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Perfectly Normal Beast

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About this mod

Push a button to teleport forward a little bit. Can jump through walls, doors, etc

Permissions and credits

This mod is used to hop a short distance in the direction that you're looking.  You can use it to go through walls, ceilings, whatever

There is also a button to slide the camera forward for a second so that you can look behind walls before committing to jump (it can be dangerous to jump through walls when you're in a tall building)

FreeFly is great for going anywhere on the map.  I haven't tried Open Sesame, but it looks like a much more lore friendly way of breaching doors

Ghost Forward is intended to be a quick way to pop through walls, especially if you were flying around and got stuck inside a building

Peek functionality was inspired by Better First Person Perspective (though, Immersive First Person is newer)

Here is the github location of Cyber Engine Tweaks in case it disappears from nexus again

To install, just unzip and copy into these folders

C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\ghost_forward
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts\ghost_forward


- No longer relying on redscript (was only using it for sound and keanuWheeze showed me how to do it in cet)


- No change.  I'm fixing my mods to work with 1.3 changes.  Ghost Forward was working, so I figured I'd upload to nexus, but then realized I didn't change anything.  I'm hesitant to delete a file once published, just in case it screws up nexus or mod managers


- Added sounds when peeking and ghosting

- A new version of CET is coming out, and I'm doing a pass through all my mods.  Cleaned up a bit of stuff based on what I've learned


- Added an option to not animate the peek.  Reports of people getting stuck after peeking made me wonder if the animation is to blame

Near the top of the init.lua file is this line.  Setting that to false will make the peek instant, then come back to normal once the time is up.  It's kind of jarring when not animated, so only set to false if you are having problems

local shouldAnimatePeek = true


- No features added.  Cyber Engine Tweaks 1.10 made a small change to the require statement, which this mod uses to load code files from its sub folder