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About this mod
A community-driven mod fixing bugs, errors and inconsistencies in Starfield. This project aims to make the game better for everyone by offering up fixes in a free and collaborative manner.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
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- Permissions and credits
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- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Portuguese Author: Ahplla Starfield Community Patch (SFCP) Portugues Brasileiro - PT-BR Italian Author: ALL4ALL Starfield Community Patch ( 1.0.0 ITALIANO ) German Author: ALL4ALL Starfield Community Patch ((v1.0.0 DEUTSCH)) French Author: CorbenCooper Starfield Community Patch (SFCP) - FR V1.0.0 Polish Author: mpq1671 Starfield Community Patch - Polish translation Mandarin Author: bog0 Starfield Community Patch (SFCP) - chs German Author: AnarchonAustria Starfield Community Patch (SFCP) - DEUTSCH German Author: EagleFour Starfield Community Patch (SFCP) - German Translation Russian Author: Dagnir Starfield Community Patch - Russian translation Mandarin Author: undeadj1229 Starfield Community Patch - Traditional Chinese Translation Spanish Author: Gonzy42 Starfield Community Patch - Spanish (Actualizado 1.0.0) Ukrainian Author: Wulfering Starfield Community Patch Ukrainian Translation (updated) Czech Author: Rumman Starfield Community Patch - Czech Translation Ukrainian Author: Skolopendra Starfield Community Patch Ukrainian translation - Mirrors
- Changelogs
Version 1.0.0
- Reverted Fixes
- - Reverted the mission type fix for 'A Break At Dawn', as this has been corrected officially. [00091CF5]
- - Partially reverted the fix for a Serpent's Embrace dialogue option with Andreja during the Unity quest, as this has been halfway fixed by Bethesda. [0033282B]
- - Reverted the fix for companion "ShipEmbark" comments improperly playing on ships/stations that are not the player's home ship, as Bethesda has fixed this through another method. [001E9E43], [0023ED95], [000109AD]
- - Removed a capitalization change to Heatleech in one subtitle during UC09, as the vanilla line was correct. [001A6A89]
- - Reverted the changes to interior cell gravity. There is some possibility that these interiors are meant to have 1.0G, despite the planets they are on. The changes within the SFCP also did not cover all interiors consistently. We may re-evaluate the inclusion of interior gravity changes in the future. In the meantime, if you still want these changes, it is suggested to use another mod which does this (such as Gravity Is Real). [0023422C], [000BFA18], [00244CA8], [002344AC], [0025C678], [0028D868], [002BF4E4], [00006D42], [001FE65E], [0033B76A], [00279D05], [0002CBAB], [002A4393], [00167935], [00045647], [002344AD], [0025C679], [0027DE73], [002BF625], [0032AA97], [00017305], [001FE65F], [0020BD9B], [0033B76B], [002363C6], [002BF5F4], [0000115A], [002344AE], [002BF4E6], [00117814], [00098046], [00025E24], [0027A1FC], [000F73DF], [002BF5F5], [00169EC1], [00029DB3], [000FE29D], [0011FC1D], [000C5993], [0000CBCD], [00014CBF], [00017307], [002A07D2], [002BF5F6], [002BF600], [001928C2], [0025C686], [00012998], [001A0B99], [0027E165], [002CAA01], [002A07D3], [0025C673], [00117A0B], [001A0B03], [0025C687], [0020C619], [002BF5F8], [0000115E], [00051BB8], [00295334], [002AAE8C], [002BF603], [0025C675], [0000115F], [00045B25], [00051BB9], [001A0D71], [001A0B23], [0010C8A2], [002344AA], [00139E24], [00261AF4], [00051BBA], [00295336], [002C5400], [0006BB29], [0010C8A3], [000D0DFD], [00051BBB], [0033B769], [0021966F]
- Forwarded Changes
- - Forwarded objective update to 'Rough Landings'. [001A8B64]
- - Forwarded new quest alias to 'COM_Companion_SarahMorgan'. [00009E99]
- - Forwarded script and stage updates to 'DialogueNewHomestead'. [00240431]
- - Forwarded the official fix for companion ShipEmbark comments. [CompanionAffinityEventsScript]
- Returning Fixes
- - Reinstated and improved the fix for the Concealment perk overriding the sneak attack buffs/debuffs from the Va'ruun magazines, and the Sustenance feature. It was mistakenly reverted in SFCP version 0.1.7. [002C555E] - [#1171](
- - Reinstated the fix for the Sustenance feature not working in variant universes. Bethesda attempted to fix this in the August update, but their fix stops working after completing the quest 'Among The Stars'. [002EEA4D] - [#1175](
- Dialogue Fixes
- - Corrected a misconfigured dialogue condition which caused Jacuotte Laguerre to no longer sell you items if you complained to her manager. [0004844A] - [#185]( - [Fix contributed by xtcrefugee](
- - Corrected a condition form oversight which could lead to companions commenting on extreme temperature while inside of a sealed environment. [000CBAA8] - [#1116](
- - NG+: Guards will no longer claim to have seen you "running away from that crazy guy" if the attack they are referring to never actually happened. [0000D595] - [#1127](
- - When asking Roach how your total number of completed bounties stacks up to his, the number will now display correctly instead of showing 0. [FDxx0CF4] - [#1130]( - Fix contributed by EgoBallistic
- - 24 random ambient conversations between the four Constellation companions should now work correctly for the duration of your playthrough. These are the conversations you can hear between them on your ship. This fix also works retroactively. [003E9710] - [#1159](
- - NG+: The [Starborn] dialogue option for Bill Starsap will now only appear if you have taken his tour in a previous universe, but not yet in your current universe. [0000B555] - [#1162](
- - Companions will no longer scold you for firing a Cutter within settlements. This is more of a tool than a weapon, and it's used in multiple quests that take place within settlements. [002A567C] - [#1164](
- - Sarah Morgan will no longer say "Not exactly the surface of Mercury, but this certainly is hot" while standing on the surface of Mercury. [0033A089] - [#1165](
- - Corrected subtitle typo in an SSNN broadcast "perspective colonist family". [00349300] - [#1176](
- - Corrected subtitle typo "Alder" in the Naeva Meetup evidence slate. [00140164] - [#692](
- - Corrected subtitle typo "Donavan" in a random conversation at the Red Mile. [002E897E] - [#815](
- Item Fixes
- - During 'The Best There Is', the ensign and engineering disguise outfits on SY-920 are no longer unnecessarily marked as quest objects. This allows you to drop them as desired during the mission, or equip a companion with one. [0021D792] - [#1134](
- - Impact Grenades will now use their correct model when thrown, rather than the Frag Grenade model. [00101CB2] - [#1157]( - [Fix contributed by xtcrefugee](
- - The Ripshank, Osmium Dagger, and Barrow Knife now correctly have the ObjectTypeWeapon keyword. The Ripshank is also now included in WeaponsMeleeList. These weapons should now be handled correctly by various perks, dialogue lines, and other such things. [000F4AEA], [0026D966], [0026F181], [00021AD2] - [#1045]( - [Fix contributed by tdanese](
- - The Pacifier shotgun now includes the WeaponTypeRanged keyword. This allows it to benefit from perks correctly, as other shotguns do. [00278F74] - [#761](
- - Removed redundant WeaponTypeAutomatic keyword from the Kodama, Grendel, Maelstrom, and Shotty. This keyword is provided by receiver modifications. Its presence was causing these weapons to not benefit correctly from perks when they were set up as semi-auto weapons. [00253A16], [00028A02], [002984DF], [0026D960] - [#662](
- - The Bridger and Negotiator now have the WeaponTypeHeavyGun and WeaponTypeBallistic keywords, allowing them to benefit correctly from Heavy Weapons Certification, Ballistics, Rapid Reload, and a number of other buffs. [002D96A], [0026D970] - [#951](
- - Removed erroneous Carriage Return and Line Feed characters from the name of the Va'ruun Inflictor. This was leading to UI display issues in some cases. [0026D8A0] - [#486](
- - The Recon Laser Sight modification on the Negotiator rocket launcher now has a model, and a working laser. [00132A36] - [#1174](
- - Various organic and manufactured resource items now have proper Rarity values, which fixes some consistency issues within the UI. [000777FC], [0007782F], [00077830], [00077831], [00077832], [00202781], [00202F59], [00203EA2], [00203EA3], [00203EA4], [00203EA6], [00203EA8], [00208E99], [00224626], [00224627], [00224628], [00224629], [0022462A], [0022462B], [00224643], [00224644], [00224645], [00224646], [00224647], [00224648], [0024576F], [00245772], [00245774], [00245778], [00245779], [0024577D], [0024577E], [0024577F], [00245782], [00245783], [00245785], [00245786], [00245787], [00245788], [00252074], [0027319D], [00299544], [0029C460], [0029F408] - [#290]( - [Fix contributed by thomoray](
- Location Fixes
- - Corrected a condition form oversight which caused environmental damage to not be cleared while waiting or sleeping in the Lodge, with the Environmental Damage Restoration gameplay option being set to Limited Resting. [002FAA04] - [#1115](
- - Vasco will no longer follow you into the Unity if he is your current active follower. [sq_playershipscript] - [#1131](
- - With the Environmental Damage & Afflictions gameplay setting set to Normal, suit protection will now correctly remain depleted while you are in hazardous weather in some locations. [001639EB], [001639F8], [001639F9], [00163A00], [00163A02], [00163A03], [00163A05], [00163FE7], [00281ECB], [00281ECD] - [#1142](
- Misc Fixes
- - When asking a doctor to heal your wounds, they will now also remove environmental damage on top of restoring your health. This prevents them from being able to take your money without actually healing you. [00189658], [SQ_DoctorsScript] - [#982](
- - Corrected a leveled list oversight which caused Stache to only give you Laredo firearms if you have joined the Freestar Rangers. [00285E46], [00285E49], [00285E4B], [00285E4D], [00285E4F] - [#1117]( - [Fix contributed by h495]( - [Research done by u/SaltyMeatBoy](
- NPC Fixes
- - Turrets at the entrance of the Reliant Medical Organics Lab on Beta Ternion I will no longer shoot at each other. This fix requires a new game, or NG+ to take effect. [0015DECB] - [#1138](
- Perk Fixes
- - Chemistry rank 4's crafting output bonus will now only apply to chems/aid items as intended, rather than every possible craftable item across every workbench. [002CE2C0] - [#1146]( - [Fix contributed by Keukotis](
- - The crew version of the Weightlifting perk will now interact correctly with the player version of the Leadership perk, and will no longer be disabled entirely after you take rank 2 of that skill. [0028B1EC], [0028B1ED], [0028B1EE] - [#1150]( - [Fix contributed by Pyrexo](
- - With Sustenance enabled, the Hydrated effect will now correctly buff sneak attacks by 15%, rather than by 115%. The Dehydrated effect will also now correctly debuff sneak attacks by 15%, rather than making them deal 0 damage. [00313272] - [#994](
- - The slow time effect from rank 4 of the Boost Assault Training perk will no longer clash with the Phased Time power. [0008C3EE] - [#410](
- - The Deception perk will now correctly provide an additional scan evasion chance at rank 4, and the lower ranks will provide more correct bonuses. [0007092C] - [#1177]( - [Fix contributed by GrizBane](
- Quest Fixes
- - NG+: The Eye will no longer appear to be incorrectly, and permanently, damaged by an attack after completing 'Foreknowledge'. This fix is also applied retroactively. [002C6D74], [QF_MQ204_002C6D74] - [#1126](
