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About this mod

Adds new book jackets and icons to the books that are added in by the Wizard's Tower, Thieves Den, Mehrunes' Razor, Vile Lair and Fighter's Stronghold smaller official DLCs.

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  • Polish
I am sure that most of you know the Book Jackets: Oblivion mod. When I walked into Frostcrag Spire and I saw that journal in the frozen hand, I saw it was a low-resolution vanilla book, and I was quite disappointed. So I decided to change how the books look in all of the smaller official DLCs (Wizard's Tower, Thieves Den, Mehrunes' Razor, Vile Lair and Fighter's Stronghold).

This mod is a filter patch, which means that you don't need all of its masters, provided that you are using a Wrye Bash bashed patch. So, you can still use this mod without having all of the smaller official DLCs. Keep this ESP deactivated at all times and import it into the bashed patch.

All book text changes from the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches have been carried forward into this mod (but these unofficial patches are not required).

Credit to Metallicow for the resources used.

For the full book jackets experience, install the following mods in this order: