About this mod
An all-in-one version of my class mods. Includes an optional file with my Princess and Lord reworks.
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This mod is a merged version of all of the class mods I've made so far. Currently, I have eight new classes (Arcanist, Evoker, Illusionist, Magus, Occultist, Sage, Shaman, and Warlock). I also have an optional version that includes two reworked Vanilla classes (Princess -> Seer and Lord -> Champion). I will update this mod in the future if I add any new classes.
The Arcanist is a debuff-based class that focuses on controlling the battlefield and striking at the opportune moment to execute its foes. It is inspired by the Arcane Arts skill from the original version of Final Fantasy XII, and by the class of the same name from Final Fantasy Tactics A2.
Unlocking the Arcanist requires Alchemystics 6, Plague Doctor 4, and Fellblade 3. The Arcanist can equip Maces, Rods, Staves, and Robes.
Mass Addle (10 Mana) - Has a 75% chance of inflicting MND Down in a small area.
Mass Pierce (10 Mana) - Has a 75% chance of inflicting DEF Down in a small area.
Mass Bane (10 Mana) - Has a 75% chance of inflicting RES Down in a small area.
Harrow (8 Mana) - Refreshes the duration of all debuffs on targets in a small area.
Drain Life (10 Mana) - Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage to the target and absorbs the damage dealt as HP.
Drain Soul (4 Mana) - Deals 0.5x Magical (MND) damage to the target and absorbs the damage dealt as MP.
Pulsar (18 Mana) - Deals 2x Magical (MND) damage to the target.
Opportunist - Character deals 0.25x bonus damage for each debuff on the target.
Devour - When the character defeats a unit, they restore 20% of their max HP.
Enfeeble - Counters any offensive action taken on the character by afflicting the offender with ATK Down.
Champion (Optional File)
The Champion is a gender-neutral version of Fell Seal's original Lord class. Champions are leaders in battle, as capable of buffing their teammates as they are of debuffing their foes. Although their buffs are without equal, Champions must lead from the front lines to take full advantage of them.
Unlocking the Seer requires Templar 7 and the newly-renamed War Badge. The Champion can equip Swords, Maces, Rapiers, Heavy Armor, and Shields.
Scorpio Ballista - Deals 0.8x Physical (ATK + MND) damage to the target from a distance and has a 75% chance of inflicting ATK Down.
Ares Ram (6 Mana) - Deals 1x Physical (ATK + MND) damage in a line and has a 65% chance of inflicting RES Down.
Sagittarian Cavalry (8 Mana) - Deals 1x Physical (ATK + MND) damage in a small area and has a 65% chance of inflicting MND Down.
Bravery (18 Mana) - Grants DEF Up and RES Up to the character and all adjacent targets.
Faith (18 Mana) - Grants ATK Up and MND Up to the character and all adjacent targets.
Resolve (18 Mana) - Grands Renew and Rebirth to the character and all adjacent targets.
Inspiration (18 Mana) - Grands Haste and Fleet of Foot to the character and all adjacent targets.
Equip All - Character is proficient with all weapons and armors and can equip any of them.
Cleave - Character gets another turn after felling an enemy (only occurs once per natural turn). 0 MP is gained this turn. Does not trigger if the target has Rebirth.
Unbreakable - Whenever damage is taken, whichever stat was used to defend (DEF or RES) will increase by 0.1x until the end of the battle, up to a max of 0.5x.
The theme of the Evoker is long range and high damage, which it pays for with very high Mana costs. The Evoker serves as a capstone to the game’s mage class progression, and it offers tools that will be valuable to any Wizard, Warmage, or Sorcerer without replacing their kit.
Unlocking the Evoker requires Wizard 7, Warmage 5, and Sorcerer 4. The Evoker can equip Rods, Maces, and Robes.
Water Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 1x Water (MND) damage in a line.
Fire Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 1x Fire (MND) damage in a line.
Earth Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 1x Fire (MND) damage in a line.
Thunder Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 1x Thunder (MND) damage in a line.
Blizzard (24 Mana) - Deals 2.0x Water (MND) damage in a large area.
Eruption (24 Mana) - Deals 2.0x Fire (MND) damage in a large area.
Quake (24 Mana) - Deals 2.0x Earth (MND) damage in a large area.
Tempest (24 Mana) - Deals 2.0x Thunder (MND) damage in a large area.
Recharge - Restores 8 MP to the caster.
Mana Burn - Dealing damage also deals .1x damage as MP damage to the target.
Force of Will - Caster is immune to Silence, Sleep, and Berserk.
Bane - Counters any offensive action taken on the character by afflicting the offender with RES Down.
This mod adds a new high-level mage class to the game, the Illusionist. These mages wield the powers of dreams and nightmares to terrorize their foes and soothe their allies. Illusionists have a skill set that focuses on putting enemies to sleep and then unleashing powerful phantasmal attacks.
Unlocking the Illusionist requires Plague Doctor 6 and Alchemystic 4. The Illusionist can equip Rods and Robes.