- - The Disciples gang members are now correctly disabled after each of the three Strikers quests they appear in. This prevents them from persisting in the world forever after these quests complete. Additionally, fixed an issue with The Showdown not properly shutting down when exiting the warehouse (required re-entering afterwards to shut down). These fixes currently are NOT retroactively applied, and will only work if the quests have not yet been completed. [002250C4], [QF_City_Neon_Gang01_00229EE7], [QF_City_Neon_Gang02_00226527], [QF_City_Neon_Gang03_002250C4] - [#975](
- - 'Family Reunion' can now use settlements which you have already explored, fixing an issue with it being unable to start due to having no valid locations available. [00211125] - [#157]( - [Fix contributed by isLazy](
- - 'Missing Ingredient' will now complete correctly after handing the meat to the radiant quest giver. [0012F188] - [#897](
- - After returning from the Unity, Barrett, Sam, Andreja, and Cora will no longer crowd the Lodge's library 24/7. Instead, they will now resume their normal lives. Vladimir will remain there until you talk to him after returning, or indefinitely if circumstances are such that he would be the new chair of Constellation. [001F0B88] - [#1147](
- - NG+: 'A Light in the Darkness' is now possible to complete if you skipped 'No Sudden Moves'. This fix will also work retroactively; if you have completed all possible interviews, simply talk to Nadia again. [0008CCB8], [0008CCBA], [0008CCBC], [0008CCBE], [001801EE], [001801F0] - [#1039](
- Ship Fixes
- - Removed some erroneous duplicated mesh from the Stroud-Eklund Acculander Landing Gear. [meshes/effects/shipsfx/modules/smod_lander_stroud_acculander11_a_modfx.nif], [meshes/effects/shipsfx/modules/smod_lander_stroud_acculander11_portandstb_a_modfx.nif] - [#1121]( - [Fix contributed by wSkeever](
- - The cloaking effect on enemy Starborn ships is no longer tied to the player ship's boost fuel level. This should (hopefully) fix, or at least improve, an intermittent issue with them remaining permanently cloaked. [00153BA0] - [#1143](
- - An NPC lean marker at the aft end of the Stroud 2x1 Living Quarters hab will now be correctly disabled if there is a door or window on that wall. [001D617C] - [#1161](
Version 0.1.7
- Reverted Fixes
- - Reverted the gravity fix for The Well, as this fix was working inconsistently, and was interfering with the city map for this location. [000F4ED4]
- - Reverted fixes to rank 4 of the Missile Weapon Systems perk, as these have been corrected officially by Bethesda. [002C5558]
- - Reverted change to the Concealment perk, as it is now identical-to-master after forwarding changes from the latest update. [002C555E]
- - Reverted fix for the Sustenance feature not working in variant universes, as this has been fixed officially by Bethesda. [002EEA4D]
- Forwarded Changes
- - Forwarded an official fix for the Sustenance feature to each drink item. [0001BBAA], [0001BBAB], [0001BBAC], [0003614B], [0003614C], [00139E43], [00139E44], [00139E45], [001DFCB4], [001EBE9E], [001FF69A], [001FF69C], [001FF69E], [001FF6A0], [0020675D], [0020675E], [00243FA5], [00249C0D], [00249C0E], [00249C0F], [00249C10], [00249C11], [00249C1A], [00249C1B], [00249C1E], [00249C25], [00249C26], [00249C27], [00249C28], [00249C2A], [00249C2B], [00249C2C], [00249C3A], [00249C49], [00249C51], [0029B00E], [0029B03F], [0029B041], [0029B042], [0029B04D], [0029B04E], [0029B04F], [002C7202], [002C7203], [002C7204], [002C7205], [002C7206], [002C7207], [002C7208], [002C7209], [002C720D], [002C7210], [002C7211], [002C7214], [002C7215], [002C7217], [002C7219], [003BF792], [003BF793]
- - Forwarded actor property changes to some Starborn characters you can meet in a specific universe. [0017F7A8], [0017F7A9], [0017F7AA], [0017F7AB], [0017F7AC], [0017F7AE]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the Automated Weapon Systems perk. [0027B9ED]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the Cellular Regeneration perk. [0028AE14]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the Shield Systems perk. [002C2C59]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the EM Weapon Systems perk. [002C53B2]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the Targeting Control Systems perk. [002C5559]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the Leadership perk. [002C890D]
- - Forwarded activity tracker changes to the Decontamination perk. [002CE2A0]
- - Forwarded new script properties to MQ401b. [001A9053]
- - Reapplied all papyrus script fixes to the latest versions of their original scripts.
- Dialogue Fixes
- - You? will no longer improperly comment on poor air quality. [00185AC8] - [Reported by underwould]( - [Fix contributed by paulbrock](
- - During the Unity quest, Andreja will now respond appropriately to a [Serpent's Embrace] dialogue choice if she has revealed that she is House Va'ruun. [0033282B], [0031B4D7] - [Reported by isLazy]( - [Fix contributed by isLazy](
- - Cora will now approach Barrett to begin a certain conversation in the lodge, rather than starting it while the two of them are on potentially other sides of the building. [0033E8F1], [0033EC2E] - [Reported by pabelik](
- - In the Executive Level quest, Sarah Morgan's dialogue lines with Alexis will now play correctly, rather than being silent. [00009ED9]
- Ship Fixes
- - The right-side thrusters on the NG-20 Fore Landing gear will now fire correctly [meshes\effects\shipfx\modules\smod_lander_nova_ng-20_b_modfx.nif] - [Reported by jsavga]( - [Fix contributed by GrizBane](
- - Corrected a conflicting ShipModuleVariant value in the HopeTech 2x2 Battle Stations hab, which was preventing the HopeTech 2x2 AIO hab from appearing in the ship builder menu. [003EC621] - [Reported by Dark-Thoughts](
- - Disabled audio occlusion primitives from the Stroud 2x1 Living Quarters hab, in order to correct issues with muffled audio in ships which have this hab. This brings it in line with every other ship module in the game. [00218099], [0021809A], [0021809C], [0021809D], [0021809E], [0021809F]
Version 0.1.6
- Reverted Fixes
- Removed mannequin scaling fix, as this has been officially fixed by Bethesda. [001EE4D6]
- Dialogue Fixes
- Fixed an incorrect condition causing a Starborn dialogue option with Sarah to appear before having previously had that conversation with her. [003233A3]
- Enabled "Say Once" flag for multiple idle lines said by Mathis in The Lock, to prevent hearing constant repeats. [00207E95] [00207E96] [00207E97] [00207E98] [00207E99] [00207E9A] [00207E9B] [00207E9C] [00207E9D] [00207E9E] [00207E9F] [00207EA0] [00207EA1] [00207EA2] [00207EA3] - [Reported by Voodoo5150](( - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Enabled "Say Once" flag to certain companion lines in The Den, to prevent hearing constant repeats. [001A4A3A] [001E9CD4] [0023EB98] - Reported by Voodoo5150 - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Fixed an incorrect condition which could cause guards outside of New Atlantis to refer to an ongoing attack in New Atlantis. [003E5C0D] - Reported by TERAB1T - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Guards should no longer make comments about you wearing a hat in certain circumstances (e.g. when wearing a Neuroamp), if you are not actually wearing a hat. [0015DA49] - Reported by TERAB1T - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Medic robots should no longer say that you appear to be dehydrated, if you are not currently dehydrated. [003650B6] - Reported by TERAB1T - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Companions should now react correctly to what you say during Andreja's death scene. [0023E8DA] - Reported by Aurelianis - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Guards outside of New Atlantis should no longer make comments about seeing you "running away from that crazy guy" after High Price to Pay. [0000D595] - Reported by TERAB1T - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Item Fixes
- Fixed player footstep sounds missing while wearing a companion's outfit. [00014DE6] [0007BB8F] [00134734] [0020CEAB] [002F5F35] - Reported by frippon01
- Fixed "evil you" missing their Starborn suit's voice modulation. [00045F82]
- Location Fixes
- Fixed a misplaced vial in the Kreet Research Lab. [0011304A] - Reported by Ghastly13
- Fixed floating items on Niira. [0001FE3A] [0001FE3C] [0001FE41] [0001FE43] - Reported by Aurelianis
- Disabled erroneously placed Barrett Personal Slate 2 and 3 in the standard Nova 2X1 AIOA hab. [0021302B] [0021302C] - Reported by Voodoo5150 - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Moved Vasco's wait marker in The Den to prevent his right arm from clipping. [0008C2D8] - Reported by Voodoo5150 - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Moved a duplicated cooler container in the Abandoned Industrial Compound POI. [000EF7BC] - Reported by Voodoo5150 - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Moved some contraband and aid items in Pit Stop out of container that cannot be opened. [0003D28A] [0003D28B] - Reported by Voodoo5150 - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Fixed incorrect landing marker at Valerie's Cache, fixing a potential issue with landing too far away during the Matters of the Hart quest. [00101D8D] - Reported by Aurelianis - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- The Well's local map should now appear correctly while using the SFCP (fix remade with CK). [000F4ED4] - Reported by m1idy
- Misc Fixes
- Fixed the Sustenance gameplay option not working in variant universes. [002EEA4D] - Reported by Jay33721
- NPC Fixes
- Added missing ActorTypeStarborn keyword to certain Starborn characters, to make them glow blue with the SSS power. [0001E5D6] [0004BCE8] [0017F7A8] [0017F7A9] [0017F7AA] [0017F7AB] [0017F7AC] [0017F7AE]
- Fixes an issue where changing the player appearance at Enhance! would also change You?'s appearance. [CrewEliteOtherPlayerScript] - Reported by Linnsanity - Fix contributed by EpicestGamer
- Perk Fixes
- Removes any lingering companion perks when starting NG+ [001C5150] [001C514E] [001C514D] [001C514C] - Reported by CivisRomanus - Fix contributed by CivisRomanus
- Quest Fixes
- Fixed an incorrect script property in Breach of Contract, which caused the outcome of the trial to always be the same. [000369AB] - Reported by Aurelianis - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Adjusted flags on some quest aliases which could prevent Eyewitness from starting up. [002AAE8D] - Reported by Crushurpride24 - Fix contributed by ferrari365
Version 0.1.5
- Quest Fixes
- Fixed an issue from the previous update that prevented some of the Environmental Gameplay features from working correctly [00248D20]
- Fixed an issue with the objective marker during "Back to the Grind" pointing to the wrong target if the Trewbrew employee is dead. [003250B5] - Fix contrubited by TERAB1T
- Dialogue Fixes
- Fixed mutliple cases where NPCs would incorrectly comment on your space suit or weapon status [0000D599] [0000D59A] [000E8D7C] [000E8D7D] [0015DA34] [0015DA35] [0015DA36] [0015DA37] [0015DA38] [0015DA39] [0015DA48] [0015DA4A] [001FCB98] [003298C4] [00355452] [00355453] [00355454] [00355455] [003250AC] [003250B5] - Fix contrubited by TERAB1T
- Perk Fixes
- Fixed an issue where sneak attack damage was considerably higher than it should be when property hydrated. [00313272] - Reported by MrFantastic - Fix contributed by youngneil1
Version 0.1.4
- This update is intended to update compatibility with 1.11.36 of the game.
