power Armor Parts value from 800 to 500 (Broken parts from 266 to 166).
- Localization strings have been moved from the INI back into message forms, except in the case of scripted messageboxes.
- New:
Version 2.8
- Fixes:
- Item icons will no longer show up as a jumbled mess when the game's texture size setting is set below 'Large'.
- Minor script optimizations.
- Repairing Medium Armor Parts now correctly requires 1 Scrap Metal instead of 1 Armor Plating.
- Repairing Heavy Armor Parts now correctly requires Broken Parts, and is repaired with 1 Armor Plating.
- Whet Stones can correctly be crafted with Purified Water once again.
- Energy Rifles in poor condition will now correctly dismantle for 1 Scrap Electronics.
- Heavy Weapons in poor condition will now correctly dismantle for 2 Scrap Metal.
- Missile Launchers in poor condition will now correctly dismantle for 2 Scrap Metal.
- SMGs, Bladed, Wooden, Gauntlets, and Clothing are now detected using keywords, which can be customized via the INI file. This supersedes the old method of manually adding forms to the config files individually.
- Item icons have largely been redrawn from scratch. Icons that weren't redrawn were modified to feel consistent with the artstyle of the newly drawn icons.
- Added an 'Effectiveness' MCM option for repair kits, for adjusting the final condition restored. (Default: 66%)
- Replaced junk rebalance settings from the INI and moved them to their own 'junk_rebalance.txt' config file. Individual changes can be freely added or removed.
- Armor Plating recipes names now include the name of the metal junk being used.
- Cloth recipes names now include the name of the clothing being destroyed.
- The following outfits can now be turned into Cloth: NCR Trooper Fatigues, Scientist Outfits, Trenchcoats, Slave Rags, Ranger Red Scarf Outfit, Ranger Vest Outfit, Ranger Casual Outfit, Bright Brotherhood Robe, Enclave Officer Uniform, Shabby Gambler Suits, White Glove Society Attire, Followers Doctor Coat, Jailhouse Rocker, Memphis Kid Outfit, Lab Technician Outfit, Roving Trader Outfit
- Added Scissors to vendor chests.
- You can now save all of your MCM settings as a preset to then apply to other savefiles.
- Repair Tools feature rewritten from scratch. Will no longer conflict with UI mods that rebind interface hotkeys, and is less prone to errors in general.
- Dismantling weapons and armor will now give full parts at 66% condition or higher (from 75%+), broken parts at 33% or higher (from 50%), and misc scrap at under 33%.
- Dismantle Kits now make use of leveled lists for determining the items received from dismantling, allowing them to be easily modified by mods.
- Heavy Armors in poor condition will now dismantle for 1 Armor Plating.
- Power Armors in poor condition will now dismantle for 1 Armor Plating, 1 Scrap Electronics, and 1 Scrap Metal.
- Rifle Parts: Crafting Repair requirement from 60 to 50.
- Energy Rifle Parts: Crafting Science requirement from 60 to 50.
- Degradation settings have been moved to the INI, and are disabled by default to improve compatibility.
- Vendor chests are now moved with scripts for the best possible compatibility.
- Cleaned up cloth recipes in crafting menu.
- Junk Rebalance: Hot Plate value from 10 to 15.
- Installer will now prompt you to transfer your INI settings when updating.
- Fixes:
Version 2.7.12
- - Fixed leaf blowers incorrectly having 0 weight and value with bJunkItemRebalance enabled.
- Individual junk item rebalance changes can now be disabled by setting them to -1 in the INI.
- Added Fairbairn-Sykes and KA-BAR from Weapons of the New Millenia and MTindle pack to the bladed weapons list.
- - Fixed leaf blowers incorrectly having 0 weight and value with bJunkItemRebalance enabled.
Version 2.7.11
- - Added a dedicated hotkey within the Pip-Boy for using dismantle kits on your current weapon or armor.
- Fixed an issue where 20Ga shotguns weren't receiving shotgun repair parts.
- Weapon Repair Kit minimum condition setting is now correctly limited below the max setting, and the max cannot go below the minimum.
- - Added a dedicated hotkey within the Pip-Boy for using dismantle kits on your current weapon or armor.
Version 2.7.10
- - Fixed an issue where various energy rifles weren't receiving energy rifle parts as intended.
Version 2.7.9
- Fixed the portable welding gun mesh not being installed correctly.
Version 2.7.8
- - Fixed an issue with pistols only dismantling into broken parts or nothing at all.
- Weapon and Armor dismantle kits should no longer occasionally dismantle duplicate items, instead of the equipped item.
- Added Assassin Suit to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
- Added Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
- Added Slave Backpack to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
- Added Lightweight Metal Armor to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Metal Armor.
- - Fixed an issue with pistols only dismantling into broken parts or nothing at all.
