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  1. BeerBaronx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the space, looks great, and fits my needs perfectly. The only negative is that the items on the tables reset after a little while. I already have my artifacts and treasures laid out on display, so it's a little annoying. 
  2. SpiritTauren
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Awesome mod! A true gem. I've added it to my list of compatible Seya Neen mods and also made a patch (extra ESP, loads after this file) to use with Census and Excise Office Faction mod.
  3. AdvilSmith
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Love the mod. Im having an issue where alt-clicking to put stuff into containers isn't working. Its only for a few containers in the house. The cupboard by the alchemy table, the book case chest upstairs and one other I can't remember. Not sure if this is related directly to this mod, but it only happens with these containers.
    1. Krismods1
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      I've never had that problem and i don't have morrowind installed atm, but when i get the chance i'll take a look.
  4. SilverwinterNEXUS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will it pose any problem if I install this mod after I already finish the "Death of a Taxman" quest?
    1. Krismods1
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      Nope! there is a spare key down at the dock for if you did the quest before downloading ^.^
  5. GenericInternetNameGuy
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I always loved this mod. One of the few that I consistently download every time I install Morrowind. It's a quickly accessed house that puts Foryn Gilnith's little crapshack to shame.
    But one thing I always felt was that the house just isn't as grand as it could be. So I've been making my own version! So far I've made a few changes to the terrain, added a wall to the front yard area, touched up the position of the path stones, decorated the now enclosed front yard a bit, added a back door that leads to expanded docks, slightly redecorated the house a bit, added a small cellar accessed through a trapdoor in the tower, generally just spiffed the place up a little bit. I also scaled back the storage a little, removing the somewhat cheaty chests with infinite storage and compensating with a basement full of various storage containers.

    I'll probably upload it in the next few days, full credit and a link to you. I just loved the house so dang much I had to make it as gloriious as I felt it deserved to be.
  6. BIGkayway
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Looks nice but cant get inside there is no door just concrete. Plz help!!
    1. Krismods1
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      O_O hmm maybe it's another mod conflicting with it. See what mods you have that might add something to where the house is. If you're still having a problem pm me and i'll try to help.
  7. Pushkatu
    • premium
    • 455 kudos
    This is indeed a very beautiful house mod. Location is good, the views are stunning, yet it's filled high level items. Regardless, I'm keeping it in my game only so that I can look at it every time I visit Seyda Neen, it's simply that beautiful. So thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.
  8. Andrewson
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Probably my favourite house mod for Morrowind, looks great and fits so seamlessly into the game. Awesome job, have my endorsement!
  9. WarlordThorvald
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    That moment, when you google for pegas horse ranch and groundcover compatibility and you discover freaking cute house mod along.... <3
  10. AnonEMoose65
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    It looks beautiful! Unfortunately, I'm loading Morrowind Rebirth, and, as they say, two objects can't occupy the same space at the same time. LOL!