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Patches for JJReam's Orc Exiles - Bilegulch Stronghold

Permissions and credits
Orc Exiles - Bilegulch Stronghold looked like a sweet mod that I wanted to use so I made some patches for it. Please bother me if you have an issue with my patches not the original mod authors. These patches were made by me ChickenMike and not JJerem. All plugins are .ESL flagged .ESPs so they won't take up a place in your load order.

IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ADD THESE PATCHES TO A NEW GAME. To quote robertgk2017 "Modding is illegal post character start." You might be able to get away with it if you haven't entered the exterior cell yet but this is neither recommended nor supported. 

These patches require BEES to function properly on older game versions. 

CC Hendraheim - Tweaks and Enhancements - Makes the navmeshes play nice and does some minor navmesh improvements around Hendraheim

Cultured Orc Furniture
 - Ensures the COF furniture is use in the Orc Exiles positions.

Embers XD - Lowers floating embers into their braziers. 

Fabled Forests - Disables trees that are either clipping or in locations that they shouldn't be. This patch was made by Exonaut. Check their stuff out

Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia - reworks a farm area and navmeshes so that a cave added by IFD works correctly. 

Interesting NPCs SE (3DNPC) - Disables all of the clipping clutter added by Orc Exiles in favor of 3DNPCs' fort and adjust navmeshes accordingly. 

Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - forwards landscape records so that JJerem's landscapes win. If you can load LFFGM before JJerem's plugin you do not need this patch. 

Locked Chests Have Keys - Ensures the chest is in the correct location with the correct key and puts the key somewhere accessible. This plugin is not yet in the fomod and must be downloaded separately. 

Natural Waterfalls - conflict resolution on a splash record. 

Ryn's Dragon Mounds Collection - Patch only available for the AIO. Forwards and combines the two navmeshes to ensure NPCs walk around properly. 

Ryn's Lost Valley Redoubt - Forwards landscapes and navmeshes so the two mods work correctly together. I also disabled some trees that we're in strange places with the new landscapes. 

Traverse the Ulvenwald - 3.3 - Trees and Forests of Skyrim (full version) - Moves and disables trees to fit the new landscape. (This plugin is not yet in the fomod and must be downloaded individually)

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Disables a tree placed in an odd spot and a shrub that is inside a mountain. 


Q:Whats up with the Lawbringer - guardsman patch?
A:I started working on it, then I got accepted into Skyblivion as a navmesher and no longer have the bandwidth to finish it. Someone else is more than welcome to use what I've done as a base and finish it themselves. Just ping me when you upload so I can take down the unfinished one and link to yours. 

Q:Wow these patches sure look complicated to do how did you make them?
A:Truthfully it's not that complicated. It took me like an hour to learn the CK and to be honest you should already know how to use SSEedit. Janquel's guide is an invaluable resource and without it I wouldn't have known where to even start. If I can do it you can too!

Q:Why is this a separate page than your JJerem's Orc Strongholds - Patch Collection page?
A:Because this mod is going to need a bunch of navmesh combo patches which requires it to have a fomod and I'm lazy and didn't want to make a fomod for that page in addition to all the new patches on this one. 

Q:Do these patches work with my game version?
A:As long as you use BEES you should be fine.

Q:Do you take patch requests?
A:My primary reason for making patches is personal use but if I can make the patch quickly I'll consider it. 

Q:You haven't had any recent activity on Nexus and I need to get a hold of you, how can I do that?
A:@ChickenMike in either Ryn, or Janquel's discords and I should see it. I'm also in a bunch of other discords, but I check those two the most regularly. 

Q:Why are you missing so many screenshots?
A:I'm lazy and taking screenshots is super tedious and I hate it. 

Q:Why do the landscapes look so bad in your screenshots?
A:Because I'm too lazy to run DynDOLOD

robertgk2017 for advice on how to actually upload a patch collection and general encouragement. 
Janquel for their excellent guide. I wouldn't know where to start without it.

THANK YOUS (in no particular order)
JJerem for Orc Exiles - Bilegulch Stronghold 
MaarMalur for Cultured Orc Furniture
code1k for Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
Clofas for Natural Waterfalls
kristakahashi for Interesting NPCs SE (3DNPC)
Ryn2g for Ryn's Lost Valley Redoubt and Ryn's Dragon Mounds Collection
Arthmoor for Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Wigfrid09 for Traverse the Ulvenwald - 3.3 - Trees and Forests of Skyrim
Roadhouse699 for Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia
Kojillama for Fabled Forests
AndrealphusVIII for CC Hendraheim - Tweaks and Enhancements
mindflux for Embers XD
jayserpa for Locked Chests Have Keys 
Bethesda for the Creation Kit and Skyrim
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
All of these mod authors do excellent work and you should check all their stuff out.