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JaeDL - Starborn Royalty Knights

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About this mod

Aliens are much larger with maximized size variation, faster movement speed, and tweaked AI. Male and female alien creatures have slightly different sizes as well, for even more variety. All Starfield alien creatures now level with the player.

Configurable creature difficulty: Aliens take bonus damage from headshots.

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Now Includes:
πŸ₯šCreature Herds & Families

Tweaks alien herds so that they often have juveniles and elders.
Alien creature families!
Larger enemies will have slightly more HP (vanilla mechanic).

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πŸ‘Ύ Royal Alien Life:
Short Description: 
Big aliens! And regular sized ones!

As you level up and encounter the strongest versions of aliens, you will see a huge amount of size variety, now with Alpha Apex Predators scaling very close to the maximum size currently possible.

All alien creatures now scale based on player level, as well as gaining size diversity based on level. If you don't want your aliens to gain level scaling, I have posted a vanilla version of this mod.  I strongly suggest this version for a better gameplay experience for all players at all levels.

Some aliens can now spawn toward the maximum possible sizes before the hitboxes would stop working correctly.

Aliens gain modest bonus speed and some logical HP and damage resistance tweaks to those coded as "bosses", but no changes to damage dealt to players.

Royal Aliens levels alien creatures similar to the other Royal NPCs mods, and adds size scaling and some additional speed and stat tweaks. To avoid bullet sponges, it increases headshot damage and a few other fun tweaks. 

[I prefer to answer questions via posts right here on the file rather than DMs or Discord so that others can read answers, explanations, etc, but I'm happy to help wherever you prefer. I can be found on the Starfield Modding discord to chat or brainstorm.

Please upload some screenshots or videos of my mods in action. They make me so happy. :)


Safe to add or remove at any time.

Load after most things, but before mods that change bodyshot/headshot damage if you prefer their values. Simple mod. No big problems.

  • Compatible with all leveled universe mods as long as it is loaded second. I recommend the lowest level version of leveled enemiesο»Ώ, as a basecoat for all leveled lists, but any leveled enemy mod does fine.
  • If you only want aliens enhanced, but want vanilla human NPCs, this does just fine as a standalone now that the whole faction is covered. (Same goes for my Terrormorph and Starborn mods). 
  • This should be significantly more challenging than Vanilla without being too strong to fit in with a relatively vanilla world-- unless you use the very hard optional file.
  • The AI tweaks here are fully compatible with PEAK. PEAK still tweaks a million settings outside NPC records, and I recommend it.
  • If you want the headshot and locational damage values from a different mod, load that mod after this one. No patch needed. Just load any other headshot mod after this one. This is the easiest way to fine-tune difficulty without requiring someone to redo all 1,208 alien records I customized for this mod.

Future Plans:

  • Continuing to hand-tweak alien species as I come across them in my own game. Additional bespoke customization of alien creatures as I find them, or as feedback rolls in.
  • Incorporate community suggestions into the mod.
  • Numbers tweaks based on feedback.
  • I have increased some aggressiveness settings, and continue to tweak the limited AI in the NPC record, but I did not go wild with it-- in the early days of Skyrim modding, modders turned every animal into a bloodthirsty psychopath (Even Elk) before we all collectively realized that maybe nature should act natural. 
  • Experiment with other AI settings.
  • Add perks to specific unique aliens (optional patch).
  • Further difficulty variants and body damage data based on user requests. The hard version currently posted is what works well for me.
Suggested Alien Retex: HDTP
  • HDTP - Actors - Quad and Bipeds 0.1
  • HDTP - Actors - Critters and Crawlers 0.1.1
  • HDTP - Actors - Swimmers 0.1
  • These are MUCH better than the vanilla aliens and one of the most essential texture installs you can make IMHO. It will ensure aliens look crisp and clear even when they scale up significantly larger.

Suggested Complementary Mods:
  • As always, PEAK
  • More Enemies I suggested the 1.5x add-on over 2x, but I might just prefer a slightly slower pace than others (or be biased because with 2x I get frame drops)ο»Ώ
  • Royal Unique Human NPCs And Factions;ο»Ώ same idea but for humans.
  • Royal Terror ο»Ώto cover Terrormorphs with similar (but generally harder) values. This mod includes size-scaling and slightly buffed Terrormorphs, but those in Royal Terror will be much larger and stronger. The Terrormorph overhaul in this mod is very Vanilla+, whereas Royal Terror makes them stand out as tough, large opponents.
  • Better Death Physics to keep big corpses from seeming too weightless
  • ο»ΏRoyal Starbornο»Ώ: same mod as this, but for Starborn. Optionally tweaks Starborn powers for player & NPCs as well. I am generally balanced around enemy Starborn being the highest level NPCs you encounter.
  • If you find the legendary aliens too tedious or unfun: No Legendary Creatures ο»ΏLoad after this mod.

Extended Description:

This mod now includes a Lite version of Royal Terror with humble size and speed tweaks. But the Terrormorphs are far smaller and weaker than in Royal Terror, which I recommend installing and loading later in your plugins than this mod.

