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Perfectly Normal Beast

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About this mod

Turns the player into a controllable hovercraft - or cruise missile if you're in the desert

Permissions and credits

Activate flight by pressing a hotkey, mapped in cet

This used to activate after a kerenzikov dash, but that was broken again in 1.3.  Use Restore Kerenzikov Dodge and pre-1.3 movement to bring that back

This mod keeps you hovering just above the ground, using keyboard and mouse to steer yourself (or controller)

To get out of flight, hold in the back button (S) continuously for half a second (or press hotkey again)


To install, just unzip and copy into the mods folder (see video for more)

If you are updating from a previous version, delete the old low_flying_v folder first.  Files get rearranged between versions

C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\low_flying_v

I would recommend also having FreeFly installed.  It can be used to get you out of any situation

If you want this activated after doing a kerenzikov dash, you'll need Restore Kerenzikov Dodge and pre-1.3 movement

I also spun off Ghost Forward while making this mod.  It can be thought of as a lightweight version of freefly

JetpackGrappling HookWall Hang are my other flight based mods, good for getting to high places

Crashes: Fast Flight / Dense City

Be sure to get in the habit of saving before long flights (can't save during flight, because it drops out of flight mode when pulling up the menu to avoid causing crashes)

I haven't had a crash since installing CET 1.15 - I have been today, but I also installed more mods.  Time will tell (future me: haven't crashed in a long time)

Kerenzikov Dash:

That mod needed to increase the player's base speed to get it working after 1.3.  When activating low flying v from a hotkey, the player needs to be launched into the air, or you will clip through the ground.  I used an impulse of 48.  If you install that kerenzikov fixer, that impulse is too aggressive.  12 is a better value (in the const section of init.lua)

Also, I didn't bother making this recognize a kerenzikov dash for controller input.  It's possible, just a hassle.  If someone REALLY wants me to add it I will, but the hotkey method of activating flight was made nicer in this last version



- Launch impulse was way too strong (the game was probably capping it before 2.0)


- Now reflects off of surfaces instead of just reducing speed


- Removed dependency on redscript (reworked functions to use cet equivalent calls)

NOTE: the four flight mods talk to each other with a new cet based function, so all need to be updated (grappling hook, jetpack, low flying v, wall hang).  This is so you can chain from one flight mod to another, and only one will control the player at a time


- Fixed for 1.3

- Added support for controllers.  The controller listener won't detect kerenzikov dash

- Added sounds


- Finished implementing smooth key handling.  No more hotkeys with only the click events

- The redscript requirement is so that this can set a property that my other mods listen to.  So while mid flight, you can hold down the jump button and jetpack knows to ignore it

- Copied various fixes that my other mods have, like detecting when a load is kicked off

- There were some small changes needed for CET 1.23


- Smooth mouse movement.  CET can now hook to events, like keyboard/mouse inputs (thanks NonameNonumber for showing me this).  So there is now no more frame skipping with jerky mouse inputs

I'll make the keyboard inputs smooth in a future version, mouse is all I could get done tonight


- Cruise control was too aggressive when trying to go slow.  Added a new "mode" where if you slow down below the default min speed, it uses a slower target until you tell it to speed up.  This makes it easier to navigate tighter spaces


- Improved ground check so it's less likely to clip through the ground

- Min speed cruise control will remember speed adjustments for a while (when you hit forward to go faster, that's the new min speed for a small time).  Really useful when flying around in the desert

The ground detection should be mostly fixed now.  If you come at the ground at high speed, there's a chance of clipping below the ground.  If that happens, look up at a 45 degree angle or so and hold in the jump button.  You should pop back up above the surface.  If for some reason, flight mode has ended, you could just fall and the game will revive you.  Or, if you have freeflight, activate it and get back that way

Be sure to save before entering flight (it's a good habit anyway).  And don't just keep saving over the same file, keep a rolling list of save files

Don't enter photo mode while in flight.  It might have been a fluke occurrence, but I froze the game doing that.  When I restarted, the save file lost mouse look ability - I had to revert to my second to last save

The occasional clipping through walls/ground is because I have to do collision checks myself