File information
Created by
JaeDL - Starborn Royalty KnightsUploaded by
JaeDLVirus scan
About this mod
Particle Beam weapons were brokenly overpowered, but I've felt a little something was missing since the Community Patch nerfed them.
This patch keeps all the SFCP changes to Lasers, except it now allows Particle Beams to benefit from the Rank 4 Perk-- and buffs it to a 10 percent chance to ignite enemies for both Laser and Particle Beam
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Simple patch to override a value in the SFCP.
I'll upload a 5% version as well.
Particle Beams were brokenly overpowered when they benefited from every laser weapon perk, but a little joy left my life when they stopped lighting things on fire.
This puts Particle Beam Weapons into what I consider to be exactly the right spot, balance-wise.
I changed the in-game description to:
Laser and Particle Beam weapons have a 10% chance to set targets on fire.
If anyone can word that better please let me know, but I think I nailed it.
I was originally just going to beg someone (Argonil) to make this for me in the comments to Skill Fixes before I realized I could just learn XEdit. It's literally the best program I've ever touched.
Created because I started feeling too weak with my beloved Inflictor when playing with all the mods included in:

Royal Terror - Better Faster Stronger Terrormorphs

Royal Starborn - Starborn Enemies and Powers Improved Scaled Diversified

Royal Aliens - Bigger Better Alien Creatures And Configurable Alien-Specific Difficulty