Fallout New Vegas


  1. ePath
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    In v4.0.0 I want to make sure the explosive recipes are better balanced as in terms of Steel/Aluminum/Plastic requirements. The recipes are meant to have some difficulty to them, but I think v3 was way over the top with material costs; I could stockpile a huge amount of Steel and Aluminum but that would go in a few explosives or 40mm grenades. Any feedback you may have is appreciated.

    For full compatibility with Ammo Boxes paste the following lines into misc_ammo_boxes.txt
    @Ammunition & Crafting Expanded.esp:6DCC@Ammunition & Crafting Expanded.esp:6DC350
    @Ammunition & Crafting Expanded.esp:6DCD@Ammunition & Crafting Expanded.esp:6DC450
    Have fun!
  2. ryuszm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this mod confusing af it will only work when it wants to lmfaooo 
  3. wasdwasd12
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Excuse me Can you add support for the 2mm EC Rounds their are mods that by lore use 2mmEC And I was wondering if you would add that ammo into the game as well?
  4. SpyroManiac
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Me again! Looks like you're still away from modding at the moment, but I thought I'd share a new mod that may be of interest to you when you do return.

    KEYWORDS allows you to put keywords on various objects for easier filtering for mod creators and mod users à la Skyrim and Fallout 4. The mod already includes keywords for some items and functions (see description), and Ammo Script Fixes has been updated to include them as well. However, there isn't a standardized syntax yet, so there will probably be some growing pains until it reaches standardization.

    Thought I'd let you know!
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Thank you! It looks awesome. I should probably refresh my mind on how I built most of ACE to see if I can optimize the mod with that later on.
  5. alonkill
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    And what about the "More Ammo Types" mod? Is it compatible?
  6. alonkill
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    • How compatible is this with Ammo Effects - Ammunition Overhaul and/or Mojave Arsenal?
    • There is no second question, this website is just a broken piece of trash
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Not compatible with Ammo Effects - Ammunition Overhaul due to overlapping ammo types.
      It's been a good while since I've last checked Mojaver Arsenal so I wouldn't know, but last I did check it seemed like it would be a waste of a chunk of content of either mod if both were used together, so I'd recommend one or the other. If there's a hard incompatibility, it would likely be with crafting.
    2. alonkill
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Alright, thanks
  7. william7733
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    i would really love to get my hands on some snakey shot ;)
    any chance you could drop a quick update that has those ammo types toggleable in the MCM? i would not mind at all doing a bit of testing for you, to help with providing some balancing feedback
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Not really working in FNV at the moment so I doubt it at least not anytime soon XD sorry
    2. william7733
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      absolutely no worries, take your time
  8. Karkat5421
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    • 0 kudos
    I have hand loader and everything turned on but I still can't craft cases? I'm on a new TTW game and I've never used an older version of the mod. What's going on?
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Did you also turn on the alternative version of the case "crafting"? which is, you have to talk to Isaac and "buy" them in bulk using caps or caps and brass
    2. Karkat5421
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yep I'm an idiot, I didn't see the part that said it disables crafting with it on. Thanks for the swift response and sorry for my stupidity :P
    3. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      lol dw, happens to us all. Have fun
  9. SpyroManiac
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hey there, been a minute! The Viva New Vegas Guide recently replaced Real Recoil with Immersive Recoil 2.0 as their recoil mod of choice. I was wondering if you would be willing to provide a compatible ini in the Optional Files for it like you did for Real Recoil? It would be greatly appreciated.
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Sure thing, I used to use IR 2.0 myself so I am more than willing to do this. Still, I doubt I'll do it anytime soon. Sorry!
    2. SpyroManiac
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks! Not a big problem for me at the moment; been taking a break from New Vegas and modding, playing other stuff. I keep a tab open with the Viva New Vegas changelog to kinda keep up with things.

      Since you're familiar with Immersive Recoil's systems, I had a question. When you do upload the custom ammo multiplier ini, will you do the custom weapon multiplier ini as well? I understand that's it's probably far outside the scope of ACE, but I'd figured I'd ask. Might open up a can of worms if you do though, since people might ask for compatibility patches for various weapon packs.

      I also had a question regarding how how the custom multipliers worked in general. Is it possible to adjust a specific cartridge for a specific weapon, or does it all just work off the multipliers? Description on its page doesn't really go into much detail. Probably a better idea to ask there, but I'd like your input specifically since I get the impression the mod author doesn't use the custom settings too much himself and added them out of demand.

      Appreciate it your candor and your work!
  10. wasdwasd12
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    So I have a Question :D I am playing TTW and it seems like you get a lot of the ammo in this mod from crafting because I dont really see a lot of the new ammo I think in the DC side and in DC vendors.

    I have a mod that increase the stock and caps of vendors and even their repair skills if they have it.

    But I wanna ask and i do apologize if i sound dumb or if I'm not using this mod right.

    When you made this did it kind of turn out like only the player would mostly have access to this ammo?
    I know it might be hard to place many of the special ammos in enemies hands. but I kind of feel like this mod doesn't really do that.

    Listen, I'm not complaining I like your mod man and in most RPG only vendors have special stock items. I just wish the mod would add this and more special ammo to enemies at lower levels in the TTW side of things like in the DC area.

    I truly Love your mod and dont wanna sound Rude, I have some ideas if you be willing to hear me out??
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Hey there! I haven't really gotten the feature that adds ammo variants to NPC to work with DC enemies, the TTW patch p much only fixes the 10mm AP overlap, edits some TTW exclusive items, and adjusts the ammo press.

      Sadly, I don't believe I'll be touching my NV mods soon. For this, I recommend getting NAWEMO to distribute new ammo to NPCs. Also yes, you won't find most of the new ammo variants on vendors, they're all meant to be crafting only except the DU variants, which are vendor only.
  11. kahrnivor
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    I have no case recipes in the reloading bench. I have the handloader perk and all of the options enabled. I saw the bug report but that was many versions ago. Any ideas on getting the recipes back?
    1. ePath
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      When did this happen? after updating the mod while playing, or in a new save?
    2. kahrnivor
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      New game, I guess I did just update a few days ago. Forgot about that.
    3. kahrnivor
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Seems like this has happened before. Tried a clean save and that didn't work. Anyone know how to get the casings back?