Version 2.7.7
- - Added 'fDismantleCondPartial' and 'fDismantleCondFull' INI settings for configuring the condition thresholds when dismantling items.
Version 2.7.6
- - Added Vault 34 Security Armor to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
Version 2.7.5
- Fixes:
- Weapon and Armor degredation settings will now correctly default to 0.2 and 0.35% respectively. (only affects new games)
- Fixed Weapon Repair Kit modes functioning opposite of the MCM setting.
- The Uzi and PPSh-41 from 'Weapons of The New Millenia And MTindle COMPLETE Pack' have now been added to the SMGs list.
- Fixes:
Version 2.7.4
- Fixes:
- Fixed generic Revolver repair list using Scrap Rifle parts.
- Fixed generic Shotgun repair list using Scrap Rifle parts.
- Fixed generic Heavy Armor repair list using Scrap Energy Heavy Weapon parts.
- Added Scrap Heavy Weapon parts to generic Heavy Weapons repair list.
- Added Box of Detergent to generic clothing repair list.
- Fixes:
Version 2.7.3
- New:
- Added a new config file so you can add support for custom SMGs without them having "SMG" or "Submachine" in their name. The new config file is found at '/data/Alternative Repairing/SMGs.txt"
- Automated SMG support is now limited to weapons that use the Guns skill, as modded energy SMGs exist.
- Added H&H Tools Nail Gun to the SMG list.
- Added built-in support for Millenia's KA-BAR, Uzi, Mac-10, and PPSh-41.
- New:
Version 2.7.2
- Fixed an issue where the FOMOD wasn't correctly detecting if JIP NVSE was installed correctly.
Version 2.7.1
- New:
- Added "bRepairListFixes" INI setting (enabled by default). Separates certain shared repair lists to avoid crossover, such as NCR Salvaged Power Armor causing T-45d Armor to be repairable with Heavy Armor parts. Individual fixes can be toggled in [Repair List Fixes] section of the INI.
- Added new icon for Armor Plating.
- Remastered icon for Medium Armor Parts.
- Remastered icon for Heavy Armor Parts.
- Remastered icon for Light Armor Parts.
- Part distribution script will now check if a part is already in a weapon/armor's repair list before adding it, for items that share repair lists.
- Minor optimization of part distribution script.
- 'bDebugMode' INI setting is now correctly disabled by default.
- Corrected misleading comment info for 'fRepairKitWeight' INI setting.
- Fixed duplicate textures and meshes included in FOMOD archive.
- Increased size of Soldering Iron icon.
- New:
Version 2.7
- New:
- JIP NVSE Plugin is now required.
- Any items with missing repair lists that fall under an appropriate category will be given a generic repair list to ensure they can be repaired with parts.
- Repair lists are now updated when the game is launched, rather than constantly scanning the player inventory.
- Added 'Alternative Repairing.ini', which can be found under 'data/config/'.
- Added 'bJunkItemRebalance' INI setting, which allows you to disable the weight and value rebalance of now-useful junk items. All weight and value changes are configurable if enabled.
- You can now blacklist items from being detected by adding them to 'data/Alternative Repairing/Blacklist.txt'.
- You can now add weapons to the Wooden, Bladed, and Gauntlet formlists using the appropriate config files in 'data/Alternative Repairing/' instead of having to create compatibility patches.
- Added a "minimum" option for repair kits. You can now set when a weapon is considered too damaged to repair via kits. (Default off)
- Added craftable Weapon/Armor Dismantle Kits. Allows you to disassemble your equipment and receive parts. Depending on the condition of the item, you will receive repair parts or some of the components used to make them. Can be used up to 3 times.
- Automatic Guns with "SMG" or "Submachine" in their names are now categorized as submachine guns.
- Added Sharpening Kits, which replace Whet Stones as the repair item for bladed melee weapons. Crafted at workbenches using a Whet Stone and Leather Belt, with 30 Repair.
- Melee weapons with "Blade", "Knife", "Sharp", "Dagger", "Sword", "Axe", "Hatchet", "Machete", "Spear", "Razor", or "Cleaver" in their names are now categorized as bladed weapons and are repairable with Sharpening Kits.
- Melee weapons with "Board" or "Bat" in their name are categorized as wooden and are repairable with Wonderglue.
- Unarmed weapons with "Gauntlet" in the name are now considered gauntlet weapons, and can be repaired with Medical Braces and Leather Belts.
- Any light armor that weighs less than 10 lbs is now considered Clothing, and is repairable with Cloth and Detergent.
- Repair Tools feature will now work with gamepads.
- Repair Tools, when enabled, are required for armor repairs as well.
- Vendors will now correctly have a chance of stocking Soldering Irons.
- Weapon Repair Kits now use the repair weapon sound effect upon successful repairs.
