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About this mod

A filmic ENB preset based on michaelfoushee's "THE VANILLA ENB".

Permissions and credits
~ Brief Overview ~

There are many fantastic ENB presets available for the game. Unfortunately, many
tend to have heavy effects or rely on intensive weather mods.

One of the best presets available is THE VANILLA ENB, which makes the
game look fantastic with only the vanilla weathers. I've always been a huge fan of the
'Lord of The Rings' look Rudy's ENB for Obsidian Weathers provides,
but I found that the more mods I installed, the FPS drop would become increasingly more noticeable.

This ENB aims to combine both of these concepts; keeping the beauty and
performance of Vanilla, but emphasising the cinematic, colourfulness of Rudy.

~ Requirements ~

- Latest ENB Binaries
ENB Light
- ENB Helper SE
- Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS)
EVLaS config file
- Picta Series - Improved Sky Mesh
- Embers XD Lite
- Particle Patch for ENB
- Either ELFX or ELFX Shadows with the Enhancer option (both look great)
- Water for ENB (Optional; HIGHLY Recommended!)
- Volumetric Mists (Optional, if you can spare 1-2 FPS)
- Morning Fogs SSE - thin fog option (Optional, but it looks sexy)

(note: fields marked with optional are not required, but highly recommended if you can spare space/fps)
~ Installation ~

1. Make sure you have the most recent ENB files installed correctly.
2. In the Skyrim launcher or BethINI, disable:

- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- Lens Flare
- Snow Shader

3. Drop the files from the ZIP into the Skyrim Special Edition folder with the EXE.
4. Tada! You're finished!

~ Performance ~

This ENB was designed to be more performance friendly than other presets,
however, no matter what changes, an ENB will always have inferior performance
to the vanilla game, regardless of GPU.

On my hardware, the game runs a fairly stable 60fps, aside from certain locations,
usually The Rift or other locations that render lots of trees/objects/grass.
The lowest I have seen with this preset is 55fps in Riften, though this may vary.

If you really need more frames, there are a number of ways in which you can
boost performance:

1. Disable ENB Ambient Occlusion

While this effect looks great (and its settings have been optimized), it can take a toll on older GPUs.
If you want to improve performance, but don't mind a slight visual downgrade, you can disable this
in the ENB helper menu.

If you still want an AO effect with less of a performance hit, disable the ENB AO and enable the
in-game SSAO in the launcher.

2. Disable Lens effect

Lens effects aim to alter the appearance of reflection and dirt effects emitted by light sources, however,
can sometimes have a negative performance impact. You can disable this in the ENB menu though visuals
will be slightly downgraded.

3. Download SSE Display Tweaks and EFps

~ Credits ~

Many thanks to:
- Boris Voronstov for the ENB binaries
- firemanaf for the FX binaries (this wouldn't exist without you!)
- michaelfoushee for the inspiration (you're amazing! <3)
- Todd Howard for proving that it still just works