About this mod
When you aim from third-person, you are switched automatically into first-person and switched back once you finish aiming. Event-based, no performance hit.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
When you aim from third-person, you are switched automatically into first-person and switched back once you finish aiming. Event-based, no performance hit.
Before version 3.5, some things didn't work perfectly and thanks especially to newer NVSE call-type functions, they are all fixed, I think.
- VATS cams and kill cams no longer confuse my scripts, so you should always be set to first-/third-person as expected.
- Compatibility with toggle-aim mods such as Toggle Aim is now integrated and requires no special settings.
- Controller support is now integrated and requires no special settings (use latest JIP LN NVSE).
- MCM now manages an INI file so your settings should be consistent across all saves. You can edit the INI yourself instead if you prefer, it will work fine.
- AVSOverrideCancelList.ini is now fully functional, with Mode 1 designed purely for compatibility with See Through Scope Weapons.esp (as in, AVS ignores all weapons not included in that mod or the INI lists), Mode 2 designed to override normal mod functionality with the INI lists only where they conflict, and 0 to ignore the feature entirely.
AVSOverrideCancelList.ini requires Johnny Guitar NVSE.
Side note, at least for me, See Through Scope Weapons.esp compatibility feels much better if you change fIronSightsFOVTimeChangeto something smaller, like 0.1. You can use setGS in console, or set it in Tweaks.
Both INI files (Aim View Switcher.ini & AVSOverrideCancelList.ini) can be found in your Data\config folder (the normal place for mods to put INI files).
Download with mod manager (preferred) or unpack 7z contents into your Data folder. This mod can be installed and uninstalled at any time during a playthrough.
If updating:
From v3.7 on, the mod is an ESM. That means installing it won't automatically overwrite the old ESP. So, you should remove any old Aim
View Switcher ESPs you may have from v3.6 or earlier.
It should be compatible with essentially everything that doesn't do something radical when you aim. It neither overwrites nor overrides anything; rather, it just simulates you toggling your view in certain situations, in addition to whatever else is going on.
Enhanced Camera can interact slightly weird with this mod at times. For the most part it's not much of a problem, but consider not using EC with this if you want the best experience with this mod.