About this mod
Causes NPCs to give you better gifts during the Feast of the Winter Star.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This mod makes it so that any NPC has a guaranteed item they will give you for their gift - there is no list of possibilities, just a guaranteed gift with a certain NPC.
Generally speaking, the gifts are more interesting, and more valuable, however there are still some relative "duds" and some "jackpots" - if there weren't, the good ones wouldn't feel as special. The sell prices of the gifts are generally about 1,500 (especially when combined with Price Buffs).
The chance of getting a Tea Set in a given year is raised from around 5% to around 17%.
Without further ado, here is the list:
Gift List
Alex: 3 Maple Bars
Caroline: 1 Tea Set
Clint: 100 Coal
Demetrius: 1 Rare Seed
Elliott: 1 Tea Set
Emily: 1 Prismatic Shard
Evelyn: 1 Tea Set
George: 5 Cranberry Candies
Gus: 3 Lucky Lunches
Haley: 1 Pink Cake
Harvey: 3 Life Elixirs
Jas: 3 Fairy Dusts
Jodi: 1 Pumpkin Pie
Kent: 50 Mega Bombs
Leah: 1 Tea Set
Leo: 5 Dragon Teeth
Lewis: 1 Tea Set
Linus: 100 Wild Baits
Marnie: 100 Hay
Maru: 3 Battery Packs
Pam: 1 Glazed Yams
Penny: 1 Dinosaur Egg
Pierre: 15 Strawberry Seeds
Robin: 999 Wood
Sam: 1 Pizza
Sebastian: 1 Chocolate Cake
Shane: 12 Large Eggs - Compatible with Blue Eggs by 6480. Due to multiplayer issues, this is done with a config toggle. Toggle it on once you have seen Shane's 8-Heart event and want the possibility for Blue Eggs. If you do not use the Blue Eggs mod, the config option does nothing either way, you can safely ignore it.
Vincent: 1 Rabbit's Foot
Willy: 1 Seafoam Pudding
Any comments/suggestions/bug reports, I am happy to hear them.
If you enjoy my mods, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi
Some of my other Stardew mods with a similar "simple balance" design:
Game Mechanics
Balanced Green Tea
Better Bone Mills
Better Quarries
Better Trains
Better Winter Star Gifts
Price Buffs
Simple Weapon Balance
Simple Whiskey
Dwarf Sells Cheaper Bombs (with higher friendship)
More Capable Abigail
Simple Penny Expanded
Trinkets to Treasures (Simplified) - Gives more Heart Events for Dwarf and Krobus
Willy and Wizard Heart Events
No More Missables
Panda Hat and other Unobtainables