About this mod
SkyTEST patches for SIC, Beasts of Tamriel, and DLC.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Italian
- German
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
few variants that are missing out. Adds missing templates and fixes bear
cub spawns. Gives brown and timber wolves their own faction and follow
ai package.
New patch by lifestorock
Beasts of Tamriel
-Adds Skytest behaviors, factions, and ai packages to BOT creatures with unique variants getting custom ones.
-Domesticated and wild guar behave differently.
-Small creatures (ex. slugs) can now be hunted by skeevers, snakes, and foxes.
Real Wildlife Skyrim
-Enormous patch that edits over 246 variants (more than 300 if the Creature
Extension Patch is used as well) and adds on to the main mod. Skytest
factions, ai packages, combat styles, and behavior and aggression tweaks
combined with the vanilla Real Wildlife additions.
Immersive Horses
-Resolves conflicts between SkyTEST and Immersive Horses.
-Edits 177 Animallica variants, giving them new unique factions and re-purposed Skytest ai packages along with the existing ones.
General Overview
-Predators and prey are a lot more factionalized.
-Unique species are disassociated from vanilla ones.
-Added Skytest factions, behavior tweaks, and ai packages to around 98% of the new creatures.
-58 unique factions for Animallica variants.
-55 re-purposed Skytest ai Packages for specific Animallica variants.
Creature Extension
-Patch that adds Skytest AI packages to Skytest young variants, other vanilla creatures, and dlc creatures.
Skytest Young Variants
-Cave Bear
-Sabre Cat
-Snow Bear
-Snowy Sabre Cat
Vanilla Creatures
-Frostbite Spider
-Ice Wolves
-Ice Wraith
DLC Support
-Chaurus Hunter
-Death Hound
-Dragonborn Spiders
-Vale Deer
-Vale Sabre Cat
(Not compatible with Animal Tweaks.)
No Extra Spawns
-This is a replacer for the the 1.65 esp version of SkyTEST. It removes all the spawn points that are added to the game world by
My Mods
Dragons Diversified DLC Patch
Enchanting Awakened Skyre Perk Tree Merge
Poverty - You Hunger Reborn
Poverty - You Hunger Reborn SE
SkyTEST Integration Project
SkyTEST Integration Project SE
Wild World
Wild World SE
You Hunger
You Hunger SE