Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

Hug your fellow werewolf today!

Permissions and credits
LE Mod Page *NEW*

The fact that I'm posting this on Valentine's Day was lowkey intentional. Because I think werewolves need some extra love :3

This is a mod that adds a few paired animations made by yours truly, between a human and a werewolf. These animations can be triggered through dialogue (most of them depending on relationship rank). In werewolf form you'll gain a lesser power that can be aimed and cast on a human actor and then choose the animation to play. You'll gain access to this lesser power if you have Simple Werewolf Favourite Howls Menu.

Here's the small list of animations which this mod includes;
  • Hugging the werewolf followed by getting your face licked
  • A so-called "princess twirl" where the human actor is picked up. *
  • A boop to the werewolf's nose
  • Werewolf laying down and getting their belly rubbed
  • And the last animation is a pseudo-paired one between two werewolves where they're nuzzling each other.
  • Optionally, even the camera is animated in each animation.

*I am aware that the human actor in the twirl animation appears glitchy at a single frame or two, Five Nights at Freddy's-style... Just haven't been able to pinpoint this faulty frame in my Blender project.

As things are right now, I do NOT take requests for more animation ideas right now. I went through a good deal of trouble trying to get the animations to show up as intended ingame, it took me at least a couple of weeks working on this.

Some additional details:
  • In most of the animations, the werewolf's tongue is animated though it originally wasn't rigged in vanilla, but exclusive to certain adult mods. I've posted an installer pack of vanilla-style werewolf model replacers where the tongue is rigged, including an optional skeleton replacer for non-XPMSSE users. I take no credit for the assets used in this optional model pack.
  • A couple of mods I'd just updated to have animated tongues are Elegant Werewolf Overhaul and Refined Werebear Replacer.
  • After the animation finished playing, both actors will gain a "Lycan's Comfort" Fortify Health buff of 25 points which lasts for two hours.

Known issues:
If you have Improved Camera and try to play the paired animations in beast form (the ones where the camera is animated), the camera may bug out and your character becomes "permanently" invisible. A way to dodge this is to locate the Default.ini file (or whatever preset you're using( in the Data/SKSE/Plugins/ImprovedCameraSE/Profiles folder, open it and change the value of bWerewolf from 1 to 0.

Just install like you would do with any other mod, where you download the archive and drag-and-drop it into your mod manager such as Vortex or MO2. Take your time customizing the installation progress. Then you enable the mod.

This mod depends on Creature Behavior Generator. After installing my mod, be sure to first rebuild your FNIS and/or Nemesis if you have them. Then you run the CBG tool. But I will not answer to any errors you may encounter while trying to use the tool.

Special thanks to:
Frosferes, LilyValley807 and MadMansGun for troubleshooting for me while I was working on this.