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About this mod

Adds 10 new manufacturing machines for you to use including making Nuka-Cola and Vim bottles, medical items, chems and a new metal bar compactor.

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  • Spanish
A big shout out to wrathmaniac (author of Better Manufacturing) for helping me with the scripts and how to understand them. Check his stuff out!


This mod adds 10 manufacturing machines for you to build that can build a variety of items including Nuka-Cola and Vim bottles, medical items, chems and a new metal bar compactor that converts individual metal scrap (aluminium, copper, gold, lead, silver and steel) into metal bars that can be sold for a profit.

The metal compactor adds 3 new metal bars (aluminium, lead and steel) that behave the same as the existing copper, gold and silver bars that you can pick up but normally only scrap for components. This now lets you convert the metal scrap back into bars ideal for selling.

Mod requires Contraptions Workshop, Far Harbor and Nuka World DLC's. Items can be found under Power > Manufacturing > Machinery.

What Does It Add?

Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant:
  • Produces standard Nuka-Cola flavours (Nuka-Cola, Quantum, Victory etc) but not the specialist ones (Nuka-Lixir, Nuka-Power etc).

Vim Bottling Plant:
  • Produces the 4 Vim flavours found in Far Harbor.

Med-Tek Medical Plant:
  • Produces all basic medical items (Stimpaks, RadAway, Blood Pack etc) and even antibiotics for survival players.

Med-Tek Chem Plant:
  • Produces all basic chems (Buffout, Jet etc) and even X-Cell with readily available items instead of obscure junk items or items such as brain fungus.

Metal Compactor:
  • Converts 10 metal scrap/components (aluminium, copper, gold, lead, silver and steel) into a metal bar. 3 new bars have been made (aluminium, lead and steel) to go alongside the 3 existing ones (copper, gold and silver).
  • Previously you could only scrap the metal bars but now this machine lets you make them that can be sold for a bit of profit over individual components.
  • New metal bars (like existing ones) can be scrapped back to components if you wish.

New in 1.02:

Beer Bottling Plant
  • Produces normal beer and all Gwinnet variations.

Alcohol Spirits Bottling Plant
  • Produces various alcoholic spirits including Bobrov's Best Moonshone, Rum, Wine and more.

Canned Meat Packer
  • Turn 1 meat of any kind along with 3 aluminium bars to make new 'Fresh Canned Meat' in batches of 3. This is an edible food source.

Nuka-Cola Mix Bottling Plant
  • Produces all the Nuka-Cola mix flavours (e.g. Newka-Cola, Nuka-Fancy, Nuka-Void). 2 normal flavours go in and you get 2 mixed versions of your choice.

Trade Goods Plant
  • Build a variety of trade goods that are useful to sell to merchants - great if you have a surplus of components and can sell at a bit more of a profit compared to just components.
There should be none as these are new builders and referencing to existing in-game items with the exception of Metal Compactor which has some new items. Plays fine with other manufacturing mods.

My Other Mods

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