- Fixed Cloth recipe (Merc Grunt) not requiring scissors and incorrectly consuming them.
- Fixed Cloth recipe (Merc Troublemaker) not requiring scissors and incorrectly consuming them.
- Removed NPC clothing repair workaround as Stewie's Tweaks has a far better implementation.
- Moved debug mode MCM option to the "bDebugMode" INI setting.
- Moved Sorted Part Names MCM option to the "bSortedParts" INI setting.
- Repair list debugging messages are now outputted to "Alternative Repairing.log" in your base game directory.
- Weapon degradation option is now a slider.
- Armor degradation option is now a slider.
- Significantly reduced chance of repair parts appearing in vendor inventories to bring focus back on crafting.
- Increased value of most repair parts.
- Increased value of Welding Guns and Soldering Irons.
- Weapon Repair Kits now specify how many uses it has left in its effects, if multi-use mode is enabled.
- Power Armor Parts now require 3 armor plates to craft.
- Whet Stone repair crafting requirement from 30 to 10.
- Grenade Machinegun and Mercy now use Grenade Launcher parts.
- Camera breakdown recipe now requires 2 Cameras. Repair requirement from 10 to 15.
- Iron breakdown recipe repair requirement from 15 to 20.
- Paint Gun breakdown recipe repair requirement from 20 to 30
- Hot Plate breakdown recipe repair requirement from 25 to 35.
- Pressure Cooker breakdown recipe now yields 1 scrap metal instead of 2.
- Vacuum Cleaner breakdown recipe now yields scrap electronics.
- Hammer: Value from 10 to 15.
- Wrench: Value from 9 to 10.
- Iron: Weight from 5 to 2. Value from 2 to 10.
- PaperWeight: Weight from 1 to 2. Value from 1 to 5.
- Whet Stone: Weight from 1 to 2. Value from 15 to 10.
- Hot Plate: Value from 5 to 10.
- Leaf Blower: Weight from 10 to 15. Value from 25 to 50.
- Wood Chipper: Weight from 18 to 20.
- New:
Version 2.6.2
- Fixed certain Cloth recipes incorrectly consuming scissors.
Version 2.6.1
- Fixes:
- Cleaned dirty edits from Tale of Two Wastelands compatibility patch.
- Fixes:
Version 2.6
- Fixes:
- Improved the way 'dummy' recipes are displayed in order to reduce confusion.
- Fixed crash related to Cloth recipe.
- Heavy/Medium Armor Part recipes now use "Armor Plating", which is crafted using pots and pans to fix issues related to long item names.
- Clothing can no longer be shred into Cloth if you have it equipped to fix an enchantment exploit.
- Repair Tools now correctly affect armor repair.
- Fixed issues with various MCM options.
- Fixed incorrect MCM mouseover descriptions.
- Weapon Repair Kits now correctly factor in condition-boosting weapon mods. - New:
- Added new tool: Soldering Iron. These can be crafted at workbenches using a paint gun, fission battery, duct tape, and scrap metal. Can also be purchased from vendors.
- Added 'Weapon Repair Kit Limit' option. You can now set the point that Weapon Repair Kits will not repair beyond (defaults to 100%)
- Repair Tools have been separated into its own option independent of your Weapon Repair Kit mode.
- Repair NPCs will now repair apparel that lacks DT and DR. - Changes:
- Energy Weapon repair part recipes use a Soldering Iron instead of a wrench as the required tool.
- Repair Tools are now crafted in batches of 4 and are consumed on every repair, rather than by random chance.
- Breakdown Paint Gun recipe now requires 20 Repair.
- Breakdown Hotplate recipe now requires 25 Repair.
- Breakdown recipe for Pre-War toaster now indicates that it's specifically for the pre-war variant, and is now hidden unless you are carrying one. - Compatibility:
- Added patch for Tale of Two Wastelands. Haley, Karl, Knick Knack, Lydia Montenegro, Michael Masters, Moira, Seagrave Holmes, and Grandma Sparkle now stock parts and tools.
- Fixes:
Version 2.5.1
- - Enclave Scientist Outfits can now correctly be repaired with cloth and boxes of detergent.
Version 2.5
- - Any weapons in the repair lists for Knife, Machete, Cleaver, Straight Razor, Switchblade, Throwing Spear, or Hatchet are considered bladed weapons and will be repairable with Whet Stones.
- Reduced weight of Grenade Launcher Parts, Missile Launcher Parts, Heavy Weapon Parts, and Energy Heavy Weapon Parts.
- Light, Medium, and Heavy armor part recipes hidden when not needed to reduce list clutter.
- Light Armor Parts value from 60 to 40.
