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About this mod

Your world, your story. Adds a personal journal that you can type in. Keep track of things you've discovered, chart your journey across the Commonwealth, or write about your daily adventures!

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Your world, your story.

Your Personal Journal

This mod gives you a player journal that you can type in!

You will find your personal holodisk in the living room of your old home at Sanctuary Hills.
A little dusty from two hundred years of sitting on the shelf, but hey - RobCo technology is built to last.

Your personal journal can be inserted into any terminal, or your Pip-Boy, where you will be able to create and title your own journal entries.
It seems like everybody has a journal of some sort - Piper has her terminal, Father has a mini-log, and even raiders are keeping journals.

Now you can, too.

Things you can do

- Take notes
- Make to-do lists
- Remind yourself of which settlements to help (fictional)
- Chart your journey across the Commonwealth
- Write about the backstories of each of your characters so that when you load them up a month down the road, you know exactly where you left off.
- Go on new adventures.
- Ultimately, whatever you want to write. It's your journal.


Your journal entries are stored in your save - if you have multiple characters each of them will be able to have their own journal.

Your journal entries are important. Please - back up your saves. I have run dozens of tests, programmatically creating tens of thousands of pages across hundreds of journal entries. I have made every effort to ensure that your entries are safe. But it is in your best interests to safekeep your precious entries.

I've been working on this for a while now and I'm happy to finally be able to make it available for everyone. Because Fallout 4 has no native text input support for holotapes and indeed, terminals in general, I had to write an input and focus manager from the ground up. In fact, the entire vanilla terminal interface was sorely lacking, so I've added a command-bar to make journal management that much easier. I hope you like what you see.


Your journal is a unique holotape. Do not use the console to spawn another! If you've lost the holotape somewhere, enter the console command
cqf journal giveitems to have your journal moved into your inventory from wherever it is in the world.

Using a gamepad? You need to unplug your gamepad before typing. While a gamepad is connected, Fallout 4 stops delivering keystrokes, so temporarily unplugging your gamepad is unfortunately necessary.

This is release 1.0! I want to let you know that your journal saves whenever you leave a page and head back to the entries view. Please "save" regularly! Do report bugs if you encounter any.


F4SE was invaluable in the development of this mod. Without Scaleform logging I'd still be in the dark ages. Every programmer needs logging.
This mod was inspired by Journal of the Dragonborn, which I love and have used extensively in Skyrim. I'm happy to be able to bring this to Fallout 4.



Video by Nice - thank you!

Author's Notes:

I go crazy pretty often. In a good way, I'd like to think. I think of all the things I've done, and I imagine scenarios playing out in my head. Really fun, really enjoyable. My only issue? Slowly but surely, all my adventures eventually faded away. Lost to time. Lost to fallible memory. I did start writing them down at one point, but it wasn't the same. Closing Fallout 4 and looking at Notepad, or that blinking cursor in Microsoft Word... it never came close to that sense of spontaneity from being in-game, seeing your character, and thinking of possibilities.

I created this mod to provide an avenue for expression in a place where there isn't that much freedom to be whoever you want to be. There are some things modders are unlikely to ever be able to change. Four options for dialogue probably isn't going away any time soon. But truthfully? You can be anybody. Anyone. All you need is pen, paper, and wild, crazy thoughts. You don't actually need pen and paper. Heck, you don't even have to be wild.

Whether you use your journal to write down your thoughts, or keep track of the stories of each of your characters, or compile a list of the must-see places in the Commonwealth... there's only one thing for certain - no two journals are going to be the same. I hope you enjoy your journal as much as I did creating it.

Other mods by me:

Bullet Time - Bullet Time for Fallout 4.
Better Wait Menu and Wait Anywhere
Companions Go Home - Send your companions to their original homes or to Home Plate.
Outfit Switcher - Save entire loadouts and swap between them via hotkey. It's like favorites, but entire loadouts at a time.
Visible Weapons - 3rd Person Holster - Holster your weapon on your back, hip, or holster.
Take Cover - New gameplay mechanic - 3rd person cover system! Take cover behind objects and automatically lean out to shoot when you aim down sights.
FO4 Hotkeys - Hotkey anything to any key, including equipment, items, and even console commands.
Companion Command and Tactics - Shout to your companion from wherever you are. Position them, switch up their equipment and be a lot more tactical in your fights.

See all of my mods here.