- Fowarded Changes
- Removed a fix for Sam Coe's romance scene preventing him from talking about a dead companion as this has been fixed by Bethesda [000D3AE9]
- Removed a fix for the quest type on FFNewAtlantis02 [0024C46C]
- Forwarded new script properties for MQ101 (One Small Step) [00003448]
- Forwarded update quest type and faction for FFNewAtlantis05 (Search and Seizur6e) [00089F4E]
- Forwarded update quest type for FFNewAtlantis04 (A Break At Dawn) [00091CF5]
- Forwarded alias changes for RI08 (Executive Level) [0018B717]
- Forwarded script and alias updates for RI07 (Sabotage) [0018B718]
- Forwarded script and alias updates for RI05 (Guilty Parties) [001EE0C8]
- Forwarded script updates for DialogueFCNeon [0022DAD6]
- Forwarded scene updates for Sarah's friendship scene [002B4AB4]
- Removed the edit to the conditional function COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_MQ207 as Bethesda has fixed the issue(s) [001E8348]
- Removed edits to the Lasers skill as Bethesda has fixed the issue(s) [002C59DD]
- Forwarded script updates to MQ204 [qf_mq204_002c6d74]
- Forwarded script updates to SQ_PlayerShipScript [SQ_PlayerShipScript]
- Forwarded script updates to CompanionAffinityEventsScript [companionaffinityeventsscript]
- Forwarded script updates to BEScript [bescript]
- Forwarded new flag and map component on "The Well" cell [000F4ED4]
- Forwarded new flag and Image Space change on "Jemison Mercantile Store Room" cell [001928C2]
- Added the new effects to all food and drink items [0001BBAA] [0001BBAB] [0001BBAC] [0003614B] [0003614C] [00139E43] [00139E44] [00139E45] [001DFCB4] [001EBE9E] [001FF69A] [001FF69C] [001FF69E] [001FF6A0] [0020675D] [0020675E] [00243FA5] [00249C0D] [00249C0E] [00249C0F] [00249C10] [00249C11] [00249C1A] [00249C1B] [00249C1E] [00249C25] [00249C26] [00249C27] [00249C28] [00249C2A] [00249C2B] [00249C2C] [00249C3A] [00249C49] [00249C51] [0029B00E] [0029B03F] [0029B041] [0029B042] [0029B04D] [0029B04E] [0029B04F] [002C7202] [002C7203] [002C7204] [002C7205] [002C7206] [002C7207] [002C7208] [002C7209] [002C720D] [002C7210] [002C7211] [002C7214] [002C7215] [002C7217] [002C7219] [003BF792] [003BF793]
- Forward various location data changes [0002E373] [0009C57D] [0009C6C6] [00179DEB] [0018A2E4] [001C7752] [001E427B] [001EB454] [00219521] [00263C75] [0027A9A1] [0027A9A3] [00293417] [002A0EF4] [002B0801] [002B20C5]
- Quest Fixes
- Fixes a dead companion being assigned to you after completing Missed Beyond Measure [SFCP:UpdateHandler] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Marked "Two Tales, Two Cities" as a Misc quest [00089F4E]
- Marked "Search and Seizure" as a Misc quest [0008E2D9]
- Item Fixes
- Added missing COM_ObjType_Drink [KYWD:0007956D] keyword to Red Harvest Single Malt Whiskey and Red Harvest Single Malt Whiskey [0003614B] [0003614C]
Version 0.1.3
- This update is intended to update compatibility with 1.10.32 of the game. A roundup of the changes is available here.
- Reverted Fixes
- Removed fix to Landing Marker ownership as this has been fixed by Bethesda. [0022F4A2] - Original Fix
- Removed fix where Cora would refer to Barrett even if he was dead. [00187BF5] - Original Fix
- Removed fix to the blast shield at Nishina Research Station [0X00080C] [0023B8A7] [0023B8A9] [0023B8AB] [0023B8AD] [0023B8AF] [0023B8B0] - Original Fix
- Removed fix for the graffiti on Styx not appearing as this has been fixed by Bethesda. [000A91FE] [000A920E] - Original Fix
- Removed a faction fix for the Star Eagle is this seems to cause an unexplained crash when editing the ship. [001322D8] - Original Fix
- Removed the fix for the Coe Estate Door not opening when skipping the main story in NG+ as Bethesda tried to fix this (unsuccessfully!) [001DC45E] [Fragments:Quests:QF_MQ401_001DC45E]
- Removed the fix for Rejuvenation level 3 and 4 as this has been fixed by Bethesda. [0012601A] [0012601B] - Original Fix
- Fowarded Changes
- Forwarded script updates on CF02 [000192D2]
- Forwarded script updates on City_Akila_Jansen [001A8B64]
- Forwarded script updates on City_GG_Connections [0018E0F9]
- Forwarded script updates on MQ101 [00003448]
- Forwarded alias updates on MQ105 [002C1C9B]
- Forwarded script and objective updates on MQ305 [0024EF9C]
- Forwarded alias and objective updates on RJ04 [001FB85C]
- Forwarded script, objective and stage updates in the Power From Beyond quests [000854E8] [0001C179] [0001C078] [0001C077] [0001C076] [0001C075]
- Forwarded script updates while maintaining our fixes [bescript] [sq_playershipscript]
- Quest Fixes
- Improved the fix which ensures that Cora Coe's Crew quest starts up on NG+ by using a remote stage registration rather than directly editing MQ401 [Fragments:Quests:QF_MQ401_001DC45E] [0x000805] [SFCP:UpdateHandler]
- Improved the fix where Lillian's Foreknowledge variable was not being set correctly by repairing the original dialogue line properties and removing the script/scene edits previously used [0026C506] [Fragments:Scenes:SF_COM_SamCoe_Story_SG02_0026C506] [0026C5A1]
- Improved the fix where Sam's Commitment Foreknowledge variable was not being set correctly by repairing the original dialogue line properties and removing the script/quest edits previously used [000DF7AD] [Fragments:Quests:QF_COM_Quest_SamCoe_Commitme_000DF7AD] [0023E003]
- Fixed Bethesda's implementation of Coe Estate Door Fix by point the alias to the correct object and updating the script to use the correct function. [Fragments:Quests:QF_COM_Quest_SamCoe_Commitme_000DF7AD] [000DF7AD]
- Fixed the check for Cora Coe's CREW quest after entering which was starting it up too early. [SFCP:UpdateHandler]
Version 0.1.2
- General Fixes
- Spriggit updated to 0.18 in order to solve the dialogue bug introduced in game versions 1.10.30 and above.