- Medium Armor Parts now crafted at workbenches using 1 Pot/Pan/Tin Plate/Pressure Cooker, 25 Flamer Fuel, and 2 Cloth. Value from 100 to 60. Crafting requirement from 60 Repair to 45 Repair.
- Heavy Armor Parts can no longer be used to repair Power Armor. Now crafted using 50 Flamer fuel, 1 Pot/Pan/Tin Plate/Pressure Cooker, and 1 Scrap Metal. Crafting requirement from 80 to 60. No longer requires Wrench. Value from 150 to 100.
- Added Power Armor Parts. Require 75 Flamer Fuel, 1 Pot/Pan/Tin Plate/Pressure Cooker, 2 Scrap Metal, and 2 Scrap Electronics with a Repair of 80 to craft at a workbench. Requires a wrench, hammer, and welding gun.
- - Any weapons in the repair lists for Knife, Machete, Cleaver, Straight Razor, Switchblade, Throwing Spear, or Hatchet are considered bladed weapons and will be repairable with Whet Stones.
Version 2.4
- - All weapons and armor are now automatically detected and are repairable with parts.
- Mod Configuration Menu is now optional.
- Fixed long MCM option names being cut off for users without Darnified UI.
- 'Replacement' part prefix changed to 'Scrap' to reduce the length of names in interfaces.
- 'Sorted Parts Names' option will now reset to its default value when clicking the "default" button.
- Welding Guns are no longer world objects, they are instead items that can be purchased from vendors and are used in certain recipes.
- Breakdown recipe requirements rebalanced.
- Added breakdown recipes for the following items: Iron, Pressure Cooker
- Part requirements, weight and value have been rebalanced.
- Guns parts now require fewer scrap metal, but have secondary and tertiary ingredients such as Duct Tape and Wonderglue.
- Explosive Weapon parts now require fewer scrap metal, but use a Welding Gun and flamer fuel to craft.
- Energy Weapon parts now require fewer ingredients.
- Armors are now repaired with Light Armor Parts, Medium Armor Parts, and Heavy Armor parts.
- Cloth Patch renamed to "Cloth" and now requires Scissors to craft. Tribal clothing from Zion can now be used to craft it as well.
- 'Repair Requires Tools' and 'Multi-Use Repair Kits' combined into a single 'Weapon Repair Kits' option, which has three modes: Vanilla, Multi-Use, and Tool Mode.
- 'Less effective repair' option removed.
- Removed Alternative Repairing.ini.
- Removed vehicle scavenging.
- Removed Breakdown Icons optional file.
- Removed Additional Campfires optional file.
- Removed NVInteriors patch as it's no longer needed.
- - All weapons and armor are now automatically detected and are repairable with parts.
Version 2.3
- - Added support for Millenia's CZ805 BREN, Dragunov SVU, Codename RU-556, Suomi M-31, and OTs-33 Pernach.
Version 2.2
- - Added support for Fallout 3 Weapon Restoration.
- Added support for After War Nevada.
- Memphis Kid Outfit can now correctly be repaired with Cloth Patches.
- - Added support for Fallout 3 Weapon Restoration.
Version 2.1.1
- Energy Heavy Weapon Parts are now correctly titled while the Sorted Part Names option is enabled.
- Tesla Cannon, Tesla-Beaton Prototype, Flamer, Incinerator, Heavy Incinerator, Elijah's Jury Rigged Tesla Cannon (OWB), Cleansing Flame (GRA), The Smitty Special (GRA), and Sprtel-Wood 9700 (GRA) are now correctly classified as Heavy Energy Weapons and can be repaired with the appropriate parts.
Version 2.1
- NEW:
- Added Multi-Use Weapon Repair Kits option. Weapon Repair Kits can now be used up to 3 times, with each use giving degraded results. Once fully consumed, your wrench is returned. If using Repair Requires Tools, when you break a repair kit, they are removed in descending order of quality (standard, used, and then worn).
- Vendortron will now stock replacement firearm parts along with the occasional metal armor parts.
- Prospector Merchant will now stock replacement pistol, revolver, and energy pistol parts. She will also stock cloth patches, leather patches, and boxes of detergent.
- Mick will now stock guns, explosive, and energy weapon parts. Ralph now only stocks armor parts.
- Added support for Millenia's Serbu Super-Shorty, IMI Desert Eagle, and Steyr Scout.
- Added support for weapons added in the upcoming version of Weapons of the New Millenia.
- Completely re-wrote vehicle scavenging scripts, making them more efficient and less prone to errors. Scavenging requirements can now be set via Alternative Repairing.ini, which is found under Config in your data directory.
- Item weight and value can now be adjusted in Alternative Repairing.ini.
- Reduced weight of revolver, smg, rifle, energy pistol, energy rifle, energy heavy weapon, grenade rifle, metal armor parts, power armor parts, and leather patch.
