A simple tool for scanning your Buffout 4 crash logs, game and mod files. Automatically detects problems in around 250 different cases. GUI included. Previously known as Crash Log Auto Scanner (CLAS)
Python script created by me. (Poet) Buffout 4 created by Ryan. (Fudgyduff)
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Version 7.30.4
Added two new crashes to the list
Rewrote the Papyrus Log Monitor
Add the ability to fetch logs from pastebin
Minor optimizations and cleanups
Version 7.30.3
*CHANGES* - Now queries the registry for the game's install directory first before falling back to parsing the F4SE log - Add the ability to toggle the audio notifications, also now uses Qt's built-in sound effect library so we no longer need to bundle NumPy (which was a dependency of the old audio library) - Logs copied from F4SE directory now go into a new "Crash Logs" folder (which is automatically created if it doesn't exist). Existing logs in the main CLASSIC directory will be moved to this folder. - No longer automatically checks for latest F4SE version since it is obsolete because F4SE is now doing new releases on Nexus.
Version 7.30.2
Game installation directory is now properly saved to the local data file. If you were affected by this issue, delete the CLASSIC Data\CLASSIC Fallout4 Local.yaml file, it will be recreated the next time you open CLASSIC
Removed the FormID database creation code and opted for bundling a premade database There is also a second database for you to add your own mods form ids to.
Just add the bundled xEdit script located in CLASSIC Data to xEdit's Edit Scripts directory, launch xEdit and use it to create the list then use the included tools to add them.
Version 7.30.1
- Prompts for INI directory and Game directory will be handled in the GUI
- Fixed typos that prevented the detection of X-Cell in FCX mode.
The Papyrus log monitor is still a WIP
Version 7.30
7.30 (Formerly known as 7.26.1 Unofficial) *CHANGE SUMMARY* - CLASSIC now uses a database cache, generated on startup, to improve query speed for the "Show FID Values" feature. - Fixes the NoneType error, which was caused by the initialization code failing to store the location of the F4SE Address Library. - FCX mode no longer crashes when duplicate section entries are found in an INI file or a section it's looking for doesn't exist. - Fix FCX mode for Fallout 4 VR. Turns out F4SEVR also uses the F4SE directory and not a separate F4SEVR directory in the "My Games" folder. - Add caching code for YAML file lookups to minimize the number of times a file actually needs to be read. - Add conflict and configuration checks for perchik71's X-Cell mod. - Bump BA2 Limit check's severity to 6 because any other crash suspects are likely the result of the BA2 limit crash. - Reclassified loose previsibine files as a *CAUTION* instead of a *NOTICE* since current conensus is that loose previsibine files are problematic. - Add separate core mod list for Fallout: London (Right now, it's pretty much the same as the vanilla one, just removes UFO4P and PRP since they are incompatible with FOLON) - Brand new UI made with the goal of making the window no longer confined to "650x950". It's still not resizable, but the groundwork is laid to make it scale better for larger resolutions. This new UI also no longer pops up a console window, all console output is now printed in a text box in the main window. - Custom crash handler that has a button to instantly copy the traceback message to the clipboard. - Scans now run off the main thread so the window no longer freezes while scans are running. - Update the current Buffout 4 NG version to 1.35.1. - Fix plugin tests running when no plugin list was loaded. - More fixes and optimizations that didn't make the changelogs of the past.
Version 7.20
7.20 *NEW FEATURES* - CLASSIC now automatically creates backups of your game's main EXE files. - CLASSIC now automatically checks for F4SE updates from the official website. - Added hash checks for Script Extender files from the VR version of the game. - Added the Address Library file check (required for Script Extender and some mods). - CLASSIC now checks if given folder for the INI path actually exists before adding it. - Added options to Backup / Restore / Remove files from *ENB, Reshade and Vulkan Renderer* [These options are located under the new tab in the CLASSIC interface. See Readme PDF for details]. - All invalid crash logs and file backups are now stored and separated into *CLASSIC Backup* folder.