- AI Fixes
- Fixed an issue where your NPC companion would start sandboxing if you remain still while sneaking for a short period of time. [0028BF2C] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Dialogue Fixes
- Companions will now use the correct "romantic" dialogue lines when asking them to follow you after marrying them. [002AF54E] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Fixed an incorrectly conditioned Starborn dialogue option during Breach of Contract that appeared even if you hadn't done the quest before. [002E2923] - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- When a companion is angry with the player and explains what the player did it to upset them it can be generic, murder, or jealousy. The player's follow-up question can now correctly be different based on the reason. [002C5A0C] [002C5A04] [0014317F] [00143173] [0014320F] [0023EDE6] [0023EE2D] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Andreja will now only say she's upset enough to leave if the player fails to convince her to stay. [001E9F5A] [001E9F5A] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Sam Coe's positive and negative wait dialogues are now correctly conditioned to play the correct dialogue [0026BDF2] [0026BDF2] - Reported by VenpiTheGamer
- Sam Coe will no longer reference Sarah in his follower pickup lines if she has been killed. [0026C55B] - Reported by VenpiTheGamer
- Location Fixes
- Fixed an issue where one of the blast shields on Nishina would disappear when lowering. [0X00080C] [0023B8A7] [0023B8A9] [0023B8AB] [0023B8AD] [0023B8AF] [0023B8B0] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Quest Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the radiant Constellation quest to locate a "Primordial Network" was actually looking for a "Gaseous Font" [001953FB] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Skill Fixes
- The Gymnastics Zero-G perk (Rank 2) will no longer give the player a speed boost while the Earthbound Starborn ability is active. [002A4861] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
Version 0.1.1
- AI Fixes
- Fixed a bug where companions would stop following the player after exiting dialogue until they performed an action such as sneaking. This was caused by an invalid condition checking if they were still in dialogue. [00054B37] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Companions will no longer be forced to stand up if the player speaks to them while they are seated inside their ship [002A9765] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Fixed a bug where companions would stop following the player when a hostile creature was nearby. This was caused by an invalid interrupt flag set on the AI package. [002A9765] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Companions will now comment on alcohol or chems you consume (if they are addictive). - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Animation Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Starborn Guardian would play the incorrect animation when landing vertically on certain pads (e.g. Gargarin Landing). [0007BAE7] [0010A3C4] [00032200] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Fixed an issue where NPCs can get stuck in a "walk/run to idle" animation state. This seems to happen because these animations lack a "rampout" value in ther .afx files. - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\gripheavy\relaxed_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\gripheavy\relaxed_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\female\relaxed_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\female\relaxed_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\sneak_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\sneak_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\sneak_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\grippistol\sneak_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\ready_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\ready_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\ready_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\ready_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\relaxed_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\relaxed_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\gun\griprifle\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\andreja\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\andreja\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\angry\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\angry\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\angry\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\angry\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\confident\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\confident\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\confident\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\confident\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\depressed\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\depressed\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\depressed\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\depressed\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\executive\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\executive\female\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\executive\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\executive\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\female\relaxed_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\female\relaxed_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\macho\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\macho\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\ready_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\ready_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\ready_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\ready_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\relaxed_runforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\relaxed_runforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\sam\relaxed_walkforward_stop_leftfoot.afx
- meshes\actors\human\animations\melee\unarmed\sam\relaxed_walkforward_stop_rightfoot.afx
- Dialogue Fixes
- During a conversation with Breyson Bayu, your companion will now correctly contribute. The conditions were set up incorrectly for this dialogue to be valid. [00182384] [00182385] [00182386] [00182387] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Guards will no longer comment on the player's smart suit when it is hidden beneath their spacesuit. [0015DA4C] - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Security guards will now correctly comment on the player's unholstered weapon. This dialogue was unused as it was condition to only play if the player had their fists up. [0006175C] [0006175D] [0006175E] [000447DA] [000447DB] [00217853] [00219AF1] [001569C9] [0015DA46] [0015DA47] - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Guards will no longer say "Evening" (and similar) when it's not actually the evening. [0015DA43] [0015DA44] [0015DA45] - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- Guards will no longer say "I never get to go to space." when they are in space. [0000D59B] - Fix contributed by TERAB1T
- New Atlantis Guards will no longer say "By the way Captain, Sergeant Yumi was looking for you. Sounds like he's got more work." even if you haven't done any work for him yet. [00042C60] [00042C72] [0005AC0C] [00346E5F] [00346E60] [0X00080B] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Item Fixes
- Added the COM_ObjType_Drink [0007956D] KYWD to all alcoholic drink items, and the COM_ObjType_ChemBad [000A7296] KYWD to all "bad" chems which you can get addicted to. [0001BBAA] [0001BBAB] [0001BBAC] [00122EAD] [00139E43] [00139E44] [00139E45] [00139E4B] [00143CB2] [001DFCB4] [001EBE9E] [001FF69A] [001FF69C] [001FF69E] [001FF6A0] [0020675D] [0020675E] [00243FA5] [00249C0D] [00249C0E] [00249C0F] [00249C10] [00249C11] [00249C1A] [00249C1B] [00249C1E] [00249C25] [00249C26] [00249C27] [00249C28] [00249C2A] [00249C2B] [00249C2C] [00249C3A] [00249C51] [0029959D] [002995A1] [0029B00E] [0029B03F] [0029B041] [0029B042] [0029B04D] [0029B04E] [0029B04F] [002A9DE7] [002C5884] [002C5885] [002C7202] [002C7203] [002C7204] [002C7205] [002C7206] [002C7207] [002C7208] [002C7209] [002C720D] [002C7211] [002C7214] [002C7215] [002C7217] [002C7219] [003BF792] [003BF793] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Location Fixes
- Fixed an incorrect map marker type for "UC Listening Post". [002CA717] - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- During Matters of the Hart the player's ship would be able to land at the incorrect marker to force the player into combat prematurely. [0022F4A2] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Perk Fixes
- Stabilizing Barrel Effect, Medic and Stabilizing Shock will no longer incorrectly show in the UI when applied to an item the player is wearing. [001462A3] [001CB592] [00374067] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Quest Fixes
- Fixed [MQ305Script] - Reported by X2357 - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Ship Fixes
- The Star Eagle ship is now flagged as a Freestar Collective vessel. It was incorrectly to set to United Colonies. [001322D8] - Fix contributed by Voodoo5150
- Skill Fixes
- The Targeting Control Systems Perk did not correctly decrease target lock-on time at ranks 2, 3, and 4. [002CCF94] [002CCF95] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Text Fixes (English)
- Reverted several typo fixes that did not match the dialogue spoken [0008DA85] [0011459D] [00146DCF] [00146DD8] [00146DD5] [00009645] [000F2ECE] [00115420] [0000498D] [0017C65C] [001E79E1] [001E79EB] [0000498E] [0004A4BE] [0004A544] [0004A47F] [0004A4B7] [0004A4ED] [0004A4FE] [001A0049] [001A0058] [001A1778] [0004A4CE] [0004A508] [0004A4DA] [001A6AA4] [0004A46C] [001A6A70] [001A6AC7] [001A69DB] [001A6A54] [0004A4A1] [0004A515] [001A6A85] [001A6A4D] [0004A4E9] [0004A4D4] [001A6A82] [0004A488] [0004A4F4] [0004A48A] [0004A517] [001A697E] [001A69E6] [0004A4A7] [001FC800]
- Fixed a misspelling of "obliterating" in Vae Victis' dialogue [001B00B3] - Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Removed an unnecessary ellipses from Hadrian's dialogue [001153FF]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Replaced comma with full stop in Adrian Brasillia's dialogue [00149A45]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Fixed misuse of "effectively" when "effective" was intended in Cabinet dialogue during A Legacy Forged [000E5513]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Fixed duplicate "yet" in Eyewitness dialogue [00226481]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Replaced "make due" with "make do" in President Abello's dialogue [0023FA74]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Added missing comma in A Legacy Forged [000E54A6] [002AAE27]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
- Fixed a mismatch between dialogue and speech [001F9BEB]- Fix contributed by JaeDLmods
Version 0.1.0
- This is the first version created entirely by Spriggit!
- Quest Fixes
- Fixed an issue where MQ101 would start MQ_TutorialQuest too early causing it to fail to register for certain events [Fragments:Quests:QF_MQ101_00003448] [00003448] - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- Changed "A Break at Dawn" and "Keeping the Peace" quests to an "Activity" mission type to be consistent with Sgt Yumi's other quests [00091C9A] [0024C4A3] - Reported by CrEaToXx
- Changed "Unusual SOS" quest to an "Activity" mission type so that it correctly disappears from the active list once completed. [0025A9E2] - Fix contributed by Krevil
- Picking up "Gennady Ayton (Evidence)" before starting "Doctor's Orders" will no longer cause that quest to fail to start. The slate is now an optional alias. [001B6246] - Reported by frogs345 - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- The player can no longer use the Commerce dialogue option during Sowing Discord if they have not unlocked the relevant skill [001E4D79] - Reported by Drake0713 - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- During "Access is Key" the Va'ruun Ambassador Suit will now correctly update the quest objective, [RIR03_QuestScript] [RIR03_PlayerAliasScript] [002BA8A8] [002BA8A8] [00227CA2] [001DBE3B] [0X000809] [0X00080A] - Reported by twistedresistor - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- Item Fixes
- Corrected the name of the level 3 Rothicite extractor from "Extractor - Rothicite - Commerical" to "Extractor - Rothicite - Industrial" [0020276D] - Reported by Senturus1983 - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- Dialogue Fixes
- Fixed the IsRomantic condition being incorrectly reversed on Andreja's dialogue [000EBC65] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Mod Page
