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About this mod

Increase your immersion with a curvy dad bod to show you're living the good life and really let yourself go in Toussaint. Now with more compatible armors/clothes!

Permissions and credits
So you've beaten the game for well over the third time and found yourself relaxing back at Toussaint. All of your Witcher contracts completed, side quests done, even most of your unknown locations are done... aside from those few in Skellige probably. There are no more adventures to go on, tasks to do, and barely any monsters to defeat... and Geralt of Rivia has already found himself gaining a few pounds in the peacetime.

Increase your immersion with a nice gut to show off the good life!

This mod adjusts Geralt’s head and body meshes to achieve the ‘dad bod’ physique, alongside making several sets of his clothes and armor compatible with his new body in the optional files. The mod replaces Geralt’s vanilla diffuse and normal textures with mildly adjusted vanilla textures to make his body more smooth. Due to this, the main body file may conflict with other mods that adjust these meshes or his body textures as well. (See “Using Your Own Body Textures” below the installation section.)

Update Notes

  • Geralt’s Dad Bod is more immersive!:

    • Say goodbye to Geralt’s old marshmallow body and say hello to his new and improved one. While his body is roughly the same size, he now has rolls of fat on his back and tummy. His arms are a little less fat overall, but now it sags some near the elbows.
    • Geralt’s face is a touch rounder in the cheeks for extra pinchability, and it’s a little more noticeable even if he’s wearing a beard. 


    • All* of Geralt’s Witcher armors have been adjusted to fit his new physique. Basic, Enhanced, Superior, Mastercrafted, and Grandmaster armors have all been adjusted. Armors include:

      • Kaer Morhen Armor
      • HOS Viper Armor (The viper armor was strangely not inside the previous version. Now, it is this time.)
      • Cat Armor
      • Gryphon Armor
      • Bear Armor
      • Manticore Armor (Legendary Manticore Armor also included!)

    • ((*))Due to the use of red cloth in all of Geralt’s Wolf armors, I was unable to properly adjust the Wolf armor meshes. I tried, but it created very immersion breaking holes in his outfit that couldn’t be fixed, not to mention clipping through his gut. I'm either making a decent mesh edit or no mesh edit at all!

  • Party hard with better fitting PARTY CLOTHES!:

    • Several party clothes (clothes that can be worn to balls or event quests and commented on by NPCs there) have been adjusted for your immersive party pleasures. Outfits include: 

      • Ornate Robe (including the relic version)
      • Beauclaire Doublet (Awarded on one of the endings of Blood and Wine.)
      • Elegant Beauclaire Doublet (Bought from the store.)
      • Nilfgaardian Casual Outfits (All three versions.)

  • Other Clothes:

    • Prison Shirt (Awarded on one of the endings of Blood and Wine.)
    • Default White Shirt

Installation (tl;dr: Put the mods in your mods folder)

To make things easier for you in case you do/don’t want certain mesh changes, I divided the mod into three parts: a mod folder for changing Geralt’s body, Geralt’s armor, and Geralt’s party clothes.

If you’re updating from a previous version, delete your old version and slip in these new ones.

  • Pick what you want, then extract the zip with your favorite zip extracting program. Stick the mod into your mod folder. 
  • If you just want everything just download the “Dad Bod Geralt - Full Mod” file, extract it and stick it into your mod folder.
  • Start the game and show off your curves to Triss and Yennefer.


  • Delete the Dad Bod mod folder and any armor/party packs you installed with it if any.

Using Your Own Body Textures

There are a few simple ways you can use your own body textures with this mod.

  • This mod only changes the diffuse and normal textures of his body, and no other textures. So, you can simply delete the texture.cache file in the content folder of the body mod and be ok. However, if you do this you’re most likely going to notice he looks strangely fat and ripped at the same time because of the normal textures giving him his toned features, and it won't look too good. 
  • If you understand how to uncook, cook, and pack mods already, all you have to do is take out my diffuse.xbm, replace it with the diffuse texture of your choice, then pack the texture.cache again. Do this for your own personal use and do not repost the texture without the texture owner’s consent! The main point is it's the adjusted normal texture that makes Geralt looks nice and smooth, so whichever texture you use, just use my normal texture.
Known Issues

  • This mod conflicts with Witcher 3 Reworked Beta. Give the Dad Bod Body mod priority in script merger or however you like to handle your load orders. If you don’t, your chubby heads may not work properly!
  • Geralt's left arm on the level 1 Bear Armor is mildly darker than the rest of his body. I am unsure how to fix this. However, if you wear gloves it's extremely hard to tell.
  • Due to the use of redcloth in the Ornate Robe, there is clipping at the sleeves. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to fix this as I cannot edit redcloth. 
  • With certain outfits, there may be tiny clipping with the gloves.
  • (Not a true issue with my mod) The Legendary Manticore Armor's chain textures are black in my screenshots, but this likely a fault on my side with the mods I use and not inherently with my mod itself. 
  • In my screenshots, some screenshots may show a weird patch of skin in Geralt’s cleavage. In this version, this bug is not present.


Notes and Thanks

As of writing this, roughly three weeks have passed since I learned how to do basic mods for the Witcher 3, and quite frankly I never would have known I’d get so passionate about a mod like this before - not to mention proud of it. For three weeks I’ve dedicated this mod into a real love project that may be unconventional and best but one that truly makes me happy. To add to this happiness, it makes me even happier to be able to share a mod like this with you all and get such positive feedback and remarks. Thank you to those who supported me in the comments, those who have shared my mod to corners I’d never expect, thank you to my friends who encouraged me to keep pursuing what I love to do, and thank you for all of the modding community for providing me the tools, tutorials, and assistance I needed to start becoming a modder in the first place.

When you want a mod you don’t see, there’s no better feeling than being able to do it yourself! Be it for laughs, immersion, inclusiveness, or just because it looks nice, I hope you enjoy this mod. -HackerAxe

Some of the mods used in the screenshots of this mod/other mods I recommend:

Special Thanks to:

  • Gudmods 3.0 Reformed & Glitcher 3 Modding Community and the Boiz Discord servers for helping me with questions!
  • Jatodude1 for the great tutorials he provided on modding, helping me go from 0 to 100!
  • The modding community for coming together and making so many modding tools for beginners like me to get started.
  • CDPR for making an astounding game.
  • -The_Crasher- for inspiring me with his Donut Geralt mod that I highly recommend.
  • All of the yummy Toussaint food Geralt had to ingest to get his beautiful body.
  • Christopher Livingston for being kind enough to make a whole article just for my mod. Thanks man!