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  1. Janquel
    • premium
    • 1,251 kudos

    1. Does {insert mod here} need a patch?

    If one doesn't exist, I either don't know, or it doesn't. My testing list (probably out of date at this point, but close enough) is here. Being on it doesn't guarantee that I'll make a patch if it needs one, but if it's on that list and one isn't present, you've got decent odds of not needing it.

    2. Can you make a patch for {insert mod here}?

    Probably yes, but I'm also not planning on it. I've burnt out HARD the past couple months. I'm scratching the surface trying to start up on stuff I always planned on doing, but I do NOT intend to have my TODO list grow at this point, because it'd be a miracle if I finish what's on it at this point.

    2a. What about {insert lighting mod}?

    As this was pointed few times before - we're not planning to make the patches for ELFX Shadows. WiZKiD and nicola are working on their own ELFX Shadows - Official Patches Hub, so if you're looking for a patch, you should ask there. ELFX patches available here should work with ELFX Shadows, but some issues can occur. Patches for ELFX Enhancer and ELFX Hardcore won't be compatible due to compacting and eslifying both modules in ELFX Shadows. Those available here are dedicated to original ELFX Enhancer / Hardcore.

    RLO and Relighting Skyrim were started at one point and then abandoned because the parent mods hadn't removed bulbs they disabled which made working with them in CK a nightmare. Relighting Skyrim, as of late 2022, has fixed this so there's potential to revisit this at some point in the future, but it's not an immediate concern.

    3. You made a patch for {mod}. Is it good?

    Honestly, as weird as this sounds, I have no idea. A lot of them I've never played with they're things I just thought looked neat. Some of them are staples of my load order. Some of them are things I tried and made a patch for but ended up not liking. Having a patch should not be taken as a recommendation or indication of quality.

    4. My game crashed after installing your patches, what gives?

    Crashing usually happens because you have some mod which is compacted formIDs, and the patches assume you have not compacted. Patches are made to compacted versions if they're available on the main mod page, otherwise to the uncompacted versions. You may have a compacted version from a discord or something, or in the case of armor mods it's very common for bodyslide specific re-uploads of stuff to compact plugins for people. That's great, but the installer has no way to differentiate, so I stick to the original. You'll need to work around that yourself.  Common culprits are armor mods and Solitude and Temple Frescoes (which you were explicitly warned about). There's a bunch more suggestions for
    debugging over on the Articles tab (as well as a second article specific to Opulent Thieves Guild).

    5. I found a bug!

    That's not a question. Also, great! Also, an incompatibility isn't a bug. If you want to let us know what's going on, please use screenshots, and especially More Informative Console to point out what's wrong. It might also make you realize it wasn't, in fact, our patch that's the problem :D

    Moving forwards, any bug filed without screenshots with MIC, or appropriate description of debug steps taken will be closed as not a bug without response. We've been fielding debug requests for a long time now - years at this point - and while there's certainly potential for stuff to be wrong in our patches, they've been around long enough and there's SO f***ing MANY of them that trying to disprove any random bug report is a fool's errand and honestly is the primary drain on motivation for making anything new. We are 100% happy to fix any bugs in our s***. But before we handle them, it's on you to demonstrate that it's our s*** causing the bug.

    6. It didn't install patches for some of the palaces, what gives?

    You didn't read the warning tab that you clicked through. Argh. Go to this page and install those. It happened because you have Palaces and Castles Enhanced installed.

    7. This patch is looking for DBM_{something} while I have DBM_{something}_DoS. What gives?

    You're using Dawn of Skyrim. I don't. I'm sure it's a perfectly groovy mod - I may in fact check it out some other time. But looking for that mod which has that shared master isn't just for that. It'd be making 1) DoS patch, 2) DoS + ES, 3) DoS + JK, 4) DoS+Skyway, 5) DoS + LOTD, 6) DoS+ES+LOTD, get the picture. It's almost a factorial scale (not quite because ES and JK are disjoint). I Not happening. Sorry. From what folks have said, you can swap masters and it works fine.

    8. This patch says it needs {insert CC master here}

    Anytime we load up CK, it loads up ALL masters (including those CC) and includes them on the patches. The update is over a year old, I'm done cleaning the masters every time for people who don't want to update.

    Options? You can create dummy esps with the names of the missing CC plugins, and then clean the masters in the patch file using xEdit. Google it, it's not that hard. But really, just update the game at this point. You can update the game and then use Skyrim Lite Loader or "Best of both worlds"   version  of Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher - you'll still have the engine (so all these DLL/SKSE mods which still haven't received the update to the newest version of the game would still work) and all the free CC content which is needed by recent versions of USSEP, CRF, AI Overhaul, Immersive Citizens and ever-increasing amount of our patches based on these mods.