- Fixed the quest stage condition being incorrectly reversed on Andreja's dialogue [000FC974] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Mod Page
- Fixed multiple cases where Andreja's dialogue was incorrect setup as new INFOs rather than additional responses on one INFO [00230E1E] [00230DE8] [00230DFB] [00230DC1] [00230DFF] [001F3B65] [00237002] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Mod Page
- Added a condition to the redundant INFOs to ensure they're not accessible [00230E1D] [00230DE7] [00230DFC] [00230DC0] [00230DFE] [00230E06] [00230E07] [00237003] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Mod Page
- Fixed the conditions on multiple [Starborn] options missing from Sarah Morgan's dialogue. [00097755] [003233B7] [003233A3] [00323391] [003233AA] [003233AC] - Fix contributed by Deebz96
- Text Fixes (English)
- Fixed incorrect use of "it's" in the Nario War information terminal. [0003B6B5] - Reported by CrystalSharrd
- Fixed a misspelling of "something" in Jessamine Griffin's dialogue [001D8A03] - Reported by Senturus1983 - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- Fixed a mispelling of "Legrande's Liquors" in the name of the announcer voice in Neon [0030D630] - Reported by Icyknightmare - Fix contributed by Wartortle
- Text Fixes (German)
- Fixed a missing word in Emmet Goodman's dialogue. [00208E54] - Reported by aurreth
- Text Fixes (Polish)
- Fixed mistranslation of "grandpa" as "Babcia" rather than "Dziadek" [0022722D] - Reported by mrkox12321
- Fixed corrected translation from "Agentka Przymierza Tropicieli" to "Agent Przymierza Tropicieli" for male Tracker's Alliance Agents [00216D35] - Reported by mrkox12321
Version 0.0.7
- -- Planet Fixes
- Swapped keyword LocTypeSettledPlanet [KYWD:00062F2F] for LocQuestUCR03World [KYWD:001E79B7] on Europa so that is can be correctly used during radiant quests. [0001B747] - Reported by aurreth
- -- Item Fixes
- Fixed a component error on Red Harvest Double Malt Whiskey caused by a badly applied fix in a previous version of the patch [0003614B] - Reported by pega3
- Fixed facial hair not showing up while wearing the Hazmat Suit [0008AE0E] - Fix contributed by Wartortle - Reported by IHaveCorn
- -- Placed Object Fixes
- Removed multiple instances of the unplayable item Clothes_Crowd_LayeredTee_01_NOTPLAYABLE "Layered Tee" [ARMO:0026DFBF] from the world. One instance can't be replaced due to reflection data. [0032169D] [000A89CA] [001A4630] [0032169D] [003690CF] [0037B6B5] - Fix contributed by ArkangelCorvus - Reported by Dragten
- -- NPC Fixes
- Fixed an issue where miners would "mine" ore with their weapons rather than a cutter after exiting combat. [00052E92] [0006A03F] [00203BF2] [00203BF4] - Fix contributed by Korodic - Mod Page
- -- Text Fixes (English)
- Fixed a misspelling of "incalculable" in Ambassador Bal'Mor's personal log - Log 03: A Visitor [0034BF18] - Reported by Murvel3000 - Contributed by Wartortle
- Fixed a misspelling of "officers" in Chief Pretorius' dialogue [00155859] - Reported by Drackore - Contributed by Wartortle
- Fixed a misspelling of "do" in President Abello's dialogue [0023FA74] - Reported by Drackore - Contributed by Wartortle
- Fixed a misspelling of "doppelganger" in Sarah's dialogue [001801C3] - Reported by Dadditude - Contributed by Wartortle
- -- Misc Fixes
- Fixed missing ALFG record data on several aliases in Eyewitness [0023FA74] - Contributed by Wartortle
- Fixed several of Dani Garcia's follower lines that were intended to be available once the player has a Neuroamp installed but would not show due to a bad condition. [000049A8] [000049DB] [000049A3] [000049AF] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
Version 0.0.6
- -- Ship Fixes
- Added missing SpaceshipTurretWeapon [KYWD:0032792C] keyword to Disrupter 3340 alpha oscillator Turret [000C0A36] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipTurretWeapon [KYWD:0032792C] keyword to Jishaku Nd RF railgun Turret [001504FD] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipTurretWeapon [KYWD:0032792C] keyword to Blaze-P 2gw SX Pulse Laser Turret [00150500] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipEnergyWeapon [KYWD:0002226A] keyword to Vaporizer 35MeV proton beam [0022EC51] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipEnergyWeapon [KYWD:0002226A] keyword to Ravager 20MeV electron beam [0022EC52] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipEnergyWeapon [KYWD:0002226A] keyword to Disrupter 3310 proton beam [0022EC57] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipEnergyWeapon [KYWD:0002226A] keyword to Disrupter 3300 electron beam [0022EC58] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipEnergyWeapon [KYWD:0002226A] keyword to PB-50 proton projector [0022EC5E] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Added missing SpaceshipEnergyWeapon [KYWD:0002226A] keyword to PB-30 Electron Beam [0022EC5F] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Fixed incorrect ammo capacity on KE-42 cannon turret [0014A8D5] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Fixed incorrect ammo type on EMP-1000 broadband suppressor [002184A6] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Fixed incorrect ammo type on EMP-500 stochastic suppressor [002184A7] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Fixed incorrect damage value on Tatsu 501EM inverting suppressor [0021849A] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Changes the max power of the Atlatl 290B to be '6' which seems to put the weapon into a more sensible balance with respect to the rest of the existing weapons. [00228D4A] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Fixed a missing 0 on the cost price of Fulminator 8000 Suppressor. [002233D8] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- Changes the price of the Tatsu 501EM Suppressor to reflect the damage change. [002233C9] - Reported by JaeDL - Contributed by GrizBane - Mod Page
- -- Items Fixes
- Fixed facial hair disappearing while wearing a Graviplas helmet [000781F5] - Fixed contributed by Wartortle
- -- Text Fixes (English)
- Fixed grammatical errors in "Letter to the School Board" item. [0006A028] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed a grammatical error on the load screen text for "Ship Critical Fixes" [0003E1E4] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Added missing commas on the load screen about Auora production on Neon [0005B3D3] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Added a missing Oxford comma on the load screen about the Colony War [0005B3D5] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed grammar for the load screen about the Serpent's Crusade [0005B3D6] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Added a missing comma on the load screen about abandonned bases [000C8C9B] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed a misspelling of "reveals" on the load screen about Zoology [0018566B] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed the grammar on the load screen regarding He3 extending ship range [0018566D] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed a missing comma on the load screen about hailing guard ships [0018567B] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Improved the clarity of the load screen about the Security skill [00185696] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Improved the grammar in some of the dialogue in Search and Seizure [0008D103] [0008DA85] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Adjusted subtitles to better match the audio during "Spreading the News" [0011459D] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed minor typos and grammatical mistakes in a NewHomestead scene [00146DCF] [00146DD8] [00146DD5] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed an incorrect apostrophe in Hadrian's dialogue [0000962F] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Adjusted subtitles to better match Hadrian's dialogue [00009645] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed missing commas in Hadrian's dialogue [0000963B] [0000963C] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Various grammar fixes in Hadrian's follower dialogue [000F2ECB] [000F2ECE] [000F2EC5] [000F2ED0] [000F2EC8] [000F2EC7] [00115420] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed word order in a quest log entry for Apex Predator [00092C4C] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Added missing commas and adjusted subtitles in Apex Predator [0000498D] [00092C4C] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed missing captial letters in Red Devils Dialogue [0017C65C] [001E79E1] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Various grammatical fixes in Red Devils Dialogue [0000498E] [001E79D8] [001E79EA0] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Various spelling and grammer fixes in dialogue subtitles during A Legacy Forged [0004A4BE] [0004A544] [0004A47F] [0004A4B7] [0004A4ED] [0004A4FE] [0004A4FF] [001A0049] [001A0058] [001A1778] [0004A4CE] [0004A508] [0004A4DA] [001A6AA4] [0004A46C] [0004A46D] [001A6A70] [001A6AA7] [001A6AC7] [001A6A65] [001A69DB] [001A6A89] [001A6A54] [0004A4A1] [0004A515] [001A6A85] [001A6A4D] [0004A4E9] [0004A4D4] [001A6A82] [0004A488] [0004A4F4] [001FC819] [0004A48A] [0004A517] [001A697E] [001A69E6] [0004A4A7] [001FC800] - Fix contributed by dodexahedron - Mod Page
- Fixed a missing word in Denis' dialogue (Cydonia) [001E7139] - Reported by Drackore
- Fixed a missing word in Tuala's dialogue (Cydonia) [000E5443] - Reported by Drackore
- Adjusted subtitles to better match Sam Coe's dialogue [0026C508] - Reported by Drackore
- Fixed a misplaced comma from a previous fix of Barrett's dialogue [001A49B7] - Reported by Jackrum
- -- Misc Fixes
- Removed reference to missing script [TestElectrifiedWaterTriggerScript] [001E9B90]
- Removed reference to missing script on the player's base ID [ENV_Temp_SetPlayerGravityScaleScript] [00000007]
- Removed reference to missing script [SQ_ENV_OnHit_Burns] [00248D20]
- Removed reference to missing script [City_NA_Well01_QuestScript] [0027071C]
- Removed reference to missing script [OutpostShipbuilderTerminalScript] [00299418]
- Removed reference to missing script [SQ_GenericCrewAliasScript] [002A567D]
- Removed reference to missing script [MQ305PlayerShipPilotSeatScript] [0024EF9C]
- Removed reference to missing script [BQ01_BarrettSceneBackupScript] [00002FAE]
- Removed unused property CF03 on script CFSD01_QuestScript attached to CFSD01 [001E8E2A]
- Removed unused property VendorContainerKeyword01 on script sq_groups_questscript attached to SQ_Groups [001A9565]
- Removed unused properties CloseSoundMarker and OpenSoundMarker on script LandingPadBlastShields attached to MQ207CLandingMarkerRef [0023B8A5]
- Removed unused property iStageToSet on script RI07_OperatingTableAliasScript attached to alias InternalNeuroampCase on quest RI07 [0018B718]
- Removed unused property COM_CombatResponseCivilianList from Barrett, Sarah and Andreja [00005787] [00005983] [000059A7]
Version 0.0.5
- -- Actor Fixes
- Hadrian is now correctly assigned to CrimFactionUC rather than ConstellationFaction. This fix will also apply mid-save. [0029C17F] - Fix contributed by SKK50 - Reported by SKK50
- Gideon Aker will now have unlimited ammo when recruited as a follower. (Missing TeammateDontUseAmmoKeyword [KYWD:0023F1CA]) - Reported by SamusKnight2K
- -- Location Fixes