Example Plugins.txt Load order:
*....Other Leveled List mods

Approximate Average Stat Tweaks:
Level Scaling: 0.5 - 1.25 player level (mostly weaker, as in the base game)
Minheight: 1.0 β†’ 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
Maxheight 1.0 β†’ 1.2 β†’ 1.8 --> 2.5
Speedmult: 100 β†’ 100, 110- 140

To avoid bullet sponges and to make fighting aliens unique, Headshots do 2.0 damage to most aliens, and 1.5x to Terrormorphs and 8 legged bugs. Body shots on Aliens do 0.75x to encourage accuracy.

The "Lite Patch" overwrites this so that only bonus damage is done to heads with no penalties.

Terrormorph legs have the greatest damage resistance at 0.5 in default version, 0.3 in hard. Load the Hard Patch after Royal Terror.

This mod has the most individual tweaking per record I've done so far. Values kept somewhat modest so that these hand-designed size tweaks will remain compatible (and complementary) with future randomized size-scaling mods.

Stronger enemies tend to be bigger. This is intended to be an enhancement to your leveled world, and not a major hardcore mod, although the optional add-ons can make aliens as tanky as you like without affecting overall game balance. :)

Rationale and Design Philosophy:

As with all the Royal NPC Record mods, I used vanilla leveled lists and leveled enemies as the base, so height and scaling should be weaker for enemies weaker in Vanilla, and strongest for enemies intended to be stronger in Vanilla.

This means that an alien that already scaled to a decently large size at level one still will (some scaled from 1.0-1.2 at level 1. Others were 0.9 at level 50). In general, on average, everything is bigger, but rather than just on size, I wanted to emphasize variety. So in a pack of enemies, hopefully they will all look subtly different, increasing immersion.

In general, aliens are still not even remotely as threatening as human NPCs, but this mod actually makes me keep my brain on while exploring planets with hostile life. :)  If you want this to be a hardcore difficulty mod, I suggest PEAK's incoming player damage add-on rather than tweaking every NPC record for greater compatibility.

As of the current Hard Add-on, I think aliens can easily be tweaked into a serious threat if more people ask for that. :) 

Some aliens already had different height variability for males and females. In those cases, I went with the Vanilla values for which gender was larger or stronger. In the case where there were no values, I tried to be logical: While I don't think we can actually tell the difference between genders in the game, I tried to keep this realistic by making buglike female queens larger and Solitary Predator/Lion-ish pack hunter males larger. Since we can't tell gender in game (I don't think?) this will just mean more size variability within packs.
I started on this and my other NPC mods as soon as I finished Royal Terror. Initially, I was just trying to do the Ashta standalone, but it turns out Starfield’s aliens often pull from the same leveled lists and stats (Tough Creature stats record, Apex Predator stats record). So I had to tweak them all. Ironically, I'm not yet satisfied with the Ashta at all. I want it way bigger and I just can't get it there.

  • This mod includes a decrease in legendary creature chance from 35% vanilla to 15%. Every alien is now reasonably strong, so excessively legendaries felt silly. Certain boss and quest legendaries still maintain their 100% chance.
  • The Hard Patch sets this to 25%, close to vanilla, but not coming across them CONSTANTLY, which is what 35% felt like.
  • Overwrite with any legendary chance increase mod to restore higher values.
  • I can upload legendary creature % chance variants on request, but I did not find that to be a fun way to increase creature difficulty.

Configurable Alien-Specific Difficulty:
By tweaking the body party damage data of aliens, their relative damage resistance can be tweaked independently of the rest of the game. 

This is a great solution, since some of us might want aliens to be massive damage-sponges and major threats (I love big strong monsters!), and other people might just want them to not be pushovers. (Why would a random animal be stronger than a universe-hopper with a space-gun?)

The default version of this mod makes aliens a bit more resilient (read below). And optional add-ons can make them take as little or as much bonus damage as you want if you want to keep the scaling added by this mod, but want them to be easier or harder.

It's an effortless edit to make, and takes a few seconds to tweak the damage every alien takes in a separate plugin.

Alien Precision Shots Matter (Configurable Difficulty Add-ons):
This really made the mod click for me. No matter what I tried, aliens remained incredibly, incredibly weak and boring to fight compared to human NPCs. I didn't want to just make them all spawn at insanely high levels, as for me, that would subtly decrease immersion (Why is a random bug a higher level than a Starborn?) 

I also didn't want to just start giving them a ton of HP or damage resistances to make them even spongier.

So I had the idea to give aliens damage resistance unless shot in the head. This makes them feel fun and unique to fight compared to human enemies (especially since I don't currently run a locational damage mod).

In the base version of this mod, body shots on Aliens do 0.75x damage. 

Headshots do between 1.5-2.0 damage. 

These values can be overwritten by any preferred headshot or body damage mod you prefer-- just load those mods after. No patch needed.

This only touches alien body records, so you can load a human or robot-based headshot or damage mod either before or after. (I wish the game didn't consider Starborn humans; it would make it much easier to tweak their difficulty.)

Terrormorphs and weird bug-like things take a bit less headshot damage than enemies with distinct, obvious heads, but all aliens now take bonus headshot damage and reduced body shot/limb damage. 

