About this mod
A collection of patches I've made or updated for Horizon 1.9.4+
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- A note on balance: the mod defaults to a 250 caps reward (+ a modifier), which is very high for a Desolation playthrough. You can change this amount in the Settings holotape. I recommend setting it to 50.
- Balanced workshop objects:
- Removed the coffee machine that provided a free, infinite supply of coffee.
- The 100 power fuse box is still buildable, but now costs an appropriate amount of materials and requires Workshop Technology 4.
- The craftable grenades/distractor items now use a small amount of horizon materials, instead of the vanilla junk items.
- Fixed/added tags where needed.
- *NEW* Version 1.1 nerfs the overlooked initially-placed "Fusebox (DO NOT TOUCH)" to provide 5 food, 5 water, and 10 power (down from 25 food/25 water/1000 power), to balance workshop surplus generation. 10 initial power still provides enough to light up the place while not providing an obscene amount of surplus power; the change to water/food brings surplus more in line with an expedition camp.
2. Deadeye
- Requires RobCo Patcher.
- Adds some Horizon-specific ammunition to the lists allowing headshot kills/destruction of Moderate and Strong enemies through RobCo Patcher.
- Moderate Enemies: 7.62, 12.7, .44 (Venom and Pulse, regular already supported), .45 WP+, Bolt (AP only)
- Strong Enemies: .45-.70 ECA, 7.62 APX, 12.7 HE, .308 API, .50 AE, .50 API, .50 HE, 2mm Vice MX+, 2mm EM AP, 2mm VICE, 2mm Arctic
- Open to feedback on what types of ammos "should" be in these categories, this is just a first pass.
- Version 1.2 adds an ESP to fix Super Mutant helmet protection by adding a small amount (7) of armor/energy resistance to Horizon's Super Mutant Helmets. These are not player-wearable, so the only side effect is to make helmeted Super Mutants ever-so-slightly tankier.
- This affects the Super Mutant Helmet, Super Mutant Bladed Helmet, and Super Mutant Cage Helmet. Visually, the regular Helmet and Cage Helmet are far less protective than the Bladed Helmet -- depending on how this feels in playtesting I may remove protection from one or both in the future.
3. SKK Mods
- Slightly updated versions of Sowerjuice's Horizon 1.8 SKK Patches, updated with his permission.
- These patches contain minor tweaks like adding horizon tags to the holotapes and death tags, plus a change to the low level stalker spawns (see explanation below).
- They are not strictly necessary if you don't mind the lack of horizon tags.
- Load order location shouldn't matter. Can place them before Horizon.
SKK Combat Stalkers (skkmods.com edition)
- ESP Replacer -- Requires the original mod.
- Holotape crafting returned to Chem Lab. Holotapes have horizon tags.
- Removed Scavengers from the Stalker/Patrol spawn leveled list. Scavengers currently behave strangely in 1.9: They are not reliably hostile, so they often seem out of place when they spawn. They also do not give experience on kill, so I thought it best to just remove them for now.
- Changed the value of the Combat Stalker death token to 0. Thought about removing the item entirely, but I find them useful to differentiate SKK spawns from Horizon or other mod added NPCs.
Random Encounter Manager by SKK
- ESP Replacer -- Requires the original mod.
- Holotape crafting returned to Chem Lab. Holotapes have horizon tags.
- Changed the value of the RE death token to 0. Same logic as the Stalkers change.
4. Architect Weather Probability Rebalance.
- Architect Weathers look great. It also dramatically increases the chance of seeing foggy/overcast/misty weathers. This reverts the chances to (near) Vanilla behavior, so you'll see Clear weather much more often.
- Obviously requires Architect Weather.
- Load after Architect Weather.
5. Desolation - Easier Ammo Economy
- Lets you have the other Desolation changes to loot/settlement progression, while vastly reducing the burden of the Ammo economy by increasing drop rates, reducing vendor prices, and buffing Exploration (ammo chance) perks to Scavenger levels.
- Load after Z_Horizon_Desolation
- Can also work as an alternative to Scavenger, if you want only the Ammo economy changes without buffing things like Adhesive, etc.
6. Companion Appearance Mods (updated for 1.9.4)
Irish Beauty Cait (Clean Version)
- ESP Replacer.
- You still need the prereqs listed on the original mod page.
- Load after Horizon.
Piping Hot Piper 2.0 (Horizon Compatible Version)
- ESP Replacer.
- Despite having a "horizon compatible" option, it hasn't been updated in forever and thus needs this patch.
- You still need the prereqs listed on the original mod page.
- In Version 1.1.2, she's no longer wearing her hat when you first meet her. "Fixes" the hair clipping issue :P.
- Load after Horizon.
For more 1.9 patches, see:
Horizon Discord
Starguardace's Horizon 1.9 Patches
Chrislor's Horizon 1.9 Patches
Greb's Horizon 1.9 Patches
Gurutar's 1.9 Patches