*CHANGES* - *Crash Logs Scan* is now ~25% faster. - Improved visuals of interface popup boxes. - Re-centered a few misaligned interface elements. - Updated BethINI link to the new BethINI PIE version. - Additional fixes for Fallout 4 VR file and folder paths detection. - Converted CLASSIC Readme to PDF with better formatting and more info. - Fixed crash log files not being excluded from general log files error search. - Fixed incorrect detection of Script Extender file copies during *Game Files Scan*. - Fixed an issue where certain plugins were not detected under *Possible Plugin Suspects*.
Version 7.10-beta4
*NEW FEATURES* - CLASSIC will now extract required files from *CLASSIC Data.zip* if they are not found. - Default *Fallout4Custom.ini* settings are now accessible through *CLASSIC FO4.yaml* [These settings will be auto generated if Fallout4Custom.ini doesn't already exist.]
*CHANGES* - The CLASSIC interface has a brand new look. - Fixed *AttributeError* in the mod_ini_config(). - Fixed some minor formatting bugs for *-AUTOSCAN.md* files. - Fixed incorrect generation of Fallout 4 VR file and folder paths. - Updated *CLASSIC Readme* with explanations for all of the new features. - CLASSIC now keeps AUTOSCAN report files in the same folder with their crash logs. - Changed the file structure, now all required files are organized inside *CLASSIC Data* folder. [Please report if it still fails to generate your Fallout 4 VR file and folder paths in CLASSIC FO4VR.yaml]
Version 7.07-beta1
7.07-beta3 - Hotfix #2 for xse_check_integrity() 7.07-beta2 - Hotfix #1 for version detection and CLASSIC not overwriting crash log files when needed.
7.07-beta1 | "Everything Everywhere All At Once" Update *NEW FEATURES* - CLASSIC will automatically check for its own updates every 7 days. - CLASSIC will warn you if MS OneDrive is overriding your Documents folder location. - CLASSIC will automatically grab all crash log files from the Script Extender folder. - CLASSIC will play a short notification sound once crash logs and game file scans are done. - Various CLASSIC settings were moved to YAML files for much easier access and editing. - Various CLASSIC functions and tasks are now automatically logged to *CLASSIC Journal.log* - Extended scan support for crash logs from new and old Buffout 4 versions. - Extended compatibility and features for Virtual Reality (VR) version of the game. - *VR Mode* setting that will prioritize scanning files from the VR version of the game. - *Simlify Logs* setting that removes some useless and redundant lines from crash log files. - *Show FID Values* setting that will look up FormID values for Possible FormID Suspects. - Papyrus Log monitoring built into the GUI. Also plays a warning sound when things go bad. - Buttons for quick access to the DDS Texture Scanner, Wrye Bash and BethINI Nexus pages. - Ability to scan all mod files from your Staging Mods Folder to detect these issues: > Check if DDS texture file dimensons are not divisible by 2 (Ex. 1024 x 1025) > Check if texture files are in the wrong format (TGA or PNG instead of DDS) > Check if sound files are in the wrong format (MP3 or M4A instead of XWM or WAV) > Check which mods have custom precombine / previs data (so you can load them after PRP) > Check which mods have custom animation file data (to narrow down Animation Data Crashes) > Check which mods have copies of Script Extender files (to prevent problems and crashes) - Mod files scan will also move any found fomod and readme files to the CLASSIC Misc folder. - You can also generate FormID values for all active mods, so AUTOSCAN reports can use them. - AUTOSCAN reports will now additionally provide the following information: > List all mod INI files and settings that have enabled game *VSync*, if any. > Show how many times each Possible FormID Suspect appears in the crash log. > Warn you if *Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Prefs.ini or Fallout4Custom.ini* become corrupted. > Notify you when Buffout 4 fixes in the TOML config file get changed or disabled. > Show an additional warning if you went over the Plugin Limit (254 esm/esp).
*CHANGES* - Complete code rewrite that will make all future versions much more stable and expandable. - *Game Corruption Crash* renamed to *Animation Data Crash*, crash info has been updated. - Several code optimizations thanks to [evildarkarchon] on GitHub, plus many bugs squashed. - Added few redundant / irrelevant errors to the internal exclusion list so they are ignored.