Flying enemies take default body shot damage to their front, spines, and wings since they became overpowered without it given all the other buffs aliens get in this mod. I tested it out, but I didn't find increased limb damage particularly fun compared to aiming for the head. Maybe when more animations and features for creature injuries come out.

Considering aliens are pretty unique, this actually makes it a lot more fun to try to line up headshots on unique, peculiar creatures, and gives them a LITTLE survivability if you're just spamming without even trying to aim.

The headshot damage increase over vanilla keeps these higher level aliens from being massive bullet sponges-- if you attempt to aim-- but lets them actually survive a second against mindless spam.

It also helps make them feel unique compared to other enemies.

If you want the aliens to be Hulking HP Monsters, I can upload whatever optional version of this as you want. It's a surprisingly quick tweak. 0.25x damage everywhere, 0.5x to the head? Just let me know what would be fun for you after trying out the mod's base values :D

More Details: 
Offensive stats have only been gently touched apart from speed, so in general this just makes aliens in Starfield a bit tankier while adding size variation. Very minor tweaks to alien damage.

The very hard add-on increases alien outgoing damage by 2x. Other versions only include minor tweaks.

I recommend modding damage to player a different way than modifying NPC records, such as by using PEAK's optional files, or by using the optional alien-specific difficulty patch.

In the base game, the highest level predators just about all have modest randomized size scaling, from 1.0β†’ 1.2. This is increased significantly, and variable heights added to almost all leveled lists. These aliens are now doubled in size at max levels.

Values kept more conservative than I would like to avoid collision issues. I would love more 2.0+ aliens, but not at the cost of causing bugs or collision issues.

Tough Creatures:
The game sometimes pulls different stats for creatures designated as "tough". These templates stats are used by multiple bosses that the story and procedural generation considers to be harder, so they scale more harshly and gain 2x HP. With 0 base resistances, they are still pushovers.

Some Terrormorphs use these leveled lists, but I unfortunately can’t buff them separately without buffing random strong aliens.

In general:
Minheight: 1.0 β†’ 1.1 - 1.3
Maxheight 1.2 β†’ 1.8
Speedmult: 100 β†’ 140

These creatures, as per vanilla, will deal increased damage.

Specific Enemies:
While I hand-edited many alien species as I came across them during my travels, these are some highlights:

Ashta Alpha

Size: Default 1.0 β†’ 1.2: Changed: 1.2 β†’ 2.0

Some other Ashta -
-> Speed 1.3, DR doubled, size increased from 1.4- 1.9 (this does not effect ALL Ashta).

Tweaking the Ashta to be bigger has been a wildly disappointing endeavor, since they appear to pull from templates used by many generic aliens and even small herbivores. They defaulted to SO tiny that it's difficult to remember that this mod does make them a lot bigger, it's just still not nearly enough. I'll continue working on them.

Kataxi Queens, Swarmer Mother, other similar bug bosses:

Speed: 1.0 --> 1.2
Size: Increased, not by a ton. 1.8 max since many of these spawn indoors. (Playtested, no collision issues)
Playtested entanglement mission, no issues with them getting stuck on Terrain or anything.
That whole Entanglement mission left me disappointed I never saw a big bug.
Damage Resist of level 30+ tiers doubled, still weak as hell.

That one alien in Schrodinger: 
2.5x scaling, increased speed. This one actually got weird and started bugging out if I tweaked the values too much.

Red Mile Mauler:
Speed 1.0 --> 1.3
Size: Increased by a little
Health Doubled
Damage slightly increased beyond other enemies.

Other Red Mile Planet predators slightly buffed.

Unit 99:
Size doubled, strength increased uniquely.
Can't make it much bigger, or it clips out of the cage and can't move. :(
Other Minor tweaks: chance to encounter derelict ships, and the max # of aliens on board, doubled.

Created because exploring planets and encountering aliens is one of the coolest parts of this game, but Bethesda forgot that big, strong aliens are cooler than little baby aliens. =)

I am a writer and teacher, staying up way past my bedtime to work on Starfield. Any support appreciated.
I love screenshots, nice comments, and endorsements. =)

Created because I want every detail flawless to go with my main list-making hobby:
πŸ’«Starborn Royalty A Starfield Modlist

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Royal Galaxy - A Compatible Starfield Revamp
(30+ Mods, One Plugin)
β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β• πŸŒŸ β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β•
Royal Weathers and Encountersο»Ώ
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Royal Terror - Better Faster Stronger Terrormorphs
β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β• πŸŒŸ β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β•
Royal Weapon Balance - Full Auto And Early Game Weapon Buffs

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Royal Unique Human NPCs And Factions
Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β• πŸŒŸ β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β•

Royal Starborn - Starborn Enemies and Powers Improved Scaled Diversified

β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β• πŸŒŸ β•β•β˜Όβ•β•β•‘Β°Λ–βœ§β˜Όβœ§Λ–Β°β•žβ•β•β˜Όβ•β•
Royal Works In Progress: Early Access to Upcoming Combat, Encounter, Loot, etc. =)