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keyword for Starstation RE-939 [0002E373] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for Starstation UCN-48 [0009B0CA] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Nova Galactic Staryard [0009B0CB] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for The Eye [0009C57D] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keyword for Starstation RE-939 [0009C6C6] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for Retrofitted Starstation [000F483C] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keyword for Starstation RE-939 [0016573C] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for The Almagest [001671E6] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for The Almagest [00179DEB] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for Retrofitted Starstation [0018A2E4] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for Defensive Battery Gamma [001C7750] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for Defensive Battery Beta [001C7751] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for Defensive Battery Alpha [001C7752] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for The Clinic [001D627D] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for The Clinic [001DE8C0] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for The Clinic [001E427B] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for The Sonder [001EB453] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for The Sonder [001EB454] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Deimos Staryard [001EC462] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for Starstation UCN-48 [0020382D] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Stroud-Eklund Staryard [002101AA] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Nova Galactic Staryard [00211B93] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for The Den [00213CD7] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Autonomous Staryard [0021433C] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Nova Galactic Staryard [00219521] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Trident Luxury Lines Staryard [00223325] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for Starstation UCN-48 [00263C75] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Stroud-Eklund Staryard [0027A9A1] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Deimos Staryard [0027A9A3] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for Autonomous Staryard [00293417] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for The Den [002A0EF4] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationInterior [KYWD:0001674E] keywords for The Eye [002B0801] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] keyword for Trident Luxury Lines Staryard [002B20C5] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- Fixed missing LocTypeStarstation [KYWD:0001674D] and LocTypeStarstationExterior [KYWD:0008A8F9] keywords for Polvo Station [00331890] - Fix contributed by VarekRaith
- -- Item Fixes
- Fixed an error with the Ecliptic Backpack that would cause the wrong mods to be applied to it. [00166407] - Fix Contributed by Gambit77
- Fixed an error in the levelled lists for SysDef armour which would lead to heavy armour spawning where the recon (light armour) variant should be used. [000042D9] [00228D12] - Fix Contributed by Gambit77
- -- Scene Fixes
- Cora and Sam will no longer have a conversation about telling Barrett a joke if he has been killed [00187BF5] - Reported by X2357
- -- Quest Fixes
- The "Complete a research project" tutorial objective will no longer display if the player has completed all available research. A new conditional form has been added to check if the player has completed the highest rank of all research projects SFCP_CND_AllResearchCompleted [CNDF:02000808][Fragments:Quests:QF_MQ_TutorialQuest_Misc06_0000118F] [0x000808] [SFCP:UpdateHandler] - Reported by TheIrreverentReverend
- -- Text Fixes (English)
- Fixed multiple places where "poring" (to study) was misspelt as "pouring" (to tip liquid). [001886D1] [0014612E] [001E3F53] [001E3F57] - Reported by Jay33721
- Fixed "any more" misspelt as "anymore" in Pascual Logan's dialogue [002D1C78] - Reported by Drackore
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Payloads" skill rather than the "Deception" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- Fixed a misplaced ellipsis in Vae Victis' dialogue [00248C66] - Reported by Norseman048
- Fixed missing "to" in Sarah's dialogue [00068926] - Reported by dodexahedron
- Fixed a misspelling of "Scalding Liquid" on the Spell entry for this effect. [001D5CF5] - Reported by SpacePigeonTV
- -- Text Fixes (French)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Chargements" skill rather than the "Tromperie" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- Text Fixes (Spanish)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Cargamento" skill rather than the "Engaño" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- -- Text Fixes (German)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Logistik-Skill" skill rather than the "Täuschung-Skill" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- Fixes a mismatch between dialogue and subtitles in an audio log encountered in the NASA launch facility. [000B11CF] - Reported by SkyHorizon3
- -- Text Fixes (Italian)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Carico" skill rather than the "Raggiro" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- -- Text Fixes (Polish)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Ładowność" skill rather than the "Podstęp" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- -- Text Fixes (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "Carregamentos" skill rather than the "Clandestinidade" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- -- Text Fixes (Japanese)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "貨物積載" skill rather than the "狡猾" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- -- Text Fixes (Chinese -Simplified)
- Fixed a load screen about smuggling referring to the "有效载荷" skill rather than the "骗术" skill for increased chance of evading contraband scans. [00185667] - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- -- Misc Fixes
- Added a couple of missing dialogue conditions ommited from a previous fix [0032C7CA] [0032C7CB] [0032C7CC] [0032C7CD] - Reported by TareliusKosmos
- The update handler for the Starfield Community Patch will now only fire on first startup and each time the player loads the game. Now using OnQuestInit() as it was incorrectly using OnInit() which triggers every time the game starts up. [SFCP:UpdateHandler]
Version 0.0.4
- --- Quest Fixes
- During A Tree Grows in New Atlantis, the sensor acquired from Wen at UC Distribution will no longer be marked as stolen if the player manages to obtain it by purchasing it or by persuasion. [Fragments:Quests:QF_City_NA_Botany01_00270718] - Fix contributed by Pickysaurus - Reported by TheTrueDovahki1n
- Background Checks will no longer fail to start if the player has killed the elevator guard before starting the quest. The guard is now an optional component on the quest. [0033DC61] - Fix contributed by Korodic - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Korodic
- Guilty Parties will no longer fail to start if the player has killed Ularu's door guard before starting the quest. The guard is now an optional component on the quest. [001EE0C8] [Fragments:Quests:QF_RI05_001EE0C8] - Fix contributed by Korodic - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Korodic
- Executive Level will no longer fail to start if the player has killed Ularu's door guard before starting the quest. The guard is now an optional component on the quest. [0018B717] [Fragments:Quests:QF_RI08_0018B717] - Fix contributed by Korodic - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Korodic
- Power from Beyond temple map markers will now show up as expected. This was caused by versions of the quest pointing to the wrong variant when evaluating if the "Acquire the Power on <Alias=PlanetWithTrait>" objective should be shown after reaching the temple. [0001C075] [0001C076] [0001C077] [0001C078] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Reported by Aurelianis
- During My North Star Sivan will now correctly stop following you in certain instances. The StopFollowConditions property of the DefaultFollowerToggleQuestScript was pointing to an invalid Form. [000D2499] - Reported by Bobbyclue
- --- Item Fixes
- Added Emergency Kit to the list of healing items which trigger an animation if NPCs heal each other [0024DDC1] - Reported by Wartortle
- CAN-uck! Double Double is now considered a Coffee component in crafting [00249C49] - Fix contributed by ArkangelCorvus - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by ArkangelCorvus
- Red Harvest Double Malt Whiskey is now considered a Liquor component in crafting [0003614B] - Fix contributed by ArkangelCorvus - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by ArkangelCorvus
- Red Harvest Single Malt Whiskey is now considered a Liquor component in crafting [0003614C] - Fix contributed by ArkangelCorvus - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by ArkangelCorvus
- Beta compatibility fixes
- Reverted Neon Security Dialogue fix by wSkeever [0032C7C0] [QF_DialogueNeonConvo_Securit_0032C7C0] as this fix is no longer required following the changes in 0.0.3 Reported by wSkeever
- Reverted the NG+ softlock fix as Bethesda have addressed this themselves in [mq401questscript] Reported by Connerria
- Reverted the fixes applied to the Lasers skill rank 4 as this unintentionally caused EM weapons to deal burn damage to targets. [002C59DD] - Reported by Argonil
- Forwarded changes to One Small Step from [00019287]
- --- Text Fixes (English)
- Fixed a duplicate "as" in a dialogue subtitle. [00260E66] - Reported by grndkntrl
- Fixed an incorrect reference to the "Akila System" where it should have been "Cheyenne System". [001A8B64] - Reported by translucentfocus
- Fixed two gramatical errors in player dialogue with Rayna Marquez during The Devils You Know. [00248C2F] [001D7CCF] - Reported by thefirebirdman
- Fixed a misspelling of "Crimson Fleet" in David Barron's SSNN dialogue [0033DD16] - Reported by KingNewbs
- --- Text Fixes (Italian)
- Fixed a mistranslation of "Canna pesante" [00094C5C] [001230EF] - Reported by DEADFURY
Version 0.0.3
- Power from Beyond map markers will no longer disappear. This was caused by versions of the quest pointing to the wrong variant when evaluating if the "Acquire the Power on <Alias=PlanetWithTrait>" objective should be shown. [0001C075] [0001C076] [0001C077] [0001C078] - Fix contributed by Pickysaurus - Reported by broekerisdabomb
- Improved the fix for Coe Estate not unlocking in NG+. This will now unlock without visiting Unity first. [SFCP:UpdateHandler]
- Improved the fix for Cora Coe not joining the crew with Sam in NG+. This will now unlock without visiting Unity first. [SFCP:UpdateHandler]
- Improved the fix for Undiscovered Temples. This will now unlock without visiting Unity first. [SFCP:UpdateHandler] [starborntemplequestscript]
- Players can check the patch has been loaded correctly using the command cgf "SFCP:SFCPUtil.ShowSFCPVersion" in the console (PC only) [SFCP:SFCPUtil]
- Added a new update handler to apply select fixes to the current save without requiring the player to enter NG+. [SFCP:PlayerLoadGameAliasScript] [SFCP:UpdateHandler] [0x000805] - Contributed by Pickysaurus
- The Trackers Alliance Bounty Clearance Service Kiosk will allow you to clear bounties from the following minor factions: Paradiso, The Crucible, The Crimson Fleet, ECS Constant, House Va'ruun. [0017C02D] - Fix contributed by wSkeever - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by wSkeever
- The Ship Command Perk will now work correctly on ships you commandeer. [SQ_PlayerShipScript] - Fix contributed by wSkeever - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Linnsanity
- Radiation damage was using the incorrect resistance value (Corrosive instead of Radiation) [0021BBD4] [002218DF] - Reported by Naith
- The "Soak" environmental debuff was using the incorrect resistance value (Corrosive instead of Thermal) [003CBFE0] [001F7630] - Reported by Naith
- After finishing the quest "Bare Metal" Styx will no longer be covered in graffiti when displaying the dialogue option "How do you feel now that you're all cleaned up?" [000A91FE] [000A920E] - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by WidgitLabs
- HopeTech guards no longer remain hostile after completing "The Hammer Falls" and choosing to attack Ron Hope. [qf_fc09_001a54f9] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Reported by EgoBallistic
- Mannequins will now spawn at the same level as the player rather than always being level 1. This will allow for proper levelled space suits to appear in their inventory. [001EE4D6] Fix contributed by Livelynightmare - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Davis Wilson will now correctly use his unique rifle [0x000806] [002161AE] - Fix contributed by DankRafft - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by DankRafft
- Guards in New Atlantis and Neon will now correctly approach the player if they have a bounty and a weapon drawn. [0032C7CA] [0032C7CB] [0032C7CC] [0032C7CD] [0006B25B] [0021EAF7] [0021EAF8] [0021EAF9] - Fix contributed by wSkeever - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by wSkeever
- Replaced 4 books in The Clinic which were using a base form called _BookHardback_Large01_DONOTUSE these are now levelled large books instead. [00126335] [001275BA] [0012E038] [001316DC] - Reported by Orvid
- Fixed an invalid reference in the script properties of the Power From Beyond quests [0001C075] [0001C076] [0001C077] [0001C078] [0001C079] [000854E8] [00101043] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis
- Walter will no longer refer to Sarah as the head of Constellation if she has been killed. [002953F6] - Fix contributed by EgoBallistic - Reported by EgoBallistic
