Causes a bug where the scabbard won't appear properly, load this before my mod (ONLY NESSICARY IF DOWNLOADING A VERSION THAT USES INSANITY SORROW REPLACER
I'm leaving the permissions as strict as I can since the files aren't originally mine. You can use the assets under InsanitySorrow's permissions from the original mod posting. I will change these permissions to match his page if he expressly permits it.
File credits
InsanitySorrow InsanitySorrow! InsanitySorrow!!!
Donation Points system
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Updates to reflect a few Unofficial Patch changes not already incorporated in the Oldrim version of the mod:
-Shield of Solitude bash impact setting changed from light to heavy
-Shield of Solitude weapon material changed from light to heavy
-Fixed enchantment on the level 32 version of the Shield of Solitude
-Aegisbane bash impact setting changed to blunt
-Aegisbane controller rumble settings reset to proper values
-Windshear enchantment removed since the stagger effect is applied through a perk (vanilla issue)
This is a conversion of InsanitySorrow's Unique Uniques updated so everything plays nice with Skyrim Special Edition.
for Skyrim SE
All credit for this mod goes to InsanitySorrow. Please leave him an endorsement on his original mod page if you like his work!
This mod replaces the models and textures for the following Unique Items:
Aegisbane Angi's Bow Bloodthorn Bolar's Oathblade Dragonbane Kahvozein's Fang Pale Blade Red Eagle's Bane/Fury The Longhammer Valdr's Lucky Dagger Windshear Shield of Solitude
Optional: Scoped Angi's Bow
There are a few alternate textures available in his original file, and they work just fine in SE if you want them. Go download it and throw him an endorsement if you want them! The only alternate I'll be posting here is the Scoped Angi's Bow, since that one is a mesh and needs the conversion for SE.
Installation: Drop in your Data folder. BAIN compatible. I don't use NMM, but it should work with that, too.
For all of you converting mods to SE, please respect the original author's wishes!