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File credits
EnaiSiaion for his amazing magic mod Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul powerofthree for the invaluable Spell Perk Item Distributor
thank you both for having such generous permissions too.
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Version 1.5.01
excluded daedra faction from getting destruction spells. no need to update if you dont have problems with atronach casting spells outside of their elements.
Version 1.5
made all summons not get spells the proper way with -S
added the spells: ghostwalk, backlash and Sotha's Maelstrom from illusion and alteration. its in the restoration file
apprentice 25-49
adept 50-90
expert 75
standardized all spells to have a 20% chance since enemies will have fewer spells now.
excluded vampire races from getting healing and fire spells, changed from vampire class since some vampires dont use vampire class.
updated the optional file
updated to the 5.0 format
Version 1.4
-made fire, frost and storm mages not get destruction spells from the other elements. frost mages wont cast fire spells, etc.
-made the above mentioned mages not get adept conjuration spells. they now only have access to novice and apprentice conjuration spells
increased the change to distribute destruction spells to 20 on all spells, due to there being so few of them.
Version 1.3
updated the way its written to be more in line with the apocalypse mod i released.
reduced chance to 20 to be in line with my other spid magic mods
added CWDialogueSoldierFaction exclusion to spellcaster file to resolve problem with immersive patrols and added a file in npc file to make summons not get odin spells (you can delete it if you dont like it)
reduced many of the optional files since they werent popular and cluttered up the page.
updated restoration dmg spells file
14.11.2021 reduced the chance for npcs to get spells from 25 to 20. i forgot to do this in the odin spells for npcs file
gives: Conjuration Destruction Restoration and some alteration and illusion spells from Odin to npcs. the distribution change is 20%
this mod gives spells to any actor who use the ActorTypeNpc string and who have high enough skill level to use that spell. any humanoid npc (the vanilla playable races, dremora race, mod added humanoid races) will get spells from Odin. npcs who have 50/74 in conjuration will get adept conjuration spells, if they have 100 then they will get master conjuration spells. this applies to the Odin spells for npcs main file
any npc who use one of the vanilla spellcaster/hybrid classes will get spells based on their affinity to a school of magic. any class who have 3 or higher in a school of magic will get access to apprentice to master spells in a school of magic, classes with a 2 will get access to spells from apprentice to adept. the classes with a 1 wont get any Odin spells. this applies to the Odin spells for spellcasters main file https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Classes this is where i get the numbers from. hybrid classes (npcs who use melee weapon while also being able to cast spells) wont be able to cast spells higher than adept, conjurers wont be able to cast destruction spells higher than adept since they specialize themselves in conjuration, this also applies to some destruction mages when it comes to conjuration spells.
additional info: -summons dont get spells. -npcs who level with the player (like followers) can get more spells the higher level they get ingame. spid runs each time the player level up, so if you are level 50 then npcs might have completely different spells from when you were lvl 10. -vampires dont get restoration spells. -pyro, cryo and electromancers dont cast destruction spells from outside of their element with the spellcaster main file.
installation: just download with manager and enable the mod in your mod manager.
RECOMMENDED: Papyrus Tweaks NG to improve the script engine and possibly reduce/fix performance issues.