- Fixed a typo in the "You can not eat quest items" messsage. [000D48DC] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a misplaced question mark and missing capital letter in dialogue subtitles. [000117E7] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a typo in the spelling of "et certera". [0008D107] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a typo in the spelling of "soldier". [0020614D] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a duplicate "is" in a dialogue subtitle. [0003C547] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a missing punctuation in a player dialogue option. [000A69C3] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a typo in the spelling of "misery". [0028FE4C] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a discrepancy between the subtitle and spoken dialogue. [000B85D3] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a missing comma in Sarah's dialogue subtitles. [002FAD44] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a discrepancy between the subtitle and spoken dialogue. [00299D6C] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a discrepancy between the subtitle and spoken dialogue. [00299D3A] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a missing comma in dialogue subtitles. [0033EBEA] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a missing comma in dialogue subtitles. [003B2230] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a missing comma in dialogue subtitles. [001A49B7] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a typo in the spelling of "collapsing". [002080E1] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a typo in the spelling of "then". [0019B10C] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a discrepancy between the subtitle and spoken dialogue. [0032C2F4] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a discrepancy between the subtitle and spoken dialogue. [00330386] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a extra comma in dialogue subtitles. [00087C74] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a extra word in a dialogue line ("going"). [00021C749] - Reported by Livelynightmare
- Fixed a grammatical error in the description of the GRUNT magazine perks [0021D059] - Reported by Murvel3000
- Fixed a unused keyword with a missing editor ID Neon_LightSwap_Keyword [0014C02B] - Reported by Fuzzlesz
- Fixed a grammatical error in Sam Coe's dialogue while the player does not pick an option [0026C574] - Reported by Drackore
- Fixed a mispelling of "Ron Hope" as "Rob Hope" [0008CD36] - Reported by TheDarkFurie
- The chemical formula for Benzene has been corrected from C6Hn to C6H6 in all locales. - Reported by Pickysaurus
Version 0.0.2
- The UC Sec ships orbiting Toliman II will no longer hail the player about the planet being a "Biological Exclusion Zone" after completing stage 155 of UC08 [001C54EB] - Fix contributed by Connerria - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Connerria
- Fixed a potential softlock issue when arriving in a variant universe in NG+ [mq401questscript] - Fix contributed by Connerria - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Connerria
- Fixed two instances of "with" being misspelt as "wth". [0033A879] [0010F644] - Reported by AUGSpeed
- Gunslinger's Guide and Mining Monthly magazine perks no longer count toward the skill total for the Combat tree (this would allow skills further down the tree to be unlocked without the required prerequisities). [0020BB31] [0020B4B6] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Automated Weapon Systems skill rank 3 will no longer apply bonuses to non-turret weapons. [0027B9ED] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Decontamination skill rank 4 description now includes the further increase to recovery chance. [002CE2A0] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Cellular Regeneration skill rank 4 description now includes the further increase to recovery chance. [0028AE14] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Targetting Control Systems skill rank 4 now correctly provides +10% critical hit chance. [002C5559] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Targetting skill rank 3 will now correctly provide an increase to weapon range. [002C59DA] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Shield Systems skill will no longer increase shield health beyond the intended amount. [002C2C59] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- Rejuvenation skill ranks 3 and 4 new correctly allow the player to regain health while in combat. (Fix improved from v0.0.1) [0012601A] [0012601B] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Rapid Reloading skill now correctly provides bonuses while throwables are equipped. [002C555A] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Pistol Certification skill now correctly provides +25% critical hit chance instead of +5% multiplied by 1.25. [002080FF] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Particle Beams skill now correctly provides +5% critical hit chance instead of +5% multiplied by 1.05. [0027BAFD] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Martial Arts skill now correctly provides +15% critical hit chance instead of +5% multiplied by 1.15. [002C5554] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Leadership skill ranks 2-4 will now correctly provide +25% to affinity gain instead of +15%. [002C890D] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Concealment skill will no longer override the magazine perks from Va'ruun scriptures or interfere with Void Form. [002C555E] [002C5A53] [002C7788] [001336BF] [XX000804] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Armor Penetration skill will now apply bonuses to melee weapons. [0027DF94] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- Removed unnecessary check on the Lasers Skill level 4 that the current weapon is not Ballistic or EM based. [002C59DD] - Fix contributed by Argonil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Argonil
- The Lasers skill will no longer incorrectly apply bonuses to Particle weapons too. [002C59DD] - Fix contributed by AmpHound - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by AmpHound
- The chemical formula for Benzene has been corrected from C6Hn to C6H6 [00005585] [000057E7] - Fix contributed by SarthesArai - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by SarthesArai
- Scenes with Andreja and Sam Coe will no longer start if the player has not started "Foreknowledge". [0003BD74] [000D3AE9] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Added a new conditional check to verify if the player is yet to start "Foreknowledge". [XX000800] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Sarah Morgan will no longer have dialogue about saving Barrett, Andreja or Sam Coe when they have died. [001D56B1] [001D56B2] [001D56B3] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Fixed an issue where certain dialogue would not fire if the Leadership skill was selected as it changes some AVs to 1.15 where the check is looking for exactly 1.0 [00127C2F] [001E8342] [001E8343] [001E8344] [001E8345] [001E8347] [001E8348] [001E8349] [001E834A] [001E999D] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- The correct scene will now play for Sam, Sarah and Andreja after breaking up with them and asking about your friendship. The prompt should have been "What if I said I wanted to get back together?" instead of "What if I said I wanted more?" [0023EB56] [002B4AB4] [001E9CC0] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Adjusted the conditions controlling companion romance to be more robust [00333D8B] [00333D8D] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Andreja should not longer have dialogue referring to Sarah or Sam dying if Barrett was killed during High Price to Pay [0003BDD9] [0003BDDA] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Sarah, Andreja and Sam Coe will no longer comment as if they are boarding your ship when entering other ships or space stations [0023ED95] [000109AD] [001E9E43] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Cora Coe will now correctly join the player's crew when Sam is recruited as a companion or crew member in NG+ [qf_mq401_001dc45e] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- The variable indicating that you had previously completed Sam Coe's commitment questline will now be properly set. [qf_com_quest_samcoe_commitme_000df7ad] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- The variable indicating that you had previously met Lillian during Sam Coe's questline will now be properly set. [qf_mq401_001dc45e] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- The doors to Coe Estate will now properly unlock on entering NG+ [qf_mq401_001dc45e] - Fix contributed by Aurelianis - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Aurelianis
- Trade Tower: Stroud-Eklund Corp [0023422C] , Trade Tower: CeltCorp [002344AC], Euphorika [002BF4E4], Trade Tower: Bayu's Penthouse [001FE65E], Trade Tower: Astral Lounge [00279D05], Warehouse 01 [002BF5F8], Warehouse 02 [002BF600], Warehouse 03 [002BF603], Warehouse 04 [00045647], Trade Tower: Kore Kinetics [002344AD], Freestar Rangers Outpost [002BF625], Trade Tower: Sky Suite [001FE65F], Neon Warehouse [0020BD9B], Madame Sauvage's Place [002BF5F4], Trade Tower: Xenofresh Fisheries [002344AE], Volii Hotel [002BF4E6], Stroud Eklund Showroom [00117814], Nyx's Apartment [002BF5F5], Neon Security [002BF5F6], Enhance! [0000115E], Legrande's Liquors [00051BB8], The Emporium [0000115F], Neon Mining League [00051BB9], Trade Tower: Generdyne Industries [002344AA], Sieghart's Outfitters [00051BBA], Neon: Apartment [000D0DFD], Reliant Medical [00051BBB] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Volii Alpha (Neon) rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- Cartwright Manor [000BFA18], Lance Estate [00006D42], CityAkilaCityCoeMuseum [0033B76A], Akila City Barracks [0032AA97], CityAkilaCityEntrance [0033B76B], Langston Manor [0000115A], Midtown Minerals [00098046], Akila City Consulate [00025E24], Stoneroot Inn [000F73DF], Laredo Firearms [00029DB3], Player House The Stretch [0011FC1D], Henry Filburn's House [000C5993], Coe Estate [002A07D2], Trade Authority [001A0B99], Galbank [002A07D3], Player House The Core [00117A0B], CityAkilaCityFilburnAgricultural [001A0B03], Sanctum Universum [001A0D71], House of the Englightened [001A0B23], Weston Filburn's House [0010C8A2], Starrett House [0010C8A3], Akila Prison [0033B769] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Akila (Akila City) rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- The Well [000F4ED4], UC Distribution [0025C678], Vanguard Exam Center [0028D868], Va'ruun Embassy Lobby [0002CBAB], House Va'ruun Embarassy [00017305], Outland [0025C679], Military Wing [0027DE73], Galbank Archives [002363C6], Armistice Archives [0027A1FC], Reliant Medical [000FE29D], Apollo Tower Floor 3 [0000CBCD], Sanctum Universum [00014CBF], Freestar Collective Embassy [00017307], Jemison Mercantile Store Room [001928C2], EIT Clothiers [0025C686], Scientific Wing [0027E165], Subsection Seven [002CAA01], UC Secutiy Office [0025C673], Centaurian Arsenal [0025C687], Argos Extractors Office [0020C619], MAST Administrative Division [002AAE8C], CJ's [0025C675], Kid Stuff Apartment [00045B25], Athena Tower Floor 7 [00139E24], Orion Tower Floor 9 [00261AF4], Vanguard Orientation Hall [002C5400], The Lodge [0006BB29], Player House Apartment [0021966F] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Jemison (New Atlantis) rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- Hotel Paradiso [00244CA8] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Porrima II rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- The Eleos Retreat [002A4393] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Ixyll II rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- Arches Overlook Apartments [00167935], Apartment Stack I [00169EC1] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Gargarin rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- The Pit Stop [00295334], HopeTech [00295336] will now inherit the correct gravity multiplier from Polvo (Hope Town) rather than using 1.0. - Fix contributed by Krevil - Reported by Krevil
- Fixed a typo in the player dialogue when talking to Barrett about Ryujin Industries [0035B249] - Reported by TheTritch
- Fixed an incorrect texture overlay on SysDef Ace Spacesuit [002AAF44] and SY-920 Pilot Spacesuit [00214769] - Fix contributed by grandvil - Report by grandvil
Version 0.0.1
- EM Weapon Systems skill ranks 1-3 have been modified to multiply EM damage by 1.1x/1.2x/1.3x instead of all 3 ranks applying a 2.0x multiplier. This brings it in line with perk description. [002C53B2] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- EM Weapon Systems skill rank 4 has been corrected to apply a boost to EM damage rather than hull damage. [002C53B2] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- Missile Weapon Systems skill Rank 4 modified to add a recharge rate modifier of 1.2 and remove the reload speed modifier of 0.8 to correctly represent the increase from Rank 3. [002C5558] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- Rejuvenation skill ranks 3 and 4 new correctly allow the player to regain health while in combat. [0012601A] [0012601B] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by Qeric99