- Reduced weight of wrench, scrap metal, scrap electronics, and wood chipper.
- Reduced value of wrench, hammer, leaf blower, toaster (post-war), toaster (pre-war), whet stone, and wood chipper.
- Reduced value of enegry pistol parts, power armor parts, and leather patch.
- Increased value of shotgun, SMG, rifle, heavy weapon, energy rifle, energy heavy weapon, grenade launcher, and missile launcher parts.
- Energy Rifle parts require one less scrap metal to craft.
- Increased value of vacuum cleaner.
- Increased weight of weapon repair kits.
- Repair Requires Tools: Increased chance of repair kit breakage.
- Motorcycle scavenging requirement reduced to 35.
- Cars and Trucks can now give Scrap Electronics and Sensor Modules.
- Removed car scavenging challenge. There is now only one challenge for scavenging any type of vehicle.
- Repair Requires Tools: Corrected the issue of Weapon Repair Kits not being removed when broken.
- NEW:
Version 2.0.3
- - Fixed a bug with the Repair Requires Tools option that prevented armor repair if you had no Weapon Repair Kits in your inventory.
Version 2.0.2
- Knives are no longer required to craft Cloth or Leather Patches.
- Leather patches and Leather Belts (Honest Hearts) crafted using larger gecko hides (fire gecko, golden gecko, green gecko, etc) requires 2 turpentines instead of 1.
- Courier dusters (Lonesome Road) are now repaired with leather patches instead of cloth patches.
- Leather armor can no longer be repaired with cloth patches.
Version 2.0.1
- - Fixed Tale of Two Wastelands compatibility plugin.
- Added compatibility patch for LFox's Bottle That Water (TTW Edition).
- Added compatibility patches for NVInteriors Combo (AWOP) Edition - Searchlight Airport Fix.
- Added support for Millenia's Desert Eagle (standalone)
- Part leveled lists have been split up into tiers to allow for a wider variety of parts sold by vendors (both weapons and armors).
- - Fixed Tale of Two Wastelands compatibility plugin.
Version 2.0
- NEW:
- New FOMOD installer with additional compatibility patch flexibility.
- While installing Alternative Repairing, if you have NVEC Complete installed, you will be prompted as to which scavenging system will be used.
- Added MCM option "Sorted Part Names." Adds the prefix "Part," to all part names to allow for better sorting in menus.
- Added support for WMX's Modern Weapons plugin.
- Added support for Millenia's KS-23, FN FNC, PP-6P9, HK G36K, M1897, and TOZ-66.
- Added support for Ryss5an's classic weapons.
- Added support for Naky's Ruger SR-556 and Walther WA 2000.
- Added support for Heffy's AKs and AR15s Weapons Pack.
- Added support for MTindle's CZ52, Remington 700, ZM LR-300, Saiga 12k, Gewehr 43, Mossberg 590, SVT-40, and SKS Simonov.
- Added support for FOOK.
- (Additional campfires optional) Added two campfires in Freeside.
- Dropped manual installation support.
- Compatibility with Weapons of the New Millenia is now up to date with the latest version (version 1.1a)
- Repair Requires Tools now only affects weapons and requires weapon repair kits instead of wrenches and hammers. Chance of tool breaking has been reduced. Reduced luck's effect on weapon repair kit breakage.
- Weapon Repair Kit weight has been reduced from 6lbs to 4lbs.
- Pistol, Revolver, and Energy Pistol parts are now sold in higher quantities.
- Weapon parts are now slightly more commonly sold by vendors.
- Leather and cloth patches are now more commonly sold by vendors.
- Metal Armor Parts are now slightly more commonly sold by vendors.
- Power armor and helmets are now only repaired with the vendor-bought part "Power Armor Parts." These can be commonly purchased at the BoS bunker, The Citadel (TTW), and occasionally at the Hoover Dam.
- Reduced fuel needed to craft metal armor parts from 230 to 75.
- Non-vault jumpsuits are now repaired with cloth patches instead of leather.
- Removed weight changes to Wonderglue, Turpentine, Paperweight, Whet Stone, and Camera.
- Removed value changes to Pot, Coffee Pot, and Wonderglue.
- Reduced weight of Revolver, Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Missile Launcher parts, and Energy Rifle parts.
- Reduced weight of cloth patches.
- Reduced value of metal armor parts.
- You are no longer booted out of the repair menu if you have spare weapon repair kits left.
- Millenia's AKS-74u is now classified as an assault rifle rather than submachine gun.
- Fixed not being able to repair Millenia's Duplet.
- Power Fists can no longer be repaired with leather belts and medical braces.
- Battle Rifles can no longer be repaired with This Machine (without Jury Rigging).
- Vehicles in DLC can now be scavenged as they can in the Mojave Wasteland.
- Multiplas Rifles can now be repaired with energy rifle parts.
