About this mod
In the vanilla game, hostile dogs can't grab player character because of a condition check.
This mod removed this check and allow dogs can grab player character.
They'll do what Dogmeat does to the enemy So beware of those dogs in combat.
Also changes the dog vs human killmove to a normal combat skill.
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In the vanilla game, hostile dogs can't grab player character because of a condition check.
This mod removes this condition check and allows dogs can grab player character.
They'll do what Dogmeat does to the enemy. So beware of those dogs in combat.
The plugin is an esl so it won't take up your load order.
This mod does not include mutant hounds.
Cripple any of the dog's leg can prevent them from grabbing you.
Compatible with almost everything except those do the opposite.
This mod now has an esl version. It is small and lite and will not take up your MOD sortting.
Recommended to use with
Faster Getup
Stimpaks help you breathe
This mod can also give Nightstrikers the ability to grab you.
Similar mods for other creatures
Feral Ghoul Bite Skills
Deathclaw Grab Skills
Radstag Grab Skill
Assaultron Grab Skills
Radscorpion Stab Skill
Yaoguai Grab Skill
Dogs Can Grab Player
Human Grab Attacks
And don't forget to endorse if you like them.
If you want to support me
About Versions above 2.0.0
Version 2.0.0 changes the dog vs human killmove to a normal combat skill. You won't be instant killed by the killmove. It deals 2 hits damage and knock you down for a moment.
Also adds hit frames to all the vanilla animations so the grab skills will deal damage, blood, and the victim will moan instead of silenced. If the victim is the player character, you will recieve force feedback on your controller.
If you prefer vanilla style dog grab skills without damage and killmove. You can use the classic version.