Mass Sleep (12 Mana) - Has a 75% chance of inflicting Sleep in a small area.
Slumber (18 Mana) - Has a 65% chance of inflicting Sleep in a large area around the caster.
Horror (18 Mana) - Has a 50% chance of inflicting Cripple in a small area. If the target has Sleep, it also deals 1.5 Magical (MND) damage to the target.
Torment (18 Mana) - Has a 50% chance of inflicting Mute in a small area. If the target has Sleep, it also deals 1.5 Magical (MND) damage to the target.
Nightmare (24 Mana) - Has a 75% chance of inflicting Berserk on the target If the target has Sleep, it also deals 2.0 Magical (MND) damage to the target.
Rest (15 Mana) - Grants 5 MP to all allies in a large area around the caster.
Mesmerize - When a debuff wears off, it transfers to nearby enemies. When a buff wears off, it transfers to nearby enemies.
Presence - Character gains 0.07x bonus to all healing/damage for every unit afflicted by sleep.
Sleep - Counters any offensive action taken on the character by inflicting the offender with Sleep.
These masters of magic control the opposing forces of light and darkness. The Magus has a skill set that looks like a mix of Warmage and Evoker (one of my custom classes), and it uses Light and Dark magic similar to the Marked. The Magus provides more opportunities for non-story characters to deal Dark and Light damage, and serves as a compliment to either Lich or Princess without replacing their kit.
Unlocking the Magus requires Fellblade 6 and Warmage 5. The Magus can equip Maces, Rods, and Robes.
Dark Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 1x Light (MND) damage in a line.
Dark Burst (14 Mana) - Deals 1.25x Dark (MND) damage in a large area around the caster.
Darkside (24 Mana) - Deals 2x Dark (MND) damage in a large area.
Holy Bolt (6 Mana) - Deals 1.25x Light (MND) damage to the target from a distance.
Holy Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 1x Light (MND) damage in a line.
Holy Burst (14 Mana) - Deals 1.25x Light (MND) damage in a large area around the caster.
Lightside (24) Mana) - Deals 2x Light (MND) damage in a large area.
Penumbral Mastery - The character ignores part of the target's elemental resistance (if it is less than 100) when dealing damage of the Dark or Holy type. This can bring their resistance under 0.
Eclipse - Increases ATK by 20% of MND and MND by 20% of ATK.
Slow - Counters any offensive action taken on the character by inflicting the offender with Slow.
This mod adds a high level mage class to the game, the Occultist. These dark mages have embraced the quick and easy to path to power. Occultists have a skill set that focuses on dealing Dark damage and protecting themselves with life drains and defensive spells.
Unlocking the Occultist requires Wizard 6, Alchemystic 4, and Druid 3. The Occultist can equip Rods and Robes.
Dark I (8 Mana) - Deals 1.1 Dark (MND) damage in a small area.
Dark II (12 Mana) - Deals 1.65 Dark (MND) damage in a small area.
Dark Locus (18 Mana) - Deals 2.2 Dark (MND) damage to the target.
Darkstorm (26 Mana) - Deals 0.85 to 1.35 Dark (MND) damage to all enemies on the map, based on proximity.
Drain Life (10 Mana) - Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage to the target and absorbs the damage dealt as HP.
Drain Soul (4 Mana) - Deals 0.5x Magical (MND) damage to the target and absorbs the damage dealt as MP.
Dark Barrier (6 Mana) - Increases Water, Fire, Earth, Thunder, and Dark Resistance by 25 each.
Focus (6 Mana) Character is granted Focus. On the character's next turn, any action taken (other than items) uses Focus and deals double damage/healing. Focus will wear off even if it is not used.
Rite of Passage - Any target defeated by this character cannot be revived for the duration of the battle. Does not trigger if the target has rebirth.
Deathfeeder - Character gains 0.05 bonus to ATK, DEF, MND, and RES per character that died this battle (max .3x bonus).
Dark Mind - Grants MND Up to the character after being targeted by any offensive action.
The Sage is an upgrade to the Druid, and it focuses on mixing offensive and defensive magic. It is inspired by Fell Seal's Druid, as well as by the Seer and the Red Mage from Final Fantasy Tactics A/A2. Combined with my Evoker mod, the Sage rounds out the game's offering of elemental magic damage-dealers and remains competitive with other high level classes, such as the War Mage and the Sorcerer.
Unlocking the Sage requires Wizard 6, Mender 6, and Druid 4. The Sage can equip Rods, Staves, and Robes.
Fire II (14 Mana) - Deals 1.5x Fire (MND) damage in a small area.
Earth II (14 Mana) - Deals 1.5x Earth (MND) damage in a small area.
Thunder II (14 Mana) - Deals 1.5x Thunder (MND) damage in a small area.
Panacea II (8 Mana) - Removes all debuffs from the target.
Heal II (12 Mana) - Restores 1.75 HP (MND) to the target.
Mass Renew (12 Mana) - Grants Renew in a small area. A unit with Renew will regain some HP every turn.
Revive I (14 Mana) - Revives an ally on the given tile and restores 25% HP.