DISCLAIMER: I am not associated with the Buffout 4 author/dev Fudgyduff in any way. This tool is my own separate project and solely my responsibility. Don't bother the Buffout dev about it if you don't have to.
It automatically scans Buffout 4 crash logs and gives you detailed information on detected settings and mods that might be causing the crash, along with additional steps to take depending on what it finds. Currently implemented logic checks for ~250 different things.
CLASSIC can now also extensively scan game and mod files for additional problems.
CLAS has evolved into: Crash Log Auto Scanner & Setup Integrity Checker Here are most of its main features (and there's plenty more):
- Automatically checks for its own updates every 7 days. - Automatically grabs all crash log files from the Script Extender folder. - Plays a notification sound once crash logs and game file scans are done.
- Checks if the game is installed outside of Program Files folder. - Checks if Buffout 4 and its requirements are correctly installed. - Warns you if MS OneDrive is overriding your Documents folder location.
- Checks if you have the latest version of Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE). - Checks if any F4SE files are corrupted or overwritten by other mods. - Checks if F4SE files and scripts are correctly installed.
- Automatically enables Archive Invalidation / Loose Files setting if necessary. - Automatically adjusts Buffout4 TOML settings to prevent mod conflicts and crashes. - Automatically adjusts INI settings for some mods to prevent crashes & various problems.
- Papyrus Log monitoring built into the GUI and plays a warning sound when things go bad. - Checks for conflicts between mods and available mod patches or solutions to problems. - Buttons for quick access to many other useful Fallout 4 tools, articles and websites.
- Ability to scan all mod files from your Staging Mods Folder to detect these issues: > Check if DDS texture file dimensions are not divisible by 2 (Ex. 1024 x 1025) > Check if texture files are in the wrong format (TGA or PNG instead of DDS) > Check if sound files are in the wrong format (MP3 or M4A instead of XWM or WAV) > Check which mods have precombine / previs data (so you can load them after PRP) > Check which mods have animation file data (to narrow down Animation Data Crashes) > Check which mods have copies of Script Extender files (to prevent problems & crashes)
- Mod files scan will also move any found fomod and readme files to CLASSIC Misc folder. - You can also generate FormID values for all your active mods, so AUTOSCAN can show them.
- AUTOSCAN reports will additionally provide the following information: > Check and show if you have the latest version of Buffout 4 > Notify you when most Buffout 4 TOML fixes get changed or disabled. > Warn you when TOML settings need changes to prevent conflicts and crashes.
> List all mods that can frequently cause crashes or other problems. > List all mods that have community patches and fixes available for them. > List all mod INI files and settings that have enabled game *VSync*, if any.
> Show the Plugin Checker report analysis from Wrye Bash if it's available. > Warn you if *Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Prefs.ini or Fallout4Custom.ini* become corrupted. > Warn you if there are any errors in the Script Extender and all other mod log files.
> Show how many times each Possible Plugin and FormID Suspect appears in the crash log. > Show how many times each detected record (file, function) appears in the crash log. > Show an additional warning if you went over the Plugin Limit (254 esm/esp).
1.) Download the CLASSIC Portable main file from Files tab and extract it somewhere. 3.) Run the executable, press the SCAN CRASH LOGS button and wait until it's complete. 4.) Open the autoscan results generated in the same folder that end with -AUTOSCAN(.md). 5.) Profit. (Read the -AUTOSCAN files and do what they say. Beware of false positives.) 6.) Press Scan Game Files button to perform additional mod and game file integrity checks.
NOTICE: CRASH LOG FILES MUST START WITH "crash-" and HAVE THE .log EXTENSION, NOT .txt (Buffout logs in Documents\My Games\Fallout4\F4SE are already .log, do not rename them.) (For everything else, enable extensions in Windows Explorer and rename files if necessary.)
If Auto-Scanner doesn't resolve your woes, upload crash logs to the Buffout 4 Nexus Page Any suggestions on how to improve the script are quite welcome. And enjoy, I guess.