- Added repair list for King's Outfit and it can now be repaired with leather patches.
- Added repair list for White Glove Society Attire and it can now be repaired with Detergent.
- Added repair list for Formal Wear and it can now be repaired with Detergent.
- (Additional campfires optional) Fixed floating campfire in goodsprings.
- NEW:
Version 1.9.1
- Fixed CTD on load with Weapon Mods Expanded installed.
- Repair Requires Tools will return to its default setting (off) when "Default" is pressed.
Version 1.9
- NEW:
- New FOMOD installer. Should fix the issues a few users were having with installing the mod.
- Intact Corvegas, Coupés, Highway Patrol Cars, and Pickup Trucks can now be scavenged for parts. They require a higher repair skill, take longer to scavenge, but yield more items than motorcycles. Cars will also explode upon taking heavy fire, similar to Fallout 3.
- Added FOMOD option to disable vehicle explosions.
- Added MCM option Repair Requires Tools, which disallows item repair if you do not have a hammer and wrench in your inventory. Your wrench and hammer also have a small chance of breaking.
- Tale of Two Wastelands: Vendors in the Capital Wasteland will now stock repair parts.
- Added support for Millenia's TOZ-34.
- Added support for Millenia's Steyr AUG A1.
- Added support for Millenia's GSh-18.
- Added support for Weapon Mods Expanded.
- Increased the health of motorcycles.
- Slightly increased chance of wrench break when scavenging.
- Fixed issues with repairing items from Tale of Two Wastelands.
- Pre-war toaster price has been adjusted to be slightly than post-war toasters.
- NEW:
Version 1.8
- NEW:
- Added support for Weapons of the New Millenia (Millenia's weapon pack).
- Added support for Millenia Colt M4A1.
- Added support for Millenia Mauser C96.
- Rebalanced energy weapon part recipes.
- Energy weapon parts are now more common in vendor inventories.
- Alexander and the Arms Merchant will now occasionally have armor parts.
- Old Lady Gibson can now stock metal armor parts.
- Miguel can now stock metal armor parts.
- Chet will now stock rifle and energy rifle parts.
- Cloth patches are now slightly less common in vendors.
- Increased prices of cloth and leather patches.
- Increased weight of leaf blowers and increased the amount of items they yield when broken down.
- Riot Gear can no longer be repaired with cloth patches.
- Marked Beast helmets (Lonesome Road) are now repaired with each other and metal parts.
- 5.56mm Pistols are now properly repaired with other 5.56mm Pistols.
- Appropriate hats can be repaired with cloth patches.
- Wasteland Doctor Fatigues and Wasteland Surgeon Fatigues can now be repaired with Merc Grunt Outfits.
- Vault 34 Security armor and helmet now have their own repair lists.
- Fixed issues with repairing items both vanilla and from mods.
- Energy weapon recipes now correctly require a wrench.
- Fixed an issue with installing TTWInteriors.
- NEW:
Version 1.7
- NEW:
- Parts can now be found in small quantities on some merchants around the wasteland.
- Added more welding guns around the Mojave Wasteland. They can generally be found near workbenches.
- Added welding guns to Zion National Park.
- Added Old World Blues plugin. Welding guns can now be found throughout Big Mountain near workbenches.
- Added Lonesome Road plugin. Welding guns can now be found throughout The Divide near workbenches.
- Added Ultimate Edition plugin which is all of the DLC plugins combined.
- Added plugin for full Tale of Two Wastelands support. Scavengable motorcycles and welding guns can now be found in the Capital Wasteland.
- FOMOD now detects and auto-selects the appropriate DLC and compatibility patches for your load order.
- Added debug messages for Weapon Degradation, Armor Degradation, and Less Effective Repair MCM options.
- Clothing can now be repaired with boxes of detergent alongside cloth patches.
- Legion armor can now be repaired with tin plates.
- Lobotomite Goggles (Old World Blues) can now be repaired with leather belts.
- War Clubs (Honest Hearts) can be repaired with wonderglue.
- Yao Guai Gaunlets (Honest Hearts) can be repaired with medical braces and leather belts.
- Tribal armor (Honest Hearts) can be repaired with leather and cloth patches.
- Reduced weight of firearm and energy weapon parts.
- Increased prices of repair parts.
- Weight adjustments removed from the following items: pot, coffee pot, tin plate, metal cooking pan, metal cooking pot, and motorcycle gas tank.
- Hammers and wrenches both now have a weight of 2 so that they can benefit from the Pack Rat perk.
- Light and heavy metal armor parts have been removed and replaced with Metal Armor Parts. Unfinished metal plating removed.
- Power armor, metal armor, and combat armor are now repaired with Metal Armor Parts.
- Crafting cloth patches now yield one cloth patch rather than two.
