Overhaul of the sleeping and waiting menu for Fallout 4. Directly click on your desired wake-up time with target time buttons. See the daylight level at target time in the daytime graph and more. Interface available in all languages.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
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Author notes
For translators: You are welcome to create a translation mod under the following conditions: * The translation mod must include these translated files: 1) Interface\FallUI Sleep and Wait\Translation\MCMConfig_en.txt ( translated as MCMConfig_[LanguageCode].txt ) * The translation mod includes no other files from original mod * For custom languages (which have no translation in this mod) it is allowed to include a translated version of dates_en.txt and MCMConfig_en. * The translation mod must require the original mod
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Added translation entries for "AM" and "PM" used in time parsing (Only interesting if you use a NON default language - This must be the exact string that your game uses as AM/PM)
Fixed date display with years between 2000 to 2100
Version 1.3
Overhaul: Now a real part of the FallUI series - Renamed to "FallUI - Sleep And Wait"
Added MCM intro image
Added MCM translation engine. Allows live translation of MCM without overwriting the config.json, fallback to english and switching language in game. Allows conflict-free translation packages. And the best: Out-dated translations have no functional impact on the mod anymore, so no missing/wrong entries just because the translation is behind. The engine just uses whats in the current translation version, and shows missing entries in a fallback language (english).
Important for translators: You dont need to translate the config.json anymore. Instead translate the "Interface\FallUI Sleep and Wait\Translation\MCMConfig_en.txt" to "MCMConfig_{Your language code}.txt".
Change: INI settings location adapted to FallUI style. To takeover your settings copy the whole [BetterSleepMenu] section of the old settings ini into the new [FallUISleepAndWait] section of the new config file
Version 1.2
Added Fast wait/sleep (Don't count every hour. Thanks to user schnips for the coding hint)
Version 1.1
Added fancy calendar! Including today date and target time.
Added target date to target box.
Added long time waiting options for waiting many days.
Added graphic connections between boxes
Changed sleep vault boy can now optional activated in wait mode too
Changed max hours default to 999
Version 1.0.4
Fixed target hour text while sleeping decremented by one.
Version 1.0.3
Changed button key hint style for better unobtrusive look
Changed box border style unified
Added Key ESC for closing menu
Added time matching for hungarian
Fixed target arrow not standing still when accepting with E key
Fixed daytime graph size for coloring mode
Fixed target hour buttons visible with no times if game time couldn't read
Version 1.0.2
Added date format: YYYY.MM.DD
Changed button width for 12h setting + gamepad
Fixed gamepad button hints
Fixed sleeping background height
Version 1.0.1
Added gamepad support.
Changed target arrow keeps position while sleeping.
Version 1.0
First release.
FallUI - Sleep and Wait
Overhaul of the sleeping and waiting menu for Fallout 4. Allows direct comfortable selection of sleeping time via target hours or using the daytime graph. Shows the game day-times, current time and target time in a fancy visualization. Also shows a sleep Vault Boy (A Vault Boy!) Allows endless sleeping (in normal games: This mod won't bypass the max 24h sleep restriction in hardcore survival mode.)
Optimized for PC gaming with keyboard and mouse
Interface is multi-language
Fancy design
Daytime graph - Showing current time marker, target time arrow and daytime lightness as a graph (also a fancy sun and moon)
You can drag and drop the target time in the graph
Game time calendar (yes, that are the real days in 267 years!) - Inclusive today and target marker. Clickable. Months scroll-able.
Configurable target time buttons - You wanna wake up at 6 or 12? Just click on it - no calculations anymore
Configurable long time wait buttons - Wait 30 days? It's one click!
Times can be formatted in 24h or 12h (am/pm)
Dates can be formatted as DD.MM.YYYY or MM.DD.YYYY
Start day of the week is configurable
Mid-game install: Can be installed/removed without any problems at any time. Nothing is changed in your savegame.
Animated Vault Boy for sleep menu (Now also optional for waiting mode)
Allows input about the limit of 24 hours (default: 999 hours, but you can increase it if you like....)
Day-times are configurable
Fast wait/sleep option - Let time pass much faster (Don't count every hour)
Menu can be closed with ESC
All settings can configured with MCM
Alternate configuration without MCM through INI file