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Made by GGUNIT and ported by turtlegodking

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  1. turtlegodking
    • premium
    • 452 kudos
  2. turtlegodking
    • premium
    • 452 kudos
    Any errors saying it is missing BSA files with "- Textures" in the name is to be ignored, LE can not read them so they have been moved to the normal non-"Textures" BSA
  3. turtlegodking
    • premium
    • 452 kudos

    Making patch ESPs work on LE (Will not work on everything)

    For non-USSEP patches
    1. Then open the ESP in Xedit and run this script on it
    2. Zip it all up and add it to you mod mannger and your good

    For if it needs USSEP:
    All you need to do to fix it is:
    1. Open Wrye Bash
    2. Click on the ESP
    3. Right click on the masters block and tick Allow Editing
    4. Right click on the USSEP master and change it to USLEEP.
    5. Then open the ESP in Xedit and run this script on it
    6. Zip it all up and add it to you mod mannger and your good

    For ESLs:
    Rename the file to ESP using your OS file mannger then follow the steps above

    For textures and meshes:
    Follow this guide found here

    Do not use SE/AE LoTD patchs on LE
    Do not use SE/AE SIC patches on LE
    Some JK patches work on LE (Not all)
    Some DoS patches work on LE (Not all)
    Some CoTN patches work on LE (Not all)
    Some TGC patches work on LE (Not all)
    Some NoTWL patches work on LE if you have made a working private NoTWL port (Not all)
    Some 3DNPC patches work on LE (Not recommended to use any of them)

    If more help is needed my Discord is linked in my profile
  4. ProvenFlawless
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    When will we be blessed with LUX ORBIS, Mr. Turtle?
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      The project for it has stopped for now and may be picked up again later
  5. Shafinarima
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod
  6. sbq92
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I ran into an issue when trying to install this. It looks like some BSA files are missing. I got this warning from Vortex.
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Nope the "- texture" BSAs are merged into the normal one as LE will not read them like SE does

      Edit: The last one is however a issue so that will need a update
    2. sbq92
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I tried the new version. It still threw an error for the other two BSA's, but not the third one, so I guess it's fine? However, when trying to run DynDOLOD, I ran into this error:

      There is a problem in Lux Via - plugin.esp with [CELL:00009278] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -14,25) using [01001232] < Error: Could not be resolved > in Update.esm
      Lux Via - plugin.esp probably requires a different version of Update.esm
    3. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you for the full info of the DynDOLOD error I can see after following what it says there is a water error creating that issue.

      I will try test it with DynDOLOD and upload a new plugin as a update so people do not need to download the entire thing again

      Edit: DynDOLOD issues fixed and can now generate with the main plugin
    4. sbq92
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I'm going to try the new version. DynDOLOD is running right now and it didn't run into an error, so fingers crossed everything works! I have over 5,000 hours in this game and this mod (and Northern Roads, which led me to this mod since it's a requirement) looks like it will help liven things up a bit for future playthroughs. I'm looking forward to seeing how it works out!
    5. sbq92
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      So, things are actually working quite well. I've had to put some work into getting everything functioning properly alongside Northern Roads and a couple of other mods I have that make landscape edits, but for the most part it seems to be working well.

      One issue I've run into, though, is some weird, invisible half-bridge at Robber's Gorge. I'm thinking it might be a missing mesh? There's an object I can walk on about halfway across the river before I fall in. I think it might be the object "LuxVia_WoodBridgeRiften_ruined" (xx197596), which is Placed Object 000770D1. Because it's invisible, though, I can't click on it in-game to get any data in the console, so I'm not entirely sure that's the object in question. Either way, though, there's something there.

      EDIT 4: So, I loaded a save after arriving in the area (the cell, presumably), and the bridge showed up. However, it doesn't show up if I start outside of the cell, enter the cell, then load a save from within the cell. It only shows up if I boot up the game and load the save from within the cell. Could this be a memory issue? Too many things trying to load when I enter the cell? But why is it the same bridge failing to lead each time? Everything else around it loads just fine every time. I have a decent video card (albeit relatively old by this point, a 1070Ti) and I've never run into an issue like this before that I can recall. Is this a me issue or is it possible a Lux Via issue? Or is it a Skyrim LE issue?
  7. PlopAndFloc
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    Thank you very much for the update and all the recent ports, this is highly appreciated,
  8. Rioteer29
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Turtle, great job with the mod.

    I'm having an issue with TexGen though. I get this error.

    Record [REFR:7D001EDA] in file whiterunMarket.esp is being overridden by record [NAVM:7D001EDA] in file Lux Via - Whiterun Market patch.esp.

    I've looked through TES5Edit for the problem but for the life of me I can't find any reference to these records. Any idea what the solution may be?