    I've made a Discord server to handle quick questions for those so inclined, and my TODO/pre-release stuff should be there (it's a smidge out of date right now, sorry). There might be folks who can help answer quick questions in there (including us!) but no guarantees.

  2. jonado1
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    FYI, I have created a patch between JK's Understone Keep and Greater Markarth Expansion. It can be found here: Jonado's random patches. An Open Cities version can be found here: Jonado's Open Cities patches.
  3. KillingShadow
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hello! Are you going to make a patch for the esm version of EasierRider's Dungeon Pack? According to their modpage, the next updates of the mod will also be based on the esm version.
    Would be nice, but if not, thanks anyway :)
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 558 kudos
      Both files are the same (for now), they only differ with the filename. You can switch masters in the patch using WryeBash or rename EasierRider's mod to the old name (without the ".esm" part) and it will work.
  4. InkubusMods
    • premium
    • 97 kudos
    When I want to use both JK's Ragged Flagon and Opulent Thieves Guild, which patch should I use?
    JK's Interiors Patch Collection has a patch for Opulent Thieves Guild, and the Opulent Thieves Guild has a patch for JK's Ragged Flagon.
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 558 kudos
      It doesn't matter - it's the same file, just provided in two places.
    2. InkubusMods
      • premium
      • 97 kudos
      Strange. I'm running into an error where the plugin "JKs Ragged Flagon - OTG Patch.esp" is requiring a plugin "OpulentThievesGuildPatch.esp", but none of the patches or the mods themselves install this plugin.
    3. Czasior
      • premium
      • 558 kudos
      It's the "Update ESL Patch - Created by Erstam" from Opulent Thieves Guild page.
    4. InkubusMods
      • premium
      • 97 kudos
      Doh! Didn't think that was needed since I didn't really care about the treasure room bug. Had no idea it was also needed for this!
      Thank you for letting me know.
  5. Noon98
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Needs a Patch for Real Estate Continued eventually, that is if you're still working on this mod of course.
  6. jonado1
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    Hi! I have made a bunch of patches between Mari's Flora and JK's Interiors, dealing with bleeding snowberry plants. You can find them here: Jonado's random patches.
  7. Skinjack
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    I'm not sure who will answer, but I am running into an issue when I use the full esm version of SPO for the JK's Interiors. LOOT complains on many of my other mods from Snazzy Interiors and HS that they are looking for the esl version of SPO. If I switch to the esl version of SPO these JK mods complain they are looking for the full esm version.

    Is the ESL version different from the esm version in the records? Can I simply change which master they are pointing to in Wrye Bash? Or would it require a completely new patch for the esl version of SPO? How hard is it for you to make an esm/esl option? I prefer to use the esm version that you have as a master, but I will switch to the esl version if it is a simple fix for those mods that use it.
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 558 kudos
      It only matters for the Fort Dawnguard - the FormIDs there are different in each version of SPO. In the case of the rest, they're all the same, therefore our patches don't require a particular SPO plugin as a master and should work with each of them.
    2. Skinjack
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      So I should just ignore the warnings?
    3. Czasior
      • premium
      • 558 kudos
  8. TfYouMeanNuhUh
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    which version should i install for skyrim AE 1.6.640 (i downgraded) 
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 322 kudos
      The current main file (but as noted there, if you don't run Skyrim version 1.6.1130+, you'll need to install the mod Backported Extended ESL Support).
    2. TfYouMeanNuhUh
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      thank you, i figured it out a while after commenting
  9. nurna
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, If i've only downloaded Jk's skyrim and no other interior mods do i need this patch collection?
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 322 kudos
      No, you don't; this is just for his Interior mods.
  10. Kriogeni
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hey, I really appreciate that y'all maintain a patch mod of this scale, it's pretty crazy. Just an FYI I think there is an incompatibility between JK's Temple of the Divines and Redbag's Solitude, there's a wall and an invisible collision in the area leading to the windmill, and there is no patch for it as far as I can tell. It took me like a whole day to isolate this bug, I didn't realize that JK's Interiors also modified the outside haha. Just figured I'd post this on the off chance someone has the same issue. Thanks again!
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 558 kudos
      Yes, I'm aware. Patch is ready and will be published on dedicated page for RedBag's Solitude patches soon.
  11. Jadeath
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    There appears to be patches for book covers but not book covers updated.  Do we need to use book covers for now or is the patch not needed or unimportant for book covers updated?
  12. Spikefan74
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Hi, I'm looking for a patch for JK's Bannered Mare Interior to play nicely with "More Craftable Equipment - Unenchanted Clothing and Specialty Gear"?