Focus Magic (6 Mana) - Turns any area of effect Spell into a single target Spell that deals 0.5x bonus damage.
Mana Font II - Character recovers 1 MP with each step taken. (Stacks with Mana Font).
Far Sight - Extends the range of all Spells by 1.
Adaptive Aegis - When the character is dealt elemental damage, they gain a buff that increases their resistance to that element.
Seer (Optional File)
The Seer is a gender-neutral version of Fell Seal's original Princess class. I have replaced Equip All for compatibility with my Champion class, and I have added Holystorm for symmetry with the Lich.
Unlocking the Seer requires Mender 7 and the newly-renamed Star Badge. The Seer can equip Rapiers, Rods, Staves, and Robes.
Holy II (14 Mana) - Deals 1.5x Holy (MND) damage in a small area.
Holy Locus (18 Mana) - Deals 2.0x Holy (MND) damage to the target.
Holystorm (24 Mana) - Deals 0.8 to 1.2x Holy (MND) damage to all enemies on the map, based on proximity.
Heal II (12 Mana) - Restores 1.75 (MND) HP to the target.
Mass Heal II (20 Mana) - Restores 1.5x (MND) HP in a small area.
Revive I (14 Mana) - Revives an ally on the given tile and restores 25% HP.
Quicken (14 Mana) - Grants the target an immediate turn.
Double Cast II - Allows the character to cast two Spells during their turn.
Synastry - HP restored beyond the maximum is converted to MP at a rate of 0.1x.
Total Shield - Grants DEF Up and RES Up to the character after being targeted by any damaging offensive action.
The Shaman is an upgrade to the Mender with a unique kit based with different options for close and long ranged healing.
Unlocking the Shaman requires Mender 6, Plague Doctor 4, and Druid 4. The Shaman can equip Maces, Staves, Shields, Light Armor, and Robes.
Heal II (12 Mana) - Restores 1.75x (MND) HP to the target.
Revive I (14 Mana) - Revives an ally on the selected tile and restores 25% HP.
Healing Surge (14 Mana) - Restores 1.25 (MND) HP in a large area around the character.
Renewal (14 Mana) - Grants Renew in a large area around the character.
Remedy (18 Mana) - Removes all debuffs in a large area around the character.
Healing Wind (24 Mana) - Restores 0.75x to 1x (MND) to all allies, based on proximity.
Breath of Life (30 Mana) - Revives an ally on the selected tile and restores 100% HP. Grants Rebirth to the target.
One with Nature - All healing is increased by 0.5x.
Healing Touch - Using a Regular Attack on an ally heals them and grants them Renew instead of dealing damage.
Adaptive Evasion - When the character is targeted by any offensive action, they gain a buff granting 100% evasion to attacks of the same type (Regular Attacks, Skills, Spells).
The Warlock is, broadly speaking, an upgrade to the Plague Doctor. Unlike the Plague Doctor, however, the Warlock is a purely offensive class. It combines Bleed, Poison, and Weaken to devastate the battlefield. Female characters who take this class are called "Witch" instead of "Warlock." Skills, passives, and stats are identical for both genders.
Unlocking the Warlock requires Plague Doctor 6 and Druid 4. The Warlock can equip Maces, Rods, Staves, Shields, Light Armor, and Robes.
Poison II (14 Mana) - Deals 1.25x Magical (MND) damage in a small area and has a 65% chance of inflicting Poison.
Poison Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 0.8x Magical (MND) damage in a line and has a 65% chance of inflicting Poison.
Poison Burst (14 Mana) - Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage in a large area around the caster and has a 50% chance of inflicting Poison.
Bleed I (6 Mana) - Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage and has a 75% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Bleed II (14 Mana) - Deals 1.25x Magical (MND) damage in a small area and has a 65% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Blood Lance (12 Mana) - Deals 0.8x Magical (MND) damage in a line and has a 65% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Blood Burst (14 Mana) - Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage in a large area around the caster and has a 50% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Fester (18 Mana)- Deals 2.0x Magical (MND) damage to the target and has a 75% chance of inflicting Weaken.
Execute - Character deals .5x bonus damage with offensive Abilities when the target falls below half HP.
Vicious Criticals - Critical Hits inflict Weaken. Allows the character's skills and spells to inflict critical hits, or increases the character's chance to land a Critical Hit by 10%.
Weaken - Counters any offensive action taken on the character by afflicting the offender with Weaken.
*Note - Poison I and Bleed I are technically separate spells from Vanilla's Poison and Bleed, so my balance adjustments to these spells for the Warlock will not affect Plague Doctors, NPCs, or creatures who use these spells. I'll be releasing a class rebalance that focuses on mage classes soon (tm) which will include these changes.
This mod requires the DLC, Missions and Monsters.
To install this mod, simply extract its contents to Documents/Fell Seal/customdata. If you are using other mods that edit the Abilities.xml, the Jobs.xml, or the abilities.txt file, you will need to manually merge the contents of those three files.
My Mods
Check out my other mods for Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark.
Simon's Class Pack