    Thanks again for your efforts. 
  9. PlopAndFloc
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    Sorry to bother you again, but could you port the Updated Skyrim Bridges Patch, under the Update Files of the mod for Special Edition ? The Patch you provided on the main files is incomplete, as some bridges from Lux Via are not all removed, sorry for my english, and my never ending requests, thank you for porting mods for Oldrim,
    1. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      I can confirm that this patch don't work, the Lux bridges are not deleted, they overlap with Skyrim Bridges, I'm gonna try to backport the updated patch myself, thank you very much for still porting mods to Oldrim, you are a beast, I hope you are doing well, take care, and sorry for my english
      Edit : The version 1.7 has updated patch, It might be that,
  10. risckylu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello I love this port adds a new air to the roads and is great, sim ebargo I'm having a problem that I can not solve, when generating my dyndolod the program gives me this message;
    Can not copy [CELL:00009278] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -14,25) from Lux Via - plugin.esp into DynDOLOD.esp Load order FileID [01] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "DynDOLOD.esp
    Any idea how to fix it, I really like this mod and would like to be able to use it together with dyndolod. 
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Every few updates it seems to break same goes for Northern Roads on SE so when the current SE update gets ported over it may fix it
    2. risckylu
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If with Northern Roads I get a similar error when building the dyndolod :( it's a shame because both mods are incriebles and give a special magic to the roads of Skyrim, if anyone knows how to solve the problem I would appreciate the help. 
      Anyway thank you very much for the port it must be an incredible work to make a port for such a big mods and that change so many things, beyond the detail of not being able to generate a dyndolod, everything works great... hopefully it's a problem that has a solution, thanks for the work anyway...
    3. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I am working on new updates so just disable them when running Dyndolod for now
  11. preyka
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Heya. I'm having problem when trying to build DynDOLOD. 
    Can not copy [CELL:00009278] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -14,25) from Lux Via - plugin.esp into DynDOLOD.esp Load order FileID [01] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "DynDOLOD.esp

    Any idea? I googled the reasons behind such error with other esps but seems like that is not the case.

    P.s. Ah and my WB also has some issues with the mod:  205 load_plugin: Error in Lux - Resources.esp
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "bash\brec\", line 553, in loadData
      File "bash\brec\", line 698, in load_mel
      File "bash\brec\", line 382, in unpack
    struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 8 bytes

    Maybe this two are connected.
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I may need to redo the .ESP as there may be an issue so I will look into it.
    2. preyka
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Oh, thank you. I thought maybe that is on my part, but my knowledge on such topics is toooo limited.
    3. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Also just making sure have you tried the hot fix I did a bit ago?
    4. preyka
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      No, I haven't. I thought that one is for something else. I'll check it today after work.
    5. preyka
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Heya. I've checked. Everything remains the same so far in WB:  205 load_plugin: Error in Lux - Resources.esp
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "bash\brec\", line 553, in loadData
        File "bash\brec\", line 698, in load_mel
        File "bash\brec\", line 382, in unpack
      struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 8 bytes
      The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "bash\", line 183, in load_plugin
        File "bash\brec\", line 641, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 245, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 167, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 47, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 256, in _load_rec_group
        File "bash\brec\", line 268, in _group_element
        File "bash\brec\", line 521, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 331, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 567, in loadData
      bash.exception.ModError: Lux - Resources.esp: error('unpack requires a buffer of 8 bytes')  205 load_plugin: Error in Lux Via.esp
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "bash\brec\", line 553, in loadData
        File "bash\brec\", line 698, in load_mel
        File "bash\brec\", line 382, in unpack
      struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 8 bytes
      The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "bash\", line 183, in load_plugin
        File "bash\brec\", line 641, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 245, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 167, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 47, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 256, in _load_rec_group
        File "bash\brec\", line 268, in _group_element
        File "bash\brec\", line 521, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 331, in __init__
        File "bash\brec\", line 567, in loadData
      bash.exception.ModError: Lux Via.esp: error('unpack requires a buffer of 8 bytes')
  12. Bellzebull
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You are my hero 
  13. PlopAndFloc
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    Unfortunately, I discovered a bug, the water next to the bridge, on top of the waterfall of the Abandoned Prison is flickering because of this mod, I  narrowed it down to this mod, could you investigate ?
    Sorry for my english,
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I need to ask this just to make sure, did you turn off Reflect Sky in the advanced section of the game lancher as that fixes flickering water a good chunk of the time if turned off.
    2. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Yes, and I capped my framerate also, but nothing worked, disabling this mod fixed it for me, I tried on a new profile with Mod Organizer 2, and narrowed it down to this mod,
    3. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Well that was the next thing I was going to ask but I guess I need to look into it now.
    4. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      I tried it with Realistic Water Two for Oldrim, by the way,
      Thank you for keeping Oldrim up to date, wish you well,
    5. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      I tried it without Realistic Water Two, and It happened again , even with a clean profile with Mod Organizer
    6. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      I tried all the patches, and It happened that with Skyrim Bridges Patch, there is only a water seam, the water is not flickering, have you included the updated Skyrim Bridges Patch, in the optional files from the Special Edition version ?
      Sorry to bother you, but this is the last mod before I finish my mod list x'D
    7. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Nevermind, it was immersive fallen trees that caused the seams and the water flickering, removing it fixed my problem, sorry for the inconvenience, take care,