- Cloth patch icon updated and item has been renamed to "Cloth Patches".
- Thick fabric removed; all items that were repaired with thick fabric will use cloth patches instead.
- Leather patch and leather belt (Honest Hearts) recipes made slightly easier.
- Leather straps removed; all items that were repaired with leather straps will use leather belts instead.
- The "Normal" setting on degredation options no longer doubles as a way to override Alternative Repairing's changes, there is now a separate override setting. Selecting override no longer requires a restart to take effect.
- After activating debug mode, you will immediately receive messages in the console without a need for restarting.
- Fixed issues with installing certain NVInteriors Edition patches.
- Fixed an issue preventing cloth patch recipes from appearing when they're meant to.
- NEW:
Version 1.6
- - Script optimization.
- Script updates to hopefully sort out CTDs and issues with items not appearing in repair lists.
- "Mod Enabled" MCM option no longer needed for clean uninstallation.
- Added one-time messages that appear when changing some MCM options so that you know exactly what each option does.
- Expanded description of Less Effective Repair MCM option to be much clearer as to what it changes.
- Added more motorcycles around the wasteland (See: Gibson's Scapyard, Grub N' Gulp, Camp Forlorn Hope, 188 Trading Post, and more).
- NVInteriors Combo AWOP Edition patch added.
- NVInteriors Wasteland Edition patch added.
- NVInteriors Wasteland AWOP Edition patch added.
- NVInteriors Urban Edition patch added.
- NVInteriors Urban AWOP Edition patch added.
- - Script optimization.
Version 1.5.2
- Script fixes to prevent CTDs.
Version 1.5.1
- Fixed CTD upon loading a save with Project Nevada installed.
- Added 'debug mode' MCM option. While enabled, it will print descriptive messages to the console as the mod operates.
- Fixed an issue with uninstalling TTW repair list changes.
- Leather patches now use the updated icon.
- Project Nevada: Alien Disintegrator was incorrectly set to use energy pistol parts, this has been corrected.
Version 1.5
- - Rewrote scripts so that the mod can accommodate support for more mods with greater ease.
- Fast Degredation MCM option has been separated into Weapon and Armor degredation. You can now choose from 4 preset speeds, normal, fast, very fast, and ultra fast. Normal is vanilla speed.
- Grenade and Missile Launcher parts now exist for the appropriate weapon types with different requirements.
- Fixed issues with repairing That Gun and Police Pistol (Dead Money).
- 5.56mm Pistols are now repaired using revolver parts.
- Duct Tape and Wonderglue removed from Hunting Rifle and Battle Rifle/This Machine repair lists strictly to maintain balance. Other repair lists with these items remain unchanged.
- Armor Plating has been separated into two craftable items: Heavy Metal Armor Parts and Light Metal Armor Parts. Heavy is for Power Armor and Metal Armor. Light is for Combat Armor (all types), NCR Ranger Combat Armor, Riot Gear, etc.
- Fixed issues with certain repair lists not being correctly updated/set.
- Added 3 welding guns to Hidden Valley Bunker near Senior Knight Lorenzo.
- Welding Guns can no longer be moved.
- Thick fabric is now used to repair thicker clothing (i.e. NCR Ranger Combat Armor, NCR Trooper Armor, Dusters).
- Reduced motorcycle scavenging requirement to 45.
- Increased chance of getting scrap metal from motorcycles.
- Slightly increased chance of breaking wrench when scavenging motorcycles.
- Hopefully addressed the occasional issue of controls being locked after scavenging motorcycles.
- Minor adjustment to vanilla item weights and values.
- Pistol part skill requirement is now 45.
- Revolver part skill requirement is now 40.
- Revolver part weight reduced to 1.8 from 2.2.
- Crafting challenges removed. Unfortunately there are some limitations preventing these from working.
- Leather patch and leather belt recipes (Honest Hearts) now require Survival instead of Repair.
- Leather patches now use the correct inventory icon.
- Softened leveling curve for crafting leather patches.
- Leather patch ingredients are now easier to make them more enticing.
- Leather straps are now only used for repairing Bladed Gauntlets, Mantis Gauntlets, raider armor, prostitute outfits, Hockey Masks, Biker Goggles, Lobotomite Mask, and Lobotomite Mask and Goggles.
- NCR Ranger Patrol Armor missing repair list added and can now be repaired using the appropriate items.
- Vacuum Cleaner breakdowns now yield more items.
- NVInteriors: Motorcycles added by NVInteriors can now be scavenged.
- NVInteriors/TTWInteriors: Telephones can now be broken down into scrap electronics.
- NVInteriors/TTWInteriors: Coffee Urns can no longer be broken down.
- NVInteriors/TTWInteriors: Fan and Lamp breakdown requirements increased.
