About this mod
This is a fully working proof of concept for animated drinking. Players can use this mod as well
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Allows you to drink all vanilla drinks in the game, plus new recipes with custom animations

- Standing Animations Added
- New Recipes Added dynamically to leveled lists (no compatibility conflicts since they are added at run-time Via Script). These are new recipes which can be crafted at cooking stations and come with their own custom textures and effects. More are planned for the future.
- Coffee - Now crafted with CupAJoe or Premium blend
- Milk - found in Milk machines and vendors
- Cappuccino - Now made with Slocum Joes Cappuccino mix
- Premium Blend. *Note Eating Cappuccino or coffee mix is possible, and will give you a slight caffeine boost, but will dehydrate you and make you sick. Its not worth it, use them to craft drinks instead ;)
- Experimental camera options added - Only use if you do not have custom camera INI edits. This is disabled by default, you can turn it on safely, however it will temporarily change your camera settings. Re-loading the game will fix it.
- Additional Holotape options added
- Added option to turn off animations completely if they are bothering you during game-play.
- Added option to reset leveled lists
- Added option to turn off sound effects
- Added option to toggle experimental custom Camera
- Custom Sound effects cleaned up and improved
- Proper notifications added - Non debug script
- Additional clean up and optimization of scripts
- Animations cleaned up and improved (no more deep throating bottles)
- Water texture bug fixed
- Missing Lemonade added
- Almost all cups and bottles now have liquid in them you can see (those little details are nice)
- Preparation for new recipes and Nuka world added
- Removed need to have coffee pot to craft coffee
- Removed circuitry requirement for holotape
- Files packed in BA2 and prepared for Xbox
- Nuka Cola bottle cap removed - Mesh cleaned up
- ALL Vanilla drinks in the game are now covered.
- Additional New Recipes added - Coffee and Cappuccino. Thanks to heirflick for allowing me to use his excellent Coffee textures. There is actually coffee in your cup! - Can be crafted at any cooking station with Purified Water and Coffee tins. You MUST have a coffee pot in your inventory to see the recipe. Coffee is very powerful, it hydrates you, restores health, boosts action points and temporarily eases tiredness in hardcore mode.
- Custom Sound effects added while drinking!
- Holotape settings menu With multiple options added - Animation Looping, Notification toggle, Sound FX toggle, Experimental Custom camera options for better camera views - Holotape can be crafted at the chem station under utility for 1 plastic and 1 circuitry. you will only be able to see the recipe if you don't have a holotape in your inventory to prevent adding any clutter.
- All Scripts compacted and cleaned up

Currently allows the player to drink
Eventually I plan to make an effort to cover food, but it takes a ton of busy work to make each item so please do not ask me about food in the comments section. Again, TON's of busy work to get this working.
None of the effects of drinks have been changed, hardcore etc will still work as normal, however, any mod that alters these drinks will not be compatible with this mod. Currently I do not have the time or the wherewithal to make it work properly.
Want to grab a cigar, cigarette or joint with your beer? Check out my other mod Smokeable Cigars -cigarettes- Joints
I mostly enjoy these mods because it gives me something to do after building a whole settlement rather than just stare at it :)

- Place the mod at the VERY bottom of your load order. Any mod that changes vanilla drinks will conflict. This couldn't be avoided.
- ONLY Use experimental camera if you don't use custom camera edits in your INI file. The changes are only temporary and will NOT change your ini file permanently, but during your game session the following custom camera settings will be applied
bApplyCameraNodeAnimations = 0
- DLC Items not covered yet
Only sitting animations available, this may change in the future, for now its the limitation of Bethesdas lack of animations and my inability to make new ones lolAnimobject for Nuka has a cap on it. - in the next version I plan to add support for different custom meshes.- Next version I plan to add custom script to give the player empty bottles
*I am aware that the animations are not PERFECT. I worked pretty hard to get them REALLY close. There is nothing else I can do. I am not an animator. I would need a true animator to jump on board and help me refine the animations a bit,
as an aside, Someone find me Jacks Whiskey from Gophers lets play! lol I need that ;)
Big thanks to Brigand231 for creating compatibility patches for give me back my bottle and adding the Unofficial Fallout 4 fixes to this mod as well! Grab them in the optional files once they are updated. Please note - in the future I will add built in support for these features.
Here is a really funny video showcasing the mod by FingerCaesar

CWSS Redux - By steve40 and FlipDeezy
Havea Beer -animated Drinks
SmokeableCigars -cigarettes- Joints
Pet Feed Call Dogmeat
WorkingSanctuary Shower - Proof of concept
Vault-TecActivewear - Rolled Up Jeans fix
Also please checkout
CannabisCommonwealth - by Gambit77 - DoomBased - Nephatrine -and FlipDeezy - Now Includes my Joint and blunt animations
The Original Craftableshowers - by Steve40 - Based on My Sanctuary shower proof of concept
Buildyour Own Pool - by Akarnan - Shower head item Based on My Sanctuary shower proof of concept

heirflick - For Allowing me to use his excellent coffee retextures
Brigand231 - For making Patches and helping bug test and troubleshoot the mod
Steve40 - Learned a ton working with him, has helped me make my mods much better in general
KKTheBeast - For helping me make my pages look about 1000 times better
AmeliaLouiseCarter - Fallout boy Artwork licensed through Deviant art
Dexesttp/hkxpack -Thank you for this awesome tool!