- EMP-80 Suppressor ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, allowing the weapon to smoothly recharge from 0-100 on the HUD. [002184C1] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- EMP-200 Suppressor ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, allowing the weapon to smoothly recharge from 0-100 on the HUD. [002184B7] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- EMP-500 Suppressor ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, allowing the weapon to smoothly recharge from 0-100 on the HUD. [002184A7] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- EMP-1000 Suppressor ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, allowing the weapon to smoothly recharge from 0-100 on the HUD. [002184A6] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turret ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, preventing the weapon from firing at norma, rate until its magazine was exhausted even if the player didn't set the power to max. [0014A8CD] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turret ship weapon now has a "Recharge Delay" of 0 as non-automatic weapons should not have a delay. [0014A8CD] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- Marauder 115N Railgun Turret ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, preventing the weapon from firing at norma, rate until its magazine was exhausted even if the player didn't set the power to max. [00025FB6] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret ship weapon now has a "Magazine Size" of 0, preventing the weapon from firing at norma, rate until its magazine was exhausted even if the player didn't set the power to max. [00025FB4] Fix contributed by rux616 Reported by rux616
- The number of undiscovered temples shown in the UI will now match how many are actually undiscovered. Fix contributed by Krevil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by zarantha
- Constellation companions no logner have the wrong dialogue in NG+ after completing "Foreknowledge". Fix contributed by Krevil - Nexus Mods Page - Reported by Krevil
- Companions will no longer become angry at the player for boarding a hostile ship and attacking the crew. Fix contributed by wSkeever - v0.0.1 from Nexus Mods Page - Reported by wSkeever
- Neon Security will no longer say you have a bounty even if you've never been arrested. Fix contributed by wSkeever - v0.0.1 from Nexus Mods Page - Reported by wSkeever
- Companions will now correctly comment on the player's appearance changing. (This was caused by companionaffinityeventsscript referencing "LooksMenu" instead of "ChargenMenu") Fix contributed by Bobbyclue
- Player characters will no longer get stuck headtracking to the left while sprinting or jumping for a long time. Fix contributed by Monitor144hz - Issue - v1.1.1 from Nexus Mods Page
- Fixed a typo in the English translation of the 3 Scan Jammer components in the ship builder. co_SMS_ScanJammer01[001AD84D], co_SMS_ScanJammer02_DualFrequency[001AD84C], co_SMS_ScanJammer03_MultiFrequency[001AD84B] Issue reported by Daymarr
- Fixed a typo in the English translation of the perk description for Peak Performance 05. MagPerk_PeakPerformance[00202D9F] Issue reported by Jiopaba
- Fixed a typo in a greeting line for Nikau Henderson in Deimos Staryard. [0027104E] Reported by sleepysugarlump
- Fixed a typo in a dialogue line with The Hunter during MQ106 at Akila City. [0021B2A1] Reported by tcranor
- Fixed a typo in the description of the Penetrator Rounds upgrade for several weapons co_gun_mod_HardTarget_Mag_Penetrator[000454B2], co_gun_mod_Lawgiver_Mag_Penetrator[00057561], co_gun_mod_MagSniper_Mag_Penetrator[00045BAF], co_gun_mod_Razorback_Mag_Penetrator[00044C30],co_gun_mod_Regulator_Mag_Penetrator[00057579], co_gun_mod_Tombstone_Mag_Penetrator[00044C4D],co_gun_mod_UrbanEagle_Mag_Penetrator[0007C747] Reported by Krevil
- Fixed a misspelling of "pique" in Masako's Dialogue during "Sabotage". [0015E064] Reported by wSkeever
- Fixed a typo in Andromeda Kepler's dialogue. [00146104] Reported by disasterchief
- Fixed a typo in Helena Strickland's dialogue. [0018E0C1] Reported by Drackore
- Fixed a typo in the German translation of Joseph Manning's dialogue [0022D907] Reported by SkyHorizon3
- Fixed a typo in the German translation of Issa Ekland's dialogue [002C33C5] Reported by SkyHorizon3
- Fixed typos in the German translation of Lin's dialogue during the opening sequence [000131BB] [00019287] Reported by SkyHorizon3
- Fixed inconsistencies in the German translation between text and audio in Gideo Anker's dialogue [00051A7B] [00051A7B] [0027BC70] [0027BC6F] [00219542] Reported by SkyHorizon3
- Fixed inconsistencies in the German translation between text and audio in Yannick Legrande's dialogue [0012C618] [0021B154] Reported by SkyHorizon3
The Starfield Community Patch (SFCP) project is a collective effort by mod authors and the wider player community of Starfield to fix bugs, errors and other inconsistencies present in the game. This includes tweaks, typos and other changes that may have been missed (or not yet released) by the developers. The overall goal is to improve the vanilla experience for all players. All fixes should be considered unofficial unless the change is carried forward by Bethesda.
If you're playing on an Xbox Series X/S console, please see this page.
It is recommended you install the Community Patch with a mod manager to avoid any confusion on where to place the files. The recommended applications are Vortex or Mod Organizer 2 (Steam only). Install the ZIP file with your mod manager and ensure that StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm is enabled in the load order section.
To install the patch manually:
Recommended Load Order
[Official DLCs]
[Creation Club Content or ESL plugins with a master flag]
[Other mods]
Fixes included in the patch are intended to correct bugs or errors in the base game, examples include:
The patch is not intended to include any of the following:
The Community Patch is intended to be owned by the community, rather than an individual or team. This means it will be open to contributors and the responsibility for creating the latest build may shift and change over the life of the game.
The "official" releases will be made available on Nexus Mods, with more bleeding-edge builds shared via GitHub (TBC) or in private testing groups. There is intended to be a core team of contributors who are likely to be trusted content creators who will manage the merging and applying of the fixes before shipping it to users.
The project uses an MIT license which means the patch itself is open source, but any mods that depend on it are welcome to use any permissions or license defined by the mod author.
The Community Patch (in whole or in part) should never require payment to access, this includes any "early access" builds. The patch itself will allow donations and will earn reward points via the Nexus Mods Donation Points Scheme. These donations will be distributed (as fairly as possible) among the core contributors to the project. The details of which should be posted publicly for accountability.
You don't have to be a mod author to contribute to the Community Patch! There are a few different ways to do so.
Please remember that any information or changes you share for the Community Patch will be released freely for others to use.
The Starfield Community Patch includes translations for the following languages:
If you're a translator and you see a mistake in one of these languages, please report an issue with the FormID and corrected text. This will be added to a future release and you will be credited for your contribution.
If your language isn't covered in the list above, please include the ESM, BA2 and INI files with your posted translation. This will ensure that users get a fully functional copy of the mod which has been localised. This way, if your translation falls out of date with the main mod, it won't break anything for the end user.
A full list of contributors can be found on the Starfield Patch Website.
The source code of the patch is available on GitHub under MIT License.
Special thanks to dragonjet for providing the separator image used on the mod page.

If you're playing on an Xbox Series X/S console, please see this page.
It is recommended you install the Community Patch with a mod manager to avoid any confusion on where to place the files. The recommended applications are Vortex or Mod Organizer 2 (Steam only). Install the ZIP file with your mod manager and ensure that StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm is enabled in the load order section.
To install the patch manually:
- Extract the contents of the ZIP file into the Starfield game folder (where Starfield.exe is stored).
- To verify it is installed properly, check the Data subfolder includes StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm.
- With the files installed, next, navigate to %localappdata%\Starfield (you can paste this into the address bar of Windows Explorer) and locate the file plugins.txt.
- Open plugins.txt and add *StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm. Ensure the very top line of the file is a comment starting with a # symbol.
Recommended Load Order
[Official DLCs]
[Creation Club Content or ESL plugins with a master flag]
[Other mods]

Fixes included in the patch are intended to correct bugs or errors in the base game, examples include:
- Misplaced objects
- Script errors
- Inconsistencies in item properties
- Faulty missions/quests
- Game-breaking exploits
- Missing attributes (such as tags, header flags, etc.)
- Spelling errors
The patch is not intended to include any of the following:
- New content (new quests, missions, characters, items, etc.)
- Balance changes (outside of correcting obvious errors)
- Any tweaks that are not in keeping with the original vision for game

The Community Patch is intended to be owned by the community, rather than an individual or team. This means it will be open to contributors and the responsibility for creating the latest build may shift and change over the life of the game.
The "official" releases will be made available on Nexus Mods, with more bleeding-edge builds shared via GitHub (TBC) or in private testing groups. There is intended to be a core team of contributors who are likely to be trusted content creators who will manage the merging and applying of the fixes before shipping it to users.
The project uses an MIT license which means the patch itself is open source, but any mods that depend on it are welcome to use any permissions or license defined by the mod author.
The Community Patch (in whole or in part) should never require payment to access, this includes any "early access" builds. The patch itself will allow donations and will earn reward points via the Nexus Mods Donation Points Scheme. These donations will be distributed (as fairly as possible) among the core contributors to the project. The details of which should be posted publicly for accountability.

You don't have to be a mod author to contribute to the Community Patch! There are a few different ways to do so.
- To report bugs that you feel the Community Patch should address, please see the bug report process.
- To submit a fix for a bug in the game that you'd like to include in the Community Patch, please create an issue on GitHub or post on Discord. (More detailed process TBC)
- Join the Starfield Modding Discord to be a part of the discussion.
Please remember that any information or changes you share for the Community Patch will be released freely for others to use.

The Starfield Community Patch includes translations for the following languages:
- English (EN) - Current tooling limits our ability to provide translations for the time being, from 1.0.0 onward.
If you're a translator and you see a mistake in one of these languages, please report an issue with the FormID and corrected text. This will be added to a future release and you will be credited for your contribution.
If your language isn't covered in the list above, please include the ESM, BA2 and INI files with your posted translation. This will ensure that users get a fully functional copy of the mod which has been localised. This way, if your translation falls out of date with the main mod, it won't break anything for the end user.

A full list of contributors can be found on the Starfield Patch Website.
The source code of the patch is available on GitHub under MIT License.
Special thanks to dragonjet for providing the separator image used on the mod page.