- NVInteriors/TTWInteriors: Typewriters now give 3 scrap metal instead of 2 when broken down.
- NVInteriors/TTWInteriors: Increased ham radio breakdown requirements.
- NVInteriors/TTWInteriors: Recipes from these mods are now always visible in the crafting menu.
- - Rewrote scripts so that the mod can accommodate support for more mods with greater ease.
Version 1.4
- Hopefully fixed all issues regarding compatibility for NVEC's Bottle That Water
Version 1.3
- - Added support for kouoaeha's weapons.
- - Added support for D3IMUDD4's weapons.
- - Added welding guns to: Mick and Ralph's, Raul's Shack, Gun Runners' HQ, Nellis Hangar, Nellis Workshop, and Camp Forlorn Hope Storage Shed.
- - Fixed an issue with detecting if A Tale of Two Wastelands is installed.
Version 1.2
- Fixed issues with installing Bottle That Water (NVEC)
Version 1.1
- Added compatibility patch for NVEC's integrated version of Bottle That Water.
- All issues with installing the FOMOD with Fallout Mod Manager should be fixed.
Version 1.0
- Initial release

Alternative Repairing adds repair parts for you to craft and buy, but crafting will likely be your main method of acquiring them. The crafting recipes aren't complex, but you won't be swimming in parts. The goal is not to completely revamp item repair, but instead to give you more options and add a bit of satisfaction to scavenging junk
Simply acquire some parts either through crafting or vendors, and repair your equipment as you normally would through the Pip-Boy interface.
You can view all of the recipes added by Alternative Repairing by navigating to the "Repair" category at your local crafting stations or clicking the following links:
Crafting Recipes
Breakdown Recipes
Here are some general rules for repairing with parts:
- Weapons and armor are repaired with parts that are appropriately named. (Pistols are repaired with Pistol Parts, for example)
- Armor is repaired using its appropriately named item (Medium armors are repaired with Medium Armor Parts, for example)
- Clothing can be repaired with Cloth or Boxes of Detergent
- Bladed weapons can be repaired with Sharpening Kits
- Gauntlet-type weapons can be repaired with medical braces and leather belts.
- Wooden weapons (baseball bats, nail boards, etc) can be repaired with wonderglue.
Some recipes will require tools such as Welding Guns and Soldering Irons. These can be purchased from any vendor you come across that stocks repair parts.
Alternative Repairing also features weapon and armor dismantling. You can perform this by crafting Dismantle Kits at workbenches (usable up to 3 times), which will allow you to destroy your items in exchange for scraps or even repair parts, depending on the condition of the item. Damaged components obtained this way need to be fixed up at workbenches in order to be usable.
- Honest Hearts
- Lonesome Road
- New Vegas Script Extender
- JIP NVSE Plugin
- Mod Configuration Menu (optional)
Items are dynamically detected, categorized, and handled. You won't need patches for your hundreds of other mods.
Detection cannot be automated in some cases, but you can add keywords for items in the Alternative Repairing.ini file.
Incompatible mods:
- Project Nevada (with Alternative Repair System enabled, compatible otherwise)
Install the FOMOD using Mod Organizer 2, Nexus Mod Manager, Fallout Mod Manager (, or Vortex.
- Remove Alternative Repairing.esp and related ESPs.
- Remove Alternative Repairing.ini from data/Config/
- Remove Alternative Repairing folder in data/Meshes/
- Remove Alternative Repairing folder in data/Textures/
- Remove Alternative Repairing folder in data/
- Q: Can I still repair items normally?
- A: The normal repair system hasn't been removed; this mod is purely supplemental.
- Q: Is it intentional that I can repair my <item> with these seemingly incorrect parts?
- A: If you are using weapon mods that haphazardly reuse other weapons' repair lists, then you will end up with weapons using the incorrect parts. Custom weapons should use repair lists that match their archetypes as best as possible. There's not much I can do to prevent this.
Before reporting these issues, please verify (using FNVEdit) that you don't have, for example, a Super Awesome Custom Assault Carbine that reuses the 9mm Pistol's repair list.
- Q: Can you make parts repair more/less?
- A: Engine limitations prevent this from being possible. The repair healing formula can be adjusted slightly, but that affects any and all repairs and causes more issues than it solves.
- Q: Why can't I repair any items with parts?
- A: This mod will conflict with Project Nevada's Alternative Repair System. Simply disable that option and restart your game to resolve the issue. If Project Nevada is not the cause, make sure you meet Alternative Repairing's requirements.
- Q: Why is it that some recipes, specifically breakdown, are showing the incorrect ingredients?
- A: This is unfortunately an engine-level issue. The game assumes that because there's less than three items being output, that it's not a breakdown recipe and the menu information changes accordingly. All item breakdowns would need to have at least three different item outputs for it to display correctly.