Reverted the regional names back to their originals that were erroneously changed in the .esps, and renamed "Gizels_House02.wav" to "Deseles_House02.wav" so the sound file is utilized by the plugin, preventing a crash upon entering Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran*. Plugins cleaned with Tes3cmd. Requires the original Better Sounds mod.
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Version 1.4.2
Better Sounds_Fixed.esp: - Edited the "globalstopsoundsscript" script which hopefully(!) fixes the issue of the tavern sounds playing outside of tavern cells. - Edited "Sound_Tavern_Ambient" and "Sound_Tavern_Ambient_Sp" scripts, fixing an issue regarding tavern sounds not playing correctly (low buzzing noise instead of proper audio).
Version 1.4.1
Sorted issues pertaining to the removed unused activators from version 1.4.
Version 1.4
Big thanks to Htistos at and alvazir for the following bug fixes:
- Changed "SetAngle, y, startAngle, y" to "SetAngle, y, startAngle" in the "signrotate_2" script. - Removed unused activators "furn_imp_flag_01", "sound_daedric_chant00", and "a_photodragons". - Changed ( Player->CellChanged ) to ( CellChanged == 1 ) in the "globalstopsoundsscript" script. - Changed ( Player->CellChanged ) to ( CellChanged == 1 ) in the "globaltownsoundscript" script.
Version 1.3
- Corrected the erroneous spelling of the Moesring Mountains region in the optional Bloodmoon Weather Changes plugin. - Renamed the optional plugin to BS_BM_WeatherChange_Fixed.esp.
Version 1.2
- Altered the sound activator "Sound_Cave_Wind00", which had a script attached to it that was a bit buggy. - Name of the main plugin has changed from "Better_Sounds_v1.1_Fixed.esp" to "Better Sounds_Fixed.esp".
Version 1.1
Initial upload.
10 May 2019: A blank audio file is available to download for those who wish to silence any particular sound provided by this mod. Instructions are included in the readme.
Reverted the regional names back to their originals that were erroneously changed in the .esps, and renamed "Gizels_House02.wav" to "Deseles_House02.wav" so the sound file is utilized by the plugin, preventing a crash upon entering Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran*. Plugins cleaned with Tes3cmd.
1. Download and install both "Better Sounds" and "Better Sounds_Patch_v1_1" from Better Sounds.
2. Install this mod.
3. Use the .esps from this mod. Do not use the .esps from the original Better Sounds mod, as the ones from this mod replaces them.
A settings suggestion for OpenMW users can be found here.
- Colobos for sharing this wonderful work. He has been AWOL for a while and thus contact has been unsuccessful. If/when he returns and decides that this upload is no bueno, I shall remove it immediately.